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The Legend of Zelda Community Thread: Timelines, Retreads and Colors Oh My


Get Inside Her!
So FSA as LTTP prequel is attractive to you because OOT is too inconsistent with what LTTP says happens, yes? Well let's look at some of the inconsistencies FSA would introduce.

- LTTP specifically states that Ganondorf invaded the sacred realm in search of the Triforce. In FSA his ambition is instead the Trident.
- LTTP's Dark World is a polluted and distorted version of the Sacred Realm, thusly polluted because of Ganon's evil presence after he was sealed in it. The FSA Dark World is called the "Dark World" before Ganondorf has any interaction with it whatsoever, and isn't really distorted in any capacity. It shares no similarities with the LTTP Dark World, NOR with the Sacred Realm.
- LTTP's sages sealed the Sacred Realm, not the Four Sword. The Four Sword being the sealing device, then placed in the already-existing "Dark World" is wholly inconsistent with the pollution of the Sacred Realm, and the cleansing at the end of LTTP.

These are MUCH bigger than OOT's inconsistencies, particularly if you go by the JP script. If their goal was to make a more convincing backstory, they sure as hell didn't accomplish it in any way, shape, or form. If we're talking about "obvious allusions to ALttP," OOT fits the bill much better. FSA just uses its assets and tries to tell a new story with them, for what I believe is just homage purposes. "We need to make a multiplayer Zelda game sorta quick, let's use LTTP assets, people will think it's fun." The actual PLOT sure doesn't work with LTTP in any way, shape, or form.

viciouskillersquirrel said:
then in GBA ALttP found the shards of the same sword in the Dark World

First, come on, I don't think these things need to be spoilered.

Anyway, if you think the connection was being set as early as LTTP GBA, you'd think they would have changed any of those bullets I noted at the start of this point, wouldn't you? LTTP's Ganon/SacredRealm/DarkWorld backstory is VERY heavily weaved into it, and FSA doesn't work with it at all.

viciouskillersquirrel said:
If Termina were subject to a timeline split (which I doubt), then Zubora and Gabora couldn't make swords in the adult timeline anyway, because Link only ever stopped the moon from crashing in the child timeline. It's cross-timeline travel or bust, buster.

Well if we assume "not a meaningless easter egg," for all we know, the timeline split made the moon not crash. Or maybe the crash just takes out clock town, and not the mountain with the swordsmiths on it. Or maybe they made swords for the Gerudo people for a long time, and many of their wares were circulating the culture, and made their way into Ganondorf's hands. Come on, there are a TON of explanations here that aren't "cross-timeline travel."

Also, way to just totally ignore the Legend of the Fairy.

Okay now that one's better, sure. But I attribute it to the Tingle Tuner staff not really thinking about it very hard. I mean come on, your assumption is pretty out of this world. What would cross-timeline travel even mean? How, and for what purpose? To enable the stupid Tingle Tuner backstory? That is a HUGE thing to imply from such a throw-away little thing, and that is more than enough for me to go with "they made a mistake" as an explanation.


Tathanen said:
Problems with this:

- The cut text in FSA may imply it was at one point meant to be something, but it isn't that any more. If we start pretending games count as what they were earlier in development, everything will fall apart. MANY of the games were radically different early on, the Oracles are a prime example. All you can honestly count is what's present in the final release. So "FSA was meant to be the LTTP backstory" even if it happens to be true is only a fun bit of development trivia, NOT a reason to affect timeline discussion in any capacity.

- You are attributing universe-altering intent to what are much more likely just Fun Gameplay Whatevers. Case in point, the Palace of the Four Sword in LTTP. You assume it implies a connection, I assume it's there just for fun. "You beat Four Swords, we'll give you a Four Swords bonus in LTTP, how nice." Just like how the OOT boss rush when link goes to sleep does not mean he constantly relives his greatest battles every night. Your tendency to consider EVERYTHING in a game as coming from universe intent is not going to serve you well. When I started injecting a dose of reality into my thinking, things started to come together much more satisfyingly.

