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Tyson DONE!

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That doesn't tell the whole story. Mike was actually having one of his best fights in years. He just had no stamina by round 4, and the guy he was fighting took all of Mike's shit (surprisingly, those were some HARD shots). Also, Mike was incredibly composed the entire fight, no lashing out, blah, blah. His face the entire match looked entirely calm and calculating.


<TECMO_BO> he's fighting a tomato can
<TECMO_BO> his opponent cries and shit

I thought that too...


fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Well, doesn't everyone know how to beat him by now? Just watch when he blinks and dodge.


Tre said:
That doesn't tell the whole story. Mike was actually having one of his best fights in years. He just had no stamina by round 4, and the guy he was fighting took all of Mike's shit (surprisingly, those were some HARD shots). Also, Mike was incredibly composed the entire fight, no lashing out, blah, blah. His face the entire match looked entirely calm and calculating.

I don't doubt he fought hard, ESPN had him winning the first round. For reference, he was also incredibly calm during his ass whooping by Lewis (got to see that one live). It's just disappointing. I'm one of Tyson's last supporters, and I (like always) bought into the hype that he was in shape/training hard/focused. If he's out of shape in round four, then that's just sad.


Man it just hurts to see a guy try his best but still come up short. That and the fact that he's broke and needs the money makes it fucking worse.


Poor Tyson...now what? How in the world is he going to get out of debt? I'm fight him for a million :) I'm 6'5 260, i'll lay him down in three ;)

I really think he needs to tone down the intensity. He tried to take Williams down the second he saw a little weakness and he spent a whole 2 rounds trying. 6 minutes of constant punching will tire ANYONE out.


Whoa, Tyson was heavily backed to take this in 3rd or 4th. How much money will Tyson be taking out of this figh? I guess, any paycheck is a good one at this stage for him, win or lose.


Trevelyon said:
Whoa, Tyson was heavily backed to take this in 3rd or 4th. How much money will Tyson be taking out of this figh? I guess, any paycheck is a good one at this stage for him, win or lose.

He gets to keep $2mil out of the $8mil, but it's gonna be hard to get another payday after this loss. It's just sad Mike, can't even beat a journeyman.


I feel bad for Tyson...I really do. When you get past all that rage and wierdness, he's a pretty intelligent guy. And he seems to acknowledge his sins, which is a hell of a lot more then I can say for people who judge the man while not looking at their own sorry asses in the mirror.

I was hoping he'd be able to win a few matches and get out of his debt situation. That's gonna be virtually impossible now.

Ironically I saw Lennox Lewis sitting courtside at Vince Carter's charity game tonight. I think he picked Tyson to win. Can't say he was the only one.


Shinobi said:
I feel bad for Tyson...I really do. When you get past all that rage and wierdness, he's a pretty intelligent guy. And he seems to acknowledge his sins, which is a hell of a lot more then I can say for people who judge the man while not looking at their own sorry asses in the mirror.

As hard as it is to defend or even feel sorry for Tyson, I agree with you totally. It's just damn sad. The circus is leaving town Mike, a loss to a no-name won't keep them interested anymore.


I was a bit worried when I heard he weighed at 230+. I knew at that point the hype about him being in shape was bogus. I still thought he would win though.


Minotauro said:
Just a few more losses until we see Fedor pounding him in Pride. Hopefully.

We can only dream.

But seriously, I'd honestly expect him to turn to K-1 now and make some cash being a spectacle in Japan.


One would think at 38 years old you have to stop being a puncher and more a boxer...meh, can't teach an old dog....



Per ESPN News:

He was on his knee at the count of 6. He didn't want to get up.

It's over man, he basically quit. This is the dude who got throttled by Douglas, didn't know where he was, couldn't put in his mouthpiece, and STILL got up as the count expired. This is the dude who got ROCKED by Lennox Lewis and kept getting up and charging until he couldn't. Now they are saying he looked like he could get up but didn't want to. Not good Mike.


It's due to the lack of Robin Givens in his life. I think he took out his frustrations in the ring back then. Maybe now he just spanks it a lot. Still, I'l like to see him rebound and be all unstoppable again.


bjork said:
It's due to the lack of Robin Givens in his life. I think he took out his frustrations in the ring back then. Maybe now he just spanks it a lot. Still, I'l like to see him rebound and be all unstoppable again.

