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Where do you stand on No Man's Sky?


I think (and hope) that the game will be great. I'll buy it when cheap but have no time to play all the way through it - will be fun to plonk 10 hours or so into it though.
Been very interested since I first heard of it and I haven't read or seen anything that's told me otherwise. I just hope I can roam and see new things 🙃


Very interested.
Waiting for reviews and impressions to hit (not a knock, I do it with every game). It's on GoG, so that's a major plus.
65DOS soundtrack, so no matter what, it's a win.
Personally think they have gone quite to finish the game and focus on adding polish etc, plus I think they are going to have to give reviewers a reasonable amount of time with the game so probably going gold soon and then will likely ramp up marketing/apperances etc but when the main PR guy is also one of the main coder very happy he is being quite and doing the coding job, i have very exicted for the game and am sure it is going to be good hoping for excellent.

Oh and Ltd Edtion on pre order since it was avaliable, even had to use Game to buy it which never normally do so really want this game!
This is the one game I can forgive infinitely for delays. The game is so huge and complex, that the potential for bugs and things to go wrong is enormous. I'm glad they've taken their time, honestly. I'm sure the end result will be great.


It's a title I highly anticipate without being really hyped for. I am going to keep a keen lookout for reviews, and while I'm not a Twitch frequenter, I will seek out a few folks playing this game. Some of my friends are stoked for it, so I might check it out at their places. But still, I feel this is a game best experienced on your own, in the evening, light's out, and just seeking what's out there. I think it's difficult to wrap your head around this game because it's so mind bogglingly huge, which is another thing that you have to play for yourself to experience.

Even if you buy this and play it for a few days and get bored, it will still be something unprecedented. So yeah, I'm taking an academic point of view. While I greatly anticipate the coming of NMS from a distance, and it's reaction to it, I lack the personal motivation to go out there and explore for myself.
I'm mostly optimistic, but I have not pre-ordered it yet. My main worry is that I won't find the procedurally-generated worlds interesting to explore.
I have my fingers crossed that they make something great, but i worry that resource gathering will become a bit like a blind fetch quest, and that gunplay will be often, and poor. I'm gonna hold off until reviews and twitch streams.


Add another resident to the camp.

You guys can't be serious at this point right? There's been so many gameplay videos and info dumps, the only thing missing is them straight up telling us what is happening at the center of the galaxy.

This game went from being a cool mystery to total open book because of dumb fan outcry and I even tried to avoid most stuff.
Hey all, this is a fascinating thread and a healthy debate all round. A genuine and heartfelt thanks to everyone for your interest and, regardless of your position on the game, understanding / support of the team who are working incredibly hard right now.

Really looking forward to it! Best of luck during what I'm sure is a difficult crunch.


Add another resident to the camp.
Hello Games just opened this academy to help the struggling masses.



You guys can't be serious at this point right? There's been so many gameplay videos and info dumps, the only thing missing is them straight up telling us what is happening at the center of the galaxy.

This game went from being a cool mystery to total open book because of dumb fan outcry and I even tried to avoid most stuff.

saved me typing this... agree 100%


Add another resident to the camp.


Goal if the game is to get to the center of the galaxy.
Planets gets more dangerous the closer the center you get.
In order to survive that (and to get there) you have to upgrade yourself and your ship.
You do that by gathering resources from the planets.
There are enemies, you can die, you can also loose your ship (basic one always free though).

The main goal is optional, you could just roam the galaxy and explore planet to planet, finding out more about the lore.

What about cooperative online ? Coming nor not ?



I'm cautiously optimistic, not enough so to buy it day one though. My biggest problem is if they can get variation right, so far most stuff just seems to be built on a pretty low number of stuff that just is randomized in size, color and placement. I'd be surprised if they actually manage to make most of the planets and flora/fauna actually look and feel alien.
Somebody needs to metaphorically set that camp on fire, it's full of people who can't be arsed to read one of the many, many feature list that have been written, yet continuously post in NMS threads "I don't know what it's about".

This x1000000.
As I've said many times now, I'm convinced those posts are either pure troll posts or actually made by people who are unable to read (yet can... write? :p).



Goal if the game is to get to the center of the galaxy.
Planets gets more dangerous the closer the center you get.
In order to survive that (and to get there) you have to upgrade yourself and your ship.
You do that by gathering resources from the planets.
There are enemies, you can die, you can also loose your ship (basic one always free though).

The main goal is optional, you could just roam the galaxy and explore planet to planet, finding out more about the lore.


Basically open ended structure without much incentive to pull the player forward but potentially quite grindy.

I mean it sounds not dissimilar to Elite Dangerous in that it too is a space based game in a massive universe with open ended goals.

And unfortunately E:D is kinda boring to play unless you're the right type of player!
Basically open ended structure without much incentive to pull the player forward but potentially quite grindy.

I mean it sounds not dissimilar to Elite Dangerous in that it too is a space based game in a massive universe with open ended goals.

And unfortunately E:D is kinda boring to play unless you're the right type of player!
Yes, not every game is meant to be enjoyed by everyone

It's basically arcadey Elite + Minecraft/The Long Dark
Hey all, this is a fascinating thread and a healthy debate all round. A genuine and heartfelt thanks to everyone for your interest and, regardless of your position on the game, understanding / support of the team who are working incredibly hard right now.


Good luck!!!
Can't wait.


Somebody needs to metaphorically set that camp on fire, it's full of people who can't be arsed to read one of the many, many feature list that have been written, yet continuously post in NMS threads "I don't know what it's about".

Seriously. About 5 seconds of googling should really tell people all they need to know.


