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User reviews on Steam for Elden Ring being deleted


The bear of bad news

Duped again. Performance on PC sucks and is riddled with freezing, stuttering and crashes. Game is worse post patch as well. I'm hearing console performance is also not great. How is this not mentioned in most reviews.


This industry has gone to shit.



Hope they are fixed soon, I'm running 4K with my 6800 XT, the framerate should be stable at 60 fps, but there are stuttering causing random 45-60 fluctuation, I've seen even people with 3090 having this problem..

But the game is amazing nonetheless
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Cretinously credulous
Right off the gate I got hit with a bug- the game keeps disconnecting my Xbox controller (even when connected through cable). Sucks.
Also, is there an HDR option? Didnt see one.


Thank god i'm still playing horizon so the game is gonna be heavily patched in 2 weeks from now (i hope)
That's the blessing of Console exclusives I guess, I rarely see any console exclusives run into technical problems, they are optimized for the specific hardware.
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Gold Member
Frame drops down to 40, micro-stutter, loosing frames and overall unpolished. It hickups like every second in the open world area. Annoying as fudge. Took vacation for this, but can't enjoy the game at all at this moment. Hope they fix this a.s.a.p!
That sucks :(
Hopefully it gets resolved asap.
I hope VRR can save some off the issues for now, not sure if it can do anything about stutters though. :( (Maybe someone with more knowledge might know)


Broken in what way? (I haven't played the game, still waiting for my copy to arrive)
All versions suffer from frame drops in a lot of the more open areas.
The PC version specifically is suffering with a lot of stuttering, though there are some possible fixes if you look up online for solutions, it apparently also gets better over time. However it isn't 100% certain it'll work.



I don't have any of those performance issues (neither my friends) I hope they fix it so ppl can fully enjoy this masterpiece.
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The bear of bad news
It’s riddled with it? Lol hyperbole and click baiting is all that’s going on here. I have played on pc for 5 hours and it’s perfectly playable. Can it be improved? Of course. Is it unplayable? Not at all.
It's a jittery mess. Watch the video in the OP. My experience is similar.



Duped again. Performance on PC sucks and is riddled with freezing, stuttering and crashes. Game is worse post patch as well. I'm hearing console performance is also not great. How is this not mentioned in most reviews.


This industry has gone to shit.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz games are meant to be played, not measured.


always chasing the next thrill
It’s riddled with it? Lol hyperbole and click baiting is all that’s going on here. I have played on pc for 5 hours and it’s perfectly playable. Can it be improved? Of course. Is it unplayable? Not at all.
Does that mean the game deserves a 10?
Not al all.
I saw this coming and held off on preordering for this exact reason. I'm as hyped for this game as anyone, but I've got other stuff I can play until this gets sorted out.

That being said, I spent a bit of time playing someone else's copy last night and it was hardly unplayable, even though their PC just barely met the minimum specs. Anyone able to handle Bloodborne in terms of performance should easily be able to handle this game.

So much for the "pc master race"
At least you can actually do something about it on PC. Even if From were to never fix the game, someone from the community eventually would, just like they did with the original Dark Souls PC release. Meanwhile almost all of the performance issues and restrictions that plagued Bloodborne in 2015 are still present today, even if you play it on PS5.


That's the blessing of Console exclusives I guess, I rarely see any console exclusives run into technical problems, they are optimized for the specific hardware.

Indeed. The consoles have two big advantages which seem to cause problems on PC - there is one fixed set of shaders so you don't have to do all this shader compilation lark and the unified memory - the latter was the main culprit of Batman: Arkham Knight's ghastly PC port.


always chasing the next thrill

Duped again. Performance on PC sucks and is riddled with freezing, stuttering and crashes. Game is worse post patch as well. I'm hearing console performance is also not great. How is this not mentioned in most reviews.


This industry has gone to shit.

He added the pinned post later.
Now why the fuck did he agreed with making a positive review in the first place knowing the game was buggy af?
Only to add the other video just before launch?
ACG is one of the reviewers i still trust but this shit taste bad.

Was it because of promises by the devs?
I really think more independent reviewers should fucking punish devs for releasing buggy shit and just rate good games below 6 because that is how publishers will listen,

Anyway i hope it will be ok on ps5 it feels kinda bad supporting the publisher knowing how they treat pc gamers.


This new video explains how and why the initial video was written like it is.
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The bear of bad news

He added the pinned post later.
Now why the fuck did he agreed with making a positive review in the first place knowing the game was buggy af?
Only to add the other video just before launch?
ACG is one of the reviewers i still trust but this shit taste bad.

Was it because of promises by the devs?
I really think more independent reviewers should fucking punish devs for releasing buggy shit and just rate good games below 6 because that is how publishers will listen,

Anyway i hope it will be ok on ps5 it feels kinda bad supporting the publisher knowing how they treat pc gamers.

