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UK: 79% Of Street Fighter 6 physical sales sales were on PS5

Also before anyone goes further: no, digital will not help close the gap in Xbox's favor by a significant amount.

UK market data shows PS has an almost 2:1 advantage over Xbox for digital software sales. The very, very few examples where digital helped Xbox close the gap are with games of questionable quality (and no PS marketing deals) like Saint's Row.

At best I would expect total platform split in the UK to be 80/20 in favor of PlayStation, at least console-wise. It might look something closer to 50/30/20 PS/PC/Xbox or 55/30/15 PS/PC/Xbox once PC storefronts are added in.

Also 100% expecting SF6 to get a Switch 2 port, maybe in time with that system's launch next year. That will definitely also boost sales, obviously.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
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Twisting the actual articles title to turn it into bait *and* neglecting to add that these are boxed only sales.


How much of a difference in splits are you expecting digital sales to even the numbers?

Is it going to magically go from 87/13 to 60/40?

Physical splits are likely a good proxy for the total sales splits between platforms. Digital is big on both platforms
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
How much of a difference in splits are you expecting digital sales to even the numbers?

Is it going to magically go from 87/13 to 60/40?

Maybe, but probably closer to 70 : 30. Keep in mind there is one less Xbox platform, while it's selling on PS4/5, which while small, can account for double digit percentage sales (also it's a free upgrade so no additional cost required from the users part if they buy the PS4 SKU).
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That's not a sales reporting thread, those are slides from R*'s investors report. It took you that long to find one example of mine and even that is not the same thing at all lol.

Then why does actual market data in the UK show that PS has a near 2:1 digital advantage over Xbox?

Typically, if Xbox is comprising around 18% of total UK digital sales, then yes it could sell magnitudes more digitally than physically, but the same would be the case for PS where it comprises closer to 37% of UK digital software sales.

PC I assume would comprise the remaining amount, with that market being exclusively digital.
Maybe, but probably closer to 70 : 30. Keep in mind there is one less Xbox platform, while it's selling on PS4/5, which while small, can account for double digit percentage sales (also it's a free upgrade so no additional cost required from the users part if they buy the PS4 SKU).

Xbox will be lucky to get 20% once digital is factored in.

It's not 80/20 split it's 60/40.

No the 80/20 is what I'm expecting once digital is factored in for both platforms. PS has a near 2:1 digital advantage over Xbox in the UK market, going from a previous market data report.

Cod, fifa, and gta5 marketing.

Those games are big on PS, due to PS+ perks.

Right, that is true. Which is why I'm not expect SF6's sales volumes to shift for a big increase on Xbox once digital's factored in.

And FWIW there are many games PS hasn't had marketing rights on, that still ended up selling better on PS.
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Is there a reason to assume that the digital percentages are gonna be drastically different from the physical ones?

Also, I‘m a bit surprised that PS4 is lower than XBox, especially considering that SF6 doesn’t even have a XBox One version.

The ratio of people who own XSS compared to XSX is significantly higher than the percentage who own PS5 DE vs SE, but people like to blow this entirely out of proportion, given that a large number of people are still going to buy digitally on PS5 regardless of which version they own. Will it be 79% compared to 13%? No, but digital isn't making this look any cleaner.


No the 80/20 is what I'm expecting once digital is factored in for both platforms. PS has a near 2:1 digital advantage over Xbox in the UK market, going from a previous market data report.
Didn't CMA said they are both neck to neck?

Plus elden ring shows 41% for PS, 30% for PC and 29% for Xbox.
I think that the Series S (all digital console) is a big seller for MS in the UK.

Maybe it was for a while, but currently Xbox Series have been tracking closer to OG Xbox sales numbers for more or less the whole year thus far.

So Series S isn't that much of a big seller for MS in that market.

Didn't CMA said they are both neck to neck?

That was at a certain point last year. Historically, as well, which is probably the context the CMA were speaking in.

