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Where do you stand on No Man's Sky?


my boy sean will deliver
I can't wait. Its one of, of not my most anticipated game. I could care less what anyone says about it, I have a good idea what it is, and I am beyond excited. August can't get here soon enough.
What I expect is a fairly intuitive game that's based entirely around relatively isolated exploration. Something I can maybe pop in a couple of times a week to stroke some curiosity.

What I want is that surface experience with a hell of a lot of crazy depth that no one's expecting, like players eventually inventing tech using in-game systems to communicate and rally what was once just a huge, empty universe.
I believe Mediocre No. 5.6 is a preparation for No Man's Sky levels of disappointment, granted, it wasn't a Kickstarter campaign, but generated similar amounts of hype for something that I believe isn't going to be received as well by gamers


I believe Mediocre No. 5.6 is a preparation for No Man's Sky levels of disappointment, granted, it wasn't a Kickstarter campaign, but generated similar amounts of hype for something that I believe isn't going to be received as well by gamers

Positive reception already exists from the folks that actually played a preview build of the game a few months ago. The same doesn't apply for Mn9.

I don't even know what kind of comparison you are trying to derive from using Mn9 as example. Especially considering it's completely unrelated game, from an entirely different genre, nevermind completely different studio no less.

Are we now running out of examples that we have to refer to failings of other unrelated games, as some sort of confirmation that the same applies to No Man's Sky?

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Seems like there are different ways you can spend your time getting to the universe, but all of those things dont seem to be particularly well executed.

I'm a bit cautious and will probably wait for some reviews before deciding whether or not I'll buy it.
Can you elaborate? What's not well executed?


I'm approaching this with great trepidation. If they can pull off what they've promised, it should at least be pretty innovative. Sadly, I'm getting a lot of Molyneux vibes from their talk. I can't say I've kept up with release material, but panoramas of a few planet surfaces and ships taking off doesn't make a game.

Label me hopeful but not confident.


Starbound is the closest similar reference I can make to No Man's Sky, excluding the home and base building aspects.

Starbound has the same concept in it's gameplay loop. You are stuck on a planet, you need to upgrade your ship (get a hyperdrive), explore the planet you start on and gather stuff, make things out of this stuff to be able to travel to harder / more difficult planets that contain higher level / more valuable resources than the last one.

Were people confused about the Gameplay Loop of Starbound, Where people confused about the gameplay loop of Minecraft? Why is there an exception to No Man's Sky.

Do you not see how ridiculous this is.

Bingo. There are plenty of open-world/mmo/sandbox games out there. If it's good, it's good, if it isn't it isn't.

I really hope Starbound goes 1.0. I haven't played it in over a year, but what I did play of the beta was awesome, I'm really looking forward to the completed game.

Positive reception already exists from the folks that actually played a preview build of the game a few months ago. The same doesn't apply for Mn9.

I don't even know what kind of comparison you are trying to derive from using Mn9 as example. Especially considering it's completely unrelated game, from an entirely different genre, nevermind completely different studio no less.

Are we now running out of examples that we have to refer to failings of other unrelated games, as some sort of confirmation that the same applies to No Man's Sky?

That's the problem with these previews, they're very limited. Previews of Evolve were awesome, but that game proved to have very little magic outside its first few hours.

I've just been playing The Division, and that game really dives off a cliff after you reach level max. Up until that point it was amazing though.

Then you have a game like Skyrim, which I had no problems putting 100 hours into and practically making my own content by exploring, crafting, managing houses, etc.

We still have no idea if NMS will provide a day, a month, or even years of play value. And there's no real formula for figuring out how to make a game feel as fresh in hour 100 as hour 10. They just have to release it and see if it sticks.


Stoner game where you just explore with literally no plan and it doesn't help what you're exploring is a universe based on the hyperbolic time chamber, wall to wall boring with sheer nothingness.
I'm still very much looking forward to the game, but I'm doing it with eyes wide open to what the game is and isn't and I don't really need to see or hear any more about it until August 9th.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Starbound is the closest similar reference I can make to No Man's Sky, excluding the home and base building aspects.

