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What's the deal with teraflops?



multiplatform are still the most bought games and if ALL multiplatform games will look and run best and far better on one console, people will but it for that reason alone.
Also, MS bought A LOT of Studios, so this isn’t going to be an issue nextgen.
And what launch titles does PS5 have? Xbox has halo infinite and forza 8. these are some huge ass games.
Just look at the recently launched halo MCC in steam how fucking huge that was.

What has Sony for the PS5 launch? Except for „godfall“. Hahaha


are in a big trouble
multiplatform are still the most bought games and if ALL multiplatform games will look and run best and far better on one console, people will but it for that reason alone.
Also, MS bought A LOT of Studios, so this isn’t going to be an issue nextgen.
And what launch titles does PS5 have? Xbox has halo infinite and forza 8. these are some huge ass games.
Just look at the recently launched halo MCC in steam how fucking huge that was.

What has Sony for the PS5 launch? Except for „godfall“. Hahaha


We don't know what else they have because they haven't announced them. You really think it will launch with one exclusive 😂😂


multiplatform are still the most bought games and if ALL multiplatform games will look and run best and far better on one console, people will but it for that reason alone.
Also, MS bought A LOT of Studios, so this isn’t going to be an issue nextgen.
And what launch titles does PS5 have? Xbox has halo infinite and forza 8. these are some huge ass games.
Just look at the recently launched halo MCC in steam how fucking huge that was.

What has Sony for the PS5 launch? Except for „godfall“. Hahaha

Exactly. So, what if the PS5 is more powerful? Then everything will stay like current gen or MS will lose even more customers.

Microsoft has no problems with canceling projects. Remember that Fable game?

The PS5 will have some promising launch titles for sure. And they did some good work with the PS4 and dont forget PSVR.

Nonetheless, I will be there day one for XSX and FM8.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
They're the new bit wars, but kinda lame
FLOPS say a lot more about the graphics performance than bits ever did though. In fact, floating point operations are precisely the stuff most gamelogic and gaphics logics rely on.

Boss Mog

Just look at Games like Uncharted 4, Spider-man and God of War. These games were amazingly gorgeous and were running on what was essentially a netbook CPU with a low end GPU. Next gen is gonna be a huge leap regardless of whatever teraflops the machines come in at, that much is certain.



It seems that teraflops will determine who will win the Next Gen War, according to NeoGAF.

Let me tell you a little secret: It won't.

has shown us that sheer power isn't the only determining factor when it comes to console wars.

Factors such as console exclusives, first party studios, quality of manufacturing, and brand support also determine the outcome of console wars.

So what's the deal with teraflops, GAF?

Took the place of bits, color pallette and how many polygons a system can have on screen from back in the Nintendo, Turbogfafx and Sega battles 😊

Same argument, different generation.


At the end of the day it will always come down to games.

For one console to really take the lead over another based on performance alone you would need to see massive, obvious, differences.

So if the new XBox launches with a new Halo game and it is a legitimate top tier game then it's hardly going to matter if Playstation is offering a slightly better looking or better running Destiny 3 or Elder Scrolls VI etc.

Same if the new Playstation is launching with Horizon 2 and promises of Spider-Man, God of War and Bloodborne sequels then it won't really matter if XBox can say that their console has marginally better performance.

The thing for me is how much of a gap in performance would there have to be before the game library becomes irrelevant?

Comparing Nintendo Switch to XBox One there is a considerable gap in performance yet the Switch is selling more because of the available games.

For the gaming industry as a whole I think it would be beneficial if Microsoft came in and completely blew Sony away this upcoming generation.
I just don't see it happening though.

Xbox imo doesn't have to blow Sony away thy just need to double down and hit us with some new quality ips and good old ones. Gives us new games to be excited about and they'll do fine. The hardware from both will be great and exciting.so I think thts the least of their/our worries.


Golden Boy
16-bit days. Blast Processing vs Mode 7

32-bit days. Polygons/second

2000s? I don't know. Probably something to do with cpus like Cell vs. PowerPC. Nobody was talking about GFlops or TF

Now. TF count

In 2030. Who knows. Maybe which system can play games and also toast bread the fastest
The way the consoles seem to be going on is a vacuum cleaner hybrid.
Waiting for the NextGen Dyson cooperation announcement.


