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Where do you stand on No Man's Sky?


No, Pop-in is like stuff in Morrowind, GTA3 or 4, or even Super Mario 64 which has static worlds with a limited view distance which as you approach them the objects are there, you just can't see them until you get close enough for them to just suddenly appear, hence they pop into view. This can be resolved by having a larger view distance and loading more of the world into memory to be streamed in the background.

Pop-in is pop-in, and it's distracting.


Still one of my most anticipated games. The heavy use of procedural asset generation is enough to make me excited. I trying not to hype myself up too much though because the potential for this game is so massive but with such a small team working on it, feel like I need to keep my expectations in check.

I'm hoping this is the game I'll put hundreds of hours into but that will be heavily dependent on the gameplay systems being fun and rewarding. Exploring for its own sake will be great but what would really put this game into GOAT status for me is if they can deliver on an addicting gameplay loop that compelling on its own and drives me to explore purposefully.

They've sold me on the exploration aspects, it's the rest of the package that I'm not sure about yet.


It has hit that Watch Dogs, "You have talked about this for too damn long" vibe.

At this point i am more interested in what others think, rather than what i think, if that makes any sense.
On planets, mostly. Some asteroids, and the floor of your spacecraft.

I'm curious about it, but I've not yet felt a spark that it's got an identity beyond "The game where you can explore lots of wildly different procedurally-generated planets". Not that that in itself isn't a bad thing at all - it's certainly fascinating - but I'm waiting to see how well-supported that central feature is by the rest of the gameplay.

So what you're saying is that you literally can't stand on No Man's Sky?


I enjoyed Elite Dangerous, but the time and commitment was just too much. I am worried that this game would end up the same, I like the premises but will wait for reviews and such before getting this game.

I think NMS will be a very different beast. I'm just getting into Elite right now, and even learning how to take off and dock has a relatively big learning curve in Elite.

NMS has confirmed one-button take-off and landing, flying straight into stations, and streamlined inter-system travel. I think in terms of mechanics, NMS is going to be infinitely simpler, and thus much less of a time sink.

In terms of content, though, you might be right. Reaching the center of the galaxy might take tens of hours and ensuring you're well stocked and prepared at every stage might take even more tens of hours.

Feels like the kind of game I will be really into for a week and then toss it.

I'm worried this will happen

It might just be something I'll keep for years and dip into/out of from time to time, enjoying it for what it is.
There's a recent talk from the sound designer at Hello Games about procedural sound.

Encouraging Chaos, the Use of Generative Sound in No Man’s Sky

Even the sound designer comments that they're making a gamey game first and foremost, I have faith.

Watched this a couple days ago. From this we learn that HG has apparently nearly doubled in size since the last word we had. (They are now at 24)

Apparently there is some kind of leveling system, but I don't know if he means a more traditional "level 1 -> level 2" based system or just the suit/weapon/ship progression stuff that we already know about.
I'm hoping NMS will at least be the Starbound I wanted, but didn't get.
Without derailing the thread on why that didn't hit for me, I will say that I'm only worried about the shooting and run speed. I'll probably get it digitally after reading some reviews.

Looking forward to it tho!
I'm in, probably Day 1 unless the reviews come in early and it's a mess.
My first world problem is I don't know where to play it when it comes to PS4 or PC. I'm really torn. Any suggestions?


I think the capacity is there from what they've shown, but bie frequently it will be used is another matter.

Yeah, I'm just not confident that they will pull off that as often as I'd want. 90% earth like plants and wild life in different colors or with more/less appendages that what one would expect from similar animals would be underwhelming. And I kind of expect that after the last videos.


Neo Member
Think that it'll be a lot like Minecraft, just without the creation aspect and obviously more focus on exploration.

Might be a game I'd play with friends, but not really something I'd enjoy by myself.


My most anticipated game. There's so much more to it that they're obviously not sharing. It'll be completely worth the wait.


I want this game to be everything everyone wants it to be so bad but I lost faith. I had the Explorer's Edition preordered until the last delay. When iam8bit offered refunds (cancellations weren't offered after March 17 initially) I realized I wanted out and I don't regret it. The game seemed revolutionary in 2013 but not so much three years later. I still hope I'm wrong.
Yeah, I'm just not confident that they will pull off that as often as I'd want. 90% earth like plants and wild life in different colors or with more/less appendages that what one would expect from similar animals would be underwhelming. And I kind of expect that after the last videos.
Planets with life won't be common. Planets thriving with wildlife and planets will be even rarer


I want this game to be everything everyone wants it to be so bad but I lost faith. I had the Explorer's Edition preordered until the last delay. When iam8bit offered refunds (cancellations weren't offered after March 17 initially) I realized I wanted out and I don't regret it. The game seemed revolutionary in 2013 but not so much three years later. I still hope I'm wrong.

Pretty much this sans-preorder tale. Completely lost interest after I realized every trailer and/or brief bit of gameplay - be it at E3 or somewhere else - was demonstrating the exact same thing without elaborating on any of the other proposed areas (combat, trading, crafting, actual planetary exploration that's more than just casually strolling in one specific field or stream).


I preordered it, full price. I almost never do that (the last time was for Metal Gear Rising on 360, iirc) but they convinced me. I don't even care too much about gameplay, as long as I can relax and explore with that amazing art direction. I played about 90 hours of Black Flag and about half the time I wasn't even doing missions, just sailing at random and exploring the islands so NMS sounds 100% awesome to me.
I want to be interested in this game, but part of me feels like I'll get bored quick. Hopefully I'm wrong...

