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The Expanse |S2| You guys look like shit - Wednesdays on Syfy


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Just a lot of the Julie Mao stuff.. Opa and the data broker that's dead but is someone else? the anubis and ship she was on intercepting them or something.

And the cops partner from earth and how he's learning something from that girl.

In the last episode they showed that bad guy blowing up a vessel full of women and kids. Guess that was to show that the guy is bad.

Anyways it just seems like a show not put together well. Maybe I should have expected this because it's just a syfy show. I tried it because I heard some good things, has a decent imdb rating, and this thread seems to pop up a lot. But it doesn't seem to be that good so far.
What bad guy blew up a ship full of women and children?


What bad guy blew up a ship full of women and children?

I think he is referencing Fred Johnson. Though that becomes a much more complicated and typical government situation in the end.

If anything that's one of the things I love about the show the most. To me it feels like realistic Scifi. None of that Everything is awesome Star Trek future etc. Humanity gets to the stars but we are still the same fucked up people we have always been


I think he is referencing Fred Johnson. Though that becomes a much more complicated and typical government situation in the end.

If anything that's one of the things I love about the show the most. To me it feels like realistic Scifi. None of that Everything is awesome Star Trek future etc. Humanity gets to the stars but we are still the same fucked up people we have always been

Yeah but that gets offset by magical blue hivemind space chicks lvl 100


Season 3 renewal yiss!!

Decent episode. I'm glad they're feeding in more backstory to the crew and rounding them out.

Like a few I wasn't sold on the Holden/Johnson split but I get that they've a limited time budget for these things.

Also my sense was that the security chief Drummer killed the two belters at the end partly because they shot her and partly because she likely allowed Dawes to escape previously and they might have known about it.


Finally got caught up!

This show is so good!

Still, feels like a lot of episodes are becoming: "How can belters ruin everything, again?"


I mean, kinda yeah, but Belters have been shit on their entire lives. And just recently there's the whole thing with Eros. Ganymede is also very important to the Belt (major food source). OPA (minus Fred and co) are still dicks though.


Just binged the 1st and 2nd season in the past couple of days. The first part of S2 definitely felt like an improvement over S1 (I imagine it sucked having to wait a year for any pay off from S1). The past couple of episodes have been a bit slow though, hopefully they're won't end S2 just when things are happening like they did with S1.


Just binged the 1st and 2nd season in the past couple of days. The first part of S2 definitely felt like an improvement over S1 (I imagine it sucked having to wait a year for any pay off from S1). The past couple of episodes have been a bit slow though, hopefully they're won't end S2 just when things are happening like they did with S1.
I think it's been mentioned that S2's end should line up with the end of book 2 more or less.


Drummer, you go girl. Although, I have a problem with way she talks. It's weird.

One of the authors of the books, Daniel Abraham, actually chimed in on this on Reddit. Apparently it's a frequent question. My guess on Belter accents is that they are raised on different stations, so they probably have different sounds.
It's Belter.
Drummer, you go girl. Although, I have a problem with way she talks. It's weird.

The actress behind drummer was on this weeks Expanse podcast and it was fun to hear her talk about the show, the accent, and her background.

I also found out that the actress playing Naomi is in a band and has released music videos in the past, and is the best dancer on the set


The actress behind drummer was on this weeks Expanse podcast and it was fun to hear her talk about the show, the accent, and her background.

Yes, that was some nice listening especially with all those f-bombs she dropped. Casting on this show is just so spot on.

Btw, what is it with this female host of the podcast. Haven't watched a single episode of Star Trek ever? I mean... what? WHAT?


The sudden split between Johnson and Holden at the end was weird, but apart from that a strong episode. I love the power struggles and gang structure of the OPA.
The sudden split between Johnson and Holden at the end was weird, but apart from that a strong episode. I love the power struggles and gang structure of the OPA.
Fred Johnson knows his power is slipping. Dawes, the whole business with the nukes and now the huge influx of Ganymede refugees. Things aren't looking good, but if he gets his hands on the protomolecule, he'd have the biggest trump card in the solar system. The problem is that he still thinks (or thought) that the Roci and its crew need him and Tycho Station, but that's no longer really the case. Fred Johnson no longer is the all powerful ruler of Tycho like he was at the start of the series.

Holden is going to do "what's right", while Johnson wants the protomolecule as a weapon or bargaining chip.


Fred Johnson knows his power is slipping. Dawes, the whole business with the nukes and now the huge influx of Ganymede refugees. Things aren't looking good, but if he gets his hands on the protomolecule, he'd have the biggest trump card in the solar system. The problem is that he still thinks (or thought) that the Roci and its crew need him and Tycho Station, but that's no longer really the case. Fred Johnson no longer is the all powerful ruler of Tycho like he was at the start of the series.

Holden is going to do "what's right", while Johnson wants the protomolecule as a weapon or bargaining chip.

... Which is why he shouldn't throw away his support...




Season 1 was great, but I've gotta say,s eaosn 2 is a significant improvement all around. Riveting TV, that's for sure.


Finally caught up on the last 2 episodes. Good to see
show up. I didn't think he'd make it into the series.

