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The Witness |OT|


That's weird, I put in XXX too before he posted it and it gave me "Invalid product key"

Just put it in again and it still gives me it

that's super weird, is the key region locked?

oh wtf xbox code i'm so dumb.

enjoy the game!
It's an Xbox One key, not a Steam key. Steam keys are 5x3.

I thought so too, but the format is accepted according to Steam.



I'm jealous of all the Xbox users getting to play this the first time, hopefully unspoiled. I'd love to play this with little knowledge again!


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I thought so too, but the format is accepted according to Steam.


Ah, it's not the format generated Steam keys adhere to is what I meant as Blow is a developer on the game (admittedly I could have been clearer), but, yeah, Steam also accepts keys for older Valve games (e.g. Half-Life 2 -- second example) and third-party keys that have been whitelisted (e.g. Prey -- third example).


Somehow my PS4 didn't tell me about the patch in May(?). Not in notifications, download list, anywhere. My whole game file was actually corrupted to the point that I had to download it again and only after that did I notice the patch changes so I'm not sure if it was installed at all before that. Weird.

Anyway, I got a question about the platinum: Do you need to
light up all the environmental puzzles on the black monoliths? Because damn there are a lot of them and I just keep finding a few here and there.

Lady Gaia

Anyway, I got a question about the platinum: Do you need to
light up all the environmental puzzles on the black monoliths? Because damn there are a lot of them and I just keep finding a few here and there.

No. all of the trophies are pretty reasonable and do not require 100% completion. The only real barrier to the platinum is
the timed music box challenge


Im getting frustrated. I promised myself i wouldnt ask for help but I cant figure how the mechanics of completing a puzzle work. Often, I would get solution right but nothing happens. I repeat the answer a couple of times then it randomly accepts my answer.
I tried synchronizing with the pulses of the end of the mazes, or waited till the sound diminished to almost nothing, etc....what is it?
Im getting frustrated. I promised myself i wouldnt ask for help but I cant figure how the mechanics of completing a puzzle work. Often, I would get solution right but nothing happens. I repeat the answer a couple of times then it randomly accepts my answer.
I tried synchronizing with the pulses of the end of the mazes, or waited till the sound diminished to almost nothing, etc....what is it?
There is nothing like that. If you do the exact same path it should always have the same result. Can you upload a video of this?
Posted to The Witness facebook page. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

...That's just the puzzle from the game icon.

Lots of people ask where that puzzle is (it's on Symmetry Island), but it's definitely not there.

Edit: I just checked, and obviously there's nothing there. Also checked that puzzle on Symmetry Island - the puzzles there don't even have the same frame, and that exact puzzle is yellow, not blue.

Also, there's no way to get into that perspective (it's too high). Is this about VR support?


Hi, I was checking the specs of the game and my 2 year old laptop barely makes it to the minimum requirements (The 4 GB of RAM being the bottlenneck).

What I've seen of the game is mostly slow paced, so it shouldn't be a problem, but after reading some random comments on GAF, I'm aware there is some kind of
timed section at some point

I was wondering if the game is going to be fully playable with my crappy laptop, or if I should wait to buy it when I get a decent computer to run it.


What I've seen of the game is mostly slow paced, so it shouldn't be a problem, but after reading some random comments on GAF, I'm aware there is some kind of
timed section at some point

It's optional. Completing the game and seeing the vast majority of what it has to offer requires very little in the way of precision control.

What model is your laptop? RAM is cheap and you should be able to upgrade it.


It's optional. Completing the game and seeing the vast majority of what it has to offer requires very little in the way of precision control.

What model is your laptop? RAM is cheap and you should be able to upgrade it.

HP Pavillion 15 Notebook

[NOOB]I had no idea laptops could be upgraded[/NOOB]

Edit: looks like it's quite straightforward process...
What happened to the disc release of the game? Didn't Jonathan Blow say that he was waiting a bit before putting out one? We're almost at the end of the year and there hasn't been anymore news. I'm waiting for that to buy the game.


I finally began the game yesterday. This is fantastic!

I knew from the get go I was going to like it, but it's exceeding my expectations. It surprises me how open it is. I wasn't expecting being able to go everywhere so soon.

I played a total of 4 hours last night, and activated 2 towers, the one with the
mirrored puzzles
in front of each other and the one with the 4 big mazes. The last panel was so satisfying, I loved it.

