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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’


Pence walked out of the Colts vs 49ers game.





Full statement: https://twitter.com/VP/status/917078269077413888
Bye, bitch.
They finally found an issue where they're not polling like garbage on so they're going to milk it for all its worth. Meanwhile, the actual work of governing is TBA.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
No way this isn't pre-planned. Media told to wait outside... nice little GIF'd statement already to go.

Fuck these guys. Using the NFL protests to draw attention away from all their failures.


I mean, Pence paid for tickets, gave the Colts organization and the NFL money, and stormed out. Some protest.

Not to mention all the Colts gear he is wearing.


Why on earth did he even show up to the game?

Obviously he wanted to enjoy the great sport of Football like a proud American. But he was shocked--shocked!--to discover such blatantly un-patriotic behavior by those n...eanderthals that he left in disgust.

I mean, who could have possibly seen that turn of events coming?
Stephen King @StephenKing
Mike Pence looks like a soap opera villain--the untrustworthy doctor with a roving eye. It's the hair. And that always stern expression.

Velcro Fly

With all the shit Trump has talked, him not leaving would have caused a media frenzy like we haven't seen. It would have emboldened players to protest even more knowing the vice president was almost complicit in it today. Donny boy would have been shit talking him on twitter by sundown.


With all the shit Trump has talked, him not leaving would have caused a media frenzy like we haven't seen. It would have emboldened players to protest even more knowing the vice president was almost complicit in it today. Donny boy would have been shit talking him on twitter by sundown.

Which is why he would have never gone in the first place if he didn't already know ahead of time he was going to stage this walkout.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
What's amazing is how much time is being spent on this by our government about an issue that doesn't actually effect anybody in any way but their fucking "feelings".

Meanwhile, POC are being gunned down by cops without consequence...

..people's debt is at historic levels.

..people cant' afford healthcare and the law we have is being sabotaged by the government in charge.

..our POTUS is threatening nuclear war with multiple countries, but one that is ran by literally crazy people.

..58 people were gunned down just going to a concert.

..people lost everything in hurricanes.

...yet fucking GOP feelings about a song... that's the important shit.
Such outrage over a quiet, 2 minute, non-confrontational act. I think these folks would start a civil war if they ever had to endure what the anthem kneelers are actually protesting about.


An administration more concerned with blind patriotism and unquestioned loyalty than police brutality and institutional racism.

Really showing their ass.
90% of Puerto Ricans do not have power and 50% do not have water. Maria hit Puerto Rico 19 days ago.

How would kneeling during a fucking sports game be more disrespectful to America than being in charge and allowing this to happen?
The Pence walkout thing makes sense... instead of actually trying to legislate or get things done let us focus on protesting the protesters to get a point across.

I wish I could say I am surprised by how petty and stupid this administration is but I am not.
So all the 12D chess people, this is what it looks like when they are actually trying to do something. Transparent, unintelligent and completely clumsy.


Interesting that guys like Trump and Pence they never actually talk about why the players are protesting.

Just generic shock and outrage.

They're scared they have a fucking point. Quick! Scramble to change the message!
90% of Puerto Ricans do not have power and 50% do not have water. Maria hit Puerto Rico 19 days ago.

How would kneeling during a fucking sports game be more disrespectful to America than being in charge and allowing this to happen?

Because your Overton window is so fucked it's actually a mirror in Trump's bathroom with him gurning at it 24/7.
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