This was when he was supposed to rebound and be all unstoppable again.


Shinobi said:
I feel bad for Tyson...I really do. When you get past all that rage and wierdness, he's a pretty intelligent guy.
Intelligent? I'm not mocking here, but what has Tyson done over the years to show that he is intelligent? Now, admittedly, making alot of mistakes doesn't necessarily make one smart or stupid, but you would think if he is pretty intelligent, he would have used some of it along the way to modify his behavior and not do half the stupid stuff he's done. I've heard some people say "Oh poor Mike's in debt. Poor him." Poor him hell! All the money he's made over the years, if he hasn't learned to manage it by now, there's no point in feeling sorry for the guy. He's had opportunities that many have not and has by and large thrown them away. It's hard to feel sympathy for people like that. Now you can chalk some of that up to him possibly being naive and letting others manage his affairs in a bad way, but if it has been consistently mismanaged without him taking charge himself, then that's ultimately his fault as well.

Now I'm not saying you're wrong about him being intelligent, but I've never really heard of that and I'd be interested in knowing what he's done to show that. I haven't exactly made a study of Tyson's life, so I'm sure there's plenty of room for him to have displayed it without my knowing.
MASB said:
Intelligent? I'm not mocking here, but what has Tyson done over the years to show that he is intelligent? Now, admittedly, making alot of mistakes doesn't necessarily make one smart or stupid, but you would think if he is pretty intelligent, he would have used some of it along the way to modify his behavior and not do half the stupid stuff he's done. I've heard some people say "Oh poor Mike's in debt. Poor him." Poor him hell! All the money he's made over the years, if he hasn't learned to manage it by now, there's no point in feeling sorry for the guy. He's had opportunities that many have not and has by and large thrown them away. It's hard to feel sympathy for people like that. Now you can chalk some of that up to him possibly being naive and letting others manage his affairs in a bad way, but if it has been consistently mismanaged without him taking charge himself, then that's ultimately his fault as well.

Now I'm not saying you're wrong about him being intelligent, but I've never really heard of that and I'd be interested in knowing what he's done to show that. I haven't exactly made a study of Tyson's life, so I'm sure there's plenty of room for him to have displayed it without my knowing.

I've seen instances of where he explained how he felt during a fight, during a loss. It was eloquent and invoked sympathy. I don't know if he is intelligent, or if he is even a good and misunderstand person like many of his fans make him out to be. However, I do view him as a tragic figure.


jett said:
Mike Tyson has never been a good boxer. True.

Only bad boxers become World Heavyweight Champions at 20 years old. True. Jesus kids today.

It's funny, when Tyson came to power "The Heavyweight class is weak!!." Today 'before Tyson lost' "The Heavyweight class is WEAK!!." Make your choice, but don't blame Tyson for the competition. Don't take away from what he accomplished as a youngster. He's done enough of that as an adult.


Chili Con Carnage!



w00000000000000000000000000000 go danny go!

And wtf is with all this sympathy for tyson? the guy is a convicted rapist, oh but its ok because he feels bad about it now *rolleyes*

And intelligent? The guy had all the money he could ever need and he pissed it away on jewelry and tigers! how intelligent is that


It's not because of anything you've listed, and as a Euro it's not worth explaining. Just be happy to hate him.

We're not sorry for him, we feel sorry for him. There's a difference. If he raped that girl then I expect Kobe to do 10 years. Unfortunately that won't happen.

Tyson is a slight moron with too many friends. If you think he spent $500 million by himself, then you got some reading to do. Don King alone stole $200 million. Tyson deserves more sympathy than you might think, but probably not as much as I(we) might give him. Oh well. Tyson is a sad case due to missed opportunity rather than anything else. Lennox Lewis > Tyson? You've got to be kidding me, except I saw it with my own eyes. What a waste :(


Ghost said:
Sorry but Rapist=Bad man in my book.

Ok, there was more evidence that Kobe raped his girl and that OJ killed two people.

Tyson had a great quote "I didn't rape that girl, but I figure that I did enough bad in my life to deserve what I got." That's the most honest I've heard from an athlete.


Everything changed for Mike when Cus died. He lost the only person he could ever truly trust and the others just used him to make them money.


