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The Wokest 007 Ever

Virtue signal points > money.

I never thought i would see the day companies will care about something else over profits.

I prefer them when they were going for money though.
That's the thing, the people holding the purse strings really do only care about money, it's the marketing and creative side that have got religion and sre telling them that this will make way more money because they're selling to a new, bigger, more diverse audience.

It's the same reason journalism pivited super hard to the far left. Those super woke articles got clicks at first, so the big wigs went all in on the identity bollocks, now they're going broke and/or firing all the identitarians they hired, because it turns out there really isn't a mass market for this kind of stuff once the initial shock value curiosity wears off and you alienate your actual audience.

Unfortunately for movies, with the massive success of Black Panther and Captain Marvel in quick succession, it'll probably be a few years before the constant bombs and damaged franchises get through to the guys in charge and they stop funding this shit.

Hissing Sid

I dunno man. I mean it sounds like woke. It looks like woke. It smells like woke. It reads like woke and it quacks like woke.

But still, just to be doubly sure I think we need the woke experts from the ‘Terminator Dark Fate’ thread to examine all the evidence first because there’s a good chance this is all in our triggered minds.

That's the thing, the people holding the purse strings really do only care about money, it's the marketing and creative side that have got religion and sre telling them that this will make way more money because they're selling to a new, bigger, more diverse audience.

It's the same reason journalism pivited super hard to the far left. Those super woke articles got clicks at first, so the big wigs went all in on the identity bollocks, now they're going broke and/or firing all the identitarians they hired, because it turns out there really isn't a mass market for this kind of stuff once the initial shock value curiosity wears off and you alienate your actual audience.

Unfortunately for movies, with the massive success of Black Panther and Captain Marvel in quick succession, it'll probably be a few years before the constant bombs and damaged franchises get through to the guys in charge and they stop funding this shit.

The difference is those movies were actually pretty good, and they didn't rewrite established characters. They also weren't "woke" in any sort of way that would be divisive to their audience. Most people won't even read articles like this. But if it becomes part of the marketing, or the movie get's preachy in a way that could lead to negative word of mouth, look for it to bomb.

Wasn't there a poll a while back that showed something like 80 percent of people didn't like political correctness?


So whats the marketing campaign going to look like? WAMANZ front and center, Bond probably not even on the poster. Director and writer giving interviews on how migynost will be running scared?

Can't wait to see the hole they dig for themselves with this one.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
I thought it was already announced that Bond would be driving four aston Martins in this movie, none of which were the electric Rapide?


So whats the marketing campaign going to look like? WAMANZ front and center, Bond probably not even on the poster. Director and writer giving interviews on how migynost will be running scared?

Can't wait to see the hole they dig for themselves with this one.

This is the teaser poster, still Bond focused. I like the type treatment.

The difference is those movies were actually pretty good, and they didn't rewrite established characters. They also weren't "woke" in any sort of way that would be divisive to their audience. Most people won't even read articles like this. But if it becomes part of the marketing, or the movie get's preachy in a way that could lead to negative word of mouth, look for it to bomb.

Wasn't there a poll a while back that showed something like 80 percent of people didn't like political correctness?

Black Panther was definitely good, bar the terrible third act, but even then the marketing played up the wokeness which the Twitter brigade absolutely lapped up.

And that's my point, because it was a success and identitarians very vocally loved it, the biased marketting and creative side assumed that was why it was successful and thus sold the executives on going all in on woke.

Like with journalism and as we're seeing with so many bombing woke franchises, that was a false positive and those movies succeeded despite the woke elements, not because of them, and going deeper into far left bigotry just turns people of, because as you say, the vast majority don't like it and can't relate to it.

Captain Marvel was utter tripe though that made no sense, tarnished Nick Fury, pissed all over established continuity and squandered the Skrulls while giving us the dullest, most completely unlikeable character in the whole MCU in the title character. The marketting for that movie was also extremely aggressively woke and Brie Larson managed to piss off everyone she possibly could with her petulant, angry, overt femenism.


Unconfirmed Member
There is nothing wrong with anything here.
1. Electric cars are for nerds and nerds like spy films
2. His gf/wife always dies
3. Blocked


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
None of these aspects are threatening to James Bond as a whole, 007 is MASSIVE, and somehow an electric car is the main villain?
Aside from charging issues, electric cars rip the shit out of ICEs.

Also, Bond has many characteristics of the author Ian Fleming*, who dearly loved his wife and at times truly ached for her, but also at other times cheated on her like a turbo charged dog cock.

Oh, and the wife he cheated on? She also fucked other guys. And he knew. Still loved her, still fucked around himself like a champ.

The world now is woke - not as woke as the people that couldn't handle the face scanning of that hot woman in Control make out, but still woke - so Bond's world has to be woke. As long as Bond stays Bond even as the world changes around him, that's fine. That's actually funny. And Bond would totally drive an electric car if it did what he wanted. That would never have even been an issues in previous decades.

Bond and Fleming were always more complex than most of the miserable, 2016 awakened fucktards could ever admit.

(*Fleming was deeply involved with the British aspect of allied intelligence / counter intelligence during World War 2. He knew how shit went down).
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The electric car didn't even register for me in this story, who gives a fuck. Sure, why not. But I still can't get over the fact that they wanted scenes of elite international spies tossing out their soiled tampons. In a James Bond movie.