I think I've tried almost every area of the island already with different degrees of getting stuck:

Not even figured out a puzzle: The dessert temple (I'm assuming enverionmental type of puzzle), the swamp with the tetris type of symbols (which appear quite often across the island), the port (can't figure out how to open the door) and the one with the
branch shadows
(I got to one that is sideways and I can't seem to figure it out).

I could do a couple, but I obviously don't know the mechanic properly: colored squares at the foot of the hill, the
bird sing puzzle

I thought I had the mechanic figured out, but welp: The wooden bridges with the asterisks puzzle. I was doing so well, but suddenly I bumped into the
one asterisk
panel, WTFFFFF.

I guess that doing a 2nd tour will make me figure out some of those, since I was jumping around quite frequently when I was getting stuck, to check the other puzzles. I only brute forced one of the puzzles so far (the last tree puzzle in the pink forest). I'm really enjoying taking notes of stuff and thinking out of the box and looking around.

The story is quite intriguing, I'm not paying too much attention to the audio logs and one
video I unlocked
are a bit too "out there" for my tastes, and I'm keeping my brain busy trying to solve the puzzles anyway. I'm, quite liking seeing the traces of people around the island, and I wonder if it's going to stay obscure, or will be some kind of reveal at some point.

It's a masterpiece puzzle game, so well crafted and constantly challenging, but leaving room to breath and sidetrack if needed.

Lady Gaia

I hope the Pro patch lands soon! The Witness has been on my short list of games to try out the day the new console arrives, but when I checked last night I'm pretty sure the patch wasn't available yet.
Hello, spoiler for the last stretch ahead.
I am inside the mountain and solving the puzzles on the left (messed tetris), i solved the right one. How much is left until the end?
Hello, spoiler for the last stretch ahead.
I am inside the mountain and solving the puzzles on the left (messed tetris), i solved the right one. How much is left until the end?

Not sure which puzzles in the mountain you're referring to, but if you're in the mountain, you're essentially in "end game". That being said though, it's not really end game... :)
I'm only 3 hours in. Can someone explain the mechanics of this particular puzzle? I don't know how I managed to solve 3 out of 5, but its now kinda driving me crazy.


Before someone flat out explains what's going on there, you might be unaware that the area you're in (the 'town' space) is sort of a late game mish-mash of all sorts of otherwise separate puzzle mechanics. If you're able, consider just leaving the town for a while and search around a bit more. Go find the part of the island with the 'tetris shape' puzzles. The bit with the 'dots on the lines' puzzles. The game will teach you the two mechanics going on in those through their own little progressions, at which point you'll be able to come back to this one and feel confident that you at least know what the game is asking of you when it places one on top of the other.
Before someone flat out explains what's going on there, you might be unaware that the area you're in (the 'town' space) is sort of a late game mish-mash of all sorts of otherwise separate puzzle mechanics. If you're able, consider just leaving the town for a while and search around a bit more. Go find the part of the island with the 'tetris shape' puzzles. The bit with the 'dots on the lines' puzzles. The game will teach you the two mechanics going on in those through their own little progressions, at which point you'll be able to come back to this one and feel confident that you at least know what the game is asking of you when it places one on top of the other.

Thanks. I thought this was where I'm supposed to go. Just got a laser beam and followed it, then I came across this place.

Lady Gaia

There are only graphical differences.
XBox One: 1080p 4xMSAA 30fps
PS4: 900p 2xMSAA 60fps

Plus three modes for PS4 Pro:
  • 1080p 4xMSAA 60fps (on 1080p displays)
  • 1440p 2xMSAA + text and UI at 4K 60fps (default on 4K displays)
  • 4K 2xMSAA 30fps (selectable on 4K displays)


So I just bought this because it was on sale on Xbox. I was skeptical at first as I thought the puzzles would feel tedious after a while, but just from the half-hour or so I've played so far, I don't think I've ever had as many as "Wait a minute. Why didn't that work? Oh! I get it now!" moments in a game before.

This game is great.


So I just bought this because it was on sale on Xbox. I was skeptical at first as I thought the puzzles would feel tedious after a while, but just from the half-hour or so I've played so far, I don't think I've ever had as many as "Wait a minute. Why didn't that work? Oh! I get it now!" moments in a game before.

