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Why HD won't matter for Rev - My take on Nintendo's Perspective

Awww look at all of the Nintendo haters taking shots at Nintendo for no good reason other than the fact that they know nuts about how the industry really works. Honestly people, I couldnt care less about the decision to not include HD. I have a 20" EDTV in my room and that is good enough for me, I'm not a true visual whore at all, though I am a polygon, framerate, and texture tart somewhat. Simply put, who gives a damn about HDTV when it doesnt even affect how a game plays and sounds? sure theres a minor visual boost, but would you want to pay an extra $50 or $75 for your just to have that slightly higher visual resolution? I know I wouldn't, its a waste of money. Anyone who lets their decisions for purchasing a console be influenced by one little omission of a resolution or two is in the videogame industry for the wrong reasons.
AzureNightmareXE said:
Simply put, who gives a damn about HDTV when it doesnt even affect how a game plays and sounds? sure theres a minor visual boost, but would you want to pay an extra $50 or $75 for your just to have that slightly higher visual resolution?

WTF are you talking about?


He is saying it would mean that the revolution would cost that much more if they just added HD. He is obviously wrong though.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
It would cost $0 to make the output possible. What the framerate would end-up in high-def remains to be seen.


AzureNightmareXE said:
Awww look at all of the Nintendo haters taking shots at Nintendo for no good reason other than the fact that they know nuts about how the industry really works.

Enlighten us, do you know how the industry works? Where did you gain your experience in the industry? Please elaborate with details and examples, if possible. Specifically, tell us where your knowledge crosses over in the HD issue. This is critical.

AzureNightmareXE said:
Honestly people, I couldnt care less about the decision to not include HD.

Oh, so it's just going to boil down to you personally not liking HD. Well, that's fine. You do what's best for you as a consumer.

AzureNightmareXE said:
I have a 20" EDTV in my room and that is good enough for me, I'm not a true visual whore at all, though I am a polygon, framerate, and texture tart somewhat.

Damn man, a 20 inch EDTV? And how do you mean you're not a visual "whore", but you're a framerate, polygon and texture tart?


AzureNightmareXE said:
Simply put, who gives a damn about HDTV when it doesnt even affect how a game plays and sounds? sure theres a minor visual boost, but would you want to pay an extra $50 or $75 for your just to have that slightly higher visual resolution? I know I wouldn't, its a waste of money. Anyone who lets their decisions for purchasing a console be influenced by one little omission of a resolution or two is in the videogame industry for the wrong reasons.

Wait, so sound is important but visual fidelity isn't equally as important? Wow, that's some awkward priorities. And "minor" is obviously in the eye of the beyolder, since it's definitely a substantial improvement unless you're blind (like our poor friend Monk ;) )


Amir0x said:
(like our poor friend Monk ;) )

:( Well atleast it helps me play Rev games better. :lol :lol

Nintendo's tag line should be "If you are blind, we got THE system for you!".


Monk said:
:( Well atleast it helps me play Rev games better. :lol :lol

Nintendo's tag line should be "If you are blind, we got THE system for you!".

Both a gift AND a curse!

And hehehe @ tagline


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Does anyone have the specs that were leaked a few weeks back? I think it was from a company that's making the memory (RAM?) for Revolution. I fell like I'm beating a dead horse here, but the whole "No HD" thing doesn't have any proof to support it. In fact, there's more proof for HD support that none.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
How is the NOA Vice President, Marketing and Corporate Affairs not official enough for you?


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Gahiggidy said:
How is the NOA Vice President, Marketing and Corporate Affairs not official enough for you?
Considering how left in the dark all NOA employees are is a good start. I'm not going to get into that because I could go on and on about it, but obviously they don't know as much as they should. Reggie saying Mario 128 would be out for GC is just one example. The e-mail sent out also wasn't your typical response which leaves me to believe it could have been fake. There's been so much speculation about Revolution both before and after E3 that, I'm going to hold judgement until we find out something real about it. There has been virtually no information given about it even from the folks from Japan. I've been a Nintendo fan since the NES. I just find it hard to believe they would not include HD. I can understand them not going with CDs or online. To not go with HD though, especially when GC had it, is beyond idiotic. They've had so many repercussions from their other mistakes, I just can't accept the fact that they would do it again. If so, their loss. I'm not sold on any next gen system yet, but I certainly won't buy another Nintendo system out of blind faith again. I think Nintendo knows this, that's why I find this so hard to believe. I guess I just need some real proof first.


MadOdorMachine said:
Does anyone have the specs that were leaked a few weeks back?