- There is no indication that OOT, even with what it changes in its telling of the Imprisoning War, was ever considered by Nintendo to have "changed too much." Interviews make very clear that it is the Imprisoning War, including interviews held AFTER its release. That was the intent, and it never stopped being the intent. You can make assumptions based on FSA text, but the fact of the matter is that they are exactly that: assumptions. Those snippets of text could in fact mean something quite different from your assumptions, they could be from an early tech demo that turned into FSA later, they could be in there cause one developer put them in just for fun in a proof of concept. The reality with OOT as I see it is simple: Nintendo retconed stuff to make it more interesting. "Let's put Link in that story." The inconsistency exists without purpose, and there is no plan to "correct" it. The odds are in favor of FSA LTTP references being homages, not purposeful universe declarations.
I like you.

EDIT: Except the part about OoT being ALttP's backstory. I believe that ALttP's backstory isn't told through any game. OoT isn't the Imprisoning War, and neither is FSA. It's a completely separate event.

As I've said before, FSA has so many connections to ALttP because it was originally planned to be a prequel of some sort, or at least tie into ALttP's story in some way. That changed completely when Miyamoto upended the tea table, and it became a direct sequel to FS. And I don't understand how you could believe that the connections between ALttP and FS are supposed to imply that the games are directly connected in the timeline, when Aonuma confirmed that FS is supposed to be the earliest Zelda tale. The connections are there because the games are bundled together. That's it.


Get Inside Her!
viciouskillersquirrel said:
How is OoT the backstory of ALttP if Ganon is dead? On both timelines, no less.


In OOT he's sealed, he gets out in LTTP, and Link kills him. Then "somehow" he comes back in Zelda 1. I don't have an answer for that, but the Oracles and Zelda 2 provide a couple of options for how you can bring a dead Ganon back to life.

My timeline considers OOT to be a branching point between separate canons, though. One contains Zelda 1/2/LTTP/LA MAYBE the oracles, and OOT, and the other contains OOT and everything else. After OOT came out, I basically think Nintendo decided "all of our games will now pretend OOT was the first Zelda game we ever made."
Tathanen said:

In OOT he's sealed, he gets out in LTTP, and Link kills him. Then "somehow" he comes back in Zelda 1. I don't have an answer for that, but the Oracles and Zelda 2 provide a couple of options for how you can bring a dead Ganon back to life.

My timeline considers OOT to be a branching point between separate canons, though. One contains Zelda 1/2/LTTP/LA MAYBE the oracles, and OOT, and the other contains OOT and everything else. After OOT came out, I basically think Nintendo decided "all of our games will now pretend OOT was the first Zelda game we ever made."
I was talking about WW and TP. He's in the Sacred Realm in neither. How, praytell, does he get back in?

ALttP seems to imply that he was never able to find a way out until the events of that game.

Big One

Tathanen said:

In OOT he's sealed, he gets out in LTTP, and Link kills him. Then "somehow" he comes back in Zelda 1. I don't have an answer for that, but the Oracles and Zelda 2 provide a couple of options for how you can bring a dead Ganon back to life.

My timeline considers OOT to be a branching point between separate canons, though. One contains Zelda 1/2/LTTP/LA MAYBE the oracles, and OOT, and the other contains OOT and everything else. After OOT came out, I basically think Nintendo decided "all of our games will now pretend OOT was the first Zelda game we ever made."
Complete and utterly false. Ganon after OoT broke out of his seal in the Wind Waker backstory, and then he died forever.
I'm gonna break up this timeline discussion to post a little painting I did to pass the time. After seeing how you guys ripped up some of the posted fan art, I was a little apprehensive about uploading this. Hope you don't hate it.


I have a few other doodles that I'm thinking of painting.

shadyspace said:
Needs more bird feet.

Like on the shield? Yeah, I'll go back and paint them on.


Get Inside Her!
viciouskillersquirrel said:
I was talking about WW and TP. He's in the Sacred Realm in neither. How, praytell, does he get back in?

ALttP seems to imply that he was never able to find a way out until the events of that game.

