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UK: 79% Of Street Fighter 6 physical sales sales were on PS5


What time is it?

It's no more a meme than PC gamers conditioned to wait for their deep sales. Which has been reflective for quite a long time now, more often than not baring an outlier or two every blue moon.
SF5 was exclusive to PS, so the audience for that game is on PS.

Well that's not the only reason. Microsoft completely gave up on the fighting game audience after 2016 or so. And going by sales of KOF XV and Samurai Showdown on Xbox, it still hasn't returned. Heck that's why they had to get GG Strive into Game Pass, they knew sales alone would not have made a port to Xbox happen.

But that is really Microsoft's own fault. They had a great fighter at launch with Killer Instinct, then just let that taper off and did not bother much afterwards. With Sony co-owning EVO, I don't expect the customer base for fighters to ever really return to Xbox.

In retrospect it's stunning to see them give up all the growth they had with that genre on the 360.

So what?
PS4 sold a lot of copies compared to Xbox one. And elden ring was on all platforms.

He has a point though. If you wanted a next-gen version of the Elden Ring experience at that time, your best options were PC and a Series S or X. PS5s were simply extremely hard to find at that point.

A case could be made if PS5 were as readily available then as it is now, it would have probably eaten a tad out of PC's share and a lot out of Xbox's share of Elden Ring sales.
Cant we all just be happy its on every platform so you can pick it up where you want?

5 was only on playstation and it fucking sucked!

It started to turn things around by Season 3. By Season 5 it was a legit great game.

If anything SFV should not have released until 2018, but Capcom needed a new SF sooner rather than later, and SFIV was getting long in the tooth by 2015. They couldn't skip two years with no new SF, I suppose.

What troll?
You mentioned PS5 sales. And I told you that the PS4 sold more than Xbox one. The people who bought these PS5 were previous PS4 users, aside of new audience.

Sony have said 30% of PS5 owners are new to the ecosystem, meaning they did not have a PS4 last gen.
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2 possibility.

- 2/3 of the Xbox Series sales are Series S (and it's very sad)
- Or Microsoft force Xbox player buying digital ver. with very low disc stock

There no reason Xbox version can't reash at least 20-25%.
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@ thicc_girls_are_teh_best thicc_girls_are_teh_best just a single entry?.....Street fighter skipped Xbox for more than a decade by not releasing Street Fighter V on Xbox.

But that's still a single Street Fighter entry.

SFIV was on PS3, 360, PC, even 3DS. SFIII was on arcade, Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox. SFII was on arcade, SNES, Genesis, 3DO, PC-Engine, PC, x68000.

SF1 is probably the only other entry that wasn't multiplat but that game was trash. I don't think it even got a console port outside of the PC-Engine.
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Well that's not the only reason. Microsoft completely gave up on the fighting game audience after 2016 or so. And going by sales of KOF XV and Samurai Showdown on Xbox, it still hasn't returned. Heck that's why they had to get GG Strive into Game Pass, they knew sales alone would not have made a port to Xbox happen.

But that is really Microsoft's own fault. They had a great fighter at launch with Killer Instinct, then just let that taper off and did not bother much afterwards. With Sony co-owning EVO, I don't expect the customer base for fighters to ever really return to Xbox.

In retrospect it's stunning to see them give up all the growth they had with that genre on the 360.
They lost a lot of audience during Xbox one, due to these moves. They fambled their jrpg games on Xbox.
It would have helped Xbox a lot, had they continue investing on those games.


What troll?
You mentioned PS5 sales. And I told you that the PS4 sold more than Xbox one. The people who bought these PS5 were previous PS4 users, aside of new audience.

It started to turn things around by Season 3. By Season 5 it was a legit great game.

If anything SFV should not have released until 2018, but Capcom needed a new SF sooner rather than later, and SFIV was getting long in the tooth by 2015. They couldn't skip two years with no new SF, I suppose.

Sony have said 30% of PS5 owners are new to the ecosystem, meaning they did not have a PS4 last gen.

In 2014 it was 40% of PS4 instal that didn't own a PS3 in the previous gen.

