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The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC |OT| More Olivier Than Ever


Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn't expect them to explicitly say that they will never localize them.

I think they would eventually say that they have no plans to release them. Probably not a formal press release, but something like a social media response to fan outcry.

And I get the impression that once CS2 hits there will be some outcry.


I think they would eventually say that they have no plans to release them. Probably not a formal press release, but something like a social media response to fan outcry.

And I get the impression that once CS2 hits there will be some outcry.
On the other hand, my hopeful best case scenario is that, considering Cold Steel II's translation is almost 100% complete, maybe someone (or more than one person) is freed from that project soon and they could maybe put him/her start working on 3rd while other people finish the final edits/polish & voice acting for Cold Steel II and around Cold Steel II's release they'd maybe have something to announce regarding 3rd's localization already. Cold Steel III might not be out until sometime in 2017 (considering Falcom still needs to finish Ys VIII this year and I'm not sure if a company of their size can release Ys VIII & Cold Steel III too close to each other), so this would be a perfect opening to localize another one of the older Trails releases since they probably can't jump into Cold Steel III right away even if CSII takes until Q3/Q4 2016 to release. By the time 3rd would be localized, Cold Steel III may have been released in Japan, so they could hopefully move straight into that after 3rd. Then after Cold Steel III (in 2018? ;__; ), maybe there has been enough time to let these "slow-burn" sales of FC, SC & Third reach a point where the franchise has enough of a cult following that they can justify PC exclusive Zero and Azure localizations.

One can dream...


Unconfirmed Member
They don't do most of their translations in-house, they contract people for them. GAF's own Varion did CS and and is working on CS2.

I don't disagree though. They may have an opportunity to jump on 3rd and get it out before or around CS3's release in Japan and it would be a shame if they squander that. They could also potentially release Zero during the inevitable wait between the Erebonia and Calvard arcs, just leaving Azure to possibly be worked on alongside one of the Calvard games.

I wonder if Brittney is going to continue working on the series now that she's started doing editing with CS2. Given her enthusiasm for the series I'm sure she would if she had the opportunity.
Aren't the Crossbell games widely considered to be worse than Trails in the Sky or Cold Steel? Like the Ys VI of the modern Trails series?
Aren't the Crossbell games widely considered to be worse than Trails in the Sky or Cold Steel? Like the Ys VI of the modern Trails series?
Nah, I see more fans over at the Marvelous forums praising the hell out of Ao, and Zero too. That said Trails in the Skym (and 3rd) have their advantages which haven't devalued over the years.


Unconfirmed Member
Pretty much all the impressions I've seen peg them as better, with most considering that arc being the best one of the three. Ao/Azure seems to often be considered the best game in the series.
Oh wow. Glad to hear I was wrong. Hopefully they get translated.

Also one more question.

Does anyone playing Cold Steel miss Trails whole 2.5Dness? With sprites over 3D backgrounds. It looked so charming but at first glance Cold Steel looks so generic.
Oh wow. Glad to hear I was wrong. Hopefully they get translated.

Also one more question.

Does anyone playing Cold Steel miss Trails whole 2.5Dness? With sprites over 3D backgrounds. It looked so charming but at first glance Cold Steel looks so generic.

I missed it at first in large part because Cold Steel isn't particularly well animated, but I got used to it pretty quickly.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Man I am STUCK on the chapter 1 end boss. I keep reading conflicting strategies to take out the little guys, or leave them alone. It's just a looooong fight it seems. I've had no problem in the game up to this point. Is this a common early game roadblock, or am I doing something wrong?


Man I am STUCK on the chapter 1 end boss. I keep reading conflicting strategies to take out the little guys, or leave them alone. It's just a looooong fight it seems. I've had no problem in the game up to this point. Is this a common early game roadblock, or am I doing something wrong?
I'll put in spoilers how I ended up doing this fight. I will admit luck played a part of it though

As someone who has played through this game on Hard mode, I would suggest not killing any of the little guys unless you can kill a load of them at once, since Death Throes really makes the goons and the boss hit that much harder. I struggled with the boss for a while, until this... sort of happened. If you can't tell, I shoved Estelle into a corner, had Scherazard in front of her, and taunted the goons (my plan was to limit how many times Estelle got attacked), and for whatever reason the boss moved in such a way that blocked the little guys from moving (the one closest to Olivier for whatever reason didn't move around the boss. I guess they can't do that when taunted). They also never attacked Scherazard, again due to being taunted. Once that happened, the fight became so much easier

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I'll put in spoilers how I ended up doing this fight. I will admit luck played a part of it though

Okay so this fight is typically a tough one for everyone, and I'm not the only one under leveled or doing it wrong?

