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The Witness |OT|


Oh well back to trying to figure out where to find the Melody/sounds for the panels ><

I tried entering "no sound" solutions as an idea due to it being a silent room, i.e a flat waveform for one, and going through no pitch dots for the other...but no luck there!

You have to go through the dots on the second panel.
"do the same"
on the first panel.


You have to go through the dots on the second panel.
"do the same"
on the first panel.

Ok cool so there is definitely a go through the dots solution, but is there a clue to the puzzle somewhere or is it a complete guess/leap of logic to solve it (unlikely considering how well the puzzles are designed in this game).

I am searching everywhere in the village, then the island for this clue lol.


Ok cool so there is definitely a go through the dots solution, but is there a clue to the puzzle somewhere or is it a complete guess/leap of logic to solve it (unlikely considering how well the puzzles are designed in this game).

I am searching everywhere in the village, then the island for this clue lol.

As long as you know the rules for those two types of
puzzle, there is no additional information outside of that room that will help you. The solution isn't hidden at all, but you do need to make a small leap of logic to get it.

Total spoiler for that puzzle:
The post you quoted literally told you all that is needed to solve it.


As long as you know the rules for those two types of
puzzle, there is no additional information outside of that room that will help you. The solution isn't hidden at all, but you do need to make a small leap of logic to get it.

Total spoiler for that puzzle:
The post you quoted literally told you all that is needed to solve it.

Thanks heaps - will leave your spoiler unspoiled for myself for the time being, the fact that the answer is in the room is a great help to me :)


As long as you know the rules for those two types of
puzzle, there is no additional information outside of that room that will help you. The solution isn't hidden at all, but you do need to make a small leap of logic to get it.

Total spoiler for that puzzle:
The post you quoted literally told you all that is needed to solve it.

Ha, got it!

I did see the spoiler bit (do...) when I quoted without realizing it was in a spoiler tag until just now lol (good to know spoilers are spoiled when quoting!).
Funnily enough it was more as I was thinking about the rules alongside that hint when it clicked. Great puzzle.


Been wanting this for awhile and the small sale on Steam pushed me over the edge. A few hours into it and enjoying it so far, although it's *already* gettting pretty challenging. Some of the ones involving
invisible colours and tetris blocks
were already bugging me and I imagine it gets *much* more difficult, Lol.

My biggest tip is to play it like Dark Souls.

In Dark Souls, you come up against a terrifying and difficult enemy who constantly smashes you. What do you do? Turn around, explore a different direction. Later you might have a tool/skill which is perfect for defeating said enemy.

In The Witness, you come up against an opaque and difficult puzzle which you constantly fail at solving. What do you do? Turn around, explore a different direction. Later you might have a lateral solution which is perfect for solving said puzzle.


End-game spoilers:
Having so much trouble with this final challenge in the secret area. I know about how one of the puzzles maps the locations of the triangle puzzle screens but I absolutely can't stand these pillar puzzles. Also I think the recent patch made it so you can't put the PS4 in sleep mode to "pause" the puzzle.

Barely made it in time! My hands were shaking the last few seconds on the final pillar: https://youtu.be/l64D5al4TgA?t=371
Event next week featuring Blow being interviewed by Brian Moriarty (from video 4):


What a tease of a poster for those of us who actually did that part.


So I finally "finished" this game last night (end game trophy)...though I know I still have many things to find as my panel count (upon reloading my save after the ending sequence, after being forced to start a new game as the only option before reloading too) is 440 +60.
All lasers and 4 out of 6

I still have one panel in the town RGB room to do, and the sound based panel in the shipwreck, but no idea where the many other panels that are missing from my count are.
Also heaps of +1's left to find too it seems.

I heard there are
3 endings too
, maybe I missed one for sure having all lasers at the endgame/pillars part, but the one supposedly
back at the beginning
I have not been able to figure out how to find or trigger.

I also have no clue where this "the challenge" thing is, though at the base of the mountain, down a path I can see a gate locked from the other side leading into a cave, so there is definitely still an area in the mountain I have been unable to find how to get to so far!
I guess a hint could be good, i.e is it accessed from within or outside the mountain? (is it related to the statue of the puzzle maker right near the ending/pillar puzzles...he has a panel on the ground with wires leading off it, but I have not been able to activate it yet).

