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The Expanse |S2| You guys look like shit - Wednesdays on Syfy


I've been trying to get into this show but I'm having trouble following and it's not super compelling so far.

Some of the scenes and dialogue are confusing and I have no idea what's going on other than some broad strokes.

Does it get better or should I stop?

I'm on season 1 episode 6.


Yes. When they hit the protogen station and the head scientist tells them what it was meant to do. Please don't inject spoiler-phobia into a thread.

he really didn't though, he said it was headed for earth specifically and said he wanted to use the protomolecule against an enemy who took the first shot

I am also not surprised there are next to no comments about the new episode in this thread, felt very filler


I've been trying to get into this show but I'm having trouble following and it's not super compelling so far.

Some of the scenes and dialogue are confusing and I have no idea what's going on other than some broad strokes.

Does it get better or should I stop?

I'm on season 1 episode 6.
The first season has a lot of mystery/suspense to it...So it's understandable to not know what's going on. What confusing dialogues are you referring to btw?

I like the show because it is very unique in its setting, visuals and the conspiracy elements. And honestly also because it's the only space opera right now...a genre that has been absent since Stargate Universe was called off.


I am also not surprised there are next to no comments about the new episode in this thread, felt very filler

They seem to be dragging stuff out. Also the show continues to depict Bobbie as a naive hothead. Meh.


The first season has a lot of mystery/suspense to it...So it's understandable to not know what's going on. What confusing dialogues are you referring to btw?

I like the show because it is very unique in its setting, visuals and the conspiracy elements. And honestly also because it's the only space opera right now...a genre that has been absent since Stargate Universe was called off.
Just a lot of the Julie Mao stuff.. Opa and the data broker that's dead but is someone else? the anubis and ship she was on intercepting them or something.

And the cops partner from earth and how he's learning something from that girl.

In the last episode they showed that bad guy blowing up a vessel full of women and kids. Guess that was to show that the guy is bad.

Anyways it just seems like a show not put together well. Maybe I should have expected this because it's just a syfy show. I tried it because I heard some good things, has a decent imdb rating, and this thread seems to pop up a lot. But it doesn't seem to be that good so far.
Just a lot of the Julie Mao stuff.. Opa and the data broker that's dead but is someone else? the anubis and ship she was on intercepting them or something.

And the cops partner from earth and how he's learning something from that girl.

In the last episode they showed that bad guy blowing up a vessel full of women and kids. Guess that was to show that the guy is bad.

Anyways it just seems like a show not put together well. Maybe I should have expected this because it's just a syfy show. I tried it because I heard some good things, has a decent imdb rating, and this thread seems to pop up a lot. But it doesn't seem to be that good so far.

1) Just pieces of the puzzle getting put together. I did find it slightly confusing the first time I watched it at this very specific part.

2) This is all about him as an Earther trying to understand the developed Belter Culture and language.

3) Man, thats a long story, and it's an important touchstone for understanding Fred Johnson. It's still being developed halfway through season 2.


They seem to be dragging stuff out. Also the show continues to depict Bobbie as a naive hothead. Meh.
Yeah, New Bobbie kind of sucks so far. Don't love the actress either, though I think she performed decently this time.

And speaking of character inconsistensies, I really didn't like that Amos pushed the starving mom and scared her kid. That didn't feel right and having him do something he doesn't like doing only to show that he actually regrets doing it is a hamfisted way to present characterization. It's not like he's 12 and just now finding this out about himself.


So someone explain this to me, Avasarala has pretty much the highest political position in the government that is obtainable without being elected, which means she doesn't really have to answer to the people or her supporters or whatever giving her real power. But Errinwright is still her boss and anything she does would look like it was done with Errinwright's approval (who has to answer to others), yet she seems to have power over him and tells him what to do and not.

Why is that?


So Miller's belter sidekick was the kid that got thrown out the airlock by his uncle in season 1? I always wondered what happened to that kid.


Jarred Harris (Dawes) of The Crown fame is the best actor on this show.

He's very charismatic and I would probably follow him into battle too.


So someone explain this to me, Avasarala has pretty much the highest political position in the government that is obtainable without being elected, which means she doesn't really have to answer to the people or her supporters or whatever giving her real power. But Errinwright is still her boss and anything she does would look like it was done with Errinwright's approval (who has to answer to others), yet she seems to have power over him and tells him what to do and not.

Why is that?

She basically went around Errinwright on the Eros Incident and now the Secretary General seems to trust her judgement more than his.

Sir Doom

I missed yesterday's episode. Is it Direct Tv now or SYFY scheduling sometimes the show starts at 7pm or 8pm

not bad episode. Was expecting full flashback of what happened previous episode


Godammit stop defending this already. Thankfully it's spoiled tagged now.