Yeah, I hope this isnt indicative of a difficulty spike for the rest of the game or something.
I'll put in spoilers how I ended up doing this fight. I will admit luck played a part of it though

As someone who has played through this game on Hard mode, I would suggest not killing any of the little guys unless you can kill a load of them at once, since Death Throes really makes the goons and the boss hit that much harder. I struggled with the boss for a while, until this... sort of happened. If you can't tell, I shoved Estelle into a corner, had Scherazard in front of her, and taunted the goons (my plan was to limit how many times Estelle got attacked), and for whatever reason the boss moved in such a way that blocked the little guys from moving (the one closest to Olivier for whatever reason didn't move around the boss. I guess they can't do that when taunted). They also never attacked Scherazard, again due to being taunted. Once that happened, the fight became so much easier

i see your problem
you didnt use Agate
Man I am STUCK on the chapter 1 end boss. I keep reading conflicting strategies to take out the little guys, or leave them alone. It's just a looooong fight it seems. I've had no problem in the game up to this point. Is this a common early game roadblock, or am I doing something wrong?

Damaging food items are especially amazing in the early game. Use them to quickly clear out the adds and to take on the boss 4 vs 1. And try to space out your team so you don't get hit with the AoEs. I'd say the Ch 2 boss is more of a roadblock from my personal experience, but the Ch 1 boss ain't so slouch.
Damaging food items are especially amazing in the early game. Use them to quickly clear out the adds and to take on the boss 4 vs 1. And try to space out your team so you don't get hit with the AoEs. I'd say the Ch 2 boss is more of a roadblock from my personal experience, but the Ch 1 boss ain't so slouch.

heres how you kill the ch2 boss
1 AT A TIME after the none threatening mobs are dead
and have Kloe on full heal duty
heres how you kill the ch2 boss
1 AT A TIME after the none threatening mobs are dead
and have Kloe on full heal duty

That's how I did it.
Focus on one worm at a time, wait for them to get closer and hit them with any AoE S-crafts (if there is any at that point, I really don't remember actually).

Nyoro SF

Man I am STUCK on the chapter 1 end boss. I keep reading conflicting strategies to take out the little guys, or leave them alone. It's just a looooong fight it seems. I've had no problem in the game up to this point. Is this a common early game roadblock, or am I doing something wrong?

For this fight, I spread out my dudes. It made sense because of the
laser the boss fires from the front. Also, if you stay far enough away from the boss, he'll keep trying to cast that Art, and you can keep Impeding him. While that's going on you can take out the little guys first and prevent anyone from getting overwhelmed (and everyone from getting hit with an AoE or laser)

I didn't think that fight was particularly difficult, but the boss definitely had a lot of health. I didn't use any explosive food either.

heres how you kill the ch2 boss
1 AT A TIME after the none threatening mobs are dead
and have Kloe on full heal duty

That's how I did it. I didn't even know about the gimmick of this monster, but because they were so spread out to begin with, I just decided to split my fighters in four directions and take them out one by one by buffing the strongest fighters (Estelle and Schera at the time).

Don't forget everyone, Move is secretly one of the best commands in the game. :)


Rolent's is on top the clock tower. I found a spot there just last night. Hm, I checked Valeria but couldn't find it. I will try again later today. And I haven't checked Ravennue, that's worth a shot!

Ah, the Bose one is
railing next to Jacob
in outside the South Exit of the market. Thanks to XSEED forums for helping a bro out!


Totally should have been an achievement, it's fun just to track them down. Might be too spoilery for that, though.

Indeed. Neat things like that truly add to my overall experience with games I'm engaged in, another excerpt to add to one's personal adventure~


Unconfirmed Member
Totally should have been an achievement, it's fun just to track them down. Might be too spoilery for that, though.

Could have been a hidden achievement, but I don't think viewing WW achievement stats respects them being hidden. Valve should fix that.

It could also be written in a way that it's obvious what it is once you are far enough in the game, but unclear before that.


Stayed up until 2:30am finishing SC. Incredible game. But it's hard to sit and wax poetic about it when I have Cold Steel RIGHT HERE.

and Cold Steel 2 is coming THIS YEAR

anyone have a strategy for the Mining Permit boss
they just keep summoning allies
at first i thought i needed to lower their hp to low enough to all be killed in 1 turn
but then they just kept summoning even though they were at full hp
edit:nvm i got lucky with some earth aoes
do i have to do this Kingfisher Inn vacation before Lila and Maybelle will look at this photo for a sidequest?
cause nothings happening
edit: nvm stupid item usage mechanic

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Whew! Finally beat Chapter 1 boss last night AND I finished Xenoblade X this morning.