Exactly. Wind Waker was the breaking point for me considering there to be two separate canons. LTTP assumes an unbroken seal since OOT, but in Wind Waker he explicitly breaks the OOT seal. I wrote what I can only now consider desperate fan fiction in order to make LTTP work between OOT and WW, and I've taken a hard-line stance about not writing ANY additional fiction when I consider things these days. If they don't say it explicitly, it didn't happen.

WW, TP, and LTTP are ALL direct storyline sequels to OOT, and there's no two ways around it. The split-timeline makes TP and WW work out, but LTTP's direct OOT references become impossible to reconcile. So I do it like this.


And then, in a totally disconnected canon, the stuff everybody agrees on. OOT to MM and then TP in one timeline, OOT to WW/PH/ST in the other. FSA I put after Wind Waker, due to the map being an island, and looking like it grew together from smaller islands. Also because Ganon died in WW, and we need a brand new Ganon, which FSA happily supplies. FSA I consider to be the "modern Zelda LTTP." It's not an LTTP prequel, it REPLACES LTTP in the new canon. "Since we blew away the old canon, why not put a sorta-LTTP in it here?"


Gravijah said:
ok what i'm confused about how can link be in all these games if they take place in different times
Different Links! And Zeldas. And Ganondorfs. And Tingles, Eponas, Malons, etc.! Important characters in the Zelda universe are reincarnated, so to speak, by destiny. Whenever an evil force emerges, a hero in green named Link is destined to arise and defeat it (well, most of the time).

Big One

Sorry but the canon hasn't even close to be known to be disconnected. OoT has never been legitemately suggested to be the Imprisoning War. The sages in the IW were all Hylian, the Master Sword wasn't used because there was no one to use it in the IW story cause Link did not exist in it, and the seal was on the Dark World rather than sealing Ganon himself into the Dark World. The seal in the IW story was a last resort due to a lack of Master Sword, while in OoT it was a necessary part of defeating Ganon. These points weigh even more than your points against FSA, which isn't th IW either.
Tyeforce said:
Different Links! And Zeldas. And Ganondorfs. And Tingles, Eponas, Malons, etc.! Important characters in the Zelda universe are reincarnated, so to speak, by destiny. Whenever an evil force emerges, a hero in green named Link is destined to arise and defeat it (well, most of the time).


My method:

think of there being different canons/interpretations/storylines/timelines/whatever you want to call it.

Different stories all using OoT as their starting point. (I guess with Skyward Sword always taking place beforehand as well)

Too many of the games all theoretically take place after OoT. I think it's obvious OoT was meant to be at the time the events described in the prologue of LttP, even if Wind Waker contradicts it.

So I just go in my head:

OoT > LttP > LoZ > AoL

OoT > WW > PH > ST

OoT > MM

OoT > TP

and wherever the handheld games go around that. It's pretty much the only contradiction free way - all of the post OoT games reference OoT somehow, but usually in ways that invalidate other games' references to OoT. TP was terrible for this and the ending of WW also poses problems.

Or, all that is longhand for "don't think about it too hard; you'll get a headache"

edit - yeah, I thought the point was that Ganon is the one who doesn't get reincarnated - he's the same Ganon in every game. Which obviously some games seem impossible when they actually kill him off. Another reason why I just go with multiple storylines.

edit 2 -
Big One said:
Sorry but the canon hasn't even close to be known to be disconnected. OoT has never been legitemately suggested to be the Imprisoning War. The sages in the IW were all Hylian, the Master Sword wasn't used because there was no one to use it in the IW story cause Link did not exist in it, and the seal was on the Dark World rather than sealing Ganon himself into the Dark World. The seal in the IW story was a last resort due to a lack of Master Sword, while in OoT it was a necessary part of defeating Ganon.
... or so the legend as passed down to LttP goes. I wouldn't put much stock in any single bit of flavour text from a game, especially one that was made long before we really arrived in this timeline mess.

When you make a game that pretty much describes the events alluded to in the previous (but future!) game, it's fairly obvious what you intended, even if you retroactively make that difficult to be the case. This "OoT was never conclusively said to be the IW!!!" is the most desperate attempt to create a coherent timeline yet to emerge from the Zelda fanbase. It's embarrassing. The simple fact is those at Nintendo screwed up and made a bunch of games that don't work together in one single timeline. Or, more likely, they simply didn't care about every specific tiny detail and those inconsistencies crept in. Official, super-secret timeline stored safely in the Nintendo vaults or not, it doesn't work. If it did, it'd be released for all to see.


