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What's the Worst Argument You've Heard to Defend a Game?

Fare thee well

every person that is like "it gets good after 5+h... STFU and stick that game up your arse where it belongs, cuz that's a shit game...

if a game is only fun after you invest as much time as it takes to complete a freaking smaller title, then it's a shit game
I feel like this with all my mmorpg friends. It's all they play and I want to have a game we can play together. I TRY so hard to get to the end game where you do group fights and all, but it's so.... gdam.... boring and pointless!!!! Reeeee. Gw2 is considered one the easiest to level, and my gf still had to beg me every day to keep trying. That was the only one to date I was ever able to complete to get to group pvp. Currently I'm doing New World. At first, it was... alright, but getting to level 60 is so boring and unfun now.

My question to mmorpg players would be: why not just have the endgame? Why all the long shitty foreplay? What if you just could pick your weapons, gear, and get started tackling a boss together? I will never understand...
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World’s Biggest Weeb
In JRPG communities I’ve seen lots of variations of this one:
“It’s got an anime teenager with a sword, turn based random battles, and experience points…. It’s a perfectly serviceable JRPG. if you don’t like it, you probably just don’t like JRPGs”.

Like if it just has all the basic pieces of a JRPG then it’s already a 7/10 and anybody who disagrees simply isn’t a fan of the genre.


For me, the absolute most brain dead argument is "If you don't like it, go make your own game".

Yes, this is a shit argument. Objectively. Anything which doesn't actually deal directly with the argument being made, which this does not, is going to be completely unconvincing.

A couple of the worst types of arguments I've ever seen, whether about a particular game or movie or book or whatever, are often interlinked -- the first is needless nitpicks which completely miss the bigger picture, and the second is judging something based on what it is completely and obviously NOT trying to be/going for. A really excellent example of this is lots of the poor arguments on this board against TLOU2 -- there's some shockingly dumb/bad arguments across those many threads, many of which step from this misunderstanding of what the game is even going for.


Neighbours from Hell
I don't really think a lot of "bad" arguments exist since opinions are entirely subjective. But I'll say when people make excuses for broken games being released and that they shouldn't complain because they'll be patched. That's objectively asinine. If you buy a game it should be working. A bug here or there, fine, but if it's littered with game breaking bugs or difficult to get through, developers should not be off the hook just because you're too blinded by your fandom to hold them accountable for it.


"GIT GUD" is really the worst stupidest argument ever, it deserves even an award !
That's my thinking as well. If I don't like a game then there is little reason to talk about it at all. Those "worse arguments" work both ways. Arguing against someone's opinion of a game is already in the realm of "worse arguments".
The error in both of your thinking is that you have assumed that if someone's bagging on a game is because they "don't like it". I think that line of thought happens a lot and I hate to day it but it's usually by people emotionally invested in the game in a more unhealthy way that can border on fanboyism. Not saying you are famboys but I see it a lot when someone wants to stay in a blissful bubble and don't want people bringing down their buzz.

The people "trashing a game", or whom are upset or angry at the devs/publishers for whatever reason are more often just really passionate and they DO like the game. It leads to fighting because you're disregarding their the actual points! "You just hate the game!". That's the same as "you can't criticize cuz U havnt made a game yourdelf". Thats fanboy stuff!
"But it's running in BC mode."

It's such an absolute bullshit deflection. Ghost of Tsushima, running in BC mode, was so good you really didn't have to buy the Director's Cut as the PS5 enhancements were so minimal compared to the BC mode patch on the PS4 version. But every time a different game comes up on a head-to-head, you get the "it's running in BC mode!" defense.
Depends on the context. People are usually saying that when someone ELSE uses the graphics difference to claim hardware superiority. As in "series x is more powerful because look at how much better Crysis Remastered runs on it". It's a stupid argument and deserves to be called out!

Series X may be the more powerful system, but it's not because of how much better games using BC are. We all know that the way these systems runs games in BC is different to native, so ...why is it not a logical argument again?

Of course if someone asked me which console has better BC, I and everyone else would say Series X.
My best friend- "xbox has no games". I have heard this from him for the last 8 fucking years!

Same person- "Eldin Ring looks terrible" due to the graphics. First thing out of his mouth any time it's mentioned.

Same guy- "indie games suck look at the graphics"

Also Same guy if a game is not looking "realistic" enough- "it looks like a cartoon"

Maybe I need better friends man. All his arguments disregard all the other factors that go into a visually pleasing game like artstyle. I get annoyed because I think Fromsofts games look great despite not being cutting edge. Especially after Sekiro on console since it is their first game to have good image quality.

Oh, and now that he's played Demon Souls on ps5 it's, "why can't it look more like Demons Souls"
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I don't really think a lot of "bad" arguments exist since opinions are entirely subjective. But I'll say when people make excuses for broken games being released and that they shouldn't complain because they'll be patched. That's objectively asinine. If you buy a game it should be working. A bug here or there, fine, but if it's littered with game breaking bugs or difficult to get through, developers should not be off the hook just because you're too blinded by your fandom to hold them accountable for it.
That kind of thing triggers me so much!


Gold Member
The error in both of your thinking is that you have assumed that if someone's bagging on a game is because they "don't like it". I think that line of thought happens a lot and I hate to day it but it's usually by people emotionally invested in the game in a more unhealthy way that can border on fanboyism. Not saying you are famboys but I see it a lot when someone wants to stay in a blissful bubble and don't want people bringing down their buzz.

