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Which member had the best exit on GAF Or: A Very Happy GAF History Lesson

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Amir0x said:
life is more important than gaming forums, news at eleven ;)

unless you make a living off a gaming forum, like Evilore.

then life is exactly as important as a gaming forum, the lucky fuck! :D
I assume modding is strictly voluntary? Curious if the system admins get any financial reimbursement.


TacticalFox88 said:
Hey Amir, what exactly are the differences between Admins and Mods? What can say, Bish do, that you can't?
I think the difference is that admins can host tag fishing threads while mods can't.


dream said:
I am fascinated by the idea of Devolution reporting posts to the mods.

What criteria do you use to determine which posts you report? What standards do they have to violate in order for you to spring into action?

edit: do you maintain a repeat offender list and give less leeway to people with multiple strikes?

I imagine it's the same mindset people have in college when they report parties to the RAs of their floor.
EviLore said:
I appreciate the sentiment.

In retrospect I was really immature at times, anyway, with how I ran things; how I would sometimes publicly lynch people or get into melodramatic feuds with people, be unable to handle criticism well, and how I could get spiteful with people on my bad side or assume the worst in people. Keep in mind that I was a kid or not very far removed from being one for a lot of that history.

I'm pretty surprised I won't lie, but respect.


Junior Member
Devolution said:
The last batch of stuff I remember reporting were users throwing around the word "tranny." I'm so horrible.
Wait... what's wrong with the word tranny? Did I miss a memo?


DennisK4 said:
I'm pretty sure there was a thread about this exact thing a long time ago. Like everyone thought his arms were crossed and when it was revealed that they weren't, well lots of minds were blown.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Metroid Killer said:
When you broke off into neogaf, it was you and wasabi who were the big bosses, right? where a lot of early neogaf mods mods at the ga-forum, or did you start all fresh?(Insert neo pun here...). Like was bish and hito and dragona selected as a new mod team?

There was a small core of people who we brought together in 2004 to rebuild the site independently. I took a leadership position organizing the effort and managed the financial aspects (raised money via the donation drive on gaming-age.com, bought the software and got the dedicated server and so forth), we brought maharg and wasabiking in when they offered to help with technical database and template issues, hitokage was a general smarty pants who helped out with a lot of the overall effort, and iirc iapetus helped with some of the technical stuff as well.

The existing mods from the pre-crash era (bish, dragona, etc.) were retained post-crash to keep everything going smoothly. I ran the site from then on but in an extremely informal fashion more similar to how things were before (with most things decided communally) than how they are now and wasn't really particularly authoritative until 2006 when I broke all remaining (tenuous) ties with Gaming-Age and relaunched as NeoGAF, and began working on the site full-time.


Drinky Crow said:
it's been a long strange road, no doubt. i think i started posting back in 1997, when usenet's r.g.v.* forums started falling apart. before that, i'd been posting on usenet since i was 17, in 1991. i have been RETARDED ON THESE INTERNETS FOR 20 YEARS COME SEPTEMBER JESUS CHRIST, I AM SELF-ETHERED

in that time i got two college degrees, got married, got molested by a series of dotcoms, sold my soul, spawned, and supersold my soul. fffuuuuuu~
Ech. Thinking about that stuff is kind of sad. I'm not too far behind you -- I was on gaming groups around 1993. Lots of good times mixed in with the bad, though.


I don't think reporting something to a mod is that big of a deal, I mean, it just means they're gonna take a look at it

I remember someone had like a meatspin avatar and I reported them, I come to GAF for games, not meatspin


Vagabundo said:
Related: you can't ignore yourself. I tried earlier:

NeoGAF Message
Sorry, you can not add yourself to your own ignore list.
On the bright side, you can be on your own buddy list.


Amir0x said:
life is more important than gaming forums, news at eleven ;)

unless you make a living off a gaming forum, like Evilore.

then life is exactly as important as a gaming forum, the lucky fuck! :D

aye, but i still can't help but wonder if some of the former mods are even aware of they're demodding if it were the case that inactivity caused said demodding.