Get Inside Her!
Big One said:
OoT has never been legitemately suggested to be the Imprisoning War.

OOT was the next Big Zelda game to come out after LTTP. It revolved around a Gerudo thief named Ganondorf trying to steal the Triforce from the sacred realm. He was stopped by seven sages, who sealed him within the realm. Anyone with even a quarter of a brain, when OOT came out, knew DAMN well that it was the Imprisoning War. Now things that came out in later titles may make people question whether Nintendo still considers it to be the case, but I will not entertain for even an INSTANT the notion that OOT, when made, wasn't meant to be the LTTP backstory.

The sages in the IW were all Hylian, the Master Sword wasn't used because there was no one to use it in the IW story cause Link did not exist in it

Yes, these are some of the changes they made that are hard to reconcile with LTTP. I don't think anyone, when OOT came out, entertained that these meant OOT wasn't the Imprisoning War. It just means that Nintendo changed things. Zelda didn't have meaningful non-human races before OOT, or distinct cultures. OOT was the beginning of a LOT of new things in Zelda lore, things furthered in every single title since. It took the Imprisoning War and "enhanced" it with these new items. They put the races in it, they put Link in it. These aren't referenced in LTTP, obviously! But this was a conscious "let's flesh out our universe" effort, rather than some way of saying "no, this isn't the Imprisoning War." Even "old-seeming" games like the Oracles started to include all of those races. And FSA, as LTTP-ey as it was, was rife with Deku Scrubs and Gerudo. But how weird, they were gone in LTTP, which is supposed to be the FSA sequel? What could it mean??? Nothing. They were included not as an implication about the universe, but because "Zelda games will be like this now." Thus, the start of the new canon.

and the seal was on the Dark World rather than sealing Ganon himself into the Dark World.

These are functionally equivalent. Yes, they are a little bit different, but nothing that would imply "this story we are telling that is SO similar to the Imprisoning War isn't ACTUALLY the Imprisoning War, because the sealing was tweaked a tiny bit."

The two stories are MUCH more similar than they are different. I'm not denying any of the changes, but I see them as "fleshing that story out" rather than saying "it's a different story." It's like saying a remake of a movie, because of what they changed in it, isn't actually telling the story of the original any more, and in fact takes place in the same timeline as the original, but at a different time. Liberties were taken, sure, but that doesn't in any way invalidate the intent to remake the story.

[edit] But jesus christ it's after 3am and this thread has kept me up hours later than I intended. I will continue this tomorrow!


It's more interesting to break down the recurring themes of the series rather than the plot anyway.

Take Ganon, Link and Zelda, for instance. Three individuals fated to always meet each other in time again and again. For Ganon, he has to remember each meeting and as the centuries pass he loses more and more of his 'humanity' and becomes more and more the pig beast.

If the gods can intervene on a whim by flooding the world, surely they have the power at any moment to break this cycle. Yet they don't. The answer is clear: the gods want this endless cycle to continue. Maybe it's all for some divine reason and purpose or perhaps they simply find it amusing. Not a lot to do after you've already made the world, you see. The neverending three-way conflict over the Triforce has to be AAA entertainment. Or maybe still this is all some divine punishment for Ganon for his hubris in trying to take the power of the gods. He has to slowly lose himself to a pig form over centuries, always beaten by the same plucky lad, over and over, never allowed to win, never allowed to truly die.

The gods are cruel.


Professor Beef said:
I still think Link got the short end of the Triforce stick by being stuck with the Courage piece.

Yeah, I always found that funny. The Triforce is severely imbalanced.


shadyspace said:
Did you miss my giant response on the previous page? Here's the part of my post about multiple Ganondorfs:

Well, the most obvious evidence is that Ganon(dorf) dies many more times that he is ever shown to be revived in the series.
TLoZ: Killed; ALttP; Killed, OoT: Sealed, comes back in TWW and TP, where he is killed in both; OoS/OoA: Revived, but killed again; FSA: Sealed, but is later shown to have broken out.

