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When will female video game characters go back to resembling females?

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief
You cant deny your heart, age is just a number



It's my right to have creative freedom. Attractive game girls being tabooicized hurts that freedom.

It's all about balance. A lot of games could do with less sexual designs. But i.e. Lara Croft should never have been changed to what she's now. Giant boobs were part of her persona and I feel her change both robbed us of a sexy game girl *and* it tells real big-boobed women "hey, your body is shameful!"

look, if it's an adult game that's based in a fantasy/comical world sure you can have sexualized characters, that's escapism and fun!

But not too long ago humans have only been represented by a few pixels on screen, but we have now reached a graphical threshold, where games bascially equal movies / reality and it's ridiculous to have every element (objects, physics) in a game world become more and more realistic in it's representation, but somehow women should stay big breasted fantasy creations in those worlds.

It's not different than going to the movies and then complaining that the main actresses boobs where too small.

And all those calling Alloy and co ugly and a disgrace are obviously small dicked fucks who probably themselves don't resemble what would, adherent to stereotypes, be considered a strong male and have never been in an actual emotional relationship with a woman. Because who would write such bullshit if you live in the real world.
I think we'll continue to see plain and unattractive female characters in games indefinitely, because thats how long I can see non-straight males playing games for.
I can only hope we get a bunch of games that put sexy girls in their games, and that the devs openly admit to targeting straight male demographics. Dont apologize to SJW's or bullshit the public about choices regarding character design. There is money to be made and fun to be had with sexy female video game characters. Just admit it, devs.


I think we'll continue to see plain and unattractive female characters in games indefinitely, because thats how long I can see non-straight males playing games for.
I can only hope we get a bunch of games that put sexy girls in their games, and that the devs openly admit to targeting straight male demographics. Dont apologize to SJW's or bullshit the public about choices regarding character design. There is money to be made and fun to be had with sexy female video game characters. Just admit it, devs.

Feeling a bit sorry for you :messenger_pensive:, because if you call Aloy and Lara Croft "plain and unattractive" your future wife can only be one hell of a ugly mofo by your standards. And then we haven't even talked about your future daughters :messenger_face_screaming:, better not reproduce maybe? We need to keep women sexy, you of all people surely understand this, we can't let the SJWs win.
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look, if it's an adult game that's based in a fantasy/comical world sure you can have sexualized characters, that's escapism and fun!

But not too long ago humans have only been represented by a few pixels on screen, but we have now reached a graphical threshold, where games bascially equal movies / reality and it's ridiculous to have every element (objects, physics) in a game world become more and more realistic in it's representation, but somehow women should stay big breasted fantasy creations in those worlds.

It's not different than going to the movies and then complaining that the main actresses boobs where too small.

And all those calling Alloy and co ugly and a disgrace are obviously small dicked fucks who probably themselves don't resemble what would, adherent to stereotypes, be considered a strong male and have never been in an actual emotional relationship with a woman. Because who would write such bullshit if you live in the real world.

1.) Games do not 'represent' anything. Games are about entertainment and having fun.

2.) It's not ridiculous at all. It's creative freedom and up to the creator's decisions. Even if it was ridiculous: Ridiculous is okay.
I'm confident enough in my masculinity that I'm not bothered by women being portrayed in a variety of ways.
Tell yourself that.

I don't think the issue is that many kind of women are represented, the issue that while doing so they erase and vilify what was there before (in some circles you can't show a thin women without being called a fat-phobe, you can't have a real women without being called trans-phobe, so on and so forth). This is not a purely positive movement, and it has nothing to do with your masculinity, and how you feel about it.


It will be a cycle. Even when a studio will close down because of poor sales linked to ugly characters and hidden agenda a new one will be formed and ultimately sjw infected.


Tell yourself that.

I don't think the issue is that many kind of women are represented, the issue that while doing so they erase and vilify what was there before (in some circles you can't show a thin women without being called a fat-phobe, you can't have a real women without being called trans-phobe, so on and so forth). This is not a purely positive movement, and it has nothing to do with your masculinity, and how you feel about it.

Skinny women = fat-phobe?
born woman = trans phobe?

Where are you even finding these circles

Like, i'm not going to pretend like i don't know what you're talking about.....but to find them in real life (or even anywhere on the internet) i'd have to DELIBERATELY go looking for them

She looks fine to me. People are acting she is monstrous creature when she is just a buff woman. Her face actually looks attractive.

