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The Witness |OT|


Any update on a retail release for this game? I really wanna play it but don't like downloading games.

I'm pretty sure that there hasn't been, I'm afraid - and it would probably be a fair way out if we do see a confirmed physical release eventually.


Are there any spoilers in this?

So far i am not quite into the mountain (got one out of 3 (?) puzzles done there so far). Don't want anything past there spoiled!

No, He's quite careful to step around major spoilers and I don't think even discusses any specific puzzle mechanics. The talk is more about the experience of making the game and his design philosophy (appropriate considering the audience is other devs)


I didnt read the thread for fear of seeing puzzle solutions but have a question about the solution to one.

In the "city" there is a panel that looks like a graph, the starting circle is in the center and you can only for ULD or R a few ticks, that I solved via brute force. Where in the environment is the solution? Been bugging me since I solved it.
I didnt read the thread for fear of seeing puzzle solutions but have a question about the solution to one.

In the "city" there is a panel that looks like a graph, the starting circle is in the center and you can only for ULD or R a few ticks, that I solved via brute force. Where in the environment is the solution? Been bugging me since I solved it.

Behind the panel is a hole in the wall that leads out onto some scaffolding. Stand there and you can look through some vines to find the solution.


I didnt read the thread for fear of seeing puzzle solutions but have a question about the solution to one.

In the "city" there is a panel that looks like a graph, the starting circle is in the center and you can only for ULD or R a few ticks, that I solved via brute force. Where in the environment is the solution? Been bugging me since I solved it.

Have you completed the 'apple' puzzles? There's an apple tree nearby. This is one of those.


Does anyone know what happened to the patch that was supposed to add in the reticule on PS4 to combat motion sickness. Its all gone a bit quiet and im waiting for this before I can play..
The game is starting to get ambiguous! I'm solving panels that seemingly do nothing and I just seen some of the + puzzles
activate some glyphs on the black monolith, or I should say partially activate as there are many of them in one area

For example, I solved "keep" but the panel opposite of the laser activator didn't do anything. Sheit. I still have no idea what those triangle puzzles are either.

I like structure so its going to wear me thin.
The game is starting to get ambiguous! I'm solving panels that seemingly do nothing and I just seen some of the + puzzles
activate some glyphs on the black monolith, or I should say partially activate as there are many of them in one area

For example, I solved "keep" but the panel opposite of the laser activator didn't do anything. Sheit. I still have no idea what those triangle puzzles are either.

I like structure so its going to wear me thin.

On the "keep", there are two paths. Only one needs to be solved to activate the lasers, because the other one
depends on sound.

The triangle puzzles are the 'tutorials' for triangle puzzles later on, except they're not on a row to make it harder to grasp the concept, too. Any puzzle that seems to not do 'anything' are either just bonus puzzles or tutorials for puzzles later on, so keep at it :D


Went for a blind playthrough of this game without any hints, not even taking notes! One of the best gaming experiences I ever had! That last challenge almost made me cry out of frustration sometimes. But I'm glad I didn't give in to taking notes or lookup anything:


Now to go back into it, as there seem to be a few more bits to complete! what a great game!!
On the "keep", there are two paths. Only one needs to be solved to activate the lasers, because the other one
depends on sound.

The triangle puzzles are the 'tutorials' for triangle puzzles later on, except they're not on a row to make it harder to grasp the concept, too. Any puzzle that seems to not do 'anything' are either just bonus puzzles or tutorials for puzzles later on, so keep at it :D

I meant on the top of the tower, there are two panels (much different from each other). The one that did nothing was 9x9 lines so it was a little challenging, nothing happened though.

I've done over 300 puzzles but I'm running low on "areas" so its getting more vague as I go.

My fav so far was probably bunker, loved the area, visuals, and puzzles. All around my most memorable.


I meant on the top of the tower, there are two panels (much different from each other). The one that did nothing was 9x9 lines so it was a little challenging, nothing happened though.

