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The Official Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (4) Thread


Junior Member
just finished the first phoenix wright today. took a long time, over 1month (few hours here and there).

I got stuck so many times, and feel that without gamefaqs I would have never finished it.

I completely enjoyed it though, the last 2 cases were incredible in the way they have so many random things come together and make sense.

On to part II. This may take a while...


Don't rush it. You have a lot of good gaming ahead of you. Personally, though, I have a hard time stopping once I start one of these games. :lol


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
I finished the game, I'm not sure whether to place it above 1 or not... my rankings would probably go like this:


Like many of you guys, I really like how all the cases were tied together in one neat little package. The only things I didn't like were the guilty party of case 2 and the accusations for case 3, but it really didn't hamper my enjoyment of the cases. I didn't really like the handled case 4 at all though, I definitely thought they could've executed it better. I guess the story is set for Apollo now though. The music was good but the way I rank the games overall is the same way I'd rank the music.

I have to say that I'm glad AJ:AA5 is a little far off though since I need a break from this series now, but I hope the use the same localization team since the translation was top notch for this game. I definitely enjoy the game more because of that.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
B-Rad Lascelle said:
Ditto... although I may switch the order of 2 & 4 'cause I still feel the last case of And Justice for All is possibly the best in the series.
That case is the only reason why I didn't do this:



The 'H' stands for hentai.
Crazymoogle said:
Wow. Just finished the game. Either the best or the second best in the series (next to PW1), as far as I'm concerned. Even though I had to waste time with those damned
megatama events...though at least it had a button this time!

I thought Phoenix's portrayal was fine; I think
the combination of parenting & a bonafide career killing loss
toughened him up into the kind of guy who
needs to out-think his opponent, rather than waiting to overturn at trial. He has his own "family" now, his own "connections", and doesn't need to weigh the game down with a billion cameos just to make it through something.

Unless you count
the Blue Badger. Whew! :p

The final case had some really awesome twists, and it just felt like the game as a whole had a lot more design attention paid to it than the rest of the series. Bravo.

I agree with you, my AA4 experience puts it at the top tier in the series.

From the posts in this thread, we could see that the game is polarizing since people either love the game or hate it.
I'm on the last case right now, which is getting right to the good bit. I have to say I was a little disappointed in the third case but I'm only just now piecing together why it was there. Intriguing...



How awesome is this avatar?


viciouskillersquirrel said:


How awesome is this avatar?
:lol A lot

Also, on another OT note: my sister [she hates videogames, mind you] is playing the first Phoenix Wright game.
What an event.
Just finished the game about an hour ago.
How do I feel about it? I think the word for it would be "dissatisfied". I mean I liked it, but it seemed that something was missing. The first two cases were AWESOME, Trucy is incredibly endearing and I liked that the clues seemed to make more sense (or rather, situations in which the clues didn't make sense were rarer) but I wasn't sad to see the cast say goodbye.

I have to agree with the criticisms that Apollo's character wasn't fleshed out at all. I suppose I felt that by linking the first series to this one, they took up a lot of valuable time talking about Phoenix instead of making us care about Apollo. The ending was also a bit of a letdown, I must say.

I read PureAuthor's post and I must agree that Phoenix's relationships with the rest of the cast made him a great character in PW1. The reason 2 and 3 were able to just focus on random cases and still be so great was because all that groundwork had already been done in PW1. It felt like they made AJ1 in the same vien as PW1&2 when they should have made it a PW1.

All in all though, my conclusion is that it was a good game, but not a great game. It could have been great, but as the second game in a new trilogy, not as the first.

Also, I HATED Spark Brushel. I disliked Wocky for being a whiny poser, but Brushel seriously made me wish I could pull that stage pistol out of the court record and shoot him in the face. I really am not surprised that Shadi punched him.


Just finished the game.

The way cases all tied together(save for the 2nd case) was awesome. The localization was excellent,im sure that the guy who translated this game wasnt the same one who translated the past game(PW3),because the quality difference is apparent. each character had a really distinct personality. int he last game,the characters were dry and the forced pop culture references weren't funny, this game brought back the charm the dialog had in the previous games.

The last case was probably my favourite AA case ever. the way everything tied together and the relationships between all the characters were fully fleshed out and made me care for the characters. once again i cant say enough about the superb localization,nothing was confusing.

hopefully this capcom crew pulls a dmc4 for the next game and PW gets is badge back and we can split cases wit apollo,two cases for each character,and then with them working together on a final epic, 5th case.

oh,and that Brushel character had some of the funniest animations ever.
I also think Valant has to return next game, remember the love triangle between the three magicians wasnt really fleshed out. once Trucy's mom reveals her true identity it will be interesting to see how Valant reacts. I just think that story arc isnt finished yet.


Well I just finished Apollo Justice last night. It was pretty good, the last case was pretty epic. If I had to rate the series so far it would be PW3>>>>PW1>>>PW2=AJ. Looking forword the next game.:D


zoku88 said:
Let's hope that there won't be any glaring grammatical errors this time around :-/

In the very first case, one of the first sentences says "cout" instead of "court" or something of that nature. I think the sentence is "The cout is now in session".

Anyway, that's not why i bumped. I finally got around to this one. So far, I dunno, I really want to play as Nick and not Apollo. I'm at court for the second case.


Just beat it. I really liked it. I think I liked it more than the first and second one, although I need to replay the first one again just because I don't remember much of it. I really liked the ending. Can't wait for the next one.

I really liked the new characters too.
Brushel didn't bother me that much, although perceiving him was kinda freaky... those eyes!!!


4th case was awesome. 2nd and 3rd not so much. lookin forward to the sequel with
phoenix wright as my fulltime mentor without the depressing baggage!
I'm on the third case. It's ok so far. The cases aren't wowing my like Trials and Tribulations did. I just hope the last case is good. The last case in Justice for All was indeed awesome. It's too bad you gotta get through 3 crappy ones before you come to it. Whereas all but 1 of T&T were amazing and fun.


I was kinda ambivalent about this through my first playthrough, but I wanna say that second time around I'm a lot more comfortable with it. Not T&T-level awesomes, but that's to be expected. Also, those comics were hilarious!


Pureauthor said:
GameFAQS has been LOLling over these for a while now. You guys are kinda slow on the uptake. >_>
I saw them a while back, just never thought about posting them on GAF until the thread was bumped.
XiaNaphryz said:
I saw them a while back, just never thought about posting them on GAF until the thread was bumped.
They're done by Peachi, who is awesome.

Small internet, though. She's a friend of an ex who liked to show me her comics. She had a great Mario Galaxy one I wish I saved.


Those comics are hilarious, and exactly what I was wondering about too (Zak Gramarye being a total jerk and turnabout taboo).


ShockingAlberto said:
They're done by Peachi, who is awesome.

Small internet, though. She's a friend of an ex who liked to show me her comics. She had a great Mario Galaxy one I wish I saved.
She has a ton more sketches on her LJ that aren't "publish-worthy" on her main site:







Dot Hacked
Oh ya I didn't comment on this game yet huh?

Well I say it was the best one yet! Loved it from start to end! And Apollo better get all the love next time cause he's great and cute! I love his reading from papers look! Trucy is cool to and not annoying like Maya could be. I just wish the game had been longer same as I did with PW3 both were to short. I didn't mind not being able to present profiles since after awhile you get way to much evidence in the court record as it is. Next game: no more Phoenix please!
Just beat the game. Last case was meh. The previous 3 games definitely had better final cases than AJ.

Also wondering
anything big happen at the end if you pick guilty instead of not guilty?
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