Those 2 quotes from 1 episode =

"It was sent to hijack life on our planet for its own ends.....eons ago."

ergo, not humans. Simple reasoning. Deliberately not quoting what I posted doesn't change anything.


Those 2 quotes from 1 episode =

"It was sent to hijack life on our planet for its own ends.....eons ago."

ergo, not humans. Simple reasoning. Deliberately not quoting what I posted doesn't change anything.
Come on dude, you said that
the proto-molecule was sent to hijack single-cell lifeforms, not sentient beings.

That simply never happened in the show.
Take the L and move on.


Is there a reason they didn't get that Mormon ship back after it didn't hit Eros? I'd think if they could intercept the missiles the could intercept that.

It'll be interesting to see where Bobbie's story goes on Earth.


Is there a reason they didn't get that Mormon ship back after it didn't hit Eros? I'd think if they could intercept the missiles the could intercept that.

It'll be interesting to see where Bobbie's story goes on Earth.

Bobby is my favorite character that isn't part of the main "crew". When it comes to character building I feel at least from the book perspective that maybe outside of Miller they did the best job with her character. Hopefully it translates well into the show.
Is there a reason they didn't get that Mormon ship back after it didn't hit Eros? I'd think if they could intercept the missiles the could intercept that.

It'll be interesting to see where Bobbie's story goes on Earth.

Would they have enough fuel and the speed/mass of the Navoo would make it hard to do an abrupt stop. Nukes were small enough to slow and catch but I'd think you'd need some large orbits to bring around the Navoo.


Would they have enough fuel and the speed/mass of the Navoo would make it hard to do an abrupt stop. Nukes were small enough to slow and catch but I'd think you'd need some large orbits to bring around the Navoo.

The Nauvoo isnt really designed for major course corrections, which is why they had to use a bunch of little ships to even point it towards Eros to begin with.. It's whole trick is that it spends half a journey accelerating at full burn, then flips itself around midway, and does a full burn to decelerate for the entire second half.

That said, I'm not sure what it's fueling status was, but it could theoretically be flipped around and eventually return.
Is there a reason they didn't get that Mormon ship back after it didn't hit Eros? I'd think if they could intercept the missiles the could intercept that.

It'll be interesting to see where Bobbie's story goes on Earth.

Well, it's trajectory was towards the sun, so theoretically that's where the Navoo should still be going right now. It's kind of weird that they didn't mention briefly what happened to it at the ending montage of episode 6.

However, I do love that it was immediately missing from Tycho station in the opening of episode 7 and 8. Seriously, that opening with its "passing of time" deserves more love.


Come on dude, you said that
the proto-molecule was sent to hijack single-cell lifeforms, not sentient beings.

That simply never happened in the show.
Take the L and move on.

Which was the only life around when Saturn captured Phoebe. Unless you're demanding the show spoon-feed you which is just bad writing. The opening episode from S2 explicitly states that the protomolecule was sent eons ago to hijack life on Earth. You can't argue with direct quotes from the show. It's child's play to work out.


So in book terms, where are we at so far? As of ep.7.

Which was the only life around when Saturn captured Phoebe. Unless you're demanding the show spoon-feed you which is just bad writing. The opening episode from S2 explicitly states that the protomolecule was sent eons ago to hijack life on Earth. You can't argue with direct quotes from the show. It's child's play to work out.


This is starting to get sad. Come on.


Which was the only life around when Saturn captured Phoebe. Unless you're demanding the show spoon-feed you which is just bad writing. The opening episode from S2 explicitly states that the protomolecule was sent eons ago to hijack life on Earth. You can't argue with direct quotes from the show. It's child's play to work out.

You are assuming that whoever sent the protomolecule here, knew there would be no sentients around and we don't have any evidence that that's the case. We have no evidence that it was only supposed to hijack single cell organisms from the show.


I've been trying to get into this show but I'm having trouble following and it's not super compelling so far.

Some of the scenes and dialogue are confusing and I have no idea what's going on other than some broad strokes.

Does it get better or should I stop?

I'm on season 1 episode 6.

Stick with it, I felt a bit unengaged and lost until I got use to the factions and characters. It ends great and season 2 is sweet so far.


Bobby is my favorite character that isn't part of the main "crew". When it comes to character building I feel at least from the book perspective that maybe outside of Miller they did the best job with her character. Hopefully it translates well into the show.
I bet she'll end up with the team, no other reason to introduce her like than and have her squad be killed. The Rocinate team is pretty small right now with only 4 people and with Miller gone there isn't enough dynamics in there. Plus everyone gets along well so having a Martian who was fed Martian propaganda all her life would shake things up a bit.