In addition to that, there is also some unused dialog from Ganondorf in TP that was left over on the disc. This text was to be Ganondorf's final words. You may recognize the very last sentence, which made the cut and does appear in the game. Here's what Ganondorf was originally supposed to say:
Ganondorf said:
They are always born into this world in perfect balance. That is the destiny of the chosen. That is the fate decreed by your gods, the only path for those who bear their crests. When this world brings forth another marked as you are... Know too, that it shall also be visited by one of my blood. Do not think this ends here... The history of light and shadow will be written in blood!
Those words basically outright confirm the existence of multiple Ganondorfs. And, yes, I am very aware that these words didn't make it into the final game, and because of that they are in no way canon. However, this shows us that this is what the developers at one point intended Ganondorf to say. And the fact that it remains in the game's data says a lot. This wasn't just an idea that was tossed around early in development and shot down, this is something that was nearly in the finished game but was cut very late during production for whatever reason (probably because they decided it would be best to keep Ganondorf's final words short and simple, or something like that). Point is, this shows intent. This tells us that the multiple Ganondorf idea is indeed supported by Nintendo.

Big One

Of course OoT was the next big Zelda game. However you have to remember that in the original manual of ALttP, Ganondorf's story of corrupting the Sacred Realm is seperated from the IW story, much like how the Creation story is seperate. To me this indicates that there is a divide of story already. The race factor is also important because the maidens are all Hylian too. The lack of a hero is also important, since TWW shows people mainly remember the Hero of Time in the legend itself. There is simply too much contradictions for them to be one and the same. Usually when a backstory in Zelda is told in another game, there isn't contradictions as everything is pretty clearcur when it comes to Zelda continuity.
This may sound strange, but as a fellow Zelda die-hard (obviously) I've never really cared about the timelines or the various theories -- though I understand why many are obsessed with it and why it's in Nintendo's interest to keep people thinking there's some "master timeline". I've always just treated that games that aren't clearly connected as fun, standalone titles.

And of course, I'm one of those who loves the idea of kid Link. Miyamoto has said that Link was "about 12 years old" in the original game, and that's what I've always considered the ideal age for him. It's just so much more satisfying to be a kid taking on an unspeakable evil.

But anyways. I know there are plenty who disagree on both points. And I'm still looking forward to holding that golden Wii Remote.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Suairyu said:
The gods are cruel.
No kidding. Hero of Time Link's story is really depressing for me to think about.

He's a boy, but he's forced to grow up. He's essentially a child in a man's body, but he grows and becomes battle-hardened throughout his journey in Ocarina of Time. And then, in Majora's Mask, he's essentially a man trapped in a child's body.

He's a hero, but did people know what he did in order to save the present and future? He skipped his childhood, but then was allowed to relive it (yet, by the time Ocarina of Time ends, he was a battle-hardened young warrior--how could he want to do that?). Rather than experiencing his childhood like any normal kid would, he goes out on another adventure to find Navi. And then Majora's Mask happens and he puts himself in danger again.

Do people still theorize that he turned into a Stalfos at the end? Or is the Hero's Shade now theorized to be SS Link or a random knight?


SecretMoblin said:
This may sound strange, but as a fellow Zelda die-hard (obviously) I've never really cared about the timelines or the various theories

Same here. I appreciate it when there's an obvious connection between two games, but I don't lose sleep if a game messes with my own timeline (which I never actually worked on, it just came naturally from playing the games).
viciouskillersquirrel said:
If ALttP comes after WW, how does the Master Sword find it's way into the forest of the newly founded Hyrule when it and the rest of old Hyrule are washed away under the sea? I mean, it's pretty clear that they placed the crumbling ruins of the Temple of Time deep in the forest in TP for a reason.
My point is that even if OoT was the IW at the time of release, WW came and cut that connection. FSA isn't the IW either, but it does provide ALttP Ganon with an origin story.

