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The Secret World |OT| Everything is True

Damn, this is the first game I've seen with a TXAA setting and I can't select it even though I have a Kepler card. :( I thought it was a beta thing but it seems that it's not working in the Early Access build either.

And yes, I had a 1.66GB patch.

I seem to remember switching drivers and having the option enabled. I was also crashing trying to run in DX11 until I'd updated drivers too.


I've decided to give it a go -- there's nothing else coming out in the near future and the preorder is already down. Plus, I've apparently got a free doberman of some sort, and I like vanity pets.

Downloading early access now.


Could anyone link some good, long gameplay videos or previews, perhaps a "WTF is"-style video? Everything in the OP seems to be PR fluff or trailers...


doesnt seem to be much interest in this game.....

If the setting, the story and the questing - which are in my opinion by far superior to most of the other games I've recently played including non mmo's - don't appeal to you, then this is not the game for you. It certainly appeals to a certain audience of gamers though, I've been hooked and I've never played a Funcom game since TLJ but I've seen a few never log in again after not being able to complete the first investigation mission.

I've always liked the idea of massively multiplayer games in a persistent world. But I've also always hated the grinding and lack of story telling in these kind of games. So I guess I was pretty much destined to like TSW.


Thanks for posting the vids. I tried the last beta weekend and just couldn't get into it. After playing Tera the combat just seemed to be slow and boring. I was also taking a typical mmorpg mentality into it and the videos show that's not how this game was made to be played.

So I may give it another shot this weekend. There's still a couple of things that bug me like the cash shop and the animations aren't good imo. But I can over look those things(if the cash shop isn't pay to win) if the pvp and gameplay are good.


I really like the setting (lovecraft <3) but i got burned on so many mmo's recently that i think im gonna wait this one out. I havent been convinced on playing this.


I agree the setting, atmosphere and questing seems good. The combat looks mediocre. What really bothers me is that as with most mmo's (excluding eve) , there seems nothing to do after a while. No player controlled territories, no open world pv, no looting.

But i am definitely getting it when i get some money (probably end of the other month). It will be nice for a while i am guessing. And when i am finished hopefully WOD will be much closer to completion.


Welcome to The Secret World.



Got my email this morning but going have to wait. Was suppose to get paid this week but forgot this week was moved to next for some screwed up reason. Ugh. Puts a hold on any gaming buying until then. Thankfully I could cancel the digital preorder on Amazon. Guess next week or the week after should be okay. :(
Wtf, I created my character and it automatically skipped nearly everything in the Illuminati intro and placed me directly into the Ground Zero flashback. I left and ran back to where I was supposed to start and it seems everything is going well now. Weird lol


Anyone else have their payment stuck on Pending? I know the card info is right and there money, been stuck on pending for days. Live chat support just says 'it should be fine, we're just waiting on your financial institute." umm if friggin visa, pretty quick institute.

Resolution: I ended up canceling my order from the direct order page from FunCom. After numerous 'Why is the payment still Pending?" I gave up. I ordered in on Amazon and was online in 5 minutes.


Really smooth early access launch so far, no problems besides the item delivery from the pre-orders are delayed.
What's the official Neogaf server?

I don't think there is one. It does not really matter in the end since you can meet up with anyone. Well, it does matter if we want to get a hardcore gaf pvp group going but... ;)
Really smooth early access launch so far, no problems besides the item delivery from the pre-orders are delayed.

I don't think there is one. It does not really matter in the end since you can meet up with anyone. Well, it does matter if we want to get a hardcore gaf pvp group going but... ;)

I think I accidentally chose a french dimension. :/ Heh, never tried the pvp in this game, but I rather be one the same server so I have the option if I feel like it. :) What dimension are you on, derFeef?

Edit: Ah, I'm on Cerberus! Thank god it wasn't the french one.

Edit 2: And is it just me or is this game looking better than in the beta? It's like they activated the AA or something. Can't wait for crossfire support!


I think I accidentally chose a french dimension. :/ Heh, never tried the pvp in this game, but I rather be one the same server so I have the option if I feel like it. :) What dimension are you on, derFeef?

Edit: Ah, I'm on Cerberus! Thank god it wasn't the french one.

I'm on Arcadia (RP) - there is a spreadsheet in the OP - you can add yourself there.
I will be offline for a few, but feel free to add me everyone - and add yourself to the list!

edit: yeah they changed up the lighting a bit in the last few betas, making it more smooth imo.
I'm on Arcadia (RP) - there is a spreadsheet in the OP - you can add yourself there.
I will be offline for a few, but feel free to add me everyone - and add yourself to the list!

edit: yeah they changed up the lighting a bit in the last few betas, making it more smooth imo.

Added myself to the spreadsheet. Hopefully I'll be able to play with some people from here since none of my friends are gonna play this.


Working super smoothly for me so far, unusual for mmo launch. Liking the game also (didn't play beta) and pretty much laughing my ass off at illuminati npc dialogue.


Sounds okay. And I love how Ragnar ties it into the story, as always.

Today Game Director Ragnar Tørnquist addressed one of the hottest topic on the The Secret World forums: character creation and character customisation. It's something we've been getting a lot of questions and comments about, and we've answered that we have plans to expand upon this post-launch.

Today, We'd like to share some of those plans with you. Keep in mind that we just started working on these features, and they may change. Our tentative delivery date may also change -- it's the nature of game development -- but we wanted to share some target dates with you, so that you have something concrete to look forward to.


Looking forward to starting this up when I finally get home. Made sure that I was all patched up and everything before I left in the morning.

The past weekend beta left a good impression on me and I hope it continues. Been wanting something in this vein for a while.


I hope that whatever Funcom does next it won't take the 6 or so years that this took.

I've pretty much given up hope for Dreamfall Chapters.
I gave in GAF, ready to join in again. I didn't play last weeks Beta hoping I would force myself to forget the beginnings of the game. In the midst of all that I played Dreamfall again.

Think I'm going Templar on Arcadia.

Ugh their payment shit is all weird...


Man. I'm glad I didn't do any investigations past a few in beta just to see how they were. It feels SO good to figure this shit out. Only wish they weren't bugged in many cases :(


Played for bout 5 hours tonight. Made a templar rocking an assault rifle and hammer. Enjoyed it much more this time around since I took a different approach to the game.

I love the atmosphere, story, and music in this game. All top notch.


If you are part of Illuminati you should take the time to listen to Kirsten Geary (one of the seniors you meet in the beginning). Click each discussion thread several times to hear it all out. Excellent dialog and voice performance. Laughed a handful of times.

edit: IblisGinjo: I'm practically approaching this as a massive SP game. You will *easily* get your $50 back.


I kinda want to try this even though AoC was a train wreck to be a part of. It seems like such a neat concept.

How's performance? Is it the same engine AoC ran on?
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