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Trevor Noah interviews scary white blonde woman on The Daily Show

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Trevor is getting a lot better at interviews, he's come a long way since his first awkward episode of The Daily Show.


"What did the KKK do." (as compared to the Black Lives Matter movement)


I am fucking loosing it man...


Watching. Wow is she full of shit. Trevor savaged her.
In the eyes of many liberals, yes he "got" her, but in the eyes of her followers or anyone possibly on the political fence I'm not so sure.

Trevor didn't really challenge any of the bullshit stats she threw out and didn't press her for evidence when she made wild claims of BLM protesters everywhere telling everyone to attack whites.

She also gets extra points for entering the "lion's den" as she put it.

Trevor tried to have a calm and level headed discussion with her and you just can't do that with these people because they don't believe in facts or they twist facts to confirm what they believe. He tried to trap her with her hypocrisy of condemning the BLM message because of the words of a few but supporting Trump despite all the Nazi's that love him, but her kung fu was greater than his kung fu.
Trevor is getting a lot better at interviews, he's come a long way since his first awkward episode of The Daily Show.

Definitely. It was slightly offputting at first, but I saw that he was the right person for the job a couple months after he started.

He was inexperienced and not quite ready as he started, but it's clear that he's not just relying on writers anymore.


In the eyes of many liberals, yes he "got" her, but in the eyes of her followers or anyone possibly on the political fence I'm not so sure.

Trevor didn't really challenge any of the bullshit stats she threw out and didn't press her for evidence when she made wild claims of BLM protesters everywhere telling everyone to attack whites.

She also gets extra points for entering the "lion's den" as she put it.

Trevor tried to have a calm and level headed discussion with her and you just can't do that with these people because they don't believe in facts or they twist facts to confirm what they believe. He tried to trap her with her hypocrisy of condemning the BLM message because of the words of a few but supporting Trump despite all the Nazi's that love him, but her kung fu was greater than his kung fu.
All this interview does is further point out that you really cannot have a level headed conversation with people like her because it leads nowhere. You also can't have a blunt conversation with them either because they immediately became defensive and shut off any attempts to hear what you're saying. If Trevor would have shut her down in the way people suggest, all it would do is cause people who already don't like her to high five each other, which ultimately doesn't change anything.


It's weird people talk about how much of a bubble forms with social media and yet there are also huge threads talking about that racist shit your uncle shares, etc. Unless all of your friends and family have the same view the only way to actually create a bubble on Facebook is a pretty pointed effort. You have to literally hide content from specific people over and over to clean up your feed.

I had to go into a bubble like that not too long ago because I was just suck of having to argue with racist bullshit every few minutes.

I think it's less about that one racist uncle and more about algorithmic trending stories and such. Those are targetted at what you like, while you might see more of your family regardless on facebook.


Actually, this was a painful interview to watch not because OH MY GOD, SHE IS THE DEVIL.

But mostly because I can hear, I can identify deeply ingrained propaganda in her that basically make some of americans (and pretty much many nationalists and patriots all around the world) do and say absolutely horrifying things.

Like the whole Black Lives Matter piece. It does not matter if blacks are being shot by the police, according to this logic, they STILL have to be respectful of the LAW AND ORDER and gracefully allow the state to keep on doing whatever they are doing.

Symbols like anthems and flags, the amalgamation of police officers keeping the law are more important than the lives of those that get shot, slandered out of their insurance/money, that get wrongfully convicted for life sentences, etc. A non-existent system, a semi-being that is the goverment is more powerful than the lives of the country.

That is the position many of these people hold themselves to. And they do it because they fear that criticism will make the state weaker, not stronger. That is where they are very wrong, imho.


She's trolling man. You don't engage trolls, she shouldn't even have been given the publicity.

I used to laugh at forum members getting sucked into discussion with trolls. Now it's amazing to see grown ass adults on television and politics getting sucked in the same way. Trolls succeed is because trolling itself is kind of amusing, so the troll always has some people on their side


For real? She might have a pretty face, but all I can think of when I look at her is that she wouldve created a Rosewood or an Emmett Till in a different time & place.

Yeah, Charlamagne went on her show and afterwards they became cool with each other. Although he disagrees with every point of hers he's still friends since, I assume, it's because he gets a direct view of the opposing side.

