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We all love Nintendo


jarrod said:
Bingo! And whatever you're into, I'm game. ;)
Nope. I guess that's personal preference. I never played the game cause I didn't have that expansion pack. But I'm getting it with Revolution downloads. >:)


I don't love them.

No online support for the Cube at all, nothing to replace the loss of PD or Too Human, Mario Kart blew, and only now with the next-generation beginning do they bring the Zelda they teased everyone with at Spaceworld. Basically everything I bought a GC for never materialized or is coming too late for me to care.

Fuck them.

Ranger X

N64 - yak
Gamecube - yak
Mario Sunshine - yak
Wind Waker - yak
F-Zero GX - yak
Starfox Assault - yak

This is enough to remove anything that can sound like "believing".
Next Zelda better be perfect.


Nintendo are great game developers (the greatest according to many)

It is just that the competition got better.. Nintendo as developers are not worse now than before..

I for one would love for them to go third party and do what they do best: develop games, not hardware.


Holy Mother, F-Zero GX is probably as close to a perfect game as you can get. I'm sure it might not be someone's cup of tea but there's no way you can discount what an accomplishment it is. I'm not too big a fan of SSB:M, but I recognize what an amazing, tight game it is.


It seems like Nintendo are held to a double standard by many.

They are panned for delays when they decide to withhold a game from release until it is properly finished, but when they do release on time, their games are often called "rushed" and they are panned for a lack of extras.

We expect EAD to make a new mario, zelda, metroid, starfox, mario kart, f-zero every gen, but then EAD are bashed for re-hashing their games and not focusing on original series (not to mention the fact that just about every major game in this industry is a sequel.)

Their machine has been graphically superior to Sony's offering 2 generations in a row, and it hasn't helped one bit with their perception. The N64 was marketed as a graphical powerhouse and they were bashed for lying to the public about delivering an "SGI workstation in the home". They decided to lowball their estimates for Gamecube and now they are bashed for not trying to compete in the spec wars.

I think they have made alot of really stupid, arrogant mistakes historically but I also think people need to chill out.. most of the criticism comes from the fact that people expect so much from Nintendo in the first place, and I think that says alot about their reputation among gamers.
There's no doubt that Nintendo develops amazing games, and always has. They may not always make the best business decisions, but they certainly do have the amazing ability to create sensational videogames. In fact, I sat down and was playing some Super Mario Advance 4 yesterday and that 20 minutes made me look forward to the Revolution just because of the downloadable backlog. Can't wait.


Mihail said:
Holy Mother, F-Zero GX is probably as close to a perfect game as you can get. I'm sure it might not be someone's cup of tea but there's no way you can discount what an accomplishment it is. I'm not too big a fan of SSB:M, but I recognize what an amazing, tight game it is.

SSBM struck me as awkward and unnatural. So did F-Zero GX.


Nintendo is a damn good company. They might not "listen" to their customer base as much as they could, but they build good product that doesnt break down on you (ahem, sony), and they will cut flips through flaming hoops to help you if you have any problems. That, and they might have 50 mario games, but they are substantially different enough in execution that they tend to bring something new to the table.
<3 Nintendo


On the topic of Nintendo

about the DS

Advance Wars is coming out soon, and EGM supposedly released a review, anyone have it, tell us the score or scans?

Musashi Wins!

S|kH said:
On the topic of Nintendo

about the DS

Advance Wars is coming out soon, and EGM supposedly released a review, anyone have it, tell us the score or scans?

I'm sure you could search out the thread for reviews...I can't remember the text, but it was a great, glowing review.


I can honestly say F-Zero GX is one of the greatest, most brilliant racing games of all time. It is so perfectly tuned, with tracks so finely honed, vehicles so strictly balanced and modes so fully featured that denying, at the very least, its immediate high quality seems far fetched. That said, it's obviously not for everyone - speeds are breakneck, and at higher difficulties nothing less than perfect course memorization will do. But what an adrenaline rush on master, edging out the competition by one hundredth of a second by hitting a boost and crashing through the finish line at 2000kmph!

Nothing like it.

A true great.


mrklaw said:
I think we do.

Just look at every tiny little revolution tid-bit. guaranteed 50+ replies, even when its just regurgitating the same old thing day in, day out.