I mean you can simply look at the VGChartz global estimates, and keep in mind those guys' numbers tend to be more favorable for Xbox than they actually are (meanwhile their PS and Nintendo numbers tend to undershoot what those actually sell).

Plus elden ring shows 41% for PS, 30% for PC and 29% for Xbox.

Where was this data from?
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Maybe, but probably closer to 70 : 30. Keep in mind there is one less Xbox platform, while it's selling on PS4/5, which while small, can account for double digit percentage sales (also it's a free upgrade so no additional cost required from the users part if they buy the PS4 SKU).
This excuse of one less xbox platform is bogus.

As i posted on the previous page even if we take out the ps4 sales, overall sales is hugely in favour of playstation including digital. The xbox digital sales ratio isn't changing overall sales split much.

And that's just for RE4, SF might be worse.
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I am talking compared to Series X.

Oh okay. Well, I've generally assumed it's been a 60/40 split between the S and X. I know the X became harder to secure at some point in 2022, but even in markets like the UK it has been mostly readily available for months. The Forza Horizon 5 bundle for example was not hard to get, neither there nor the US.


Bro, did you read the tweet?

UK console market share is 56% PS5, 44% Xbox.

Looking at only PS5 and Xbox Series for Resi 4, the market share is 74% PS5, 26% Xbox.

People aren't buying software reflective of the splits. And the gap is widening every month.
The console split being 56% vs 44% doesn't translate to sales.
Some games will perform much better on 1 platform.
And considering PS5 is selling a lot these days, the gap will be wide until Xbox picks up their pace.


We've been reporting GFK/UK sales for years now. We know, as a matter of fact, that GFK compiles digital sales later... Because they get the digital sales from publishers at a later date.

Stop acting surprised and complaining because you don't like the numbers that are being reported.
As far as I know GFK is physical only. It's GSD that does digital and physical.


Oh okay. Well, I've generally assumed it's been a 60/40 split between the S and X. I know the X became harder to secure at some point in 2022, but even in markets like the UK it has been mostly readily available for months. The Forza Horizon 5 bundle for example was not hard to get, neither there nor the US.
I figured it 60/40-50/50 ish range personally. I think it's a much more even split than the PS5 and PS5 digital.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
This excuse of one less xbox platform is bogus.

As i posted on the previous page even if we take out the ps4 sales, digital sales is hugely in favour of playstation.

And that's just for RE4, SF might be worse.

It varies case by case.

Last year we saw some big examples like Elden Ring, Lego SW etc where the digital count brought the total UK sales closer, 10, 15% in some cases. There's no sure-fire thing at all.


After market hurts the devs, not MS.
The devs are losing their money from these markets, while MS is paying them to get their games (unless I am missing your point).

Huh? Of course it hurts MS too. Anybody that buys DLC on an aftermarket purchase or trade-in or borrowing of a game gives 30% of that money to MS.


Don't know why people got triggered by those splits. You guys need to get use to it by now given the lopsided dominance of the PS5 compared to the Xbox series, which is tracking below the Xbox One.

It will only get worse for Xbox from here after Sony solved the shortages issue. The lack of unit sales + Gamepass is a double whammy for software sales on Xbox.


Gold Member
So for now stop blaming gamepass. Because you are going to have to do this to PS+ too, considering the rate they are going now.
Nope. MS already told the CMA it cannibalizes sales. They conditioned their userbase to "just wait for Game Pass," we see it repeated here ad nauseum and across the social media sphere.

The sales splits are growing more and more each month, to PS2 era levels (which was said last month), even though the console splits are far closer to almost even, than that era.
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The data was from Chris.
It was total of both digital and physical together.

Ok then. Elden Ring I guess would be one of the exceptions. However it's also somewhat easy to see why the split wasn't that big between PS and Xbox for that particular game.

I don't think those factors are present for a game like Street Fighter 6.

