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WaPo: Trump’s voter-fraud commission wants to know info of every voter in the U.S.


Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...rty-id-and-address-of-every-voter-in-america/

The chair of President Trump's Election Integrity Commission has penned a letter to all 50 states requesting their full voter-role data, including the name, address, date of birth, party affiliation, last four Social Security number digits and voting history back to 2006 of potentially every voter in the state.

In the letter, a copy of which was made public by the Connecticut secretary of state, the commission head Kris Kobach said that “any documents that are submitted to the full Commission will also be made available to the public.”

On Wednesday, the office of Vice President Pence released a statement saying “a letter will be sent today to the 50 states and District of Columbia on behalf of the Commission requesting publicly available data from state voter rolls and feedback on how to improve election integrity.”


Isn't this info already public?

Is the Trump admin just too lazy to look it up?

Yes, and yes.

Claims of massive voter fraud are completely contingent upon having absolutely no fucking idea how voting works in this country, nor what date is widely available already.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Last four of social are public already?
That doesn't sound right.
Not even subtle about it. They are literally asking for information on who voted for who, which I'm pretty sure violates the whole point of the secret ballot that the GOP claims to love.

That's so fucked up that the White House can just request all this info.


Trump probably went on his twitter rant this morning to distract from this and the wsj story
I think the "Trump does crazy thing to distract" theory is assuming he his more mentally coherent than he likely is. I mean, yes it acts as a distraction, but he just flings shit at people at twitter because that's the only thing he knows to do.


California refuses:



CA be like FU

CA will always be blue, purely symbolic. This is the scary shit now cause it maps out the ground game for the Russians on the next election and allows gerrymandering to happen. Voting will no longer matter in this country. This is why the investigation needs to hurry because more years of the current trend and all confidence will be lost. Time to visit the shooting range.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
When they say "voting history" how much detail are we talking about?
I know what it means currently, but what does it mean to this commission?
Not even subtle about it. They are literally asking for information on who voted for who, which I'm pretty sure violates the whole point of the secret ballot that the GOP claims to love.

That's so fucked up that the White House can just request all this info.

I don't believe "voting history" includes for whom the vote was cast. Just whether the person voted. Of course, it's often not hard to guess. And this is bullshit in any case.


Considering Kobach's success in bungling the data with the Crosscheck program:

Kobach has championed the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program, which compares state records to find people registered to vote in more than one place. The New York Times credits him with rapidly expanding the reach of the program, which now includes more than 30 states. According to the New York Times, "The program searches for double registrations using only voters’ first and last names and date of birth, and it generates thousands of false matches — John Smith in Kansas can easily be confused with John Smith in Iowa."[108] Due to the tendency to produce false matches, the program could be used to suppress the vote and wrongly remove legitimate voters from voter rolls.

The program has led to sensational and misleading headlines: for example, 35,750 voters in the 2012 North Carolina general election matched with voters with supposedly identical voters in other states, but upon close investigation only "eight cases of potential double voting were referred to prosecutors and two people were convicted." Doubts over the accuracy of Crosscheck has lead some states to withdraw from the program. A 2016 paper by researchers at Stanford, Harvard, Yale and the University of Pennsylvania found that if the program were fully implemented “200 legitimate voters may be impeded from voting for every double vote stopped.”

I wonder what they want the last 4 SSN for.
When they say "voting history" how much detail are we talking about?
I'm sure it's just the records that say what elections you voted in (primaries, general, and special elections). Ballots are still secret - they don't have data on who you voted for.


it's not desirable giving civil liberties the backseat but when you've got .00027% of the population voting illegitimately what other choice is there


Pretty sure NY state will also refuse this request, though I'd love to know why they feel entitled to everyone's last 4 of their SSN.
Considering Kobach's success in bungling the data with the Crosscheck program:

I wonder what they want the last 4 SSN for.

well the SSN would at least prevent false positives compared to relying only on name/birthdays

but holy shit I can't believe they want to dox the country


I'm sure it's just the records that say what elections you voted in (primaries, general, and special elections). Ballots are still secret - they don't have data on who you voted for.

Yeah. That's the data they use when they send those Voter Report Card things meant to pressure you into voting.
I have to say this, though: considering this came from Trump, who's a narcissistic moron, I do believe, for once, that it's actually looking for voter fraud. I totally buy that Trump actually believes that it's impossible that he didn't win in a landslide; his ego won't permit him to think otherwise.

The rest of the GOP, though, has little interest in finding actual cases of fraud. I mean, they might like to have one case that they could crow about (if they could ever find one that wasn't a GOP voter). But what they really want is the false matches, not the real ones, so they can stop any likely Democrat voters with similar names from voting..


Pretty sure NY state will also refuse this request, though I'd love to know why they feel entitled to everyone's last 4 of their SSN.
Find a bob smith who voted republican, find bob smith who voted democrat, remove democrat bob from the voter rolls.
Find a bob smith who voted republican, find bob smith who voted democrat, remove democrat bob from the voter rolls.

Maybe eventually. But remember, this data doesn't show for whom they voted. They'll go for the low hanging fruit first. Bob Smith requires more info before you can confidently strike him off. But find as many Terrell Smiths as you can, and just remove them all with no further info...


Trump probably went on his twitter rant this morning to distract from this and the wsj story

Are we still going on about this? Trump isn't a mastermind. His administration is doing shady shit constantly. Him acting like a petulant brat and going on Twitter is just what he does in addition to all that. It's not some act designed to distract. He's just that shitty a person.
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