Even the people that rag on them are only doing so out of hard love, secretly longing for them to deliver the wonderful experiences they remember from their younger days.

I hope Nintendo really deliver with Revolution, so this place can be a warm, happy place full of joy.
I do
I don't even click on Revolution threads anymore
Aye, though Nintendo as of late it pretty good in a different sense...I still miss their pre-3D days
I think it will cause more grief than joy, but I await that day as well


Theyre allright. I look at them as just another company only with an annoying fanatical following though. The last game I enjoyed from them was Metroid Prime. They probably have alot more games I'd like to play,but I can say that for alot of companies though. In the end if they give me a game or two that I'm happy with every once in awhile-then theyre ok by me.
I'm enjoying the Game Cube but I'm hardly a Nintendo fan. Revolution doesn't really excite me but then again, I can't get interested in more Mario, more Zelda, etc. I want some new shit from them. I just can't get excited about the same old shit. I've moved on and apparently, so has most gamers.


I haven't loved Nintendo since the SNES. And even then I only loved the SNES cause of third party titles.


"That's changed a hell of a lot since N64, so I don't see how you can say that. They never delay anything anymore.

And what exactly do you want?"

Maybe Nintendo doesn't delay games like it used to, but it still releases too few games. Look at the 'cube today. Third-party support is lagging, and Nintendo's own release schedule is still next to barren.

To answer your question: I want more games aimed at an older buyer. I'm 35 and I've been gaming for 28 years... Nintendo's consoles just don't offer me much anymore. For every "mature" title like RE4, Gamecube offers five pastel-colored cartoon games and that's not a great proposition for me.

I want online. I want new IPs. I want sports games. I want fighting games and first-person shooters. I want variety. I want controllers that work well with all games. I want an uber-powerful next-gen console. I want one that supports HD.

I want to be tantalized early and often with news and screens from upcoming games. I want my E3s to be filled with exciting press conferences; not a Nintendogs demonstration by Tina Wood.

I don't want nebulous promises ("When you see it, you will say 'wow'"). I don't want someone telling me how badly the market is in decline, and how bad it is in need of "rescue," when I can see for myself that gaming is bigger than ever. I don't want someone telling me that today's games are too complicated or depressing, or that graphics aren't the only thing that matters.

I know, I know - I'm no longer Nintendo's primary audience. That's OK. There are alternatives. Both Sony and Microsoft are taking care of me just fine.
S|kH said:
Advance Wars is coming out soon, and EGM supposedly released a review, anyone have it, tell us the score or scans?

If I remember correctly, Advance Wars: Dual-Strike got 9.0, 8.5, 9.0 from EGM.


Kolgar said:
"That's changed a hell of a lot since N64, so I don't see how you can say that. They never delay anything anymore.

And what exactly do you want?"

Maybe Nintendo doesn't delay games like it used to, but it still releases too few games. Look at the 'cube today. Third-party support is lagging, and Nintendo's own release schedule is still next to barren.
Dude. We're talking about Nintendo and the games they make and not how good their relations are with 3rd parties. And I agree, 3rd party support is horrible, but that doesn't change the fact that they are way ahead of any developer in the world when it comes to quality and quantity.


Wow-Kolgar kicks ass with that statement. I feel the same way,I just tend to not let it spill out over the board,heh.


Kolgar said:
"That's changed a hell of a lot since N64, so I don't see how you can say that. They never delay anything anymore.

And what exactly do you want?"

Maybe Nintendo doesn't delay games like it used to, but it still releases too few games. Look at the 'cube today. Third-party support is lagging, and Nintendo's own release schedule is still next to barren.

To answer your question: I want more games aimed at an older buyer. I'm 35 and I've been gaming for 28 years... Nintendo's consoles just don't offer me much anymore. For every "mature" title like RE4, Gamecube offers five pastel-colored cartoon games and that's not a great proposition for me.

I want online. I want new IPs. I want sports games. I want fighting games and first-person shooters. I want variety. I want controllers that work well with all games. I want an uber-powerful next-gen console. I want one that supports HD.

I want to be tantalized early and often with news and screens from upcoming games. I want my E3s to be filled with exciting press conferences; not a Nintendogs demonstration by Tina Wood.