I picture a scenario where maybe sonycowboy gets some free time and thinks to himself "I should go do some moderating at NeoGaf, i bet they all miss me there" & he is then shocked and appalled to discover he is just a regular member.

Its pretty unlikely, but if it ever did happen man would it be mildly amusing.
ciaossu said:
I don't think reporting something to a mod is that big of a deal, I mean, it just means they're gonna take a look at it

I remember someone had like a meatspin avatar and I reported them, I come to GAF for games, not meatspin
Exactly. I'll report someone if they post something vulgar as fuck/against TOS (in fact, I did so recently), but not if someone rubs me the wrong way.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
ciaossu said:
I don't think reporting something to a mod is that big of a deal, I mean, it just means they're gonna take a look at it

I remember someone had like a meatspin avatar and I reported them, I come to GAF for games, not meatspin

You be coming for the wrong reasons son. Meatspin is all we do in these parts.
Oh sweet, is it pile-on Devolution time again? Fuck you guys are boring, I thought the OT was supposed to be a cut above but fuck even gaming isn't this predictable.


Drinky Crow said:
it's been a long strange road, no doubt. i think i started posting back in 1997, when usenet's r.g.v.* forums started falling apart. before that, i'd been posting on usenet since i was 17, in 1991. i have been RETARDED ON THESE INTERNETS FOR 20 YEARS COME SEPTEMBER JESUS CHRIST, I AM SELF-ETHERED

in that time i got two college degrees, got married, got molested by a series of dotcoms, sold my soul, spawned, and supersold my soul. fffuuuuuu~

I was on IRC chatting up fake women in 1992/3, I think. And on Rec.Martial-Arts too. Before search engines. Those were the days.
Wait a minute...


Devolution said:
The last batch of stuff I remember reporting were users throwing around the word "tranny." I'm so horrible.
CHEEZMO™ said:
LaserBuddha said:
I can't recall her ever displaying a sense of humor.


Devolution is Dragona!!
jim-jam bongs said:
Oh sweet, is it pile-on Devolution time again? Fuck you guys are boring, I thought the OT was supposed to be a cut above but fuck even gaming isn't this predictable.
The funny part is that the people who dogpile on Devolution don't do for it any salient reason. It just looks like antagonizing and being a prick.
Well EviLore if you don't mind me asking at all, how do you feel about gaf "spinoffs" like eb and such? Plus we all know why Costanza got banned but what about those who were caught in the crossfire?


Junior Member
ZephyrFate said:
Qwomo: 'Tranny' is a derogatory term used against trans- people.
I thought that was "trap". I was under the impression tranny was just short for transsexual, and wasn't a banned word.
Qwomo said:
I thought that was "trap". I was under the impression tranny was just short for transsexual, and wasn't a banned word.
It's... not, unfortunately. And hasn't been for some time.

Edit: I also thought Dragona had a fantastic sense of humor. My tag comes from her and a tag-fishing thread that was hilarity.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
LaserBuddha said:
Wait a minute...


Devolution is Dragona!!
Dragona needs to come back to reset my tag back to 'Member'.
Where are you Dragona? Where are you? ;__;
Fersis said:
Dragona needs to come back to reset my tag back to 'Member'.
Where are you Dragona? Where are you? ;__;
The thread we got our tags in was golden, though, and so few of GAF know of its existence.
sohois said:
A while ago someone discovered a forum that had basically copied everything from GAF, right down to things like tags and avatars IIRC, it was a south african gaming forum and the creator of said forum was also a member here. I believe it was requested that stuff be changed so it wasnt just lifted straight from gaf, though im not sure whatever became of that forum.

