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Twitch bans Adults Only games


Hatred AO listing is up on the ESRB page



So it is likely that this was done to prevent the game (and obviously others in the future) from showing up on the service.

Ah, took them a while to get it up there. They're usually up there sooner than that.
Hatred AO listing is up on the ESRB page



So it is likely that this was done to prevent the game (and obviously others in the future) from showing up on the service.
Watching some Hatred gameplay on youtube I'm honestly sort of surprised since if you take who your victims are out of the equation it's cleaner than something like Manhunt or Mad World.

Also apparently it's pretty average quality-wise and all the controversy surrounding it seems dumb now.


I just looked up a video of that hatred game. How is that AO? Is it the subject matter? Because the violence isnt even that bad


I just looked up a video of that hatred game. How is that AO? Is it the subject matter? Because the violence isnt even that bad

Because sensitive people cried loud about this game.

If Postal 1 has an M rating, I don't get why Hatred is AO. I mean, it suits them because it makes it more desirable to certain kids now.


Because sensitive people cried loud about this game.

If Postal 1 has an M rating, I don't get why Hatred is AO. I mean, it suits them because it makes it more desirable to certain kids now.

It has less gore than mk and its not anything different than GTA,or postal, im sure you can do much more brutal things in those games. II wouldnt be surprised that the same people who dont want ot change gun laws are the same ones who are sensitive to this game
I only really used Twitch to watch streams on PS4 - if this means it cuts down on the games I can watch I will be unhappy, but its not anything to lose sleep over. I just think its kinda lame they decide to treat their userbase as children when from what I understand the average gamer these days is probably about 30.
That list makes me laugh so hard seeing Second Life, Sakura Spirit, and HuniePop on there. Amazing.

To be fair, Huniepop has actual porn in it and it's extremely easy to patch it in. Second Life makes all those banned games put together, look like the tamest thing in the world compared to what goes on in it. Sakura Spirit, or the Sakura games in general, are nothing more than a tease without any payoff (the developer has even made it known that there will never be any payoff). Kinda funny that they even feel the need to mention that one when there's far worse that they actually allow.


Twitch can do what they like with their platform, but it was clearly just a roundabout way of banning Hatred without being forthright, and they should be called twats for doing it. Honestly anyone getting their knickers in a twist over the game need to chill out.


Anyone who says this is censorship has no idea what that word means. This is a good call.

Could I ask you to explain why you think this? I don't quite understand who they're protecting by doing this.

Why not just offer a service like Afreeca does in Korea which allows you to set your stream to 18+ only for a while if you broadcast something that has a lot of swearing or nudity.


Neo Member
Why not just offer a service like Afreeca does in Korea which allows you to set your stream to 18+ only for a while if you broadcast something that has a lot of swearing or nudity.

Because logic isn't as satisfying as moral indignation I guess.


Steam should have banned that game.

Why? It doesn't portray anything more reprehensible than what you could find in any GTA, not that violence in games is even an issue anyway. And if you're just meaning as a functional piece of software, well it still works and there are a plethora of actually terrible junkware on Steam that should be addressed before this one. Honestly it sounds like you want it banned because you don't like it.


After seeing Jim Sterling play Hatred..

Did this really warrant the internet hyperbole it got? The violence almost seems, for lack of a better word, muted. The only shock factor was how people responded to it.

It's a mindless game, but to see people lose their own minds about it is the more alarming thing than anything the game depicts. Even the rating of the game had seems like a response from the ESRB regarding how the internet responded to it.


This Hatred phobia is absolutely hilarious.
It's just a shitty random edgy game, but it became like the grim reaper, due to people freaking over it.

After seeing Jim Sterling play Hatred..

Did this really warrant the internet hyperbole it got? The violence almost seems, for lack of a better word, muted. The only shock factor was how people responded to it.

It's a mindless game, but to see people lose their own minds about it is the more alarming thing than anything the game depicts. Even the rating of the game had seems like a response from the ESRB regarding how the internet responded to it.