Here's their 18min long interview


Charlamagne wrecked her too.
Good god, Trevor was so gracious through the interview. The way he kept this from escalating was saint-like. I feel like I would have snapped at her 20 seconds in.
Yeah, Charlamagne went on her show and afterwards they became cool with each other. Although he disagrees with every point of hers he's still friends since, I assume, it's because he gets a direct view of the opposing side.

Here's their 18min long interview


Charlamagne wrecked her too.

Charlamagne did such a better job of calling her out on her bullshit. She's just a bunch of empty rhetoric and fake facts that skew the "truth" to her favor and makes anyone who disagrees look extreme.
She's trolling man. You don't engage trolls, she shouldn't even have been given the publicity.

I used to laugh at forum members getting sucked into discussion with trolls. Now it's amazing to see grown ass adults on television and politics getting sucked in the same way. Trolls succeed is because trolling itself is kind of amusing, so the troll always has some people on their side

The thing about trolls like this are that, if they are trolling this hard and long, the troll becomes realer than they are.


That was by far Trevor Noah's best interview. She looked like a complete idiot. I still for the life of me can't understand how people agree with anything she says.

She looked like a complete idiot, to people who already opposed her views. This only gave a platform for those views to be more legitimate.
This is the fallacy of "taking the debate" with these alt-right people, all it does it put their views into the mainstream, normalizing it, and emboldening those who feel the same.

I guarantee that for many (or the few who actually are on the far right, and still watch Trevor or the daily show), Tomi absolutely decimated Trevor.

willow ve

Trevor was great in this interview. As gracious as you can be with someone you disagree with at your core.

I don't get the hate for Trevor. The show isn't the same as with Jon Stewart, and I see that, but it's still an intelligent late night comedy/talk show.
I'm convinced she doesn't believe what she's saying. She's too focused on the talking points and is scared to deviate even a little bit from her ultra conservative audience. She doesn't want to piss them off
Man, I'm one of those people in the middle. I see truth and flaws on both sides of the fence, but I've enjoyed Trevor's show. Yet, when she declared "I don't see color"? I thought, "it's a wrap."
Man, I'm one of those people in the middle. I see truth and flaws on both sides of the fence, but I've enjoyed Trevor's show. Yet, when she declared "I don't see color"? I thought, "it's a wrap."

The "I don't see color" line is outdated and even most republicans have moved on from that BS line


the problem is, while trevor tried to actually have a conversation with her, she's a fucking brick wall of talking points and bs. so she just did her show back at him, in response to everything he asked her


I'm at a point where I think people in any position probably shouldn't entertain her bullshit. Don't give her a platform. You can't have an honest conversation with this woman. This was pretty frustrating to watch. I'd love to see her be thoroughly eviscerated but she plays by a whole different set of rules that are devoid of logic.
This was a good interview by Noah. He remained calm throughout the entire interview, and stayed on point and was legitimately quizzical. Of course she deflected and didn't answer a lot of his more pointed questions despite bringing them up numerous times, (i.e how a black man should go about protesting) but I was impressed. Depending on your lens though, it wasn't clearly "ownage" by Noah though as her schtick remains being confident with an answer, even if it's a deflective talking point and she did just that.

But it does help in bringing TDS one step closer to the relevancy it had previously in the political spectrum.
I love how she went on a huge rant about how we have to group the rioters and police shooters in with the rest of the BLM movement, and then literally not two minutes later she says we have to separate the alt-right from Trump supporters at large. It was almost poetic how that played out. You could even hear some audience members mumbling to each other at that moment.


I see how the Carrier talking point has already taken hold, as if back-door dealing/exuberant tax relief is a sustainable way to keep jobs in America. People are delusional if they think that is the case - the problem is only going to get worse.
I love how she went on a huge rant about how we have to group the rioters and police shooters in with the rest of the BLM movement, and then literally not two minutes later she says we have to separate the alt-right from Trump supporters at large. It was almost poetic how that played out. You could even hear some audience members mumbling to each other at that moment.

The only thing I was annoyed that Trevor did not call out. Her voice got all low and soft for that moment as well.


People like this women that are my generation exist??

"What did the KKK do??!"

How fucking clueless is this women.