Yeah, he says in the OP video.

In the NDA's they told reviewers not to hold performance against the game because Day 1 patches were coming!

I honestly hold it against the reviewers for falling for this shit as much as I do From.

Bunch of shills.

From sucks at patching their games too so good luck to us waiting for that.


The game must be really really good to have gotten perfect scores even with all these bugs.
I was going to post in the 'am I alone, I'm not buying the hype' thread someone posted but this type has become a type of game where you have to be seen to like it, even if you actually don't.

It is kind of the inverse of things like Amazon. A company that's cool to hate, people will publicly lash them for how they're so greedy, pay little tax, treat workers badly. Yet they'll still sign up for Prime and buy everything they can afford. Because that's done in private.

You see this a lot in life, it is better to be perceived to be something rather than actually be so.

That extends to reviews too, and is why review scores can often be a measure of pre-release perception rather than any personal opinion. In other words 'I think the public think this is an x/10 game, I better score it accordingly because if I don't people will troll me and my score will be out of whack with everyone else'. And this isn't just for high scores and hype-buying, but low ones too.

That doesn't mean these can't be good games enjoyed by many, but it is why scores, hype and buzz often don't correlate with sales performance.


always chasing the next thrill
Yeah, he says in the OP video.

In the NDA's they told reviewers not to hold performance against the game because Day 1 patches were coming!

I honestly hold it against the reviewers for falling for this shit as much as I do From.

Bunch of shills.

From sucks at patching their games too so good luck to us waiting for that.
Yeah well there is a lesson to be learned here.
I hope independent reviewers will learn from this.
And not fall for this shit again.

If BOTW2 will have insane framerate issues at launch just constant stuttering, rate it a 4 fuck it.
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This is sad. For such a beloved studio releasing GOTY worthy titles, their games sure are buggy and almost always unoptimized regardless of platforms.

At this point I wish Sony would buy them and have BluePoint help them on the tech level, applying the final coat of polish, etc...
Only problem would be the delay for PC created by a Sony acquisition. It would be a shame for we are witnessing again, these game are among the most (and maybe more) popular on PC and sells millions and millions of copies.
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Steam needs to be more proactive with making a list of PC features a title supports or not that devs will have to fill in before releasing on steam.

So people know what they can expect.
I cant think of any remotely recent game that doesn't offer unlocked framerate. People assume that it will just like they assume that it's windows compatible.
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This is why i stopped pre ordering PC games, it's far too common now, they just don't care, but know the game doesn't work properly on release like Dishonored 2, i had to wait 3 months to enjoy it.


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This is sad. For such a beloved studio releasing GOTY worthy titles, their games sure are buggy and almost always unoptimized regardless of platforms.

At this point I wish Sony would buy them and have BluePoint help them on the tech level, applying the final coat of polish, etc...
Only problem would be the delay for PC created by a Sony acquisition. It would be a shame for we are witnessing again, these game are among the most (and maybe more) popular on PC and sells millions and millions of copies.

Your solution to help PC gamers is to delay the game on the platform for two years? 😂

Demon Souls remake engine would run much better looking 5x better than this shit fromsoftware using, sigh

Demons Souls is a much less ambitious game than Elden Ring, though. Plus a much easier task since most of the heavy lifting with regards to lore and gameplay was done in the original game.

This isn’t to excuse From software and their poor optimization. Such a shame they’re all to willing to accept performance issues in their games. Reviewers or the press should call them out more often.
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It’s riddled with it? Lol hyperbole and click baiting is all that’s going on here. I have played on pc for 5 hours and it’s perfectly playable. Can it be improved? Of course. Is it unplayable? Not at all.

Who said it's unplayable. I searched the linked article, the deleted review, and every post above yours, no mention of the word "unplayable".
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Your solution to help PC gamers is to delay the game on the platform for two years? 😂
I know, though Bungie games will keep being release everywhere Day One if I'm not wrong.
Knowing how popular From games are on PC, the same logic could be applied here.

I'm a supporter of Every Games, Everywhere 4 Everyone so if there's a solution for them to release optimized/polished games on every platform, I'm all for it.


I cant think of any remotely recent game that doesn't offer unlocked framerate. People assume that it will just like they assume that it's windows compatible.

Typical japan shovelware. It's always jank on PC. Reason i avoid them with a passion or buy into them when the keys sell for 5-10 bucks.

It was to be expected.

Japan devs simple don't seem to care much and western reviewers are so bad at there job, they will give points if it runs on any system half decent.
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Typical japan shovelware. It's always jank on PC. Reason i avoid them with a passion or buy into them when the keys sell for 5-10 bucks.

It was to be expected.

Japan devs simple don't seem to care much and western reviewers are so bad at there job, they will give points for barely playable games

My pet peeve is when there's bad M&KB support: "well it was designed to be played with a controller"

Fucking please.
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