Watching a few quick looks it really does look like Hatred is fairly tame (violence-wise), entirely self-aware in its 'edginess' and ultimately an average (not laughably bad or surprisingly good; just average) shooter that would've been mostly overlooked over if game sites hadn't Streisand-effect'ed it and the developers subsequently played up that controversy angle. Definitely isn't Rapelay or Criminal Girls, which I saw it get compared to around here when it got semi-banned last year.

Outside of GG co-opting it and the maybe kinda sorta possibly Neo Nazi connections*, there are far more adult/gruesome games you can readily talk about on GAF.

*I honestly don't actually know what came out of this. It wouldn't surprise me if it was just hearsay the devs helped play up for attention or if it was a legitimate connection at this point.
After seeing Jim Sterling play Hatred..

Did this really warrant the internet hyperbole it got? The violence almost seems, for lack of a better word, muted. The only shock factor was how people responded to it.

It's a mindless game, but to see people lose their own minds about it is the more alarming thing than anything the game depicts. Even the rating of the game had seems like a response from the ESRB regarding how the internet responded to it.

I've played it for 2 hours and, no, you can do worse things in Mortal Kombat X and Grand Theft Auto 5. This game did not warrant an AO rating at all. Also, the game is kind of mediocre and lame.


Yeah, after watching some play throughs, the game is very tame compared to what the hysterical reaction to it implied. I haven't seen anything from Hatred that warrants it getting an AO rating. In hindsight, the controversy this game got wasn't warranted, and the developers used it to great effect for promotion.


Could I ask you to explain why you think this? I don't quite understand who they're protecting by doing this.

Why not just offer a service like Afreeca does in Korea which allows you to set your stream to 18+ only for a while if you broadcast something that has a lot of swearing or nudity.

Well what's your idea of censorship?

an official who examines books, plays, news reports, motion pictures, radio and television programs, letters, cablegrams, etc., for the purpose of suppressing parts deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds.

Twitch banning AO games is'nt censorship. As a private media, they are allowed to stream whatever they feel like it. That doesn't mean the game is being censored.

Now, if they obliged the dev to modify their game, THAT would be censorship-


I've played it for 2 hours and, no, you can do worse things in Mortal Kombat X and Grand Theft Auto 5. This game did not warrant an AO rating at all. Also, the game is kind of mediocre and lame.
Yeah, after watching some play throughs, the game is very tame compared to what the hysterical reaction to it implied. I haven't seen anything from Hatred that warrants it getting an AO rating. In hindsight, the controversy this game got wasn't warranted, and the developers used it to great effect for promotion.
The theme of the violence is also something to concider. Its not just about showing the most gory kills and such.
I find it funny they are banning Adult-Only games, yet the people hosting the streams are letting adult-only language flow freely from their own mouths...
Why? It doesn't portray anything more reprehensible than what you could find in any GTA, not that violence in games is even an issue anyway. And if you're just meaning as a functional piece of software, well it still works and there are a plethora of actually terrible junkware on Steam that should be addressed before this one. Honestly it sounds like you want it banned because you don't like it.

The purpose of the game is to kill random, innocent people; most of whom have done nothing to you and are unarmed. The game rewards you for killing people in this fashion.

The purpose of GTA 5 is not to kill innocent people. You CAN, if you SO CHOOSE TO, but it is not the purpose of the game. There is no special reward for murdering innocent people in GTA 5 (other than they drop some cash, but that is considered an act of theft, not a reward). In fact, you will draw the attention of the police who will try to hunt you down to bring you to justice. (aka consequences and punishment for committing murder - not rewards.)

In fact, based on your reply, people could argue that you can cause Mario to commit suicide in Super Mario Brothers by intentionally letting him get eaten/burned by Bowser. Suicide is an adult topic.

Does Super Mario Brothers have a Teen or higher ESRB rating? No. It's rated E for Everyone. Why? Because the purpose of Super Mario Brothers is not to commit suicide. It's to save the princess, who is likely in another castle.
After seeing Jim Sterling play Hatred..

Did this really warrant the internet hyperbole it got? The violence almost seems, for lack of a better word, muted. The only shock factor was how people responded to it.