I can also see another underground area, underneath the windmill, blocked by maybe a gate with the lock on the other side. This is going left instead of right towards the video room.

Seems I still have a lot to discover actually!
I guess a hint could be good, i.e is it accessed from within or outside the mountain? (is it related to the statue of the puzzle maker right near the ending/pillar puzzles...he has a panel on the ground with wires leading off it, but I have not been able to activate it yet).

You are on the right track. Don't want to say much more because some of the greatest discoveries in the game are just ahead.
I also have no clue where this "the challenge" thing is, though at the base of the mountain, down a path I can see a gate locked from the other side leading into a cave, so there is definitely still an area in the mountain I have been unable to find how to get to so far!
I guess a hint could be good, i.e is it accessed from within or outside the mountain? (is it related to the statue of the puzzle maker right near the ending/pillar puzzles...he has a panel on the ground with wires leading off it, but I have not been able to activate it yet).

The poster above already provided good feedback, but I'll just remind you that you need to activate all the lasers to get to the challenge.

You've done this already, but it's helpful to keep in mind.


I've been hosting a new twitch stream focused on game design and criticism. The theme for this week is "The Witness & Puzzle Game Design".

Consider joining me at twitch.tv/designoriented this Thursday or Friday. We do two streams on each day. The first at 3pm cst is focused on listening to existing critique. The 9pm is focused on doing research and digging deeply into the game.

We're working on a cool "GAF shoutout" too.

So I just got paid $30 in PSN credit for getting through the challenge for someone. They randomly found me on PSNProfiles and hit me up. I'm legit thinking of turning this into a business rofl.


Which of the gfx options has the biggest impact on performance?
I am playing on medium settings but i get pop ins and it irritates me


Advice please GAF.

I put this down for a fair few months after getting a little while in, and now have forgotten how to play. I'm currently stuck in an area with electronic L-shaped rotating paths with railings and some stairs down underground by the puzzles in the area I have no idea how to do the puzzles (despite the fact that I clearly knew how to at some point as some of them are completed). I also just found
a map of the island with markings on it

Am I boned? I must be close to 8-10 hours in and I don't really want to start again but I also don't want to look online and spoil it.

Does anyone have any advice for me?


Advice please GAF.

I put this down for a fair few months after getting a little while in, and now have forgotten how to play. I'm currently stuck in an area with electronic L-shaped rotating paths with railings and some stairs down underground by the puzzles in the area I have no idea how to do the puzzles (despite the fact that I clearly knew how to at some point as some of them are completed).

sounds like you´re in the swamp with the tetromino puzzles.
if you´re not literally stuck (between the beach and the raised bridge from the starting area), there´s an exit door behind the "balcony" on the north side, or the boat at the beach, so you could go back to the swamp´s tutorial puzzles and do them again.

alternatively, here´s a post with the tetromino rules:
1. All enclosed tetrominos must combine to make the entirety of the shape
2. spaces in tetrominos must be adhered to, but the space must be filled
3. a tilted tetronomino (me and my wife call them "drunken") can be rotated but not flipped
4. a outlined tetromino is a subtraction.
5. if an area ends up fully subtracted the shape no longer matters.
6. no overlapping (unless you subtract)
7. every subtraction must be used. if you just stick one alone with no squares it'll be wrong.


I hit a road block ~ 2 months ago and haven't touched the game since. I had enough lasers to begin the mountain peak puzzle but just lost interest since I didn't find it fun at all just keep playing with camera angles to find the pathway that could link. Recently I was checking out the Launch trailer again since I loved the music and then I noticed this scene:

This was one of the areas I had no idea what I was supposed to do. What is the logic here?? How were you supposed to figure this out?
I hit a road block ~ 2 months ago and haven't touched the game since. I had enough lasers to begin the mountain peak puzzle but just lost interest since I didn't find it fun at all just keep playing with camera angles to find the pathway that could link. Recently I was checking out the Launch trailer again since I loved the music and then I noticed this scene:

This was one of the areas I had no idea what I was supposed to do. What is the logic here?? How were you supposed to figure this out?
There are a few other puzzles using this rule so this will spoil other puzzles too:
Open the windows that look from the inside of the building out at those puzzles (by solving the small tree puzzle inside the building in the right way: the side you solve it from changes which windows open). Standing in certain positions you can see things blocking the lines you shouldn't take which makes the path clear. The puzzles develop on this theme.