I don't want nebulous promises ("When you see it, you will say 'wow'"). I don't want someone telling me how badly the market is in decline, and how bad it is in need of "rescue," when I can see for myself that gaming is bigger than ever. I don't want someone telling me that today's games are too complicated or depressing, or that graphics aren't the only thing that matters.

I know, I know - I'm no longer Nintendo's primary audience. That's OK. There are alternatives. Both Sony and Microsoft are taking care of me just fine.

very well done :p


Redbeard said:
I don't love them.

we know

Redbeard said:
And only now with the next-generation beginning do they bring the Zelda they teased everyone with at Spaceworld.

the zelda technical demo they teased us with at spaceworld has nothing to do with Twilight Princess.

Redbeard said:
Basically everything I bought a GC for never materialized or is coming too late for me to care.

You are bashing Nintendo for bringing out Zelda:TP too late, but it's ok to wait an entire generation for PD0?

Redbeard said:
Fuck them.

I expected no less from you :)


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Zeo said:
I'm sure everyone will love Nintendo once Twilight Princess is released.

Except people who hate themselves.
Im sure everyone will love Nintendo after Twilight princess because twilight princess will be one of the best games this gen, but half of GAF will deny that they like the game just so they can make fun of Nintendo and create 10+ p[age threads:p


SSBM, F-Zero GX, and Metroid Prime are the 3 games that have defined the GCN this generation. They are simply the best.
The Experiment said:
I'm enjoying the Game Cube but I'm hardly a Nintendo fan. Revolution doesn't really excite me but then again, I can't get interested in more Mario, more Zelda, etc. I want some new shit from them. I just can't get excited about the same old shit. I've moved on and apparently, so has most gamers.

Eternal Darkness
Wario Ware Inc (the crew, not Wario per-say)
Fire Emblem (New to US)
Animal Crossing
Advance Wars

This is a good amount of intellectual property for one company this generation. On top of this they are also the result of other companies IP becoming New and innovative this generation including their own IP ( Other: MGS, RE4, Final Fantasy, Pac-Man Vs) (Nintendo: Metroid Prime, Donkey Konga, Jungle Beat, Wario)

Continuing the topic of Innovation, GBA connectivity was great. The public took it as Nintendo has another gimmick to get people to buy more product. But, seriously look at the facts, with 65 Million GBA's in circulation vs 18 million gamecubes there is a lot of potential GBA'S to connect. Around my circle of friends we all have a GBAs, so yes we had to buy a 10 dollar cable to play, but it made since too. Now that wireless technology is around it gets easier with no cables to buy. The sad thing is now Sony is exploring the same thing with the PSP and it has been seen in the Japanese versions of MGS3 and MG: Acid and rumors are about, stating that the PSP maybe used as a controller as well. Will the public react as it being a money sink now; I would bet not.

Back in 1983, games became dull nothing new. Nintendo came in with innovation from the start with ROB. Then brought Light guns to the table for Duck Hunt; us as gamers loved it. Now same story different time, At times Nintendo can't afford to bundle innovation and at other times they can (they only make games, not computer software and electronics). But, now with DS they tried to package everything in they could thing of for now, and with how the Revolution is sounding I feel that it will follow the trend. Over 20 years Nintendo has changed the way we play and look at games, that is one thing I hope never changes and for that I <3 them man :)


Shard said:
Well, that would be splitting hairs. In any case some people around here have a very unnatural hatred towards Nintendo.

it's a fact that you can not truley hate something unless you loved it 1st.


Spazbiohaz said:
Eternal Darkness
Wario Ware Inc (the crew, not Wario per-say)
Fire Emblem (New to US)
Animal Crossing
Advance Wars

This is a good amount of intellectual property for one company this generation. On top of this they are also the result of other companies IP becoming New and innovative this generation including their own IP ( Other: MGS, RE4, Final Fantasy, Pac-Man Vs) (Nintendo: Metroid Prime, Donkey Konga, Jungle Beat, Wario)

Continuing the topic of Innovation, GBA connectivity was great. The public took it as Nintendo has another gimmick to get people to buy more product. But, seriously look at the facts, with 65 Million GBA's in circulation vs 18 million gamecubes there is a lot of potential GBA'S to connect. Around my circle of friends we all have a GBAs, so yes we had to buy a 10 dollar cable to play, but it made since too. Now that wireless technology is around it gets easier with no cables to buy. The sad thing is now Sony is exploring the same thing with the PSP and it has been seen in the Japanese versions of MGS3 and MG: Acid and rumors are about, stating that the PSP maybe used as a controller as well. Will the public react as it being a money sink now; I would bet not.