These are the kinds of dudes who think models wake up beautiful 24/7, and women athletes with no makeup, tied hair, and sports bras are incapable of taking all of those off and being sexy.

i.e. the kinds of dudes whos beauty standards are determined by instagram thirst traps / airbrushing / filters
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Wasn't Adele all over the news just a short while ago? With feminists going nuts because her posting pictures of herself is equal to body shaming fat women?!

I...don't know, i don't really follow Adele.

But it's probably just those who championed her for being a successful fat woman are now salty that she no longer represents complacency. No different from the bubble of people who likely hated her before solely because she had the audacity to be a celebrity, fat, and not care about it. (See Lizzo)

All totally predicable behavior.

It's one of those things that the majority of people hear and go "Good for her!"....while the odd twitter cells start throwing bombs at one another and posting their memes on facebook.
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Why do some of you insist on making silly generalizations and blanket statements? It's the most obnoxious shit ever.

What does "resembling female" even mean? You provide zero examples to support your very subjective statement.
There are literally thousands of developers making games these days.

Yeah this topic seems like hyperbole. I'm not seeing this trend in many games and not even any examples given.
Funny thing that I saw this thread then discovered this video and convenient transcript of the relevant portion.

okay yeah I so and and this this is this is a subject this is subject matter that as controversial and so I want to make sure I say this the right way but I want to be honest in the front about it I before I work this job I worked with the women of WWE they used to say to me all the time that like while they wanted to be equal on equal footing as men we shouldn't write them like men because they're still women and so one of that really like stuck with me.

so when I went to respawn I was looking at the roster and I think that respawn today just an outstanding spectacular job with the women when the game washed I think they are they are layered they are nuanced they are three-dimensional characters that aren't there you know just eye candy there yeah like if anything but I did notice that there was just a eraser of sexuality and I thought that's that's almost as sexist as doing all sexuality and so I really wanted to introduce a female character who kind of owned her sexuality and kind of own who she is and and would like to you know look good in the when she gets wait yeah which makes of them wearing in and make her a three-dimensional layered character who wasn't there as eye candy

and I remember talking to the women in the office and being like I really want to pitch this character but I'm afraid you know how it's gonna look and they were very supportive when we talked about her personality and you know how we wanted to make her somebody who is aspirational and somebody who you know you kind of like you wanna fulfill a fantasy that's a weird way to phrase that but like yeah yeah somebody like women would want to be and women would kind of own this character and so I was we were heavily involved with with with all the women in the office trying to make this as realistic and and not the typical female video game character if you will and so we worked on that and kind of got her look down and we had pretty much come up with the backstory.

I bolded the parts that seemed interesting given the current discussion. And the guy speaking here is the one who pitched the idea for Loba (new Apex Legends character), Tom Casiello.


These are the kinds of dudes who think models wake up beautiful 24/7, and women athletes with no makeup, tied hair, and sports bras are incapable of taking all of those off and being sexy.

i.e. the kinds of dudes whos beauty standards are determined by instagram thirst traps / airbrushing / filters

I'm not sure what the point is?

Look at the popularity of superhero movies etc where the dudes are totally jacked due to a combination of working out, dieting and the magic of special effects.

Does this mean that dudes also think that dudes wake up muscular and fit with healthy looking skin and perfect hairdos?
No. It doesn't.

Oh no! Some people think that some woman in a videogame is ugly! This will not stand!


I personally didn’t find anything wrong with control’s main character, and she isn’t unattractive by any means. People who say so are reaching, and I am fully cognizant of the agenda driven characterization in games these days.


Aesthetics be damned, show me some good games however the artists want to create it. Just don't turn it into some token pandering narrative and let the content shine by itself.


Gold Member
We still have game this era and beyond that will have great looking female characters.

Its just that its not from western developers. Thank the gods for Japan.

Is the thumbnail (Iroha) what people want when they want non-Aloy type designs? Skinny with huge fake looking tits?

I don't play a lot of modern AAA and most of what I do play is Japanese, so I don't have a lot of reference points for this discussion.
If the Perfect Dark rumors are true, then it’s revealed by Xbox in July, so I’ll say this, if Joanna Dark is ugly and not in a sexy outfit that’s an L in my book.
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