Things got weird when it turned out the creator was also a dragon furry.
jim-jam bongs said:
Amazingly enough, yes there is
Professor Beef said:
"Trap" is also banned, if memory serves.
Tranny isn't banned. Someone (in this very thread?) linked to a post Evilore made on it, which basically says people are being silly by labeling every common term as derogatory simply because, since it is a common term, bigots will use it too.

ZephyrFate said:
The funny part is that the people who dogpile on Devolution don't do for it any salient reason. It just looks like antagonizing and being a prick.
The reason being that she always takes herself so seriously and is incredibly dramatic about any perceived slight. Which makes it understandable, but I guess also makes us pricks.


So what happens when you are banned? Do you get a message from the mod that banned you or can you just simply not post anymore...

I am interested in knowing.
ciaossu said:
I don't think reporting something to a mod is that big of a deal, I mean, it just means they're gonna take a look at it

I remember someone had like a meatspin avatar and I reported them, I come to GAF for games, not meatspin

It's really not a big deal. They mod/admin the threads they see but they can't be everywhere. I doubt Devolution is just reporting people she doesn't like or disagrees with. And if she is....well shit, I'll be reportin' that shit.

OpinionatedCyborg said:
He changed his name a couple times. I can't remember what his username is, but I think he still posts occasionally.

Empty said:
jinx still posts under the changed username of dilbert iirc.

So you guys are saying I poured my imaginary respect beer for nothing? GD it.


Urban Scholar said:
I apologize if this has been asked, whom decides and can change a persons tag? You know after they do something majorly whacky or not?
Apparently it's admins only, which is only EviLore and Bishoptl (possibly another person or two)


jim-jam bongs said:
Oh sweet, is it pile-on Devolution time again? Fuck you guys are boring, I thought the OT was supposed to be a cut above but fuck even gaming isn't this predictable.

Don't wanna turn this into a thing since this thread is gold and I don't wanna shit it up, but damn you are constantly on some white-knight bullshit.

P.S.- Whatever happened to crazy buttocks on a train, back when the NPD thread was the Wild Wild West?


Junior Member
LaserBuddha said:
Tranny isn't banned. Someone (in this very thread?) linked to a post Evilore made on it, which basically says people are being silly by labeling every common term as derogatory simply because, since it is a common term, bigots will use it too.
Okay good. Phew.


Junior Member
ZZMitch said:
So what happens when you are banned? Do you get a message from the mod that banned you or can you just simply not post anymore...

I am interested in knowing.
The whole forum is replaced with a little message that reads why you were banned (not by whom) and when the ban will be lifted. You can't even browse GAF unless you delete your cookies, which is annoying.


What about that one person (only person I've seen with this so could be more) that still has an animated avatar :O!?!?!?

Flipped shit when I saw that!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
ZZMitch said:
So what happens when you are banned? Do you get a message from the mod that banned you or can you just simply not post anymore...

I am interested in knowing.
You get a custom message (Writen by the mod) everytime you want to log in.
"Dont troll Microsoft"

And the date the ban will be lifted.

TommyT said:
What about that one person (only person I've seen with this so could be more) that still has an animated avatar :O!?!?!?

Flipped shit when I saw that!
JStevenson IG Community Manager. I have some theories on why he still has an animated avatar.
ZZMitch said:
So what happens when you are banned? Do you get a message from the mod that banned you or can you just simply not post anymore...

I am interested in knowing.

yeah if you try to visit with your cookie saved it tells you what you were banned for and when/if the ban will be lifted
ZZMitch said:
So what happens when you are banned? Do you get a message from the mod that banned you or can you just simply not post anymore...

I am interested in knowing.
When you log in, you'll get a message:

Banned for "so and so." Then it will tell you when the ban will end underneath.

Edit: Beat.


Qwomo said:
The whole forum is replaced with a little message that reads why you were banned (not by whom) and when the ban will be lifted. You can't even browse GAF unless you delete your cookies, which is annoying.

Oh man, you can't even browse gaf without deleting cookies? Crazy. I am scared now >.<
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