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The Random Youtube Video Thread


Saving this for later. Curious what my decade mind muscle memory stands for.

Not watched yet. Hooiboy is Dutch.

Saving this for later. Curious what my decade mind muscle memory stands for.

Not watched yet. Hooiboy is Dutch.


That fight is really something, several times I thought I already knew the victor only for the tides to turn.

Some bashing they both gave each other and took.
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That fight is really something, several times I thought I already knew the victor only for the tides to turn.

Some bashing they both gave each other and took.

These fights are rare so I won't watch them them as they turn up. Maybe later but yeah rather with some coffee tomorrow morning.

Check out the channel.

EviLore EviLore



Man, religion is such a load of bs.
Wouldn't even be a good fantasy movie lol

It's part of practically all sci-fi and fantasy media, get what you're though although I struggle to think that of even on the low end of the scale that didn't use religious elements.


Can’t Git Gud
It's part of practically all sci-fi and fantasy media, get what you're though although I struggle to think that of even on the low end of the scale that didn't use religious elements.
yeah it's no in-bible stuff. More like the fantasy around



No meathead. My inspiration went I started out a decade and a half ago.

His top moment (perhaps 10 years later from the above video)

Those feathers....
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Guy gets off the train, races to the next stop on foot, and gets back on the train. Uncut footage for proof etc. Pretty pointless, but impressive nonetheless.

Meanwhile everyone outside of the train is thinking another terrorist attack afoot.
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Man, religion is such a load of bs.
Wouldn't even be a good fantasy movie lol
Everyone shows angles like this:

No one shows them as they are Biblically described:

Also, A lot of movies have religious themes already to be fair. As long as it's not preachy it's fine.


Damn that is wild

Things start organic; there's curves, dimension, perspective in that the charicature's can move. They aren't static. Then as it all evolves, curves give way to lines and angles which I'm assuming are for efficiency? In that, the human mind always trying to find ways for the body to do something physical faster and with little effort. So, that mindset and physical appearance eventually evolve(s) towards bunch of lines in a grid-like body a part of a system not unlike a circuit-board. Seemingly flat in it's appearance almost as if evolution goes back to where it all began, back into a two dimensional reality. Where things are simple, efficient, and whereas another dimension really isn't needed anymore because the second dimension found a way to reduce its footprint while still retaining it's core abilities in information receiving, storage, and transmission.
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Back in high school video class during the 1990's we used this thing. At the time it was state of the art. The cuts, effects, animation program were considered top of the line (for the price). People made some neat stuff although mostly doodles and small animations. Took a bit of time to render anything complex (Lightwave 3-D)
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