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Video of man working on shop projects in garage released as "visual album"

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This apple exclusive shit is really pissing me off.

They're really strongarming their way into the competition, fragmenting music libraries in the process.

This isn't really strong arming. Brute forcing, maybe. It's not like they are forcing Frank Ocean into giving them his music. They are purchasing content rights. It's weird to think of music in this way, I know, but with the way the industry has been moving heavily into the subscription service model it's going to change the way people view and consume music. It's sort of like a show being on Netflix and not Amazon. Content providers on all front are scrambling to secure content in any fashion they can.


Fans do cry

This isn't really strong arming. Brute forcing, maybe. It's not like they are forcing Frank Ocean into giving them his music. They are purchasing content rights. It's weird to think of music in this way, I know, but with the way the industry has been moving heavily into the subscription service model it's going to change the way people view and consume music. It's sort of like a show being on Netflix and not Amazon. Content providers on all front are scrambling to secure content in any fashion they can.

I can't wait for the future in which I subscribe to 20 different streaming services just so I can listen to and watch everything that I want to.


This isn't really strong arming. Brute forcing, maybe. It's not like they are forcing Frank Ocean into giving them his music. They are purchasing content rights. It's weird to think of music in this way, I know, but with the way the industry has been moving heavily into the subscription service model it's going to change the way people view and consume music. It's sort of like a show being on Netflix and not Amazon. Content providers on all front are scrambling to secure content in any fashion they can.

And not even as bad as that (or video games for that matter).

Realistically, most people are going to sub one service, enjoy the exclusives they do get and just wait for the window to run out on the others. Like TLOP, or Lemonade, or this. Meanwhile, I'm never gonna be watching House of Cards on Amazon Instant and I won't be getting Halo on PlayStation either.

This is the way content is sold now, but music fans definitely still have the best deal.
Technically, Tidal was the first to drop a timed exclusive but you know GAF and it's weird hard-on for Apple ruining Jobs' legacy or whatever...


Absolutely agree but the rhetoric seems to be that Apple began this whole timed exclusivity bullshit.

Tidal having exclusives was the whole point of the service. Apple Music is basically like Spotify or Google Music so they're 'winning' by securing every exclusive they can
I can't wait for the future in which I subscribe to 20 different streaming services just so I can listen to and watch everything that I want to.

lol remember when people were like "Cable companies suck give me ala carte!" and now people are getting that and having to pay like 3X as much. You're never going to beat the corporations.


Technically, Tidal was the first to drop a timed exclusive but you know GAF and it's weird hard-on for Apple ruining Jobs' legacy or whatever...

Doesn't make it cool man. Doesn't matter who it's exclusive to or who started it. But you know GAF and it's weird hard on for defended Apple and other companies or whatever...
I got Friday off and my Apple Music subscription is paying off in SPADES.

The curated playlists and slick interface on Android are really everything I needed in a streaming service.

Gimme the big boy pants, cause I'm bout to FEAST.
lol remember when people were like "Cable companies suck give me ala carte!" and now people are getting that and having to pay like 3X as much. You're never going to beat the corporations.

I will look back fondly on the days in which I paid $60 a month for a cable plan and got to watch everything.
Gives me a reason to try the free-trial at least. Was listening to Pyramids on my way to work today, thinking about the damn release date, so fucking hyped!! :D


Apple exclusive? Cmon son. I still haven't heard the Straight out of Compton soundtrack because of exclusivity.

Y'all acting like it's never going to be out of Apple Music

Doesn't change the fact that the two week exclusivity sucks.
I would have totally bought it day one. Now I have to find other ways of listening to it and buy it when it becomes available to everyone.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
It's a shame Apple doesn't offer a free 3 month trial or anything like that for people to use.


This practice of making music exclusive to services is absolute garbage, even if it is for a couple weeks. I would imagine this just increases piracy.
I don't know how people don't have Apple music if they have an iPhone. Man I love the interface. Apple music rocks. And I'm rocking with Spotify too for that at home PS4 music.


I don't know how people don't have Apple music if they have an iPhone. Man I love the interface. Apple music rocks. And I'm rocking with Spotify too for that at home PS4 music.

Discover Weekly is too important for me to give it up. Apple Music is adding something similar in iOS 10, but until then, I'll stick with Spotify.
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