She basically went around Errinwright on the Eros Incident and now the Secretary General seems to trust her judgement more than his.
Yea but even before that incident she basically told Errinwright to get his shit together when she told him she knows he is working with Mao. That sort of behaviour from a subordinate is odd. It feels like she is the one with real power and what she says and do matters more than anyone else.
- Salt Lake Tribune: Syfy’s ‘Expanse’ goes by the books (interview with Abraham and Franck about the tv show & book series)
Readers will find the Syfy series instantly recognizable.

"It's been faithful in some ways," Abraham said. "We've made a lot of changes to the plot. Things happen in different orders. There are characters who don't exist. There are characters we've added.

"The thing that we've tried not to compromise is the spirit of the story."
Franck said Shankar's "attitude is — if you buy something that's popular, there's a reason. Messing with it just screws that up. Some Hollywood writers have this attitude that they're going to buy a property and then they're going to fix it. And what they generally wind up doing is breaking all the things that made it popular to begin with."

Which is not to say that "The Expanse" looks the same onscreen as what Abraham and Franck imagined when they wrote the books.

"Of course not," Franck said. " I'm not a spaceship designer or a costume designer or a set builder."

When he conceived this solar system for a role-playing game and when he and Abraham were writing the books, he had a "pretty minimalist version of what things look like in my head. And the professional designers took those ideas and "added their flair to them."

"So of course it's going to be different. But in nearly every case, it's also better."


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Well, it's trajectory was towards the sun, so theoretically that's where the Navoo should still be going right now. It's kind of weird that they didn't mention briefly what happened to it at the ending montage of episode 6.

However, I do love that it was immediately missing from Tycho station in the opening of episode 7 and 8. Seriously, that opening with its "passing of time" deserves more love.
Had no idea they were doing that cause SyFy doesn't air it. The full intro has only popped up twice during the SyFy broadcast, once last season and again at the start of this season. Every other episode just has a short 4 second title screen.
For any fans of the show I recommend the podcast The Churn, cast and crew from the show appear on it regularly and its pretty interesting. They had Thomas Jane on for an interview last week, and the creators of the show for the Home episode podcast and Ty/Daniel said something that I always thought was weird about the show but didn't really connect the dots.

The final thing Julie Mao said to Miller :)"you belong with me") is something he had mentioned to Naomi in episode 1 as something the imaginary Julie said to him. The scenes of the bird that always lead Miller to Julie, plus the scene in season 1 where Julie imagines the bird and Miller approaching as she dies. Well, its all apparently hints that the protomolecule can somehow also have minor impacts on the past....

I download the podcast automatically via my phone podcast manager, but its on itunes, google play, etc or on the syfy website


formerly "chigiri"
Well, it's trajectory was towards the sun, so theoretically that's where the Navoo should still be going right now. It's kind of weird that they didn't mention briefly what happened to it at the ending montage of episode 6.

However, I do love that it was immediately missing from Tycho station in the opening of episode 7 and 8. Seriously, that opening with its "passing of time" deserves more love.

Had no idea they were doing that cause SyFy doesn't air it. The full intro has only popped up twice during the SyFy broadcast, once last season and again at the start of this season. Every other episode just has a short 4 second title screen.

Mars' moon Deimos is also a debris field in the opening sequence now.


so i'm behind on this, but i started watching s1 yesterday and i'm hooked. trying to get all caught up for s2, but man i hope this show has a long life.

i'm legit shocked at how decent the production is for syfy? i mean, ep4 in season 1 was a nail biter.
For any fans of the show I recommend the podcast The Churn, cast and crew from the show appear on it regularly and its pretty interesting. They had Thomas Jane on for an interview last week, and the creators of the show for the Home episode podcast and Ty/Daniel said something that I always thought was weird about the show but didn't really connect the dots.

The final thing Julie Mao said to Miller :)"you belong with me") is something he had mentioned to Naomi in episode 1 as something the imaginary Julie said to him. The scenes of the bird that always lead Miller to Julie, plus the scene in season 1 where Julie imagines the bird and Miller approaching as she dies. Well, its all apparently hints that the protomolecule can somehow also have minor impacts on the past....

I download the podcast automatically via my phone podcast manager, but its on itunes, google play, etc or on the syfy website
I like the podcast. They have good guests (typically actors) along with the writers on every week, and it's informative. The Thomas Jane interview was highly entertaining - he's an odd guy. My only complaint about this, and other 'official' podcasts is that there's no criticism at all. It makes sense since they're talking with people that work on it, but they are unrelentingly positive about the material. The flipside is that they do have access to interesting people that probably wouldn't talk to a fan or critic run podcast. The special effects talk last week was quite good.
New episode tonight:

As Naomi tracks down signs of the protomolecule in unexpected corners of the solar system, Fred Johnson's control over the OPA begins to collapse. A traumatized refugee from Ganymede may hold the key to finding a new threat.
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