MASB said:
Intelligent? I'm not mocking here, but what has Tyson done over the years to show that he is intelligent? Now, admittedly, making alot of mistakes doesn't necessarily make one smart or stupid, but you would think if he is pretty intelligent, he would have used some of it along the way to modify his behavior and not do half the stupid stuff he's done. I've heard some people say "Oh poor Mike's in debt. Poor him." Poor him hell! All the money he's made over the years, if he hasn't learned to manage it by now, there's no point in feeling sorry for the guy. He's had opportunities that many have not and has by and large thrown them away. It's hard to feel sympathy for people like that. Now you can chalk some of that up to him possibly being naive and letting others manage his affairs in a bad way, but if it has been consistently mismanaged without him taking charge himself, then that's ultimately his fault as well.

Now I'm not saying you're wrong about him being intelligent, but I've never really heard of that and I'd be interested in knowing what he's done to show that. I haven't exactly made a study of Tyson's life, so I'm sure there's plenty of room for him to have displayed it without my knowing.

Anyone that saw Tyson come up during the 80's saw that he had a great knowledge, respect and appreciation for the history of boxing, and was extremely well spoken. So that's why I say he's an intelligent guy. I did not say he was filled to the brim with common sense...that's a completely seperate issue.

Ghost said:
And wtf is with all this sympathy for tyson? the guy is a convicted rapist, oh but its ok because he feels bad about it now *rolleyes*

Right. And OJ was cleared of murder charges, so I guess he's a great guy! Roll your eyes back a little more, so you can see how small your brain is.

The fact that Tyson was convicted on a he said/she said case, with the accuser being someone who'd once falsely accussed another person of rape before, doesn't exactly scream "OMG HE'S GUILTY!!" to me. Quite the opposite actually. So you're fucking right I feel sympathy for him...there isn't much worse then going to jail for a crime you didn't commit, and I've always believed that's what happened there.

And then there's the fact that Tyson generated BILLIONS for the boxing and television industry, brought PPV to the fore, and yet has none of that money anymore. It'd be nice if an industry that's dined off his ass the way they did with Tyson would take a bit more care of him, but I realize that isn't the way it works.

I also remember seeing how humble the man was after the Lewis fight. Usually most guys in his position who talk a lot of shit before a fight and get their ass handed to them would run to the back and hide in shame. But Tyson not only stayed on camera for much of the aftermath (either in the ring or in the back), he stated repeatedly that Lewis was the better man, though would still want the opportunity to fight him again. You almost never hear a boxer say that his opponent was better than him, even when it's completely obvious. It showed me a different side of Tyson, one that shows he can be brutally honest when he wants to be...again, a far cry from many of the people who judge him.

DJ_Tet said:
Tyson had a great quote "I didn't rape that girl, but I figure that I did enough bad in my life to deserve what I got." That's the most honest I've heard from an athlete.

That's the one quote that's always stuck with me. Only a man of intelligence could be so brutally honest with himself.

Now having said all that, I've considered him for years to be the most overrated boxer in the last decade, a man who hasn't won a meaningful fight since at least '96 (and probably '91), yet was being picked to beat Lennox Lewis of all people. And some of the stuff he's done has been pretty fucked up. But as someone said, he defines a tragic figure to me, maybe as much as any individual in the last quarter century. It's easy to forget what he was like when he was world champ at the age of 20, when there was no hint publically of his violent persona or rage outside of the ring. In fact, his ability to turn on the switch in the ring and turn from a meek, softspoken man into a total animal is what added to his aura. And I think the rape conviction, along with the death of Cus, sent him down the wrong path.


The most memorable comment about the rape trail was from one of Tyson's former business partners/managers. He said that when he heard Tyson was charged with rape he was abolutely sure he did it and was surprised it hadn't happened sooner. Yet by the time the trial was over he was almost as sure Tyson was being "shaken down" and that he found it funny that a trial that ends in a conviction could make you much less likely to believe a crime had occured than you were at the beginning.

That said, even if (like me) you're very suspicious of the rape conviction there is no doubt at all that Tyson was a wife-beating jackass with some pretty profound impulse control issues. His wife, old men who get into fender benders with him... he has a long history of violence outside the ring.

