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Who owns the gaming rights to Spawn and Judge Dredd? I think now would be a great time for something to made made!


The only Lore I know of these franchises is from the animated show and movie for spawn and the the two movies for Dredd. So I’m sure there’s a huge amount of lore I don’t know for both.

Imagine an Arkham/Spider-Man esq game with either of these Two properties.

Personally I’d love a proper R rated Arkham style spawn game that is faithful to the comics/ animated series origin story etc.

Sure it’s nowhere near as high profile as Spider-Man and probably blade but I think both have the Surprising potential to become something bigger if a faithful good game could be made.

What do you guys think?
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I remember renting the ps1 spawn game it included no instructions had no idea what the controls were. The DC game was pretty bad too. Still waiting for the movie thanks Todd



Played the hell out of this.

Scotty W

Remember how Nintendo originally wanted to use Popeye in Mario games? Imagine his huge Popeye would be today, if that had gone forward.

This is the situation with basically every franchise in movies or tv.


Well, I know that Dredd was recently in preproduction in some studio but in the end it didn’t got green lighted for full production. Maybe some other dev/publisher will take it but I think that there should be a movie/tv series that would convince people for giving it a go.


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
Spawn: in the demon's hand was dope
I always used brimstone, almost purely for how he said "yeah".

The peak of Spawn games...

That game is too awesome....And I have seen, read little of Spawn, I only saw the animated HBO series.

I only remember that the SNES game was average to good.... the worst was the PS1 version.

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I think Sucker Punch would make an awesome Spawn game. And definitely give Judge Dredd to Nacon. They made really good Terminator and RoboCop FPS.


Rebellion own Judge Dredd and 2000.AD (the comic were Dredd came from), there is a mountain of JD lore and the comic is still running in real time, Dredd is like an old man now.

There is so much stuff you could do with JD and the cursed earth (post apocalypse setting akin to Fallout) but do it in a big AAA budget is beyond Rebellion's means, also most who remember Dredd are getting on in years so its hard to justify that kind of budget.

I think you'd need a new move in tandem with a game, the last one (Dredd 2012) was excellent and they wanted to make a sequel but the movie didn't make enough money apparently to make it happen.

Rebellion did make a Judge Dredd vs Judge Death game back in 2005 that is fun FPS.

A few games have been made over the years this has clips of them


Simps for Amouranth
Rebellion own Judge Dredd and 2000.AD (the comic were Dredd came from), there is a mountain of JD lore and the comic is still running in real time, Dredd is like an old man now.

There is so much stuff you could do with JD and the cursed earth (post apocalypse setting akin to Fallout) but do it in a big AAA budget is beyond Rebellion's means, also most who remember Dredd are getting on in years so its hard to justify that kind of budget.

I think you'd need a new move in tandem with a game, the last one (Dredd 2012) was excellent and they wanted to make a sequel but the movie didn't make enough money apparently to make it happen.

Rebellion did make a Judge Dredd vs Judge Death game back in 2005 that is fun FPS.

A few games have been made over the years this has clips of them

It's such a wasted opertunity, the fact that the excellent Dredd didn't get a sequel/make bank is one of the biggest travesties in Hollywood history imo, such a perfect old skool action movie in amongst such utter drivel and it fails... WTF, not to mention what you could do with the license within the gaming space..

If I was younger and more talented I'd gather a bunch of like minded individuals (there's a fuckton of Dredd fans) and mod the absolute shit out of Cyberpunk, reskin everything so you have all the iconic MegaCity1 adverts, look and feel and have you play as Dredd driving around in a lawmaster.

Honestly Cyberpunk is the perfect base for an open world Dredd and it's such a shame that the license sits with Rebellion who've done sweet fuck all with it, they don't have to create a AAA open world game, start small and create a really good AA 10hr FPS set it in a block war scenario and just build from there, hell the comics are completely rife with incredible stories and lore... JUST DO SOMETHING FFS! and don't get me started on the "TV" show..
The peak of Spawn games...

That game is too awesome....And I have seen, read little of Spawn, I only saw the animated HBO series.

I only remember that the SNES game was average to good.... the worst was the PS1 version.

My folks use to play Spawn Eternal, I personally couldn't stand this game back then.
What happens if Spawn's timer reaches zero?

And is there a way to upload it?
He goes back to hell to be a slave to one of the devils (malebolgia), to serve in his army to destroy earth and heaven.
It's not so much a timer, but more of a "fuel gauge" for his magic, every time he uses it, it goes down.
It can be replenished yes.
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There was this arcade Judge Dredd prototype that was pretty good. I think it was by the people that did Mortal Kombat.


