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Vox: How Trump attacking Hillary Clinton over Bill's sex scandals could go wrong

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listen to the mad man
Yeah, that's fair. Maybe enhanced her ability to empathize with women going through what she went through.

Yeah. I see where you were coming from in that you were clearly channeling the defence attorney stuff. And it's a problem a lot of defence attorneys face when they run for office, trying to explain to the average person that even bad people who did bad things deserve the best defence possible. It's much easier to say you changed your mind .
I don't think it would honestly. People are going to hammer him on it tonight and just saying "whoops" or "lets talk about the economy" isn't going to be good enough.

I agree it's his only option and that's because it's all he knows to do. I was saying it would blow minds because nobody would expect him to lay out any solid plan. A lot of people are expecting him to deflect and re-route, and he will. But if he were to show up and actually pretend to be a legitimate candidate, it would be impressive, because he has yet to do so.

Him doing what we expect him to do will be of no shock. Turning expectations on their heads is the only way out for him as the deflection will not work. The only way he's crawling out of this hole is if he somehow successfully makes valid arguments against his opponent's strategies. This will not happen though.
This is his best hail Mary move that he has to try and shift the narrative to Bill Clinton's affairs, however, how will that apply to Hillary who was technically the victim in this.

Which is why his only chance is to focus on the parts where Hillary was the one silencing rape victims and trying to impugn the standing of the women Bill took advantage of in any way possible.

He can't make it about Bill, it has to be about her.
I just have to say that much more nuanced politicians than fucking Trump haven't tried this attack, and people are really scared that an idiot like Trump will manage to bring all this up without looking insane?


Which is why his only chance is to focus on the parts where Hillary was the one silencing rape victims and trying to impugn the standing of the women Bill took advantage of in any way possible.

He can't make it about Bill, it has to be about her.

Agreed. But knowing Trump, he'll find a way to shoot himself in the foot.


This will absolutely backfire, but he doesn't care. It's Hail Mary time for the trump campaign, and he's going deep.

Hillary will nail the response to this. She's spent 20 years preparing for this moment.


She's been given a pass for staying with that scumbag all these years I don't see how Trump of all people bringing it up is really going to change people's minds at this point.
This will absolutely backfire, but he doesn't care. It's Hail Mary time for the trump campaign, and he's going deep.

Hillary will nail the response to this. She's spent 20 years preparing for this moment.

No. She's been resting for 20 years. And thats fine.


All Hillary needs to do is talk about how hard it was to deal with Bill's infidelity, how it strained her marriage, and how she came to find forgiveness, rekindle their love, and move on. They've been married over 40 years now. And point out that Trump is in no position to criticize anyone for not being faithful. People will empathize a woman whose husband cheated on her, and who was able to repair a long lasting marriage.

This will blow up in his face so hard.

The bolded is what gets so little attention. A party that claims to be the one of "family values" has nominated a person on their 3rd marriage and has admitted to sexually preying on married women. And yet here is Hillary Clinton who has endured a personal hell, kept the family together for 40 years, and has achieved incredible success in spite of it. I think this is a great opportunity for Clinton to show a personal, human side of her that will resonate with millions of people (and especially women).


I wonder if maybe Hillary doesn't even try to address the tape. It speaks for itself and then she will probably come across better answering the audience's questions while Trump keeps trying to steer his responses into attacks on Bill.

I don't think that attack will work at all. This election has gotten so nasty and I think people are tired of it, Trump would do so much better pressing her on the Wikileaks stuff this week for example.

Hillary played the misogyny trap card in the last debate, and it worked better than anyone could have expected. Playing another misogyny trap card would be a waste of effort and a major lost opportunity.

Any bait she drops in front of him tonight is going to be from an entirely different angle, so he can have a public meltdown on an entirely new subject. Probably a forgotten but verifiable little nugget her team dug up on a business failure, something that would sting his pride.


i think she can get some traction on 'i worked tirelessly to save my marriage which has been the cornerstone of my life' whereas trump 'talked about moving on a married woman like a bitch'

definetely there's risk here. this isn't a playing field she wants to be on, she doesn't want the media discussing the merits of these issues as there's a lot of truth to them despite trump's motives and exaggerations. they will also play extremely poorly with the younger demographic she needs to maintain the obama coalition.

i expect trump to over-reach massively however and miss his shot.


Remember folks, Hillary has been dealing with this shit for years and years at this point. She will be fine.

The Donald Trump toilet is clogged with shit, him trying to jam someone else shit into it doesn't unclog the toilet. just covers him in more shit.


Trump is going to come out looking stupider by the end of the debate if he pushes this.


The Birthday Skeleton
I'm still baffled that Trump compares himself with Bill Clinton. What's the logic here? Bill did the same and he was impeached for it so elect me?


I'm still baffled that Trump compares himself with Bill Clinton. What's the logic here? Bill did the same and he was impeached for it so elect me?