It's a mindless game, but to see people lose their own minds about it is the more alarming thing than anything the game depicts. Even the rating of the game had seems like a response from the ESRB regarding how the internet responded to it.

It received the amount of attention because the debut cinematics looked like something straight out of Elliot Roger's diary, an MRA meeting, or maybe even something Anders Breivik said to himself before hopping on a boat. That + some of the developers running in political circles that do things like demand the mass murder of Muslims and Jews.


The purpose of the game is to kill random, innocent people; most of whom have done nothing to you and are unarmed. The game rewards you for killing people in this fashion.

The purpose of GTA 5 is not to kill innocent people. You CAN, if you SO CHOOSE TO, but it is not the purpose of the game. There is no special reward for murdering innocent people in GTA 5 (other than they drop some cash, but that is considered an act of theft, not a reward). In fact, you will draw the attention of the police who will try to hunt you down to bring you to justice. (aka consequences and punishment for committing murder - not rewards.)

In fact, based on your reply, people could argue that you can cause Mario to commit suicide in Super Mario Brothers by intentionally letting him get eaten/burned by Bowser. Suicide is an adult topic.

Does Super Mario Brothers have a Teen or higher ESRB rating? No. It's rated E for Everyone. Why? Because the purpose of Super Mario Brothers is not to commit suicide. It's to save the princess, who is likely in another castle.

I don't know how you extrapolated any of that from my post, or what you're even trying to argue, but whatever. On topic; so what if the purpose of Hatred is to kill innocent people? Violence in games doesn't cause it in real life, so what's the problem? It's rated Adults Only in America, why would that be grounds for banning it from Steam? Honestly I just can't understand the furor over this.
I don't know how you extrapolated any of that from my post, or what you're even trying to argue, but whatever. On topic; so what if the purpose of Hatred is to kill innocent people? Violence in games doesn't cause it in real life, so what's the problem? It's rated Adults Only in America, why would that be grounds for banning it from Steam? Honestly I just can't understand the furor over this.

We were past due for our next controversy.


Trucker Sexologist
The purpose of the game is to kill random, innocent people; most of whom have done nothing to you and are unarmed. The game rewards you for killing people in this fashion.

The purpose of GTA 5 is not to kill innocent people. You CAN, if you SO CHOOSE TO, but it is not the purpose of the game. There is no special reward for murdering innocent people in GTA 5 (other than they drop some cash, but that is considered an act of theft, not a reward). In fact, you will draw the attention of the police who will try to hunt you down to bring you to justice. (aka consequences and punishment for committing murder - not rewards.)

In fact, based on your reply, people could argue that you can cause Mario to commit suicide in Super Mario Brothers by intentionally letting him get eaten/burned by Bowser. Suicide is an adult topic.

Does Super Mario Brothers have a Teen or higher ESRB rating? No. It's rated E for Everyone. Why? Because the purpose of Super Mario Brothers is not to commit suicide. It's to save the princess, who is likely in another castle.
I think it would be interesting to see a game that subverted the one man army trope in some clever and tragic way, but Hatred isn't that game.


Neo Member

Not sure what I think about this, if people want to stream AO games I think they should be able to do that. But I see why there might be a problem when minors are watching, I dont think its the right decision though

Probs just do a "are you 18 or older thing" no way around it really. Every movie has red band, kids (12 year olds) watch R movies. It is kind of a moot point. They can access this stuff anyway. Otherwise if Ao was banned for any other reason that is even more dumb.
After seeing Jim Sterling play Hatred..

Did this really warrant the internet hyperbole it got? The violence almost seems, for lack of a better word, muted. The only shock factor was how people responded to it.

It's a mindless game, but to see people lose their own minds about it is the more alarming thing than anything the game depicts. Even the rating of the game had seems like a response from the ESRB regarding how the internet responded to it.

Pretty much. It's all Polygon's fault.
I know you're joking to an extent, but I don't remember any of the big-name sites covering Hatred beyond the initial reveal and occasional opinion piece.

Nor will you, as its considered taboo.

Even here on NeoGAF, threads have been closed down for speaking too much about the game's content. That's why it's good if we keep this thread more about Twitch's banning of AO games than about Hatred itself.
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