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User reviews on Steam for Elden Ring being deleted


In what way. My copy arriving tomorrow but from what I read its just the whole framerate not hitting 60 fps blah blah. ( Gonna play in quality mode)
It judders every second and has hickups every now and then. Now hitting 60 is bad enough for your experience. It's a solid framerate that either makes or breaks the immersion of the game, It broke in like 10 seconds for me.
I cant think of any remotely recent game that doesn't offer unlocked framerate. People assume that it will just like they assume that it's windows compatible.
You don't have much experience with weebshit? It's always amusing to me when PC gamers play Japanese games.

As long as the PC port isn't worse than console it's good enough for me.


King of Gaslighting
Broken in what way? (I haven't played the game, still waiting for my copy to arrive)

It's isn't "broken" - it also isn't performing the way a grand the to reviewed this highly should be performing, ESPECIALLY when BANDAI NAMCO/FROMSOFT highly suggested that the day one patch would solve these issues.

. . that I think is what has made a mountain out of a glitched out molehill.


Moderated wildly
Hope they are fixed soon, I'm running 4K with my 6800 XT, the framerate should be stable at 60 fps, but there are stuttering causing random 45-60 fluctuation, I've seen even people with 3090 having this problem..

But the game is amazing nonetheless

Are you getting the two random freezes issue? It's like it locks up completely on my pc, stalls the whole system for like a second then the engine speeds up like Karak Karak mentioned.

8700k, 32gb ram, rtx 3080 here. Gutting


Are you getting the two random freezes issue? It's like it locks up completely on my pc, stalls the whole system for like a second then the engine speeds up like Karak Karak mentioned.

8700k, 32gb ram, rtx 3080 here. Gutting
I haven't encountered that specific one, is the PC version this bad? The only thing that I encounter are Stutters.
I don't have stuttering, but I do get weird slowdowns at what seem to be "loading" points, aside from that it's smooth for me.
I guess my cpu is just brute forcing through the issues; i9 109k.


Game reviewers get games early with the explicit indication they will ignore performance. Thus they have contributed to release broken shit and then just fix it later cause scores will not be impacted.


Both consoles runs on x86 architecture thus developing for PC is much easier than 2 generations ago.
I guess the lesson is never preorder anything at launch!


Game reviewers get games early with the explicit indication they will ignore performance. Thus they have contributed to release broken shit and then just fix it later cause scores will not be impacted.
A common phrase "it has performance issues, hopefully day 1 patch will fix them".

Day one patch: here's some more performance issues.

Lokaum D+

its time to put ur shit together From, update this fukin elden engine would be an amazing start.

not buying this shit until From do something, until then i ll be playing the free trial edtion that is out there.
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So looks like PS4 bc on PS5 is the best way to play.

Just unacceptable. I genuinely don't know why this hasn't been called out in reviews.


Yeah FROM really need to get their shit together regarding performance.
It might have been somewhat understandable early on when it was a small-ish niche franchise, but Dark Souls 3 was 10+ million seller, Sekiro was already at 5+ million in 2020. These are successfull well selling high profile titles now.

As I mentioned in the other thread, it's just weird how they don't seem to care about performance. The Ps4 pro version runs at locked 60fps on ps5, so clearly they could have gotten the Ps5 version to run better by scaling back the visuals a bit in performance mode, but instead they just lower resolution a bit, have it running at 50-60fps and call it a day.

So looks like PS4 bc on PS5 is the best way to play.

Just unacceptable. I genuinely don't know why this hasn't been called out in reviews.

Because reviewers don't really care about performance as long as the game isn't broken.
The Ps5 version in performance mode still runs at 50-60, the game that's right under Elden Ring in the "best ever" list on Open Critic, Breath of the Wild, runs at like 25-30fps.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
It isn't awful or anything, I have played far worse PC ports, but shader compile frame dips are definitely a thing. Frame rate lurching between 45 and 60 is a noticeable flaw but hardly unplayable.

But PC users want the best version of everything and this ain't that.


Because reviewers don't really care about performance as long as the game isn't broken.
The Ps5 version in performance mode still runs at 50-60, the game that's right under Elden Ring in the "best ever" list on Open Critic, Breath of the Wild, runs at like 25-30fps.
Well they should. In many ways, it's the only thing that matters - everything else is a question of taste.

And BoTW is nothing like as inconsistent in its frame pacing. It basically drops frames at specific points (tall grass). What this release has demonstrated is that a consistent frame rate, even if lower, is way more preferable to an inconsistent, but higher one.
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I know, though Bungie games will keep being release everywhere Day One if I'm not wrong.
Knowing how popular From games are on PC, the same logic could be applied here.

I'm a supporter of Every Games, Everywhere 4 Everyone so if there's a solution for them to release optimized/polished games on every platform, I'm all for it.

Bluepoint hasnt had to optimize games for multiple platforms in about a decade.