I do have some sympathy for Tyson, just not a whole lot. His upbringing was a depressing mess, violence was the only thing that could get him away from his childhood poverty but he was never able to contain it in the "socially acceptable" outlet of his job. You can argue that he was created to be as violent and aggressive as possible and that it was exactly those qualities that other ppl valued and encouraged in boxing that made it almost inevitable that he would have problems dealing with 'normal' life. But really while I'd agree to a point I'd say there's a pretty clear, obvious difference between whipping someone's ass in a boxing ring and beating your wife over whats for supper.

If anything, I always blame that poisionous leech Don King. If Tysons ultimately rather sad story has one truly unsympathetic villian it's that fucking thief. Tyson has many flaws and has made many terrible decisions in his live, but at least you can look at the man and realize he's been as exploited and used by unscrupulous bastards for decades to go along with a shattered childhood.
Shinobi said:
Agreed. And don't get me started on Don King.

Is there anyone out there that does like Don King. +1909995358375 Lennox Lewis for never giving in to him and taking lots of his money :D


Ante Up
After all of these years, this is the conclusion...


...I know that sports ultimately don't have any direct effect on our lives, but I can't help but feel bad about the way things have gone down for the guy.


Drunky McMurder
Mike Tyson also said "I didn't rape that girl, but looking back on it I wish I did"

He's a worthless excuse for a human.


DJ_Tet said:
Ok, there was more evidence that Kobe raped his girl and that OJ killed two people.

Tyson had a great quote "I didn't rape that girl, but I figure that I did enough bad in my life to deserve what I got." That's the most honest I've heard from an athlete.

Where is this evidence that Kobe raped that girl? If you have some you better share it with the prosecution before they get embarassed even more.


The only comparables between the OJ and Kobe cases so far is that the judges of both trials might be the biggest dumb fucks presiding in any court in the country.

Archaix said:
Mike Tyson also said "I didn't rape that girl, but looking back on it I wish I did"

He's a worthless excuse for a human.

Of course he said that...why? Cause most people believed he did so anyway. That was a typical angry response from him back then. If some bitch had sent falsely sent my ass to jail and I was in an angry mood, I'd be thinking the same thing too (or worse).

As for the Tyson knee injury, I have to take that with some skepticism...it'd be a nice way to spin a pretty shocking loss, saying he was going at it with an injury for three rounds and thus had no chance to get up, setting up a rematch. At the same time I can't discount that possibility either...from all accounts it appeared Tyson was in command early on. Either way his future is in doubt...if knee ligaments are gonna tear up on him in a round where he's dominating, that really doesn't speak well for his overall condition.


Shinobi said:
Either way his future is in doubt...if knee ligaments are gonna tear up on him in a round where he's dominating, that really doesn't speak well for his overall condition.

That's true, but ligaments can rip out of nowhere. Sometimes $hit happens. It is a nice way to spin it though, but I've heard reports that he did twist his knee in the first round and Tyson never looked the same. Guess time will tell.

Bionic, evidence doesn't matter (See:OJ and DNA). You never know what a jury will do. Kobe will probably get off just like he did that night.


Drunky McMurder
Shinobi said:
The only comparables between the OJ and Kobe cases so far is that the judges of both trials might be the biggest dumb fucks presiding in any court in the country.

Of course he said that...why? Cause most people believed he did so anyway. That was a typical angry response from him back then. If some bitch had sent falsely sent my ass to jail and I was in an angry mood, I'd be thinking the same thing too (or worse).

Back then?! It was last year!


DJ_Tet said:
That's true, but ligaments can rip out of nowhere. Sometimes $hit happens. It is a nice way to spin it though, but I've heard reports that he did twist his knee in the first round and Tyson never looked the same. Guess time will tell.

Bionic, evidence doesn't matter (See:OJ and DNA). You never know what a jury will do. Kobe will probably get off just like he did that night.

The OJ case is an exception dude. Evidence does matter, if the evidence wasn't so in favor of showing that OJ committed the crime the Juice would still be making commercials. Even though he got off everyone knows he is guilty. In the Kobe case there is so much doubt in that case already such as the girl sleeping with someone in the 12 hours after Kobe allegedly raped her, her past mental problems, the ridiculously incompetant DA and prosecution rushing the investigation, etc. It just goes on and on. I think what killed Tyson was his past record, his shitty reputation, and his retarded legal team.

And DJ is right about the ligaments, they can rip at anytime, though it does sound like an excuse. If it really ripped all they need to prove it is a MRI scan.
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