Trevor should've pushed harder when she attempted to push back. Instead, he switched subjects. Otherwise, it was a good job staying calm. It feels like a lose/lose tho. You stay calm and don't challenge them enough, or you be aggressive and they use that against you as reasons why discussions can't be had.
Yeah, Charlamagne went on her show and afterwards they became cool with each other. Although he disagrees with every point of hers he's still friends since, I assume, it's because he gets a direct view of the opposing side.

Here's their 18min long interview


Charlamagne wrecked her too.

omg... watching it now... she is.... horrible... sigh ....

Charlamange bringing lots of knowledge though. love it.


Trevor should've pushed harder when she attempted to push back. Instead, he switched subjects. Otherwise, it was a good job staying calm. It feels like a lose/lose tho. You stay calm and don't challenge them enough, or you be aggressive and they use that against you as reasons why discussions can't be had.

The idea is to get her to say something fundamentally flawed across a variety of topics (which she did) to undermine the idea that she has well rounded knowledge, rather than buckling down on her more practiced obfuscation and lies. Spending too much time on one point is how she runs out the clock, and as shown in the Charlemagne interview she just repeats herself and says increasingly false information to gish gallop herself to the end of the interview.


FYI Tomi, it's not called a comeback, because you have to leave first.

"It's called voting, which the Republican Party is working as hard as they can to reduce the occurrence of."


People like this women that are my generation exist??

"What did the KKK do??!"

How fucking clueless is this women.

Unfortunately I think it's too painfully easy for younger people to not know history well enough and basically ignore the context of things like that. That's why idiots like her compare the Black Panthers or BLM to the KKK.

Because of my small business's target demographic I get to see a lot of my generation and younger and they're all so painfully oblivious to racism. They all think it's gone, and not only that, they don't understand just how bad it was and how recent some of even the worst of it was.


FYI Tomi, it's not called a comeback, because you have to leave first.

Wow, did she have to consult someone for that? Took her long enough.

Nevermind the fact that "voting" is a whole other can of fucking worms with the voting rights act being taken down and republicans trying to stop as many black people from voting as possible. That along with the fact that many black citizens can't vote because of a criminal record pumped up by the drug war. And on top of all that the voting system hasn't been perfectly representational anyway...

I also find it odd that people like Tomi seem to really lean hard on things like "That's how the system works" (her answer about the juries in the interview), and that you should object via voting in that system, etc.... yet they need Trump to "throw a wrench into the system." So which is it, does the system work or doesn't it, because you're voting says it fucking doesn't and your shaming of black people hinges on the fact that it does.
That not what getting bodied looks like.

She went into the lion's den and held her own. Noah made some incisive points, but I would have liked to see the conversation continue for much longer because he moved on just as they started to scratch at the heart of each matter.

"It's called voting, which the Republican Party is working as hard as they can to reduce the occurrence of."
Getting that very real and well documented story through the surface tension of the conservative bubble needs to happen.

I see how the Carrier talking point has already taken hold, as if back-door dealing/exuberant tax relief is a sustainable way to keep jobs in America. People are delusional if they think that is the case - the problem is only going to get worse.
As well as the cognitive dissonance. Trump was supposed to be a hard-ass and penalize companies threatening to offshore their jobs, not offer them up sweetheart deals at taxpayer expense.
I mean I dont agree with her but I really don't see how Trevor owned her. She held her own and I would not want to get stuck in a debate with this girl lol.
As someone else said, it was probably no-win situation for Trevor, but I unfortunately had the same impression after watching the interview. Before I just considered her annoying, but the Daily Show segment left me genuinely scared that the alt-right has such an effective weapon in their media arsenal.


In the eyes of many liberals, yes he "got" her, but in the eyes of her followers or anyone possibly on the political fence I'm not so sure.

Trevor didn't really challenge any of the bullshit stats she threw out and didn't press her for evidence when she made wild claims of BLM protesters everywhere telling everyone to attack whites.

She also gets extra points for entering the "lion's den" as she put it.

Trevor tried to have a calm and level headed discussion with her and you just can't do that with these people because they don't believe in facts or they twist facts to confirm what they believe. He tried to trap her with her hypocrisy of condemning the BLM message because of the words of a few but supporting Trump despite all the Nazi's that love him, but her kung fu was greater than his kung fu.