Over hyped and probably shallow gameplay, I had so much interest when it was first announced but now....now I'm more than likely not going to pick it up in the store

but I will buy it digital like all my other games day 1!!!! Looks like a nice relaxing game you can play at 20 minute clips


Yes, not every game is meant to be enjoyed by everyone

It's basically arcadey Elite + Minecraft/The Long Dark

Which is a bit of a shame really... because I think these sorts of procedural generated games could benefit significantly from some narrative breadcrumbs to pull the average player through the experience.

Even just basic text and general go here to do this kinda things would be great.

I mean, that's what the goal in the middle of the galaxy is... but it feels like it's too little.
Which is a bit of a shame really... because I think these sorts of procedural generated games could benefit significantly from some narrative breadcrumbs to pull the average player through the experience.

Do we know there won't be some kind of narrative breadcrumbs that push everyone to want to reach the center?

Genuine question.


Which is a bit of a shame really... because I think these sorts of procedural generated games could benefit significantly from some narrative breadcrumbs to pull the average player through the experience.

Even just basic text and general go here to do this kinda things would be great.

I mean, that's what the goal in the middle of the galaxy is... but it feels like it's too little.

We don't know if the game will have those things as yet, so who knows, maybe there will be


Still extremely hyped for the game, I've been dying for a nice space game since Freelancer.

Nothing has been able to scratch that itch since then.

Will wait for that lovely Digital Foundry PS4 vs PC comparison and then make my purchase.


Just jump in brehhh. I'm not genuinely curious about many games nowadays, so I feel obligated to be there day 1, full price. Whether this game is the best thing ever or a huge disappointment isn't even a factor. I don't care about impressions or reviews, and won't be touching the review thread with a galaxy sized pole, nor will I go into the OT until I've played for at least 5-10 hours. This game has already earned my money by intriguing me to the level it has. If it sucks, it sucks, oh well, whatever, most things do.

amen to that.gif

Hey all, this is a fascinating thread and a healthy debate all round. A genuine and heartfelt thanks to everyone for your interest and, regardless of your position on the game, understanding / support of the team who are working incredibly hard right now.


Thanks for stopping by and all the best on the release!

Been very interested since I first heard of it and I haven't read or seen anything that's told me otherwise. I just hope I can roam and see new things ��

This is literally "roam and see new things: the game" B)


Basically open ended structure without much incentive to pull the player forward but potentially quite grindy.

I mean it sounds not dissimilar to Elite Dangerous in that it too is a space based game in a massive universe with open ended goals.

And unfortunately E:D is kinda boring to play unless you're the right type of player!

So an open space exploration game is only meant to be played by people who like open space exploration games......Shocker

Anyway i hate games that try to cater to everyone, most of them just end up catering to no one. We need more smaller niche games, people and gamers in general need to realize that every game can't be for them....

E92 M3

So an open space exploration game is only meant to be played by people who like open space exploration games......Shocker

Anyway i hate games that try to cater to everyone, most of them just end up catering to no one. We need more smaller niche games, people and gamers in general need to realize that every game can't be for them....

Exactly, I've been saying that for the last 2 years. If the game isn't for you, it isn't for you. No need to enter the thread and say "it will fail so hard" or "what do you do?"


So an open space exploration game is only meant to be played by people who like open space exploration games......Shocker

I agree with you on some level, but conversely, we know that a huge proportion of the gameplay (possibly the majority) and a lot of the game's systems are based around planetary exploration. Not space travel or combat, but walking on planets, defending yourself, surviving the elements and exploring increasingly weird environments for resources.

Space is there, and space combat + trade + travel is obviously hugely important, but the heart of the gameplay has been described as the on-foot stuff.

And I think it's clear from the gameplay trailers that there's a lot of on-planet stuff, so it's not surprising at all that the game draws a wider sphere of interest than just space exploration game fans.


All about it Day One, but not quite committed enough to get that collector's edition with the vinyl soundtrack, no matter how pretty it is
I agree with you on some level, but conversely, we know that a huge proportion of the gameplay (possibly the majority) and a lot of the game's systems are based around planetary exploration. Not space travel or combat, but walking on planets, defending yourself, surviving the elements and exploring increasingly weird environments for resources.

Space is there, and space combat + trade + travel is obviously hugely important, but the heart of the gameplay has been described as the on-foot stuff.

And I think it's clear from the gameplay trailers that there's a lot of on-planet stuff, so it's not surprising at all that the game draws a wider sphere of interest than just space exploration game fans.
Sounds more like it's just a facet of the game. Sean has talked about some playtesters never even set foot on planets, preferring to be space-borne traders and such.


Sounds more like it's just a facet of the game. Sean has talked about some playtesters never even set foot on planets, preferring to be space-borne traders and such.

Fair play. I can imagine that working fine. And we know that 90% of the planets will be rocks ripe for a-mining. No doubt just mining and trading on your loot will be a totally viable way to play.

I wonder if there are any financial rewards for helping in battles. Would be cool if you are sent credits for dispatching enemy ships during battles. Making your money as a space-mercenary would be fucking badass.

I was alwayd meh on it. I don't like the ENG aspect to it. When you base so much of the game on RNG, then you run the risk of a lot of repetition.

It's not an RNG

1. Procedural =/= RNG

2. The procedural systems re-write themselves to ensure that the content you see is always weird and new


I enjoyed Elite Dangerous, but the time and commitment was just too much. I am worried that this game would end up the same, I like the premises but will wait for reviews and such before getting this game.


It's a definite rental for me. I have a feeling the reviews could be pretty polarized, I think I might just ignore the reviews and judge the game for myself.
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