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We all love Nintendo


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
radioheadrule83 said:
I don't even know what to feel for people that may have overlooked games like Wind Waker, Minish Cap, Super Mario Sunshine or Luigi's Mansion just because of how they looked. I hold a great amount of disdain for anyone that superficial. If you can't appreciate that a game can look like pretty much anything and still be fantastic if the interactive element is good enough, then you don't understand the genius of interactive entertainment yet.
So the thread title is right when it comes to me at least. I gotta whole lotta love for Nintendo. They provide a whole lotta fun.
Your posting is to big to quote it as a whole, but it's really absolutly what I am thinking with the exception of Metroid, as it isn't near my number one gaming series, Mario, Zelda, Sonic and Pikmin were a bit in front of Metroid in my book. But, I think that isn't important as I also love Metroid ;D.


It sounds like a lot of people who harp on Nintendo have problems justifying their hobby by demanding Nintendo make a more sleek looking console. Get over your complex, you play games, and you're a fuckin dweeb.

What's with Nintendo fanboys being so insecure? It's like when you accuse a guy of being feminine he suddenly becomes a huge homophobe. Same here. Nintendo not doing so well in the market? Start up a 4 page long circle jerk thread!


I think I saw someone in this thread say F-Zero GX sucks, as I skimmed though it.

Therefore, this thread sucks.


Synth_floyd said:
What's with Nintendo fanboys being so insecure? It's like when you accuse a guy of being feminine he suddenly becomes a huge homophobe. Same here. Nintendo not doing so well in the market? Start up a 4 page long circle jerk thread!

But this is the deal with the anti-nintendo people as well.


Tony HoTT said:
It sounds like a lot of people who harp on Nintendo have problems justifying their hobby by demanding Nintendo make a more sleek looking console. Get over your complex, you play games, and you're a fuckin dweeb.
Uh, try again. I'm totally comfortable with myself, and quite sure of the fact that Nintendo does not make good hardware. Thanks anyway for improving this thread with your totally unique approach to psychology.
Posting in Nintendo threads kinda brings out the worst in you. In the past day or so the only remotely postive thing you've had to say about a Nintendo product (or a game on a Nintendo system) is probably your comments about Metroid Fusion. Sure, you're a multiplatform owner, but you're not a satisfied one. Quite clearly you're not among the 'we' in "We all love Nintendo". There's nothing wrong with that per se, the sad truth is, there are plenty of once-Nintendo fans like you out there that moved onto something different for one reason or another. There may very well be gamers who moved to Nintendo from something else... a lot of this is subjective after all. And I do hope no one took the thread title seriously enough to think that he actually believed EVERYONE loves Nintendo. We already know that's not the case.

I'm not gonna sit here and judge anybody's conviction in those kind of opinions. Whatever. I think we all love to moan more than anything else... that's just the way internet forums are. They're often a vent for all of the bile that our disappointment generates when we feel something isn't quite worth what we put in. We're not all the same though. I mean some people make some fucking monstrosities of these threads sometimes. I don't know if they think it's fun to do this or what, but this happens all the time. I'm not singling you or anybody else out... the whole interdweeb network is guilty of it: people seem to like degenerating conversation with pointless arguments.

Sometimes, don't you just think this is kinda like having a conversation with someone that basically goes "I think this is the best", and getting the response "No, I think that is the best" and repeating the exchange ad nauseum? A lot of people aren't even bothering to try and use convincing arguments for debate, they tend to just post why they like (or dislike) something and then get pissed off when somebody isn't in the same frame of mind. I just think people should go talk more about the things they do like, and try to enthuse others that way. Arguments won't win anyone over.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
terrene said:
Uh, try again. I'm totally comfortable with myself, and quite sure of the fact that Nintendo does not make good hardware.

What the hell? You mean as far as hardware LOOKS go, right?
Yoshi hat es also auch geschafft.^^ :lol
Funny thread though.^^
To make it short: I love most of nintendo's games (and series). I play them for fun and don't think about their politics and stuff. I'm going to buy revolution and if there's enough money a xbox360.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I'm going to buy the exact same consoles as NGamers :D.
@the one who doesn't like F-Zero GX: If there is one single racing game which is absolutely perfect in what it does, it's F-Zero GX. It's unbelievably fast, really big, has nice level design and is incredibly difficult to master. It also has very easy controls, but by learning techniques like sliding and snaking you can increase your skills if you want to, so in my opinion, it's absolutely perfect, if you do like Future-Racing.
I agree with the little green dino!
Easy-to-play-difficult-to-master-games...I think that's the way nintendo will take (even more with the revolution?). At least this is my interpretation of the whole story.


I love Nintendo :)

Yoshi said:
F-Zero GX. It's unbelievably fast, really big, has nice level design and is incredibly difficult to master. It also has very easy controls, but by learning techniques like sliding and snaking you can increase your skills if you want to, so in my opinion, it's absolutely perfect, if you do like Future-Racing.
To explain where I come from: F-Zero X was one of my favourite N64 games and I put countless hours into time trial and multiplayer. I had been awaiting F-Zero GX since it was first announced (ok, even before that) and I was seriously getting hyped over all the slick trailers, the graphics and the possibilty of a Sega-Nintendo collaboration. And once the game was out, I was in love with the F-Zero feeling again, the game just felt perfect. I even managed to win all cups on master, even though I wouldn't describe me as a very good gamer, but I was just so dedicated to this game (ok, I sucked pretty bad in Story Mode).

But F-Zero GX was in no way perfect. In fact, there are many aspects that make it hard for me to decide which version to prefer, X or GX:
- The random track creator (X-Cup) from F-Zero X is missing
- The track builder from the N64 DD expansion is missing
- It's a rather subjective argument, but I prefer the soundtrack from F-Zero X (Rock>Techno, and the songs seem more memorable to me)
- The decision to leave out LAN-play (or dare I say, the possibility to have online play via Warp Pipe) because of time problems
- Loading times. Yeah, I'm a spoiled little brat, but I simply can't stand them. Not that they are too long (even though they are longer than in most Nintendo games), it's all these menus you have to go through, just to change the track in multi player, which brings me to my next point
- A 2-player-grand-prix would have been really, really great. And if the Gamecube can't show 30 racers on two screens, well at least give me the possibility to play a whole cup at once and don't have me go through the fucking menus again to change the track
- The controls are great... too great for their own good (or for the controller). It heavily relies on the analog shoulder buttons, which eventually wear out after using the controller for some time (like the analog stick from the N64 controller did). It's just very irritating to me to feel that the L and the R-button have different amounts of resistance "left" and this makes it hard to navigate.
- The game has too many "stupid Sega"-moments
* e.g. the fucked-up physics that allow flying and snaking... what happened there?

Don't get me wrong, I still love F-Zero GX (it's my favourite Gamecube game), but it saddens me to see how the possibility of a nearly perfect game was wasted.

Ach so, auch ein herzliches Hallo von mir an die stetig wachsende deutsche GAF-Gemeinde ;)
Irgendwann musste es ja Auswirkungen haben, dass gaming-universe.de bei fast jeder zweiten News "GA Forum" als Quelle nennt. *g*
Ich war früher selbst in deutschen Foren unterwegs (vorallem als "realfabian" im Nintendofans-Board), aber der Megaton-Hype hat mich dann hierher gebracht und um meine Zeit nicht noch mehr zu verplempern, hab ich mich halt für ein Forum (dieses) entschieden.
Time to start a Holerö Appreciation thread? :lol


Aaaaand gimme an N!!


Gimme an I!


Give me another N!


And give me aT!!


An E!


And give me another N!


Give me a D!!




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