Starbound has the same concept in it's gameplay loop. You are stuck on a planet, you need to upgrade your ship (get a hyperdrive), explore the planet you start on and gather stuff, make things out of this stuff to be able to travel to harder / more difficult planets that contain higher level / more valuable resources than the last one.

Were people confused about the Gameplay Loop of Starbound, Where people confused about the gameplay loop of Minecraft? Why is there an exception to No Man's Sky.

Do you not see how ridiculous this is.
And this isn't even the actual loop, there's also interaction with aliens, and different factions in the area of space you are. You have to decide who to befriend depending on who will provide with plans for better technology. Maybe team up with pirates and get better weapons. Or that explorer race and get kick butt engines. Learn to communicate with one group so you can learn about trade routes and get better deals for goods.
I have zero expectations, which is a good thing. If the game is good, then I have another good game to play, and if the game is bad I'll experience no disappointment.
Stoner game where you just explore with literally no plan and it doesn't help what you're exploring is a universe based on the hyperbolic time chamber, wall to wall boring with sheer nothingness.

It's fitting that the hyperbolic time chamber is referenced in such a hyperbolic statement


Incredibly Naive
It's going to have its fans, but ultimately it's going to be generally how most receive it now. Most people will see it as pointless and boring, but those who enjoy it will get completely lost in it.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Stoner game where you just explore with literally no plan and it doesn't help what you're exploring is a universe based on the hyperbolic time chamber, wall to wall boring with sheer nothingness.
I want to be in a band named Hyperbolic Time Chamber.


I'm not convinced about No Man's Sky. I think its going to do well in sales, but I think most people will drop the game pretty fast because the objective is not clear. The key will be keeping streamers and youtubers attention, which is why Minecraft was so successful. Does the game have enough crazy shit to keep viewers attention?

Happy to pick it up later for cheaper.


It's one of my most-anticipated games... the kind of thing I used to dream about as a kid. I preordered the LE and can't wait for it to get here.

I shouldn't be surprised that there's some negativity toward it, but I am.


Still plan to get it unless something major happened like reviews and impressions absolutely tanks which I'm not expecting it to.
I think it looks dreadful and probably the last thing I want to experience in a video game. Hated everything about it from Day 1 and nothing has changed for me.


For the "I don't know what you do in this game" group, if someone said Elite or The Long Dark, would you ask "What do you do?" in those games?

That was a more succinct way of saying what I was thinking.

If I can enjoy something like Dear Esther, you bet I'm looking forward to and most likely going to have a great time playing No Man Sky, even if i'm just wandering around flying in space going from planet to planet taking it all in.

But lets be honest with ourselves there are a lot more things to do than just walk around thanks to various game mechanics (however shallow they may seem or actually be in the final game). If that is not your thing, no worries not everyone will like every game.

Personally when I was younger I always thought about the time when someone would create a game that allows you not only travel all around space but also land on planets and walk around unobstructed.


I'm still hype as ever can't wait to get my hands on it. Still looks fantastic and I get even more excited everytime they release a new video.


The game will finally release in August (hopefully). Has been delayed multiple times, no show at E3 this year and a lawsuit settled recently. Their website was last updated in May with the IGN preview. Things aren't looking good for them.

I feel like the game will be mediocre at best.I hope I'm wrong because the game lloks great and the potential is huge.
Sigh.... Last updated 2 months ago with a preview from one of the biggest gaming sites? Yeah,sure the game is doomed. Your name should be The_Drama.

Of course there is a chance that the game will suck. But I really can't unterstand why there are still "butwhatdoyoutointhisgame" posts.
Cautiously optimistic.

I hope it's more compelling than a "Minecraft" in space sort of deal which I've heard some people describe it as.

Minecraft isn't terrible. It's just not for me.


Day one purchase. I love space and this should scratch a very itchy itch.

This and some sticky icky....I have a strong feeling it's gonna be a great day of discovery.


Still in day one. This still seems like a more imaginative, thought out and developed Elite: Dangerous for explorers. A game I can come home to and relax with. If only there was more talk on the PC version and/or VR support.
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