I think Thick Thighs Save Lives Thick Thighs Save Lives is right on this one feynoob feynoob on PS5 it's around 30% that didn't own a PS4.

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2 possibility.

- 2/3 of the Xbox Series sales are Series S (and it's very sad)
- Or Microsoft force Xbox player buying digital ver. with very low disc stock

There no reason Xbox version can't reash at least 20-25%.
Xsx+xss will have higher digital sales.
Xbox one state left a bad taste for some players. And 2022 broke down a lot of Xbox users.


Gold Journalism
To those who are downplaying that this physical / boxed sales only, here is the Resident Evil 4 Remake data from just a couple of months ago:

Physical Sales:
  • PlayStation = 86%
  • Xbox = 14%
Physical + Digital Sales:
  • PlayStation = 77%
  • Xbox = 23%
RE4 Remake did not release on Xbox One, but it did release on PS4, but it only sold 9% on PS4. More importantly, the sales ratio did not change significantly when digital numbers were added, although that's what everybody keeps implying.


P.S. At this point, the console sales split in the market was 56% (PS5) and 44% (Xbox Series X|S). Yet the software sales difference is so huge.
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79% of its boxed sales were on PS5, 13% on Xbox and 8% on PS4.
Yet I see people constantly complain why Japanese games and certain games don’t come to the XBOX. Most Xbox gamers just do not buy and support games no matter how high profile they are. This is never ending and has been going on for a long time well before Gamepass even materialized.


Gold Member
To those who are downplaying that this physical / boxed sales only, here is the Resident Evil 4 Remake data from just a couple of months ago:

Physical Sales:
  • PlayStation = 86%
  • Xbox = 14%
Physical + Digital Sales:
  • PlayStation = 85%
  • Xbox = 15%
RE4 Remake did not release on Xbox One, but it did release on PS4, but it only sold 9% on PS4. More importantly, the sales ratio did not change at all when digital numbers were added, although that's what everybody keeps implying.

Jurassic Park Ian Malcom GIF
Practically a 9:1 in favor of PS5 in physical sales is outrageous (with digital it wouldn't change much and it's just damage control), this is what happens when you get your audience used to a sub service for a few euros like the one GP, people don't want to buy games and the only thing you read on twitter is "I wait for them to put it in the GP".


To those who are downplaying that this physical / boxed sales only, here is the Resident Evil 4 Remake data from just a couple of months ago:

Physical Sales:
  • PlayStation = 86%
  • Xbox = 14%
Physical + Digital Sales:
  • PlayStation = 85%
  • Xbox = 15%
RE4 Remake did not release on Xbox One, but it did release on PS4, but it only sold 9% on PS4. More importantly, the sales ratio did not change at all when digital numbers were added, although that's what everybody keeps implying.


boom smile GIF

2 possibility.

- 2/3 of the Xbox Series sales are Series S (and it's very sad)
- Or Microsoft force Xbox player buying digital ver. with very low disc stock

There no reason Xbox version can't reash at least 20-25%.

Exactly! Especially since Xbox Series consoles make up 40% of the UK market.


I know SF 6 sales are good considering the franchise's current situation. But not being able to beat Zelda on it's launch week is kinda sad.


Yet I see people constantly complain about why Japanese games and certain games do not come to the XBOX. Most XBOX gamers just do no buy and support games no matter high profile they are. This is never ending and has been going on well before Gamepass even materialized.
They lost most of the people who buy those games to PC and PlayStation during the Xbox One era. Things are better now software wise, but the buyers haven’t returned.
Love this weekly threads where we get o pretend week in week out that Xbox has like a 150% to -10% digital to physical ratio and PlayStation is almost all physical. #faxs

GP totally doesn’t affect software sales guys.
How are you concluding that? As far as I know, SF6 isn’t on GP

XBOX has had a big push towards digital only with play anywhere and other initiatives such as retro. I’d say that people locked to their ecosystem are more used to digital only.
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But Microsoft told me that the reason why Japanese developers don't release their games on Xbox is because Sony is forbidding them.


Gold Member
Is Resident Evil 4 available in Game Pass ? I suppose not.

I don't really get why a game not available in Game Pass would have lower sales ?
People wait. They say it all the time on here and across the web.