I figured it 60/40-50/50 ish range personally. I think it's a much more even split than the PS5 and PS5 digital.

Oh for sure. It was a running meme at one point PS5 DE only existed as a marketing bullet point, it was practically impossible to find.

It's gotten better now, but I'd be surprised if it was over 30% of all PS5s on the market.

It varies case by case.

Last year we saw some big examples like Elden Ring, Lego SW etc where the digital count brought the total UK sales closer, 10, 15% in some cases. There's no sure-fire thing at all.

Again though, those are exceptions to the rule, not the rule itself. Also notice neither of those games had PS marketing deals.

The factors helping those games bring Xbox totals closer to PS's for UK sales (at least for the launch period) are not present for games like SF6.


Longtime fighting game fans are anything but astounded that PS consoles comprise the bulk of console game sales. Bait thread.


Nope. MS already told the CMA it cannibalizes sales. They conditioned their userbase to "just wait for Game Pass," we see it repeated here ad nauseum and across the social media sphere.

The sales splits are growing more and more each month, to PS2 era levels (which was said last month), even though the console splits are far closer to almost even, than that era.
It cannibalizes their sales, because the game is day1 on their service. That is a loss sales.

Wait for gamepass is just a meme. People who want the game won't wait. And don't say you will wait, because you go out and buy your favorite games day1.

And as I indicated, the sales depends on the game, which platform has the audience, the number of console that is being sold. All these factors affect the the split between the 2 system.

Here is elden ring for example.

Plus none of these shit matters anyway. PS vs Xbox global audience is widely different. That is all matter's to devs. PS will stomp on Xbox from global sales perspective.


Twisting the actual articles title to turn it into bait *and* neglecting to add that these are boxed only sales.

Yeah, These type of threads should be banned as they try to paint a narrative while only using limited data.Guess what, 60% of Xbox sold are reportedly Series s which don't even have a disk.So, Why the f uck would anyone take this limited Info seriously?...


Ok then. Elden Ring I guess would be one of the exceptions. However it's also somewhat easy to see why the split wasn't that big between PS and Xbox for that particular game.

I don't think those factors are present for a game like Street Fighter 6.
SF5 was exclusive to PS, so the audience for that game is on PS.



It's no more a meme than PC gamers conditioned to wait for their deep sales. Which has been reflective for quite a long time now, more often than not baring an outlier or two every blue moon.
I think we to stop this silly argument.

PC are known for wait for sales, yet elden ring did 30% on that platform. Don't take that word to heart.


Jada's BFF
It went crossgen for nothing but for no other reason than because it's cheaper to make and they know people will still buy it.
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Gold Member
I think we to stop this silly argument.

PC are known for wait for sales, yet elden ring did 30% on that platform. Don't take that word to heart.
And an ecosystem that has been pushing their gamers into a sub service for over 5 years with super cheap sub stacking and free months for easy rewards clicks, is conditioning them as well.

ER was a year ago, if you have been paying attention, the sales splits have been widening with every game since then. Hogwarts was similar to how it is now. 1 year later.

I don't necessarily mind that dichotomy though personally. Xbox is my Gamepass machine and PS5 is my games owning machine. It's easier to keep track of when I know all of my game purchases are in one ecosystem.
There are many like you, I'm sure.
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Gold Journalism
Love this weekly threads where we get o pretend week in week out that Xbox has like a 150% to -10% digital to physical ratio and PlayStation is almost all physical. #faxs

GP totally doesn’t affect software sales guys.
That narrative was squashed when Resident Evil 4 Remake numbers were made public.

Whenever someone brings that up, just point them to that direction.


And an ecosystem that has been pushing their gamers into a sub service for over 5 years with super cheap sub stacking and free months for easy rewards clicks.

ER was a year ago, if you have been paying attention, the sales splits have been widening with every game since then. Hogwarts was similar to how it is now. 1 year later
And people will buy the games that they want.
How hard is that?
You are going crazy with this gamepass narrative.
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