I think is the heart of the debate and Trevor (along with many other on the left) seem to prefer to gasp and express outrage over the 'racism' of those on the right without actually addressing the statistical arguments hurled their way.

(I say this as someone who is on Trevor's side, btw)


In the eyes of many liberals, yes he "got" her, but in the eyes of her followers or anyone possibly on the political fence I'm not so sure.

Trevor didn't really challenge any of the bullshit stats she threw out and didn't press her for evidence when she made wild claims of BLM protesters everywhere telling everyone to attack whites.

She also gets extra points for entering the "lion's den" as she put it.

Trevor tried to have a calm and level headed discussion with her and you just can't do that with these people because they don't believe in facts or they twist facts to confirm what they believe. He tried to trap her with her hypocrisy of condemning the BLM message because of the words of a few but supporting Trump despite all the Nazi's that love him, but her kung fu was greater than his kung fu.

Challenging bullshit right wing stats is one of the hardest things to do on the fly. It's always so much more impactful to have a surprising stat on your side than it is to try and explain why that stat isn't what you think it is. It's also even harder when you're not sitting in front of a computer or somewhere to look up data and spit back exactly why it's wrong. I kind of feel like for every bullshit right wing stat you need about 3 related stats to disprove it. The kind of memory and research it takes to go against that stuff is just too much.
She kept repeating the lie that the Dallas cop shooter was affiliated with BLM. He was actually pretty clear he had nothing to do with BLM & didnt like them because of their non-violent stance.


I'm starting lose track of who's who with these women. It's like they've been rolled off a Stepford Wives assembly line of far right talking points.


She kept repeating the lie that the Dallas cop shooter was affiliated with BLM. He was actually pretty clear he had nothing to do with BLM & didnt like them because of their non-violent stance.
Yeah, and Trevor didn't check her on that. He explicitly said he wasn't affiliated with BLM and has his issues with the movement.

There wasn't any real material gain from this interview imo. Maybe just don't give white supremacists a platform.


She deflected the fuck out of that "how should a black man protest" questions. Jesus. It just didn't register, but it never will with a white woman who lives in a bubble of whiteness.
Yeah, and Trevor didn't check her on that. He explicitly said he wasn't affiliated with BLM and has his issues with the movement.

There wasn't any real material gain from this interview imo. Maybe just don't give white supremacists a platform.

I'd like to think he showed intelligent people that this Tomi chick has a poor sense of logic, or applies a double standard to different groups.

I mean, the odds of that are pretty slim, but I'd like to think at least someone out there really sat and absorbed the "how does a black person protest" point that was asked repeatedly.
Just read the excerpts on the MIC article. I'm not really interested in hearing the familar pathetic white supremacist/"I'm not racist" rhetoric that I hear all the time, particularly from this woman. (I'm sick of the voices of the same GOP & white supremacy talking heads in general. It's getting to the point where just a few words gets my blood up) It's great that Trevor took her to task or whatever but I've learned that these people are sinister and despicable because they make a living off of knowing the truth and completely ignoring it in order to demonize those they deem the "other". The likelihood that she'll learn or grow is minuscule because she has no interest in learning or growing; just repeating talking points the first grand wizards did but with an engaging tone and a smart dress.


Finally got around to watching this interview.

Honestly, it reminded me lot of Trump and Clinton's debates, and not in a good way. Trevor did fine, and if we had a dem as the President elect, I'd probably be fist pumping along with this thread, but he didn't dismantle her in a way that would convince anyone that's a part of her audience to change their views. In the same way, Clinton thoroughly embarrassed Trump on stage, made him look unhinged even, but his supporters still walked away saying he won the debates. Maybe that's an impossible task no matter what but I think Trevor would have been better off focusing solely on one or two issues instead of jumping around so many topics. It gave her ample opportunity to squirm past any pressure Trevor applied.


Noah handled himself well, but he needs to go after the logical (even if they seem illogical) foundations of her arguments. IMO he should have kept going on the individual actions =/= movement track and tie it back with a few examples like Trump supporters (not all are bad, like herself). Have her agree and then go back to her logic and then ask how the same cannot be true for BLM closing the loop back to the contention.
I don't see color is the most priviledged sentence in existence, having heard it multiple times growing up it still infuriates me to hear it to this day.
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