There are many puzzles in central city (the one with statue and church) which i don't understand (color stars, some grids without anything on wooden gate and puzzles with tiny tetris (?) blocks) - i'm stupid or i need to go somewhere else to teach myself how to solve them?
black obelisk puzzles
- they are needed to complete the game or just for challenge/achievements? No spoilers, plz.


There are many puzzles in central city (the one with statue and church) which i don't understand (color stars, some grids without anything on wooden gate and puzzles with tiny tetris (?) blocks) - i'm stupid or i need to go somewhere else to teach myself how to solve them?
black obelisk puzzles
- they are needed to complete the game or just for challenge/achievements? No spoilers, plz.

Re: the city
you'll learn elsewhere about other puzzle mechanics, don't worry about that

re: your spoiler text:
Not needed for game completion
Has there been any further talk on a physical release? Last they said it would come shortly after launch, but it's been a while now. Has there been an update or cancellation of it?


Just bought this game yesterday. 350 +6 or so. Loving every second. Haven't found any puzzles too hard yet. Though I looked up one (town puzzle where there are 3 stars of one colour)

I should have looked around more.


Just bought this game yesterday. 350 +6 or so. Loving every second. Haven't found any puzzles too hard yet. Though I looked up one (town puzzle where there are 3 stars of one colour)

I should have looked around more.

Yeah, the town puzzles are all compilations of puzzle types from all over the island. If you've got no idea how to do one of them, come back later when you've activated more laser beams.


Yeah, the town puzzles are all compilations of puzzle types from all over the island. If you've got no idea how to do one of them, come back later when you've activated more laser beams.

Haha yeah, I knew the rules to the puzzle though, but I thought the puzzle had an impossibility with 3 of a colour. I've learned my lesson though, no more cheating for me!
Bought this game on Saturday, and it's pretty great. Very challenging.

Is there an actual story, or ending? I feel like there's some "dark" elements to the game hidden under the vibrant artstyle. So far I found one recording (next to a statue playing the guitar) but don't know if it ties in with other recordings or what.

I guess I'm asking just to not raise my hopes. If the "end" is completing a puzzle that's fine.


Bought this game on Saturday, and it's pretty great. Very challenging.

Is there an actual story, or ending? I feel like there's some "dark" elements to the game hidden under the vibrant artstyle. So far I found one recording (next to a statue playing the guitar) but don't know if it ties in with other recordings or what.

I guess I'm asking just to not raise my hopes. If the "end" is completing a puzzle that's fine.

I wouldn't say there's any major revelation or something, and there's no real "story" in a classic sense. But there are a couple of different "endings" you can find.

One of the endings happens when you simply reach the natural end of a particular line of puzzles.

The other ending is much more satisfying to find in a classic Witness sense of "holy shit how did I not see that before??" It also leads to something really weird.

Hopefully that doesn't spoil anything for you.


Bought this game on Saturday, and it's pretty great. Very challenging.

Is there an actual story, or ending? I feel like there's some "dark" elements to the game hidden under the vibrant artstyle. So far I found one recording (next to a statue playing the guitar) but don't know if it ties in with other recordings or what.

I guess I'm asking just to not raise my hopes. If the "end" is completing a puzzle that's fine.

There's really no story. At some point you may get hints of something else going on, but it's so incredibly vague you can't call it story. Supposedly Blow decided to remove nearly all the story stuff at some point. You can try to make connections with certain themes and stuff, but it's really all about the puzzles.
Great, thanks guys. I pretty much went in blind, and it was a case of "shut up and take my money" due to having been such a big fan of Braid. But I find the gameplay to be rewarding so I don't mind.


I just want to say that The Witness is amazing. I got spoiled one or two things, and these were the most infuriating things, but hey, I managed to beat the game without being spoiled too much, so that is it.

Also, I love the publicity that you made for Stephen's Sausage Roll, Jon. I am sure it helped the game take off.
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