That's what he means; each of those panels at the top of the tower corresponds to a set of puzzles in the keep itself; clearing the four puzzles at ground level powers the master puzzle, then completing the master puzzle powers the laser. It's simply that there's two ways to power that laser; either the hedge maze puzzle set followed by its master puzzle, or the platform puzzle set followed by its master puzzle.


So I have finally unlocked the entrance to the mountain, but before I proceed too far I wanted to activate all the lasers.
I have 10 done, and the 11th for me is treetops...I have (presumably) done all the panels there but am stuck with the timed panel to open the door at the laser box hut.

I am aware now that you can
rotate the panel bridges
, but just cannot find out how to do so. I must be missing something quite obvious! (I have explored the whole treetop area & below with no clue found so far).

Now I don't want a direct answer on how to do the above, but a vague hint of whether I should be looking within the treetop area, below the treetop area or completely outside the treetop area to find what I am looking for.



I think that when you'll have a close look at the panels you'll understand what to do. It's easy to miss the first time around.

Good luck :)

...and done!

Your hint was almost too good ha ha.

You were right though, easy to miss the first time through, but it did spell it out as you went through them
(and depending on your first solutions to panels you might see it right away)

Love this game :)


Well, this game has been deleted. I can't believe it took 8 years and a $40 pricetag to release a fucking collection of line puzzles. This 'game' is not fun, despite the fact that I adore adventure/puzzle games and particularly enjoyed Braid. I haven't been this peeved at a game's inflated pricetag in at least a console generation or two,
Haven't played since the week after launch. How easy is it to hop back in

Go back and solve any tutorial panels you've already done to refresh and you'll probably be fine. Keeping in mind that intentionally failing a tutorial panel can be just as informative. We can nudge from there if needed.


Well, this game has been deleted. I can't believe it took 8 years and a $40 pricetag to release a fucking collection of line puzzles. This 'game' is not fun, despite the fact that I adore adventure/puzzle games and particularly enjoyed Braid. I haven't been this peeved at a game's inflated pricetag in at least a console generation or two,

How much of it did you play?


Platinumed it just now. Awesome awesome game and incredible final trophy.

Such a feeling of acomplishment afterwards!

Now for the rest of the puzzles!


RoadBlock 1
I still haven't figured this out from a few weeks ago:

Please don't tell me the answer to this, but can someone explain why these aren't solutions?



I understand why my first two solutions don't work, but
because of the way the pathways are cut on the edges before the final square I HAVE to use one of the blue symbols (and I can't use both). If I have to use one of the blue symbols I need to utilize one of the yellow tetris shapes with that blue symbol in the same region. I'm at a loss on how to proceed. if I use the 4-squared tetris shape, I'm forced to use the double squared blue symbol which automatically eliminates 2 squares from the region making it impossible to reach the unavoidable single blue symbol I mentioned earlier. If my only hope is the L shaped tetris symbol there's no way I can reach the single blue symbol. The only solution I can think of is whee I make a region that doesn't involve any shapes since the number of blue symbol squares equal the number of tetris symbol squares.... but that's not gonna happen because of the blockade. I need someone to point me the right direction :(

Roadblock 2
I have been exploring other areas of the island. I got 6 lasers. I got the
treehouse location that included this:

As far as I can tell, the ruleset here is just that each color can only be in a pair in a certain region. If there's more then they have to separated. The second major aspect is that you can have different colors within the same region. So now when I went back to the area near the windmill to solve the puzzle that goes into that little room with the slanted puzzle (which I have no idea how to even begin yet) I did all of the following:

I think I'm following all of the rules and I was just experimenting to see which color that 1 extra red and purple asterisk could align with but none of them succeed. What rule am I not applying here?