The people "trashing a game", or whom are upset or angry at the devs/publishers for whatever reason are more often just really passionate and they DO like the game. It leads to fighting because you're disregarding their the actual points! "You just hate the game!". That's the same as "you can't criticize cuz U havnt made a game yourdelf". Thats fanboy stuff!

No, we are specifically talking about people who don't like a game (for whatever reason) and feel the need to argue with people who do. I've had people on this very forum tell me my opinion about a game was simply wrong. That is not an "error" in our thinking. That's just how some people are and that is what we were talking about.


Gold Member
Anything relating to Nintendo games and having subpar graphics. Somebody will always retort that it isn't about graphics, and gameplay is what's important.

I guess good gameplay and good graphics are mutually exclusive...


Gold Member
Steve: Console A has no games

Tom: What do you mean? There's 1000s of games, including first party exclusives, tons of third party support, and indies

Steve: But none of those games interest me
Steve: That game sucks. Graphics, sound, every critic is giving it bad scores. Why you playing it?

Tom: I'm supporting the studio
Steve: The game I'm playing is getting better reviews than your fav game

Tom: But which game sells more copies?
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When people defend games for lacking mechanics that older games had.
"Oh, Cyberpunk 2077 is an RPG. Why is everyone comparing it to GTA?"
It's an open world game, released in 2020. How the fuck is it possible that San Andreas, released almost 20 years earlier, has more features and it's more of an RPG?

But the one that really grinds my gears is when people dismiss superb titles just because the story is not up to their standards.
It's the videogame industry, motherfucker. I don't give a shit if Mankind Divided has a weak story, it's one of the best games from the last 10 years.
Cyberpunk 2077 wishes it was this good.
Go watch a fucking movie or read a book if the story is all you care about.

P.S. If you get from this post that I'm just looking for an excuse to shit on CDPR's mediocrity, congratulations on your powers of perception.
Gonna have to disagree partially with the story thing. For some people, the story is very important, it connects then with the characters' actions and motivations and makes them wanna play the game. So if the story is poorly written, it might be disappointing.

That being said, it is a game, and gameplay will be the most important part most of the times. I do agree that saying that the entire game "is bad" just because "the story is bad", dismissing gameplay entirely, is bad.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
When people basically resort to "you need to git gud" to appreciate it. Sorry, if a game is frustrating or silly difficult I am not going to force myself to get good at it like it's some kind of physical sport or something. I am just not going to play it any longer. I would instead suggest to the game designers to git gud.


That's my thinking as well. If I don't like a game then there is little reason to talk about it at all. Those "worse arguments" work both ways. Arguing against someone's opinion of a game is already in the realm of "worse arguments".
It depends. If people would argue substance rather than whether they have a right to hold an opinion you could have good conversations exploring the merits and demerits of a game.

But unfortunately many people seem to think opinions different from theirs lack validity and so argue over the validity of an opinion. This doesn't lead to insightful discussion and only really makes sense when discussing morality or when judging people's behaviour -sometimes.


"It's supposed to be boring".

By a friend when I told him I found Shenmue to be a bunch of boring and tedious stuff in between some fun moments.
Ive heard people using the same arguments for No more heroes side quests and actually speaking of which here's mine:

" It's a Suda game.... The games are always badly optimised what did you expect!!?"

Groan. The worst people


Ive heard people using the same arguments for No more heroes side quests and actually speaking of which here's mine:

" It's a Suda game.... The games are always badly optimised what did you expect!!?"

Groan. The worst people

Well, those games are pretty known for being atypical and favor those to go into them knowing what's it about.

It's like being annoyed when I tell you that ofcourse you had diarrhea after your visit at McDonalds. It's known for that
Not a fan of when people complain about graphics and then consider it a bad game revolving around just that.

“yup that looks like (game franchise title)” when it’s a sequel.

Also, the copies sold is like giving nickelback credit for selling millions of records. It’s not my fault a lot of people like dumb shit.
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Not a fan of when people complain about graphics and then consider it a bad game revolving around just that.

“yup that looks like (game franchise title)” when it’s a sequel.

Also, the copies sold is like giving nickelback credit for selling millions of records. It’s not my fault a lot of people like dumb shit.
I have a friend who loves Soulslike games, but refuses to play Nioh 2 because the "characters look too short". Maybe the worst reason I've ever heard to not play a game


Neo Member
No matter what game is being discussed, you'll always see the same old arguments being made to excuse away any problems people may have.

For me, the absolute most brain dead argument is "If you don't like it, go make your own game". This implies that any customer for any business shouldn't be able to complain about their purchase, unless they've actually created a similar product themselves. If you expand this idiotic viewpoint to include other industries besides gaming, the sheer stupidity becomes instantly obvious.
Do I need to be a fashion designer to dislike the fit of my clothing?
Do I need to be a roofer to know if my roof is leaking?
Do I need to be a chef to spot an overcooked steak?
Do I need to be a road worker to see the potholes in a road?
Do I need to be a plumber to tell if my toilet is overflowing?

Now clearly the answer to all these questions is "NO". Yet somehow, this exact same mindset is applied to game development on a regular basis. It makes absolutely no sense,and if you catch yourself using it, please rethink the situation, because you're woefully wrong.
While I agree with you to some extent, I mostly see this type of argument used against someone complaining about a major change in gameplay of an established series or genre, or in other cases not changing in ways the person complaining feels it should.

In which case, I can agree with it.

To use your analogy, that would be like going to a leather shop and buying a pair of leather pants and then complaining to the store that they're hot, too tight and they squeak when you walk. OK, try a pair of jeans then?
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