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TLOU 2 fell off the PS Store Top 20 charts for September

The conversation about what game is "game of generation" is pointless, everyone here have their own personal GOTG.

This is a good point. Bloodborne may end up winning our bracket battles for "Game of the Generation," but a different forum going through the same process would come up with a completely different answer.

For example, Resetera recently did a similar GotG battle and Bloodborne didn't win. Instead, first place went to something called "Cuties" on netflix. Huh. I didn't even know netflix had a gaming service.


The nicest person on this forum
This is a good point. Bloodborne may end up winning our bracket battles for "Game of the Generation," but a different forum going through the same process would come up with a completely different answer.

For example, Resetera recently did a similar GotG battle and Bloodborne didn't win. Instead, first place went to something called "Cuties" on netflix. Huh. I didn't even know netflix had a gaming service.
The whole poll for GOTG is just mindless fun for me, if NieR Automata loses doesn't matter, is not really gonna change how I feel about the game.



God Of War...not charted, MUST HAVE BEEN A FLOP /s

Spiderman missing? Must have failed... /s

Uncharted 4 NOT in the top 20? Must mean it failed... /s

Fallout 4 NOT in the top 20? must mean it failed. /s

Horizon Zero Dawn is not in the top 20? Man, it must have been a failure, thats not normal AT ALL /s

Its very easy to look at information in a bubble with little context, but in order to truly understand what this means, you need to look at how past titles performed folks.... Its why some of you on here avoid the topic as soon as someone brings up such data.

GTAV dropped 83% in sales the following weeks, using such knee jerk triggered reactions one could be dumb enough to argue its on its way to failure

Fallout 4 dropped in sales 80% following release and many tried to argue its cause 4 sucks and MANY won't buy it cause they like 3 or NV etc.....went on to become the best selling Fallout game in history...

So all anyone has to do is look at the comments of those games and you'll see stuff like "80% drop in sales for fallout ? Wow seems people don't like buggy games :) " and then clearly you have folks that UNDERSTAND the history of sales and respond with "70-80% drops is about normal for big games on their second week."

So I believe ultimately you simply have a bunch of people that dislike a game and they're trying to find any small bit of information to reach to pretend it's something "unusual or abnormal" at the same time being scared to acknowledge the examples of it occurring with other games. So for all you know, some of you would be making threads about Fallout 4 or Uncharted 4 or God Of War or Spiderman etc falling off the charts.

Why argue about this being some massive doom and gloom, yet ignore the very data that shows how other games actually did on those charts? :pie_raybans:

Am i missing something or you've listed the stats for the third and the fourth month after release for games? And God of War shows only top 10 in your article.

We are talking about the second month after release. Tlou 2 is out of top 20 for August. It was released in June


The conversation about what game is "game of generation" is pointless, everyone here have their own personal GOTG.

I honestly don't think that anyone could even make that judgement tbh, people play such a tiny selection of games in the grand scheme of things.
A lot of people basically only play exclusives on the console that they own and that's it, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy then what game they think is the '' game of the generation ''.


The nicest person on this forum
I honestly don't think that anyone could even make that judgement tbh, people play such a tiny selection of games in the grand scheme of things.
A lot of people basically only play exclusives on the console that they own and that's it, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy then what game they think is the '' game of the generation ''.
To me "GOTG" is all about "which game you enjoyed the most this generation?" and everyone will have different answer because its mostly about your own personal taste, there is no right or wrong answer.


To me "GOTG" is all about "which game you enjoyed the most this generation?" and everyone will have different answer because its mostly about your own personal taste, there is no right or wrong answer.

True, it's just silly to me when there's people arguing as if their '' gotg '' is some objective fact or when people in the industry hand out awards '' on behalf of the industry '' lol.
It's why these big ceremonies are so dumb to me, there's a pretty significant selection bias there and no one really gave them that authority to begin with.


Writes a lot, says very little
Am i missing something or you've listed the stats for the third and the fourth month after release for games? And God of War shows only top 10 in your article.

I'm showing the months those games got bumped off the chart. Doesn't matter if its the 2nd, 3rd or 4th month, the point is simply that its not that relevant to the overall success of a game. God Of War only shows Top 10 based on the Blog not covering the top 20 at that time for some reason. Not really sure why they had a top 20, then went to top 10 and then back to top 20....