Edit: loved
Amos' EVA
and how they showed the effects of centrifugal force.
New episode tonight:
The Weeping Somnambulist

Holden crosses his own ethical boundaries in order to sneak into the war zone on his hunt for the protomolecule and the people behind it. Bobbie becomes a pawn in the political struggle between Earth and Mars, but Avasarala recognizes her a chance to expose the enemies of humanity on both sides of the negotiation.


You don't threaten your support when you've lost so much, and when that support has just saved your and your other friend's lives.

But that's just me.

It's been a while since I read this part from the books but I don't remember being as bothered by the exchange as I was by the TV version. I just think its a pacing issue where some of the context is missing. It felt "rushed"


Wanted to start watching this but can't seem to find the first 3 eps of season 2 available for free streaming on the SyFy app or on the Spectrum cable app on On Demand.

Is buying the first 3 eps my only option right now?
Heh, Holden.
ROFL Amos. He gets best funny one liners.
Purposefully doesn't take the sunglasses heh.

"If you need a cheap laugh in the meantime." LOL "Maybe later."

Oh man, they're throwing him under the bus. Dang.
Bobbie didn't seem to like that (as expected).
She's not buying it, heh.

Yup, there it is Bobbie.

LOL Alex, nice.
- Onion A|V Club review
- Promo for next week's episode (please spoiler tag any discussion)

- Podcast for this week
Welcome to Episode 8 of The Churn, our post-show podcast about The Expanse. Each week during Season 2, The Expanse creators Ty Franck and Daniel Abraham (who you all know as James SA Corey) and Syfy Wire's resident The Expanse superfans -- Fangrrls Managing Editor Cher Martinetti and Editor-in-Chief Adam Swiderski -- take a deeper dive into the latest episode.

Things go horribly wrong for Holden and crew aboard the Ganymede-bound freighter The Weeping Somnambulist while, back on Earth, Chrisjen Avasarala and Bobbie Draper finally come face to face. Syfy Wire's own Bad Astronomer Phil Plait joins us to nerd out about space and the science of The Expanse.

Sir Doom

that F bomb from Avasarala.
I'm starting to like Avasarala and Amos.

Holden going for boyscout rescue only to end in tragedy. good
Good episode, Avasarala putting in work as usual. Bobbie still not really turned a corner for me, she still seems a bit petulant but a good character is starting to crack through there.

The Eros/Venus stuff was a bit obtuse, I had to rewatch that extremely brief scene a few times to understand - "biological" compounds in the air around the crater where Eros crashed, "life in an environment that melts lead". Not really much else right now there.

Loved the belter 2 man crew of the ship the Roci hijacked, really brought home the point that regular people just want to do small things to help each other and Holden coming in sorta fucks everything up. On the other hand, he is right that they woulda totally killed the two of them the second they left Gany. I guess more the point is that big catastrophic events like the solar system is experiencing now leads to massive chaos everywhere, and this is probably just the beginning.
She may not be there yet but I think they did some good new work on Bobbie.

Yeah, that ended pretty tragically.

that F bomb from Avasarala.
I'm starting to like Avasarala and Amos.

Holden going for boyscout rescue only to end in tragedy. good

Yup. So good. She's had a couple of great weeks in a row.

Amos is so good. There are often times where you're like WTF man, but he's also getting so many great lines and moments (including some surprisingly touchingly friendship moments) too that keep you off balance lol.

The bit about the plan when they were all gathered around was another great scene lol.

I liked the science vessel scene too and the discovery it seemed they were starting to make.


"Are all your plans so vague?"

"It's about average."

My man Amos, gotta love him. Strong episode in my opinion, but it didn't really feel like it precedes the season finale. I'm curious where they gonna end it with, but it's maybe because episode 5 already felt like a season finale so it's messing with my brain.

Oh and that scientist is also a cool dude, with his 'Colonel 'anus'.


Aghdashloo definitely nails the nonchalant fuck off lines way better than that over the top monologue she had earlier in the season.
I know that in the books she is foul mouthed but seeing her in Season 1 I felt like they made her avoid using that sort of language because Aghdashloo wasn't comfortable using it. But it's different this season.


I know that in the books she is foul mouthed but seeing her in Season 1 I felt like they made her avoid using that sort of language because Aghdashloo wasn't comfortable using it. But it's different this season.

I think that was up to production and syfy iirc, they loosened up this season.


Good ep. Amos always has the best lines~

Nice to see they are continuing to make Avasarala speak more like the way she does in the books. :)


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Season 2 has been straight fucking fire

I enjoyed S1 but the whole Julie Mao plot dragged like a motherfucker, this season has been lot tighter and better paced.
I thought most of those scenes on the science vessel were odd but that one felt particularly forced and unnatural.

I assume that's because it's a TV show and they had to explain that issue for a bit for people who aren't familiar with those things.
But it was mostly a lead in for the protomolecule still being there (as part of 'being a signal' ), otherwise that scene would have had no turning point and therefore no value storywise. "we found stuff. 'kay..." is not a satisfying scene. Scenes have to do stuff, more so on television than on film. And this one is plot critical (if there was nothing on Venus it wouldn't require a scene, is what I mean), so you can't remove it, therefore you have to add something before the critical plot event. It's a way to solve a problem like a puzzle, in my opinion.

Also, for those also wondering "I know that guy" with the guy on the relief ship, he played Apophis in Stargate SG-1. Ten seasons and a movie, that was a thing!
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