Roadblock 3
I'm in between the
Windmill area and the GreenHouse
that involve the sound puzzles. I'm on this one specifically:


The sound clip is the exact same one as the first sound puzzle in this pathway, the only difference is the horn at the beginning of the sound clip. I can't think of a combination that syncs with this specific sound clip. I sat there for hours coming up with every combination I could think of and nothing was working.... What's the trick with this specific one?

There are other areas where I'm clueless as well but I'm hoping after crossing some of these the game will introduce the concepts on how to get through some of those ones. Thanks in advance!
You are not forced to pair the 2x2 piece with the 2-piece.

You have the rules right - don't try to second-guess them. But remember that any puzzle in the town (that central area) might be asking you to combine your knowledge from more than one area.

3. The game gives you a huge hint for this, but it's easily missed - I want to see if this will work for you.

Go to the path that leads from the monastery/beach into the jungle. There are two audio logs on the ground there, one on either side of the path. Listen to them both - they are trying to tell you how to solve this puzzle.


RoadBlock 1
I still haven't figured this out from a few weeks ago:

I understand why my first two solutions don't work, but
because of the way the pathways are cut on the edges before the final square I HAVE to use one of the blue symbols (and I can't use both). If I have to use one of the blue symbols I need to utilize one of the yellow tetris shapes with that blue symbol in the same region. I'm at a loss on how to proceed. if I use the 4-squared tetris shape, I'm forced to use the double squared blue symbol which automatically eliminates 2 squares from the region making it impossible to reach the unavoidable single blue symbol I mentioned earlier. If my only hope is the L shaped tetris symbol there's no way I can reach the single blue symbol. The only solution I can think of is whee I make a region that doesn't involve any shapes since the number of blue symbol squares equal the number of tetris symbol squares.... but that's not gonna happen because of the blockade. I need someone to point me the right direction :(

Roadblock 2
I have been exploring other areas of the island. I got 6 lasers. I got the
treehouse location that included this:

As far as I can tell, the ruleset here is just that each color can only be in a pair in a certain region. If there's more then they have to separated. The second major aspect is that you can have different colors within the same region. So now when I went back to the area near the windmill to solve the puzzle that goes into that little room with the slanted puzzle (which I have no idea how to even begin yet) I did all of the following:

I think I'm following all of the rules and I was just experimenting to see which color that 1 extra red and purple asterisk could align with but none of them succeed. What rule am I not applying here?

Roadblock 3
I'm in between the
Windmill area and the GreenHouse
that involve the sound puzzles. I'm on this one specifically:


The sound clip is the exact same one as the first sound puzzle in this pathway, the only difference is the horn at the beginning of the sound clip. I can't think of a combination that syncs with this specific sound clip. I sat there for hours coming up with every combination I could think of and nothing was working.... What's the trick with this specific one?

There are other areas where I'm clueless as well but I'm hoping after crossing some of these the game will introduce the concepts on how to get through some of those ones. Thanks in advance!

I'd say Remembrance already gave good responses to your second two questions.

Your first one is difficult to answer, but I'll try:

Your last thought about a solution that doesn't involve any shapes is actually in the right direction. For a blue to cancel a yellow they must be in the same region, not just on the same side of the line. I think you understand this now and it's why your pictured solutions don't work (the line touches the edge and so you have three separate regions instead of just two).

This is a bigger hint that I hope doesn't give it away TOO clearly:

If you pair yellow with blue the shape you enclosedthem with must be the sum of the remaining yellow. For example a 2x2 yellow and a single blue would need to be enclosed in only 3 squares. If you manage to pair equal amounts of yellow and blue you have 0 sum squares, and can enclose them in ANY size enclosure.


Finished, Platinumed and
unlocked the "true ending"

One the best if not THE BEST experience of my gaming life.
I was obsessed so much by this island...