This game is great.

It's amazing. My GOTY.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
So I just bought this because it was on sale on Xbox. I was skeptical at first as I thought the puzzles would feel tedious after a while, but just from the half-hour or so I've played so far, I don't think I've ever had as many as "Wait a minute. Why didn't that work? Oh! I get it now!" moments in a game before.

This game is great.

It will continue to do that. It never gets tedious because each section is like a completely new ruleset you need to figure out.

Booted up the game again on the Pro to check out the new patch... Wish I could start this over from scratch, looks so good.


It will continue to do that. It never gets tedious because each section is like a completely new ruleset you need to figure out.

That's great to hear, because this really is something special.

I want to play more today, but I didn't go to sleep last night so I'm not sure how much longer I'll be awake lol.
I'm really enjoying this, it also feels smooth in 4K/hdr/30fps. I'm not far in though but I don't think I'm going to switch to 60fps. These colors are insane.

Robot Pants

So best game I possibly have ever played.
I wasnt into this at all when it released even after waiting with baited breath for 7 years.

Must have had too much going on and couldn't concentrate. Cut to about three weeks ago when I started it up again and fell completely in love. Took my time and figured it all out myself aside from one ridiculous color puzzle in the caves. You know the one (I still don't quite understand why it works the way it does).

The environment puzzles I had to look up. I finished the monastery and the desert on my own and most of quarry. But I have like 8 games piling up while I've been playing The Witness and honestly most of those environment puzzles I would have never figured out on my own

the video ones?!
I mean come on.

Anyway I absolutely love this game and wish it never ended. There's such joy and accomplishment in figuring out and solving the puzzles on your own. Trial and error with the rules until you realize what it's trying to teach you.
Masterful game, Jon. My mind is still blown.

And I'm super interested in Psalm 46 now. Thanks...

Oh and I'm at 522 +135 +6 and can't find the last panel for the life of me. I imagine a lot of people have been in my shoes. I'm thinking of just calling it at 522. I've been all over the island twice looking at everything making sure I haven't missed anything.
Oh and I'm at 522 +135 +6 and can't find the last panel for the life of me. I imagine a lot of people have been in my shoes. I'm thinking of just calling it at 522. I've been all over the island twice looking at everything making sure I haven't missed anything.

There are a few notorious optional puzzles that can be easily missed unless you know exactly where they are. People could list some of the common ones if you wanted to get the last one.

Robot Pants

There are a few notorious optional puzzles that can be easily missed unless you know exactly where they are. People could list some of the common ones if you wanted to get the last one.
I've gone through all the guides, the sites that tell the easy to miss puzzles. I've done them all. Even went through the last sequence and did the secret ending
I've gone through all the guides, the sites that tell the easy to miss puzzles. I've done them all. Even went through the last sequence and did the secret ending

So... You've done the puzzle at
the door of the rusted ship?

I can't quite remember if your progress implies that you've done it

Robot Pants

You've both raised and lowered that little underground elevator with the blue control panels?
All the golden triangular leaves in the pond have turned brown and sunken to the bottom?
Yea haha. Did all three elevator panels up and down numerous times. And all leaves are brown

Edit: Got it. The
floor puzzle in the very beginning was completed, but not complete correctly (connecting the two yellow vines).

Did it. 523 +135 +6 :)
Hey, is there a guide that I could refer to for things like the meaning of symbols? I want to avoid using guides for puzzle solutions, but I'm not putting myself above a bit of help.
Hey, is there a guide that I could refer to for things like the meaning of symbols? I want to avoid using guides for puzzle solutions, but I'm not putting myself above a bit of help.

Might as well as write them out here. Reveal as necessary.

The trick is that some of these teach you their full meaning in multiple steps - I'm writing out the full rule in the spoilers.

must pass over with the line.
must be separated from all other squares with different colors.
must be enclosed with one and only one other symbol of the same color.
Polyomino (
must be enclosed by a line that makes the shape of all yellow polyominos enclosed together with it.
Polyomino (
must be enclosed with at least one yellow polyomino, and it cancels out pieces of the yellow polyominos in its own shape.
Polyomino (
may be rotated in any orientation to satisfy the other polyomino rules.
must be enclosed with one and only one other symbol from the above list whose rule is not satisfied.
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