Those frames... Seriously wtf were reviewers on PC doing? Overlooking shit like this seems like they gave from a free pass just because "dark souls" . History of unoptimized games and they just sweep it under the rug. But 10/10 I guess because from!


This game got 10/10 universally?

Who reviewed it? Souls fans?

Remember a time when only games which were revolutionary and perfect in all departments got a 10/10.

Zelda 64, Mario 64, Halo and Half life 2 come to mind.

Nowadays perfect scores are getting thrown around.
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Are you getting the two random freezes issue? It's like it locks up completely on my pc, stalls the whole system for like a second then the engine speeds up like Karak Karak mentioned.

8700k, 32gb ram, rtx 3080 here. Gutting
Dude. No one fucking believed me when I tested this after the patch. But the patch truly made things worse. Not being informed it was for sure coming is a bitch. Not sure why I wasnt told and randomly heard about it on a post which you never know where that came from. Really never happened to me before. Usually its the opposite.
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He added the pinned post later.
Now why the fuck did he agreed with making a positive review in the first place knowing the game was buggy af?
Only to add the other video just before launch?
ACG is one of the reviewers i still trust but this shit taste bad.

Was it because of promises by the devs?
I really think more independent reviewers should fucking punish devs for releasing buggy shit and just rate good games below 6 because that is how publishers will listen,

Anyway i hope it will be ok on ps5 it feels kinda bad supporting the publisher knowing how they treat pc gamers.

Wait what?
What are you saying I did?
I explained it very clearly in the patch post. The patch worsed performance. A patch I was never informed of and only heard a rumor of due to a post somewhere else. I was never given any information about any new patch and in fact was stressed that I had a particular patch for the review. Which isn't the newest. The rumor of another patch was randomly all over the internet. But I had no indication it was real.

That is in fact why I posted an entire video and addendum
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This game got 10/10 universally?

Who reviewed it? Souls fans?

Remember a time when only games which were revolutionary and perfect in all departments got a 10/10.

Zelda 64, Mario 64, Halo and Half life 2 come to mind.

Nowadays perfect scores are getting thrown around.
I remember Zelda 64 chugging in some spots. Things like that were overlooked even back then if the game was good enough.


This game got 10/10 universally?

Who reviewed it? Souls fans?

Remember a time when only games which were revolutionary and perfect in all departments got a 10/10.

Zelda 64, Mario 64, Halo and Half life 2 come to mind.

Nowadays perfect scores are getting thrown around.
OOT ran like shit. However most people played it on emulators so they dont know that


Yeah. Game only sold 7 million copies

Only 7 million?

On a console which sold 32 million.

Mario 64 sold only 11 million.

There’s a world of difference between a game which pushed hardware to it’s limits compared to a game which is buggy as shit.


I don’t even think it was a case of ‘overlooking’ anything as it was all brave new territory. OoT was cutting edge. Wasn’t it 20fps?

Yep there’s a difference between a game pushing a hardware and one being buggy as shit.

Many games later in N64 pushed the hardware to its limits and hence a low fps.



He added the pinned post later.
Now why the fuck did he agreed with making a positive review in the first place knowing the game was buggy af?
Only to add the other video just before launch?
ACG is one of the reviewers i still trust but this shit taste bad.

Was it because of promises by the devs?
I really think more independent reviewers should fucking punish devs for releasing buggy shit and just rate good games below 6 because that is how publishers will listen,

Anyway i hope it will be ok on ps5 it feels kinda bad supporting the publisher knowing how they treat pc gamers.

I am asking you to correct your post to what actually happened and what I stated. Thanks
Yep there’s a difference between a game pushing a hardware and one being buggy as shit.

Many games later in N64 pushed the hardware to its limits and hence a low fps.
How can a game that's so demanding it runs like ass on target hardware be "perfect in all departments"?


Only 7 million?

On a console which sold 32 million.

Mario 64 sold only 11 million.

There’s a world of difference between a game which pushed hardware to it’s limits compared to a game which is buggy as shit.
I didnt say it flopped, I said the majority of people played it on emulation


What sort of excuse is that? If Sony or MS released a game that only ran at 20 FPS on PS5 or XSX people would rightfully shit all over it, no matter how cutting edge it was.


I told you it was cutting edge and ahead of its time. It pushed the N64 to it's limits. Only when Banjo Kazooie was released was it displaced. That ran like 20fps too. Most later games did on N64.

Theres a difference between a cutting edge game and one which is buggy. I am talking in regards to review scores.

Would you knock marks off Crysis cause most hardware can't run it because the graphics were ahead of its time?

Or Elden Ring because it looks average and has performance issues on all hardware?

Don't you see the difference? Why is Elden Ring getting perfect scores.
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Fare thee well

Wow, for real? That's the first time I've heard of negative reviews actually being deleted by steam. Yikes. I know they have anti-review-bomb mechanisms, or so I've been told. They certainly didn't delete the bad reviews for Warhammer 3.
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