TBH Casino Royale was great, but ever since then, it's been a case of diminishing returns with Craig's Bond. Skyfall gets a lot of praise but really Roger Deakins Cinematography made that and Xavier Bardens Villian (M's not hard to get to, Bond does it in the first five minutes of the films start after the opening credits), but the actual plot itself was utter garbage, and don't even get me started on the eye-rolling abortion known as Spectre. Also gotta say, given Daniel Craig has made such great play about what a fucking awful character Bond over the years and how he hates playing him at any given opportunity more than happy for this BS to bomb and whoever is running it to realise the whole navel-gazing angle of Bond was a huge mistake. They legitimately need to go back to formula and clear the writer's room of the milquetoasts currently running things.
they wanted scenes of elite international spies tossing out their soiled tampons. In a James Bond movie.

Who's they? What tabloid driven reactionism is this? One actress said in an interview that she wanted something that was never, ever going to happen.

And now that's the essence of the new Bond film??

For fucks sake. There is no evidence tampon changing was ever planned to be in the film.


For fucks sake. There is no evidence tampon changing was ever planned to be in the film.

It was being considered by the production team, as per the actress in the role. No one said it was a definite plan and then scrapped. This is presented here, and in the sourced story, as an idea they were kicking around (they being members of the production staff who are going on record), which is sad enough.
There's a million Bond movies already. If they want to do something different, go the fuck ahead.

Anything's a better ending to the Craig saga than Spectre at this point.
It was being considered by the production team, as per the actress in the role. No one said it was a definite plan and then scrapped. This is presented here, and in the sourced story, as an idea they were kicking around (they being members of the production staff who are going on record), which is sad enough.

Which members of the production team can you say were actually considering it, even with the Daily Fucking Mail's ambiguous and clickbait fucktard-magnet article?

You wouldn't get to be a Bond producer with tampon hygiene being a scene you would consider within a film

There won't be double-0 heavy flow / tampon scene in the next Bond film.

I love Neogaf, but at times it's home to legendary degree of politically victimised retardation.
The actress is quoted. Was she lying? Is this fake news? Enlighten me.

One actress saying something to a tabloid, being part of the actual movie production team's plans the the film?

Get the fuck out of here. You've hit shit tier wokeposting.

Link me when the actual fucking film has a scene where 007 changes her tampon because of unmanageable flow.

Seriously, follow me up with this. You're so insistent I'll certainly follow you up. Before you ditch your username, and start again.
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One actress saying something to a tabloid, being part of the actual movie production team's plans the the film?

Lynch says creating her Bond character was about working with Waller-Bridge and Fukunaga to shape a real woman. "I didn't want someone who was slick. I wanted someone who was rough around the edges and who has a past and a history and has issues with her weight and maybe questions what's going on with her boyfriend," she says

She even talked to Waller-Bridge, who is only the second woman in the history of the franchise to be a credited writer after Johanna Harwood (1962's Dr. No and 1963's From Russia With Love), about adding an issue that nearly every woman faces but rarely makes its way into action films. "We had one conversation about her maybe being on her period in one scene, and maybe at the beginning of the scene — and I spoke to Cary about this — throwing her tampon in the thing," says Lynch, making a motion of tossing trash into the bin. (She's mum about whether it made it in.)

That this was even brought up at all as a potential scene to be included in a James Bond film is hysterical, and worthy of sharing I felt.


I stopped liking James bond the minute Timothy dalton took over. Well, I do like goldeneye, that one is pretty good. But the whole series went downhill towards the end of roger Moore's run and only got worse as it went.

At least I have my blu ray collection for good bond films and action movies.
and this too, will GO BROKE!

then the feminazis will shout how movies with mainly straight white male will no longer sale, just like Solo the SW Movie. When the fact is Solo is a very woke movie (The leader of The Marauder is a teen girl, who came at the right time to save the day; then a female Sith Lord saved Solo in the ending fight scene)



That this was even brought up at all as a potential scene to be included in a James Bond film is hysterical, and worthy of sharing I felt.

Claiming to bring things "into the #MeToo age" is hilariously lacking in self-awareness. It's like saying you're bringing things into the #WitchHunt age in 1693 Salem.

That this was even brought up at all as a potential scene to be included in a James Bond film is hysterical, and worthy of sharing I felt.

She "spoke to someone".

Message me when "tampon changing" occurs as a 007 activity.

I'll remember this. If I'm wrong call me out and drag me over the coals for this.

But by Christ Nymphae Nymphae this had better happen in the next movie or I will spank you, in a teasing manner.


This reads like outrage bait for clicks. I’m assuming this new Bond movie will be just like Spectre - bad - and won’t be any more “woke” than any of the others.


It seems as if nothing can spared these days. Everything has to be a vessel that pushes the new “progressive” worldview. All the usual trite excuses are made to justify why things need to change.
I suppose the only thing you can do is not support it.
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She "spoke to someone".

Message me when "tampon changing" occurs as a 007 activity.

I'll remember this. If I'm wrong call me out and drag me over the coals for this.

But by Christ Nymphae Nymphae this had better happen in the next movie or I will spank you, in a teasing manner.

There are direct quotes from one of the writers talking about used tampon scenes. If it was just anonymous sources, I'd be as skeptical as you, but that's not the case, and Phoebe Waller-Bridge has a history of injecting this woke feminist bullshit into anything she touches. Now the used tampon scene may not explicitly be what they go with, but the fact that it's part of their spitballing shows exactly where their minds are.
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