Concerning the final and the speculation around it:

So the game has two different endings: one at the bottom of the mountain and the other at the beginning of the game. On Wired, the magazine, I've read that there could be 4 different endings and that it will take time to find them all. Just a speculation or there's really something true about it?
I really wish this game had a motion sickness patch for the PS4. I bought it because Blow promised one was coming, played 30 minutes of it, and was sick for an entire night. Now, I've been waiting for months and no update. Kind of disappointed. It's totally okay to not release a motion sickness patch for your game ... I get it, patches are expensive. But to promise one, influencing my purchase, and then just drop it, is definitely disappointing.


This is a bigger hint that I hope doesn't give it away TOO clearly:

If you pair yellow with blue the shape you enclosedthem with must be the sum of the remaining yellow. For example a 2x2 yellow and a single blue would need to be enclosed in only 3 squares. If you manage to pair equal amounts of yellow and blue you have 0 sum squares, and can enclose them in ANY size enclosure.

Okay... THIS makes sense. my understanding of the rules was inaccurate. That one specific tidbit makes everything pretty straight forward now. Yeah, was pretty easy to solve the puzzle once I read what you posted.

You have the rules right - don't try to second-guess them. But remember that any puzzle in the town (that central area) might be asking you to combine your knowledge from more than one area.

Oh man, I understood straight away what I had to do after you mentioned this. I assumed that once I open that door I'd understand what to do for the puzzle beyond in that church but if it's like you said about the town center, I probably have to figure other areas first.

3. The game gives you a huge hint for this, but it's easily missed - I want to see if this will work for you.

Go to the path that leads from the monastery/beach into the jungle. There are two audio logs on the ground there, one on either side of the path. Listen to them both - they are trying to tell you how to solve this puzzle.

Just found what you were mentioning... this is me right now LOL:

Just found what you were mentioning... this is me right now LOL:

Okay, let's try this:

One of the audio logs was talking about when you have two things together, but the one that is important is not the one you'd expect...

temptation to grab this on 10 percent sale too stronk

but low money

but enter the gungeon


This is a thread full of people who bought it on launch, so you know what we think. :)


When poking around trying to find an old thing I said about Uncharted waay back, I stumbled across this thread, which I think is a particularly interesting read since we've had first-hand direct experience now of what Blow was aiming for. There's also some nice observations from Stumpokapow which embellish it pretty well.

For me, he was right.


Been wanting this for awhile and the small sale on Steam pushed me over the edge. A few hours into it and enjoying it so far, although it's *already* gettting pretty challenging. Some of the ones involving
invisible colours and tetris blocks
were already bugging me and I imagine it gets *much* more difficult, Lol.


I really wish this game had a motion sickness patch for the PS4. I bought it because Blow promised one was coming, played 30 minutes of it, and was sick for an entire night. Now, I've been waiting for months and no update. Kind of disappointed. It's totally okay to not release a motion sickness patch for your game ... I get it, patches are expensive. But to promise one, influencing my purchase, and then just drop it, is definitely disappointing.

no clue what the patch includes but:

@Jonathan_Blow 2 hours ago
In theory the patch for The Witness is now published on PSN in the Americas.


no clue what the patch includes but:

@Jonathan_Blow 2 hours ago
In theory the patch for The Witness is now published on PSN in the Americas.

So do console patches still cost money for developers these days?

I don't really agree with console patches in theory (growing up with games before patches on consoles heh) but really by now they have become a normal, if not expected part of console game releases....so why still charge developers for them?

I guess the expectation is still that a console release should be in a working state and patches are not encouraged, hence charge for them?

Probably a question for another thread though, sorry!

Related: Making my way through the mountain panels, loving it still.

Left on the island I think i only have the soundproof room panels (WTF??) and door in the shipwreck to open,
as well as lots of +1's.
The soundproof room is driving me a bit nuts...I don't want the answers, but does it have anything to do with the moaning tree in the jungle?


No. The tree has no known purpose.

Thank you!

Oh well back to trying to figure out where to find the Melody/sounds for the panels ><

I tried entering "no sound" solutions as an idea due to it being a silent room, i.e a flat waveform for one, and going through no pitch dots for the other...but no luck there!
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