It's implied that after Ganon was sealed in the Four Sword in FSA, it was put into the Sacred Realm, hence its presence in the Dark World in ALttP. He busts out of the sword and finds himself in the Sacred Realm. From there, it's not much of a stretch to imagine the IW happening some time afterward.

Bam! New Ganon, new backstory.

Chet Rippo said:
If ALttP comes after WW, how does the Master Sword find it's way into the forest of the newly founded Hyrule when it and the rest of old Hyrule are washed away under the sea? I mean, it's pretty clear that they placed the crumbling ruins of the Temple of Time deep in the forest in TP for a reason.
Simple answer: I don't know. I just like how TMC and ST share common elements with force gems, a common writing system and the rest. Like I said, I'm perfectly happy with the logic that puts it post-TP.

The linked OoS/OoA allow you to forge a new MS, but that's hardly evidence of anything. I could make a special plea to the Great Deku Tree's success and the space-time warping properties of the Lost Woods, but that gets us into fanfic territory.

The real problem, as always, is what to do with TMC. It proports to be an origin story, looks like an AT game with its common writing system with WW, cameos (triumph forks etc.) and its taking place on an island. Then there is also its weird geography and the enigma of the Hero of Men.

Maybe SS will answer some of these questions. Maybe not.


TheCongressman1 said:
I'm gonna break up this timeline discussion to post a little painting I did to pass the time. After seeing how you guys ripped up some of the posted fan art, I was a little apprehensive about uploading this. Hope you don't hate it.


I have a few other doodles that I'm thinking of painting.

This is awesome, man


Neoriceisgood said:
This thread inspired me to do a Zelda inspired thing too.


here's a little progress animation of a Link sprite I made just now.
You should work for me.


Favourite game: alttp ( 2D Zelda ) and OoT 3D ( 3D Zelda )
Favourite dungeon: SnowPeak Mansion ( Arbiter's Ground as alsorun )
Favourite boss:
Stallord (TP)

Crayk (PH)

PH has some really good boss fight IMO.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I've been replaying Twilight Princess on Dolphin in lovely 1080p, taking happy snaps along the way. They're down sampled so you dont get the full resolution, but they clean up nicely.

I've been posting the shots in the Dolphin thread after each Temple or major point. My old ones can be found here;
Opening + Forest Temple - 1 2
Fire Temple - 1
Interlopers Vision - 1
Lakebed Temple - 1

Now I've finished the Sacred Grove and got the Master Sword, so this latest batch are from there.

EatChildren said:


Membero Americo
Green Scar said:
Just popping in to say the music in Four Swords (the DSi/GBA/whatever one) FUCKING SUCKS GORON BALLS.

That is all.

And is it me or does it sound like Metroid Fusion music? Especially the music at Death Mountain.


Getting the Master Sword in TP may be one of my favorite scenes ever... actually any time you get the Master Sword is freaking amazing.


Membero Americo
JoeFu said:
Getting the Master Sword in TP may be one of my favorite scenes ever... actually any time you get the Master Sword is freaking amazing.

That's why it better be the crowning moment of Skyward Sword.

I mean, it's the creation of the damn sword, for goodness' sake.


I'm sure they won't skimp out on the creation of the Master Sword... gladhf;lkasdgj;lkasgj I'm so hyped for the game. I'm simultaneously replaying Wind Waker and OoT right now. I'm not sure if I'm going to get burned out but I don't care because SS is going to be different from those two anyways.


Unconfirmed Member
Dark Schala said:
I found this in my YouTube favourites. I completely forgot about this. So cute!

The Wind Waker - Wii Edition
This put a huge smile on my face. Thanks for sharing. xD

TheCongressman1 said:
I'm gonna break up this timeline discussion to post a little painting I did to pass the time. After seeing how you guys ripped up some of the posted fan art, I was a little apprehensive about uploading this. Hope you don't hate it.


I have a few other doodles that I'm thinking of painting.
Very nice! Are you thinking of putting in any blue reflected light to more strongly mimic the style? Otherwise, it looks great. Cool to actually see someone doing a watercolor painting of SS stuff, instead of just faking it digitally. :p Do post more of your doodles/paintings!
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