I think I'm finally ready to jump full swing into this game now!

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
your not finished with X yet
trust me

No fucking kiddin man. I just started reading all day about all the post game Skell builds... It sounds like hours and hours of hunting down monster parts for augments... Shit you could spend another 50+ hours hunting materials SO that you can finish all the post game missions that involve killing super monsters.

Yeah, I'm going to take a break from all that.

I really do want to 100% that game, it's one of my favorite GOAT , but I want to play other games and maybe come back to it later, 95 hours is a good value for a game that I paid $60 for.
Aren't the Crossbell games widely considered to be worse than Trails in the Sky or Cold Steel? Like the Ys VI of the modern Trails series?

What in the world, no. Crossbell is probably the strongest arc overall. Plotwise in particular, Crossbell has an intensely likable cast, the motivations of the various actors within the plot make sense and the plot flows sensibly, and The Twist™ is legitimately great and speaks to the wider medium.

Whether it's us, Brittany & Varion, whoever, Crossbell should come over because those games are legitimately amazing.


I never heard of any such dip, and if anything Nayuta no Kiseki would be closer... and that's the "Ys VI" of the Kiseki franchise for entirely different reasons.

And Ys VI isn't even really a low point, Ys V was the actual low point, Ys VI redeemed what it was going for gameplay-wise and Oath and Origin refined it.


Unconfirmed Member
I never heard of any such dip, and if anything Nayuta no Kiseki would be closer... and that's the "Ys VI" of the Kiseki franchise for entirely different reasons.

And Ys VI isn't even really a low point, Ys V was the actual low point, Ys VI redeemed what it was going for gameplay-wise and Oath and Origin refined it.

That entirely depends on what you're looking at, because Nayuta is a much more fun game to actually play than either FC or SC in my opinion (and I'd guess Cold Steel too, but I haven't played it). The story is trash and made worse by the English patch being a machine translation though.


That entirely depends on what you're looking at, because Nayuta is a much more fun game to actually play than either FC or SC in my opinion (and I'd guess Cold Steel too, but I haven't played it). The story is trash and made worse by the English patch being a machine translation though.
It's part of why I said what I did. For a series known for its story telling it's by most accounts a low point (and not even in the same universe baring some crazy twists), but it's a straight up action RPG like Ys VI. Though I guess if anything that'd make it the Ys III of the series pre-Oath: significantly different gameplay and no real connection to anything else in the series.


Unconfirmed Member
I just got *Estelle's Final S-Craft Spoilers*
Wheel of Time



Damn, this character's awesome.

They definitely do some things to bump up Estelle's perceived "badass level." It's a shame they also go and ruin some of it with the
Gilbert fight outcome
in chapter 6.

They should have changed the scene if Estelle won the fight, instead of pulling some "lol we weren't actually trying, now we'll power up" bullshit just so the rest of the scene with Joshua could remain intact. It takes one of her biggest moments over the course of the two games and completely ruins it, forcing her to rely on someone else to succeed. That's a terrible "reward" for pushing Estelle to victory. Either way she still needed Joshua to escape, so it's not like that part of the event would be weakened if she didn't also rely on him to save her from the attacking Jaeger goons.

Among my annoyances with the storytelling, that was probably the one single thing that irked me the most out of everything.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Question: Is anyone else having issues with the game (both FC and SC) being a little bit jittery? If I do something as simple as rotating the camera, it tends to stutter a little bit. Not sure what would be causing that. I had the issue before I used a G-sync monitor (though it was far worse then), and even with a G-sync monitor, I'm still having this issue. It's kinda weird. Oddly enough, the Ys games run like a dream.

Maybe my computer's not up to snuff (not really).
Question: Is anyone else having issues with the game (both FC and SC) being a little bit jittery? If I do something as simple as rotating the camera, it tends to stutter a little bit. Not sure what would be causing that. I had the issue before I used a G-sync monitor (though it was far worse then), and even with a G-sync monitor, I'm still having this issue. It's kinda weird. Oddly enough, the Ys games run like a dream.

Maybe my computer's not up to snuff (not really).

I encountered that in SC (usually when rotating the camera), but it only happened in certain areas and I could never figure out what what was causing it. Thankfully I didn't see it frequently enough to for it to be a big issue.


Unconfirmed Member
Yes. Different people seem to fix it in different ways, I think once I turned off hardware vertex shading it ran smooth as butter. Or turned it on. I changed that one way or the other to fix it. Some people have mentioned changing the v-sync or mipmapping setting fixed it for them.
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