The conditioning is real.

Do tell, then why are the games not selling closer to the platform splits? Why is that sales split gap widening every month, despite the console install base split being far closer?
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We've been reporting GFK/UK sales for years now. We know, as a matter of fact, that GFK compiles digital sales later... Because they get the digital sales from publishers at a later date.
I didn’t know that. Maybe someone spends a little too much time in sales threads.
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They lost a lot of audience during Xbox one, due to these moves. They fambled their jrpg games on Xbox.
It would have helped Xbox a lot, had they continue investing on those games.

Unfortunately time and again we've seen that if results don't come quick enough for Microsoft, they will simply jettison an initiative. I'm almost certain the only reason they don't have a "Google graveyard" type of meme is because MS's failed initiatives are spread out among mostly prior software and services, less so hardware.

Although arguably the only hardware line they have which could be said to have consistently performed well relative competitors in its market are their Surface devices.

To those who are downplaying that this physical / boxed sales only, here is the Resident Evil 4 Remake data from just a couple of months ago:

Physical Sales:
  • PlayStation = 86%
  • Xbox = 14%
Physical + Digital Sales:
  • PlayStation = 77%
  • Xbox = 23%
RE4 Remake did not release on Xbox One, but it did release on PS4, but it only sold 9% on PS4. More importantly, the sales ratio did not change significantly when digital numbers were added, although that's what everybody keeps implying.


P.S. At this point, the console sales split in the market was 56% (PS5) and 44% (Xbox Series X|S). Yet the software sales difference is so huge.

Yeah there are lots of people all over trying to downplay the UK sales saying digital will make the difference, but we already know in the UK PS digital is almost 2:1 over Xbox on average. PC makes up the other 45% of digital software sales but it kind of has to, that platform is exclusively digital all around.

Games like Elden Ring may be exceptions where once digital's included Xbox can close the gap to ~ 10% - 12%, but those factors aren't at play for SF6. SF6 will probably follow RE4R's trajectory where digital did fuc-all for Xbox in closing the sales gap vs. the PS5 version.

I know SF 6 sales are good considering the franchise's current situation. But not being able to beat Zelda on it's launch week is kinda sad.

I mean it's only Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, probably the most anticipated game of the entire year.

Hopefully this doesn't start a fake narrative that SF6 "bombed", when we already know the game's sold around 1 million copies (Capcom said SF series reached 49 million back in March, now it's at 50 million).

Like what happened with HFW just because of Elden Ring (when now we know HFW is over 8 million and selling faster than the original, just not Elden Ring or TOTK-fast).


If it ain't "free" xboxer$ won't "buy" it..

We literally had someone begging for a F2P version of SF6 in the OT the other day.

No guesses as to what platform they game on. It's sad. These games aren't even that expensive in the grand scheme of things, especially for something like street fighter where it will be supported for close to a decade and you can easily get hundreds of hours out of it.

It might seem harsh, but my view is that if you're an adult and you legitimately can't afford a $60 release then you shouldn't even be spending time faffing around on gamepass, let alone begging on a forum. Find a way to be productive with your time ffs if you're in that situation.
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To those who are downplaying that this physical / boxed sales only, here is the Resident Evil 4 Remake data from just a couple of months ago:

Physical Sales:
  • PlayStation = 86%
  • Xbox = 14%
Physical + Digital Sales:
  • PlayStation = 77%
  • Xbox = 23%
RE4 Remake did not release on Xbox One, but it did release on PS4, but it only sold 9% on PS4. More importantly, the sales ratio did not change significantly when digital numbers were added, although that's what everybody keeps implying.


P.S. At this point, the console sales split in the market was 56% (PS5) and 44% (Xbox Series X|S). Yet the software sales difference is so huge.
That data is stupid as the game doesn't exist on Xbox one.
I guess people fall for these stupid data


It's literally explained in that post. But, ok.
It's not.
The game doesn't have Xbox one version. It's only xsx/s version.



Gold Member
It's not.
The game doesn't have Xbox one version. It's only xsx/s version.

My goodness. The ratio barely changes when adjusted.
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