Back in 1983, games became dull nothing new. Nintendo came in with innovation from the start with ROB. Then brought Light guns to the table for Duck Hunt; us as gamers loved it. Now same story different time, At times Nintendo can't afford to bundle innovation and at other times they can (they only make games, not computer software and electronics). But, now with DS they tried to package everything in they could thing of for now, and with how the Revolution is sounding I feel that it will follow the trend. Over 20 years Nintendo has changed the way we play and look at games, that is one thing I hope never changes and for that I <3 them man :)

Ok, I want you to be completely honest with us. Did you just read that straight out of the Nintendo marketing pamphlet?

Also, change your freakin' avatar. It's 800kb. Max avatar size is 150kb.


Spazbiohaz said:
Continuing the topic of Innovation, GBA connectivity was great. The public took it as Nintendo has another gimmick to get people to buy more product. But, seriously look at the facts, with 65 Million GBA's in circulation vs 18 million gamecubes there is a lot of potential GBA'S to connect. Around my circle of friends we all have a GBAs, so yes we had to buy a 10 dollar cable to play, but it made since too. Now that wireless technology is around it gets easier with no cables to buy. The sad thing is now Sony is exploring the same thing with the PSP and it has been seen in the Japanese versions of MGS3 and MG: Acid and rumors are about, stating that the PSP maybe used as a controller as well. Will the public react as it being a money sink now; I would bet not.

It's a gimmick regardless who does it.

Back in 1983, games became dull nothing new.

My C64 at the time says otherwise.

Nintendo came in with innovation from the start with ROB. Then brought Light guns to the table for Duck Hunt; us as gamers loved it. Now same story different time, At times Nintendo can't afford to bundle innovation and at other times they can (they only make games, not computer software and electronics). But, now with DS they tried to package everything in they could thing of for now, and with how the Revolution is sounding I feel that it will follow the trend.

You are using ROB as an example of innovation?! Also there were light guns before the NES.

Over 20 years Nintendo has changed the way we play and look at games, that is one thing I hope never changes and for that I <3 them man :)

[Insert massive fucking rolleyes here]


SantaCruZer said:
the zelda technical demo they teased us with at spaceworld has nothing to do with Twilight Princess.

They teased with a dark and serious-looking 'realistic' Zelda, and gave us Wind Waker instead. Now we finally get the Zelda everyone wanted to begin with. Better late then never, I suppose, but after playing Fable and seeing the incredible atmosphere and art of Shadow of the Colossus a Zelda game doesn't even seem that appealing anymore.

SantaCruZer said:
You are bashing Nintendo for bringing out Zelda:TP too late, but it's ok to wait an entire generation for PD0?

Well, there are plenty of other shooters to play, so PDZ not coming out wasn't a big deal for Xbox. The same can't be said for the Cube.

Nintendo just left their fans hanging (at least, they left thisfan hanging) with Zelda, with FPSs, with online gaming, and in general with content that appeals to an older audience.


Just look at every tiny little revolution tid-bit. guaranteed 50+ replies, even when its just regurgitating the same old thing day in, day out.



Redbeard said:
They teased with a dark and serious-looking 'realistic' Zelda, and gave us Wind Waker instead. Now we finally get the Zelda everyone wanted to begin with. Better late then never, I suppose, but after playing Fable and seeing the incredible atmosphere and art of Shadow of the Colossus a Zelda game doesn't even seem that appealing anymore.

Ok, like, I was totally going to say 'different tastes and shit', but Fable? Fucking FABLE as a replacement for Zelda?

What the fuck is wrong with you?


I love Nintendo not in the way of the ancient Greeks, but the way a robot loves a human, and a human loves a dog, and, occasionally, a gorilla loves a kitty.
Wyzdom said:
N64 - yak
Gamecube - yak
Mario Sunshine - yak
Wind Waker - yak
F-Zero GX - yak
Starfox Assault - yak

This is enough to remove anything that can sound like "believing".
Next Zelda better be perfect.