Whats most baffling to me, his initial defense was

"Bill Clinton has said worse things to me on the golf course"

So wait, your whole strategy to defend against this is what a horrible monster this guy is, yet... your first response is "Hey my friend Bill Clinton, whom I golf with, is way worse than me"

Really not thinking things through.


i think she can get some traction on 'i worked tirelessly to save my marriage which has been the cornerstone of my life' whereas trump 'talked about moving on a married woman like a bitch'

definetely there's risk here. this isn't a playing field she wants to be on, she doesn't want the media discussing the merits of these issues as there's a lot of truth to them despite trump's motives and exaggerations. they will also play extremely poorly with the younger demographic she needs to maintain the obama coalition.

i expect trump to over-reach massively however and miss his shot.
There is another thing beside saving her family, one with which progressives have been very uncomfortable, but I don't see why she wouldn't come out and say that she both wanted to save her family, doing right by her daughter, and also be respectful of her faith.


Hillary Clinton went on to reveal why she forgave Bill Clinton using the parable of the prodigal son explained in her own words, with Bill Clinton being the prodigal in this story. Monica was not directly mentioned but the inference was there, and forgiveness was across the board for Hillary. Christianity requires nothing less, and Hillary felt it was the right thing. She loves Bill.


If any voters are still undecided, then they probably don't give a shit about logic or bigotry, so there's a chance of this line of attack working.


Hillary played the misogyny trap card in the last debate, and it worked better than anyone could have expected. Playing another misogyny trap card would be a waste of effort and a major lost opportunity.

Any bait she drops in front of him tonight is going to be from an entirely different angle, so he can have a public meltdown on an entirely new subject. Probably a forgotten but verifiable little nugget her team dug up on a business failure, something that would sting his pride.

Is it too much to hope that the bait has something to do with The Apprentice tapes (rumored to have the "N word") that Mark Burnett is protecting like a mother hen? I bet those tapes are already out there - because why would you show your hand knowing you could lose access to it?


Could a 1:1 strategy work? Hillary responding something along the lines of "Donald let me ask you a question, will Melania have to suffer the next 20 years for your actions? Do you blame her?" More elegantly of course, I don't have a team writing my stuff. :D

All Hillary needs to do is talk about how hard it was to deal with Bill's infidelity, how it strained her marriage, and how she came to find forgiveness, rekindle their love, and move on. They've been married over 40 years now. And point out that Trump is in no position to criticize anyone for not being faithful. People will empathize a woman whose husband cheated on her, and who was able to repair a long lasting marriage.

This will blow up in his face so hard.
This, it's simple and gets people to empathize with little effort.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Can Hillary nail him with a metal folding chair when Trump attempts this low blow? Its only fair.


The thing is (and this might be completely cynical) trumps supporter base is the Alt right and they wouldnt care if he is a rapist or not.

To win trump just needs more votes then hillary. If trump can get more people to abstain from voting for anyone its a win for him.

Weve already seen that many democrats actively dislike Hillary. So if trump can get enough of those people to stay home in swing states by foucusing on a Curruption angle and tie Hillary to a status quo of enabling abuse (sexual, financial whatever) He still has a good shot at winning.

The thing is (and this might be completely cynical) trumps supporter base is the Alt right and they wouldnt care if he is a rapist or not.

To win trump just needs more votes then hillary. If trump can get more people to abstain from voting for anyone its a win for him.

Weve already seen that many democrats actively dislike Hillary. So if trump can get enough of those people to stay home in swing states by foucusing on a Curruption angle and tie Hillary to a status quo of enabling abuse (sexual, financial whatever) He still has a good shot at winning.


He's failing at doing this. Hard. If anything right now the opposite is happening. Many conservatives and republicans will probably abstain and stay home.
I don't think I can add much except that Hillary Clinton and her team are already working (or have made) every single type of rebuttal to Donald Trump's attacks that he could make about Bill's sex scandals.

Trump can't make such an attack without sounding like a desperate, petulant, loser -- except probably to his most die hard fan base.
And if he does, Clinton will most likely have the perfect response for him to make him look like a bigger misogynistic idiot than he already is.

Maybe he shouldn't say anything, but his fan base would probably perceive him to be weak.
I think it's a lose-lose situation for him.
I think his line of attack is going to be more of the "you enabled Bill" variety suggesting she attacked and insulted the women who accused Bill. Still wont work, but that is how he intends to make it about her.

And I'm sure she'll have been ready for this since day one. It'll be fun to watch Trump self destruct on stage though!


That base message - I'm no worse than Bill Clinton - is indeed incredibly prone to backfire, at least among more moderate republicans. I mean Clinton was vilified for the kind of behaviour Trump would effectively be 'me-too-ing '.

Never mind that he's dealing with the wronged wife here.

Republicans fought tooth and nail to impeach Bill over it. Now they are ok with Trump doing the same and arguably worse? uh huh.
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