Rebellion have made other games using IP from 2000AD, and the Zombie / Sniper series is great fun.
Wonder if the rights are tied up in the TV deal.


Robocop devs should pick up Judge Dredd, make it like the 2012 movie, shit would be dope.
I'm still hoping this is a possibility, but in reality the license is probably more problematic and more costly to obtain.

The dev nailed it with capturing the essence of both Terminator & Robocop and they could do the same again. Maybe even hire Karl Urban to come back as a voice actor.
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You think either is popular enough? Dredd could be cool, but Spawn is nowhere near popular enough, you may as well make a new Rogue Trooper or Swamp Thing

(Unless you could get the rights to these really cheap it wouldn't be worth it)

Edit: although, Howard the Duck made by Squanch Games would be amazing
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Are you talking about Dredd vs Death? That game is good though?

Yeah, that's the one. I remember that it was pretty mediocre and buggy as hell. I had way more fun with that other comic book game that they released the same year, about those blue soldiers or something.


Yeah, that's the one. I remember that it was pretty mediocre and buggy as hell. I had way more fun with that other comic book game that they released the same year, about those blue soldiers or something.
Yeah, Rogue Trooper. I still need to play the HD re-release they had of that on current gen consoles.


2000AD comic strips are in a weird place. The US comic book industry long ago poached all their best talent, and the style has been more successful with IP like Warhammer 40K and Robocop. It is something more for nerds looking for the creative well where popular stuff came from than something mainstream.
Imagine if we did get new games in these franchises. Imagine how Kotaku and the usual outlets would react.

Dredd: Right wing extremists get to live out their white cisgendered male police worshipping fantasies!

Spawn: Female presenting characters are only used as motivation or macguffins for toxic males!
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Spawn: in the demon's hand was dope
I always used brimstone, almost purely for how he said "yeah".

Imagine the Spawn game like this with pretty much identical gameplay but it involved exploration and was built sort of like a Metroidvania? That would be awesome.


Dread vs Death was excellent! It was too easy, though. I remember needing to put it on hard, as the enemies were a total pushover.


MegaDrive had an excellent Judge Dredd game, and this Game Gear conversion was very good. Played it as well.

Agreed, it’s definitely a better version but game gear was the only console I owned in this era and loved it.

This and True Lies were two legit great licensed games from the time I remember fondly.


Agreed, it’s definitely a better version but game gear was the only console I owned in this era and loved it.

This and True Lies were two legit great licensed games from the time I remember fondly.
On Game Gear there was a good number of very good ports (sadly a ton were rushed and sucked as well).

You might have played some X-Men games, they were quite decent. Batman Returns was excellent as well. Mortal Kombat II was fantastic which gigantic characters. Power Rangers games were also very good.
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I would love a new Dredd or Spawn game. The previous Rebellion Dredd game was great, I'd love to see that, but flushed out more. Or just a whole other type, it could work in so many ways with both IPs. I've always wanted Spawn as a DMC/GoW title, just straight forward, skill tree, etc.

Really though, I'd love to see both.


On Game Gear there was a good number of very good ports (sadly a ton were rushed and sucked as well).

You might have played some X-Men games, they were quite decent. Batman Returns was excellent as well. Mortal Kombat II was fantastic which gigantic characters. Power Rangers games were also very good.

Yes to all of the above. You’re making me nostalgia as hell. Game Gear had a surprising number of quality ports, but also original games. If it wasn’t for the insane battery life and being a little late to the party it could have been more.
The peak of Spawn games...

That game is too awesome....And I have seen, read little of Spawn, I only saw the animated HBO series.

I only remember that the SNES game was average to good.... the worst was the PS1 version.

I remember asking for Spawn: The Eternal for *hopefully* the PS1 that might be under the Christmas tree. Which I never ended up getting. Well, I got the PS1, just not Spawn. My folks got me Rayman, which I don't think anyone, myself included, could have anticipated being so damn hard.
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I remember asking for Spawn: The Eternal for *hopefully* the PS1 that might be under the tree. Which I never ended up getting. Well, I got the PS1, just not Spawn. My folks got me Rayman, which I don't think anyone, myself included, could have anticipated being so damn hard.

To be fair they did you a solid, that Spawn game is roughhhh


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
We REALLY need a new Spawn game. The thread inspired me to look up on research more about the comic and it's absolutely great. Even the artwork is awesome. I remember seeing the animated movie and really liking it too back in the day.

And it's not just a remnant of the 90s like some people would have you think. They are still making new Spawn comics. I guess one of the newer story lines is about possible invasion of extraterrestrial planet eaters so they could just do a game on that.
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