Doesn't really matter. The fact that Uncharted 4 sold MORE units then God Of War and clearly is not listed on even the top 20 goes to show its not that relevant to a games over all sales.

We are talking about the second month after release. Tlou 2 is out of top 20 for August. It was released in June

The second month after release would be July.... The Last Of Us 2 released in June....

Here is its placement for July

Soooooo the point still stands. Its why you are trying your BEST to ignore all those other releases. A game not being on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th month etc on such a chart doesn't actually fully 100% tell you if it will do well or not. I mean shit, your trying to cry over 1 month vs 2 or something as if 1 extra month means a massive amount when the examples given do not show this extreme difference with most games. So sorry but the majority of those titles not appearing after a few months isn't really unusual and doesn't spell doom and gloom or anything like that. The data very much shows this is pretty normal.

Uncharted 4 released May 2016. Charted in May as #1 and June as #15 off the top 20 in July.

Just to make it fair. The Last Of Us 2 released in June 2020. Charted in June as #1 and July as #5, off the top 20 by August.


So....as far as I can tell, I don't see anything strange about this as typically this is the norm of such titles, if anything moving 4 million units in 3 days is not a normal occurrence...

When you have several of the best selling games this generation appear and disappear on a list, its really hard to argue another game doing so MUST mean this instant fail. By this logic, how the fuck are some of theses games moving 16 million units, yet didn't chart after 3 months or so? It doesn't really make that much sense as the majority of the games I listed should have all failed based on this stupid belief......

So you'll see theses games come on and off the chart on digital and physical, bundled with systems, released as a remaster, on sale etc. To try sooooooo hard to pretend something is unusual about this, is to actually prove that such a thing doesn't happen to other top AAA single player titles.....

You pretty much could have argued this about any of the games listed and would have been wrong, who the fuck is to say you are not wrong about this as well? You could have made a thread claiming Uncharted 4 is going to fail cause its no longer on that chart or something.
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I'm showing the months those games got bumped off the chart. Doesn't matter if its the 2nd, 3rd or 4th month, the point is simply that its not that relevant to the overall success of a game. God Of War only shows Top 10 based on the Blog not covering the top 20 at that time for some reason. Not really sure why they had a top 20, then went to top 10 and then back to top 20....

Doesn't really matter. The fact that Uncharted 4 sold MORE units then God Of War and clearly is not listed on even the top 20 goes to show its not that relevant to a games over all sales.

The second month after release would be July.... The Last Of Us 2 released in June....

Here is its placement for July

Soooooo the point still stands. Its why you are trying your BEST to ignore all those other releases. A game not being on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th month etc on such a chart doesn't actually fully 100% tell you if it will do well or not. I mean shit, your trying to cry over 1 month vs 2 or something as if 1 extra month means a massive amount when the examples given do not show this extreme difference with most games. So sorry but the majority of those titles not appearing after a few months isn't really unusual and doesn't spell doom and gloom or anything like that. The data very much shows this is pretty normal.

Uncharted 4 released May 2016. Charted in May as #1 and June as #15 off the top 20 in July.

Just to make it fair. The Last Of Us 2 released in June 2020. Charted in June as #1 and July as #5, off the top 20 by August.


So....as far as I can tell, I don't see anything strange about this as typically this is the norm of such titles, if anything moving 4 million units in 3 days is not a normal occurrence...

When you have several of the best selling games this generation appear and disappear on a list, its really hard to argue another game doing so MUST mean this instant fail. By this logic, how the fuck are some of theses games moving 16 million units, yet didn't chart after 3 months or so? It doesn't really make that much sense as the majority of the games I listed should have all failed based on this stupid belief......

So you'll see theses games come on and off the chart on digital and physical, bundled with systems, released as a remaster, on sale etc. To try sooooooo hard to pretend something is unusual about this, is to actually prove that such a thing doesn't happen to other top AAA single player titles.....

You pretty much could have argued this about any of the games listed and would have been wrong, who the fuck is to say you are not wrong about this as well? You could have made a thread claiming Uncharted 4 is going to fail cause its no longer on that chart or something.
Ok, fair enough, these charts seem to not be relevant to the overall seccess of a game.

Gamstat.com pictures a more bleak situation sales wise, so lets wait and see.


Ok, fair enough, these charts seem to not be relevant to the overall seccess of a game.

Gamstat.com pictures a more bleak situation sales wise, so lets wait and see.