Gold Member
If there is a big difference, e.g. 12 vs 9 I would be worried for the lesser machine. BUT not that worried. The ps4 pro has double the teraflops over ps4 amateur, and the difference, in some games, isnt vast.

So, it all depends. If the devs wanna squeeze every flop of power out of the machines or they would rather focus on other aspects of the game.


Suffers from extreme PDS
Its an easy way for people that have no idea what they are talking about to fight in the console WAR.
All you need to do is check out the PS5 subreddit and see everyone there parading about that Microsoft is spreading “propaganda” about Playstation. It’s sad how a segment of the industry has come to this. People fighting and rationalizing nonsense over pieces of plastic.

Hissing Sid

From playground to workplace I’ve witnessed arguments over ram amounts, colour palettes, sound chips, cpu’s, storage media, form factors, cooling solutions, load times, graphics, operating systems, menu layouts, keyboard construction, controllers, exclusives, etc. So on and god help us all, so forth.

I must admit that I actually got caught up in the whole ram argument between the C64 and 48k speccy back in the day. For a whole afternoon. When I was ten years old.

Console war never changes I guess. Don’t know where people get the energy from.
Aren't there different flop measurements?

I expect the media to 'accidently' get confused about the flavour of flop they are describing when discussing their console of choice.

Edit : Idgaf about which piece of plastic has which numbers. I do get tired of reading the same bullshit by the same outlets who have been caught red-handed spreading bullshit in the past. Wave your flag for whichever console you want and more power to you, but lets cut the shit with the lie-peddling media, please?
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Why not both !? , things keep changing so fast and frequently, history is just one period of time, why depending on it when things starts to look different than before?
I'd love to know how many of all gamers debating this actually know what a floating-point number or a floating-point operation actually is.
TF alone doesn't really mean much by itself anyway. But at least it makes more sense than the dumb bits craze in the late 80's and early 90's where Bits had nothing to do with anything at all. At least TF's actually impact power measurement.


Gold Member
"teraflop" is a term derived from the spectacular failure of a much hyped MMO, which became a cautionary tale for overmarketing products. When something fails hard it's not unusual to see this term applied, for example "That new Cats movie teraflopped hard! Damn!"


If Sony has more TFs then it’s the most important thing ever.
If MS has more TFs then it’s not worth a damn thing and meaningless.

Seriously though, the damage control of the Sony defense force is so damn pathetic. Wow.

DF threads are going to be so funny, when nextgen launches. Can’t wait. :D

Well, if Sony have more TFs it is great thing (taking into account that xbox tflops dont matter much, but if xbox is strong, it is better if ps5 is even stronger)

if MS have more, it really doesnt matter at all

both can be true in a situation where gamer would never buy xbox anyway, and that is the situation for many of us.

Get the point?

It really doesnt matter much what xbox is, because it aint serious option anyway for people outside US/UK in the same scale as for US gamers.

So yeah, of course I as a gamer want my next console to be as good as possible, and because there is 100% chance that it is PS5 and 0% chance that it will be xbox = Sony things matter, xbox do not (unless it makes ps5 will be even better because of competition)
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Most people have no idea what it means nor do they care. People only care if the box says ps5 or new xbox, and if they friends are getting it. I'm not a sony or microsoft fanboy, I will pick the system with games that look interesting.


Just from a marketing perspective Teraflops has become an easy way for marketing the "power" of a console. Think of it like a car... raw horsepower numbers are awesome to see and exciting but they 100% don't have a 1:1 translation to which car will be faster in a given race. Despite that, car companies continue to talk horsepower often and the general public tends to respond favorably to that. So TFlops are like horsepower.... great to talk to in a marketing campaign but not the actual entire picture of the performance of the console.



It seems that teraflops will determine who will win the Next Gen War, according to NeoGAF.

Let me tell you a little secret: It won't.

has shown us that sheer power isn't the only determining factor when it comes to console wars.

Factors such as console exclusives, first party studios, quality of manufacturing, and brand support also determine the outcome of console wars.

So what's the deal with teraflops, GAF?

factor #1 is brand loyalty. Sony could sell a potato with a ps5 label and it will sell millions anyway.
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