N64: Pioneered platformers, controllers, water-based racing games, multiplayer games and a bunch of other things.
GameCube: Put Retro on the map, ditched Rare and Silicon Knights (that's good for me).
Mario Sunshine: One of the best platformer this gen.
Wind Waker: You're right.
F-Zero GX: Almost perfect. I guess you don't like Sega that much.
StarFox Assault: One word. Namco.

Sometimes it's hard to see Nintendo as a whole though, since their gems are spread on 3 consoles. And I own more GC games than both my PS2 and Xbox.

But yeah, I'm a Nintendo head.


Pimpbaa said:
It's a gimmick regardless who does it.

My C64 at the time says otherwise.

You are using ROB as an example of innovation?! Also there were light guns before the NES.

[Insert massive fucking rolleyes here]

Hey Jackass who comes in here here solemny to troll, you do know that Nintendo invented:
- Rumble
- Digital pad
- Analog stick
- Non-infrared wireless controllers (a.k.a wireless controllers that don't suck)
- The DS
- First console with online play (Famicom)
- Also, the NES was the home of Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Contra, Megaman, Rygar, Ninja Gaiden and most of those big name games that you now find on the Xbox and PS2. What games still exist that originated on the C64.. hmm.. yeah..


koam said:
Hey Jackass who comes in here here solemny to troll, you do know that Nintendo invented:
- Rumble
- Digital pad
- Analog stick
- Non-infrared wireless controllers (a.k.a wireless controllers that don't suck)
- The DS
- First console with online play (Famicom)
- Also, the NES was the home of Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Contra, Megaman, Rygar, Ninja Gaiden and most of those big name games that you now find on the Xbox and PS2. What games still exist that originated on the C64.. hmm.. yeah..

Oh dear
How about I alter the original statement to read:

"I love Intelligent Systems and R&D1"?

The rest of Nintendo has been rather hit or miss. I swear FE and WARS are the only things going for them this year.


koam said:
Hey Jackass who comes in here here solemny to troll, you do know that Nintendo invented:
- Rumble
- Digital pad
- Analog stick
- Non-infrared wireless controllers (a.k.a wireless controllers that don't suck)
- The DS
- First console with online play (Famicom)
- Also, the NES was the home of Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Contra, Megaman, Rygar, Ninja Gaiden and most of those big name games that you now find on the Xbox and PS2. What games still exist that originated on the C64.. hmm.. yeah..

:lol :lol


koam said:
Hey Jackass who comes in here here solemny to troll, you do know that Nintendo invented:
- Rumble
- Digital pad
- Analog stick
- Non-infrared wireless controllers (a.k.a wireless controllers that don't suck)
- The DS
- First console with online play (Famicom)
- Also, the NES was the home of Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Contra, Megaman, Rygar, Ninja Gaiden and most of those big name games that you now find on the Xbox and PS2. What games still exist that originated on the C64.. hmm.. yeah..

:lol God I hope you are kidding.


AniHawk said:
I love Nintendo not in the way of the ancient Greeks, but the way a robot loves a human, and a human loves a dog, and, occasionally, a gorilla loves a kitty.
I love Nintendo like a fat kid loves candy, like an American loves hamburgers... like a fly loves shit!


Amir0x said:
Ok, like, I was totally going to say 'different tastes and shit', but Fable? Fucking FABLE as a replacement for Zelda?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

It didn't "replace" Zelda, but it pushed forward certain aspects of the genre that I find I like and want to see more of. Very active and reactive NPCs, for example, or the ability to customize your character or to be evil.

Of course not all that stuff has a place in a Zelda game, but I'm finding that the kind of thing that Zelda or a Zelda-like game offers isn't that interesting to me anymore.


SKOPE said:
I love Nintendo, and so should you. Each and every one of you.

It's the creepy, obsessed Nintendo fans we should hate.


koam said:
- Rumble
- Digital pad
- Analog stick
- Non-infrared wireless controllers (a.k.a wireless controllers that don't suck)
- The DS
- First console with online play (Famicom)
- Also, the NES was the home of Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Contra, Megaman, Rygar, Ninja Gaiden and most of those big name games that you now find on the Xbox and PS2. What games still exist that originated on the C64.. hmm.. yeah..


Anyway I love me some Nintendo almost as much as I love criticizing them. Its all out of love.
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