OK, you have a good point EDMIX.

What is it with you guys trying to look for source after source to try and prove a point?
His idea was rejected multiple times in the past, and was Bruce Straley who kept him in check and thanks to him he is where he is right now.

What is happening with TLOU2 sales is because he didnt give a fuck about anything he did in the past, neither fans or the characters he created, and neither he cared about a coherent history and characters for TLOU2. Everything he cared about was accomplishing the goal of doing whatever his ballsack wanted because he thinks he is the next Spielberg or something.

Such a narcissist person cant be in such a charge. Sales prove it. His tweets insulting the fanbase proves it. The false advertising proves it. The obsessive youtube channel striking proves it.
He is trash.
What's pretty damning is when Straley tweeted about completing TLOU2, all he praised was the graphics. And then, he tweeted about completing another game and he talked about all aspects of that game including its story.


Neo Member
Outsold by 3.5 year-old Zelda Botw with physical sales alone.
What's pretty damning is when Straley tweeted about completing TLOU2, all he praised was the graphics. And then, he tweeted about completing another game and he talked about all aspects of that game including its story.

Damning, no. Reaching? Absolutely. If you want to "damn" the game by finding bad reviews on its story, there's PLENTY out there.


I assumed this is because its pretty much a one and done game and they removed multiplayer? So all the people who wanted to play it would have by now.
The most anticipated playstation exclusive in 112M userbase but already lagging behind 3.5 year-old game despite only being on the third month of sales.

You guys need to stop citing the player base for PS4. That player base is why the top games of the month weren't Nintendo, I'd guess 80% of PS4s sold were sold to play sports games and Call of Duty, games no one buys a Switch for.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.

still top 3 for best selling game of 2020, but I thought it sold poorly?
People are moving goalpost now by saying, "It was beaten by a 3 year old game."
Yeah that same game that has been outselling tons of games for years now. Like who the hell cares? BotW doing well doesn't mean that games like God of War, Spider-Man, and TLOU2 can't do well at all. There are some real dumbasses here.


TLOU 2 wont have the same legs as TLOU...due to its bad story. I really hope ND/ Sony do not release a new multiplayer game and keep doing service to actual one.



Lol still in the NPD charts. Lots of people in here look really stupid now.
People are moving goalpost now by saying, "It was beaten by a 3 year old game."
Who's moving the goalpost? I'm offering people 1 year ban bets that the player numbers for TLOU2 is going to be less than God of War for the first 5 months, and remember it sold a lot more in the first 3 days, sure no one wants to take it? It's the best game ever according to you guys, should be an easy win.

it won't be the best selling PS4 exclusive.

It underperformed when you take into account the insane budget and the success of the first TLOU.

I still believe it doesn't have strong legs.

One year ago i expected TLOU2 to be the best selling PS4 exclusive, or because of Spiderman's huge success to at least come close to it, now after the release i'm sure it won't even get anywhere near.

The crazy thing is that, the only difference in numbers between GOT and TLOU2 is the exceptional first few days, after that, the curve is worse for TLOU2.

Between days 40-50 TLOU2 went from 5.81 to 5.98M players while GOT went from 4.44-4.66. Again you can make the case, if the first TLOU didn't exist, GOT would have better sales numbers.

Stop dreaming, no one is moving the goalpost.
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Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Nah man it stopped selling after those first 3 days in June. You have no idea what you're talking about. This chart and the July and August top 20 are clearly mistaken.
people are delusional enough to think from June on this game sold zero to remain in the top 3 lmao my god, people are desperate.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Who's moving the goalpost? I'm offering people 1 year ban bets that the player numbers for TLOU2 is going to be less than God of War for the first 5 months, and remember it sold a lot more in the first 3 days, sure no one wants to take it? It's the best game ever according to you guys, should be an easy win.

it won't be the best selling PS4 exclusive.

It underperformed when you take into account the insane budget and the success of the first TLOU.

I still believe it doesn't have strong legs.

One year ago i expected TLOU2 to be the best selling PS4 exclusive, or because of Spiderman's huge success to at least come close to it, now after the release i'm sure it won't even get anywhere near.

The crazy thing is that, the only difference in numbers between GOT and TLOU2 is the exceptional first few days, after that, the curve is worse for TLOU2.

Between days 40-50 TLOU2 went from 5.81 to 5.98M players while GOT went from 4.44-4.66. Again you can make the case, if the first TLOU didn't exist, GOT would have better sales numbers.