Edit: Should probably note that I have the Collector's Edition pre-ordered. And that I only feel this way because I need more then just a big sandbox to play in. Any word on if this will get VR support?


Aftershock LA
Hey all, this is a fascinating thread and a healthy debate all round. A genuine and heartfelt thanks to everyone for your interest and, regardless of your position on the game, understanding / support of the team who are working incredibly hard right now.


Good luck to you guys! The game is looking really promising!


I am really curious about this game but I am trying to keep myself in exile. I want it to be as fresh to me as possible. I have seen some trailers though, and from those I haven't been able to figure out what's going to be "fun" about it. Hopefully I'm missing something.


Pretty much this sans-preorder tale. Completely lost interest after I realized every trailer and/or brief bit of gameplay - be it at E3 or somewhere else - was demonstrating the exact same thing without elaborating on any of the other proposed areas (combat, trading, crafting, actual planetary exploration that's more than just casually strolling in one specific field or stream).

1. Read a couple of press hands-on previews. They detail the rest of the systems. It's too much to show in a 1-2 minute trailer.

2. Sean had a 20 minute video with IGN like one month ago that showed how all of the mechanics you specifically mention works?

People just don't WANT to educate themselves about this game.

The game seemed revolutionary in 2013 but not so much three years later. I still hope I'm wrong.

I'm laughing that people on GAF (in this very thread i think) were saying that NMS's long-announce cycle had no impact on the public's perspective on the game.

On this page alone there are two or three people echoing the sentiment.
Yeah, I'm just not confident that they will pull off that as often as I'd want. 90% earth like plants and wild life in different colors or with more/less appendages that what one would expect from similar animals would be underwhelming. And I kind of expect that after the last videos.

As More_Badass alluded to, Sean has said that 90% of planets will be barren of flora and fauna. These planets will be richer in resources and often more hazardous. Of the 10% that have life on them, only 10% of those will be the kind of lush utopian planets we've seen in the trailers. The other 90% of that will have some degree of life, depending on the habitability (atmosphere, distance from its star, mineral composition of planet, etc). Sean wants finding some crazy jungle world to be a nice emotional beat and a payoff for surviving and making your way through the galaxy, instead of being too commonplace that they become unimpressive.

I kind of wish we had wikis on GAF so we could just point people to a FAQ.


Can the "what do you do?" Phrase be banned from the OT when I make it??

Honestly, it should be auto-filtered with a direct link to the posts you've made that summarize and amalgamate all the information on what is possible. That way they end up informing others and themselves.

"But, what do you do"
"But, [direct link to info dump post]"


I've wishlisted it on Steam, but I'll wait for reviews and a week or two's worth of word of mouth before diving in. I was burned pretty badly with Elite Dangerous so I'm a little cautious to see just how the varied the experience will be.


Intrigued but not overly so, it seems like it's been around forever which kinda makes me care less typically.

Due to the long trail a ton of people are gonna be disappointed even if it's the best game ever made too.
Intrigued but not overly so, it seems like it's been around forever which kinda makes me care less typically.

Due to the long trail a ton of people are gonna be disappointed even if it's the best game ever made too.

I don't agree with that. If it is "the best game ever" in a hyperbolic sense, I think more people down on the game with be pleasantly surprised than people who happen to be disappointed by it.


It will be worth playing for stoners. I can see myself glued in bed playing this for the whole weekend. I'm not a huge fan of the visuals, but I've got my fingers crossed that there will be some mods.

It's an awesome concept, but they've got to keep you busy. If they can manage that then it'll be an amazing game.They're also planning on continued support after launch, so that's promising.


I don't agree with that. If it is "the best game ever" in a hyperbolic sense, I think more people down on the game with be pleasantly surprised than people who happen to be disappointed by it.

I just think there are a lot of people expecting it to blow everything away just like TLG(I'm not directly comparing the development cycles just how expectations tend to grow with time) and inevitably that means different things to different people. Hence why I think a lot of people will be down on it.

Of course I could be wrong and hopefully I am.
I bought the collector's edition with the art cards, the soundtrack and art print from iam8bit.

Since day one I found the game intriguing have NO IDEA if the game is good. I hope it is.


You know, with the "On planets, on asteroids, in space stations or in your spaceship" response to "Where do you stand?" it actually makes me wonder a bit.

Can you actually land and get out on an asteroid? Because that would be pretty cool if you could. Find somewhere busy, set down on an asteroid with a view, and just watch spaceships for a while.
You know, with the "On planets, on asteroids, in space stations or in your spaceship" response to "Where do you stand?" it actually makes me wonder a bit.

Can you actually land and get out on an asteroid? Because that would be pretty cool if you could. Find somewhere busy, set down on an asteroid with a view, and just watch spaceships for a while.

It definitely was a thing at one point but it was said in a half-jokingly manner, like "Right now you actually can!" As far as I know it hasn't been mentioned since.
Going back to watch some gameplay, I almost forgot how much I dislike how there's no death animation. Seems kinda weird that it just fades to black.

Maybe they just haven't implemented any yet?

Handy Fake

Going back to watch some gameplay, I almost forgot how much I dislike how there's no death animation. Seems kinda weird that it just fades to black.

Maybe they just haven't implemented any yet?

You're not meant to be able to see yourself, so I doubt it. If you meant a 3rd-person death animation.
Do we know there won't be some kind of narrative breadcrumbs that push everyone to want to reach the center?

There's definitely narrative bits scattered around in the form of ancient relics, and supposedly they exist to fill the player in on the background of the ancient race that built the Sentinels. Whether that has something to do with the center of the galaxy, I guess we'll just have to wait.
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