Stop dreaming, no one is moving the goalpost.

Look at the NPD thread. People are saying it sold less than BotW.

I said before that this game is going to be divisive and it's going to impact sales. You don't know the budget of TLOU 2 and you're just speculating at this point. This game will likely have multiplayer and if its nearly as popular as the first, then it's likely going to generate way more revenue than God of War.

You guys just try too hard to "prove" this game flopped.
Look at the NPD thread. People are saying it sold less than BotW.

I said before that this game is going to be divisive and it's going to impact sales. You don't know the budget of TLOU 2 and you're just speculating at this point. This game will likely have multiplayer and if its nearly as popular as the first, then it's likely going to generate way more revenue than God of War.

You guys just try too hard to "prove" this game flopped.

Isn't like at least half the sales of the first on PS4 as well? Really need to wait and see if PS5 breathes new life into it.


Look at the NPD thread. People are saying it sold less than BotW.

I said before that this game is going to be divisive and it's going to impact sales. You don't know the budget of TLOU 2 and you're just speculating at this point. This game will likely have multiplayer and if its nearly as popular as the first, then it's likely going to generate way more revenue than God of War.

You guys just try too hard to "prove" this game flopped.
1 Nintendo fanboy took a shot on a Playstation fan boy, literally nothing to see there, the fact that you took that post as "people are moving the goalpost" is actually incredible.

We don't know the official budget numbers sure, but what we do know is that 2000 people worked on it( a video game record ), there were ads everywhere which points to a huge marketing number, and there's ex ND devs that mentioned before (won't bother looking for the tweet or interview), the ND magic is the fact that they basically have Unlimited funds from Sony, so yeah i'm speculating on the budget, but i'll be surprised if it's not an insane number.

Everything else in my post i'm talking player numbers which we do have available.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
1 Nintendo fanboy took a shot on a Playstation fan boy, literally nothing to see there, the fact that you took that post as "people are moving the goalpost" is actually incredible.

We don't know the official budget numbers sure, but what we do know is that 2000 people worked on it( a video game record ), there were ads everywhere which points to a huge marketing number, and there's ex ND devs that mentioned before (won't bother looking for the tweet or interview), the ND magic is the fact that they basically have Unlimited funds from Sony, so yeah i'm speculating on the budget, but i'll be surprised if it's not an insane number.

Everything else in my post i'm talking player numbers which we do have available.

I've seen more than 1 person mention BotW outselling TLOU 2 this month and the thread was posted not too long ago.

Yes, we don't know the official budget and people need to stop pretending like they know how well its performing for Sony. I said multiple times before, this game is probably going to generate tons of revenue if they release multiplayer.
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Gold Member
TLoU2 and FFVII Remake Part 1 are two games this year that come to my mind that seem to be very front loaded. Although I think word of mouth seemed to hurt TLoU2 more.

I'm thinking that FFVII Remake will have stronger legs in the end due to future ports and when the next parts of the story come out.


Might be premature to write this one off. With PS5 coming so soon, there could be a lot of people who passed for now assuming a PS5 remaster / upgrade will be the better version.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Seems like TLOU2 has completely vanished from the gaming discussion realm, barely been a few months since release.

The original remained relevant and was referenced for years after release.
only reason it stayed in peoples minds because they were launching a new console aka the ps4 and the game was being remastered and upgraded with 60 frames etc. Other than that people were excited about new content which we are getting in 2 months now with ps5.


Yeah, and a lot of original sales were bundled with a standard PS4.

I'm really curious to see what they do with the multiplayer.
I've seen more than 1 person mention BotW outselling TLOU 2 this month and the thread was posted not too long ago.

Yes, we don't know the official budget and people need to stop pretending like they know how well its performing for Sony. I said multiple times before, this game is probably going to generate tons of revenue if they release multiplayer.

I looked at the thread and only saw 2 people taking shots, a third was just celebrating Nintendo's success.

It's a Nintendo thread, let them celebrate, we have 10 times the number of Sony threads in GAF.

If Factions is great and the game sells because of it who's going to argue against it? Great MP games sells really well, everybody knows that.
When we talk about TLOU2 having terrible legs and underperforming, we are talking about the game released in June.

Of course the situation can change if they release a great multiplayer or some DLC where they make the story decent, but that's not the game we are talking about right now.
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