These are the (unlikely) specs you speak of:
Meanwhile, according to Chinese-language website Unika.com, Revolution will contain four 2.5GHz G5-class IBM PowerPC processors, each with 128KB of L1 cache and 512KB of L2. ATI's contribution is a dual-core RN520 chip, with 16MB of in-package frame buffer DRAM. ®

Not sure what they have to do with HD though.

I fell like I'm beating a dead horse here, but the whole "No HD" thing doesn't have any proof to support it.

I'm not sure what proof you want beyond official confirmation?

In fact, there's more proof for HD support that none.

Such as?

The e-mail sent out also wasn't your typical response which leaves me to believe it could have been fake.

You know this isn't all being based on that e-mail, right? That email was widely regarded to be fake. cube.ign.com then did an interview with Perin Kaplan where she flat out states it won't support HD. Nintendo then began replying to customer emails on the subject confirming no HD.


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Monk said:
480p is not HD.
You can argue that point unil you're blue in the face, but the fact remains that it is a digital output. I don't own a HDTV but I know that GC displays progressive scan. To not include it in Revolution would just be stupid. Nintendo is still making games to take advantage of this. It's like saying developers are still making games to play on the origanal GBA. They know GBASP, DS and Micro are the newer tech. You don't see them making game with as high a contrast to fit the original GBA anymore. I don't know what you call HD, but I know I sure as hell can't play the 480p on my standard TV. What is it then, the bastard child of HD?



480p - 480 progressive; form of standard-definition digital television (SDTV) comparable to VGA computer displays but not considered high-definition television (HDTV), though 480p is discernibly cleaner and slightly sharper than analog television. The native resolution of DVD is 480p, but that resolution can be seen only if a DVD player outputs a progressive-scan signal and the DTV has progressive-scan or component-video inputs; it is also known as EDTV.


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sangreal said:
These are the (unlikely) specs you speak of:


Not sure what they have to do with HD though.

I want to see those speks to see if it says anything about the GPU.

sangreal said:
I'm not sure what proof you want beyond official confirmation?
Where's the confirmation?

sangreal said:

To start, Iwata said it could hook up to a computer monitor.

sangreal said:
You know this isn't all being based on that e-mail, right? That email was widely regarded to be fake. cube.ign.com then did an interview with Perin Kaplan where she flat out states it won't support HD. Nintendo then began replying to customer emails on the subject confirming no HD.
Okay, do you have a link to the interview? That's confirmation enough for me (for now...) that Revolution won't support any type of HD format.


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Monk said:"high+definition?"&hl=en

480p - 480 progressive; form of standard-definition digital television (SDTV) comparable to VGA computer displays but not considered high-definition television (HDTV), though 480p is discernibly cleaner and slightly sharper than analog television. The native resolution of DVD is 480p, but that resolution can be seen only if a DVD player outputs a progressive-scan signal and the DTV has progressive-scan or component-video inputs; it is also known as EDTV.

So 480p is the bastard child. Okay, I can accept that. It can't display on a standard tv, only an HDTV, yet it's not considered HD. The fact remains, that it can't be displayed on a normal TV, only an HDTV. Nintendo and their licensees continue to make games in 480p yet they took the digital out out of GC. Why would they do this unless Revolution had some sort of digital out as well?


MadOdorMachine said:
So 480p is the bastard child. Okay, I can accept that. It can't display on a standard tv, only an HDTV, yet it's not considered HD. The fact remains, that it can't be displayed on a normal TV, only an HDTV. Nintendo and their licensees continue to make games in 480p yet they took the digital out out of GC. Why would they do this unless Revolution had some sort of digital out as well?

Damn you are dense.


Google it, read it, learn it and realize that there are plenty of non HD TV's that can display 480P. Yet are not able to display HD resolutions (720p, 1080i and 1080p)

Actually I take it back after reading your posts. Just click the link below and read


I fear in a google search you would somehow get confused and question what Matthew McConaughey has to do with Television Resolution.

Honestly why question Nintendo's stance? These are the same people who offered progressive scan but had the cables on backorder most of the time. The same company that finally decided to remove the Digital A/V Out (progressive scan) from the latest revision of the Console to save a couple bucks. Claiming so few people had a use for progressive scan. Of course you could only buy the cable online via their website or through a specialty shop/importer. Just imagine what might have been if they actually sold those cables in stores (like EB or Gamestop). You think they give 2 shits about the consumer?


Damn bdoughty, that was cold. Despite his ignorance on the subject you didn't have to make him feel bad.


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Monk said:
It could be for the same reason that the GC can't display more than 480p, the GPU just can't do it.
That's cool man. Until something official comes out I remain skeptic. I must say that even though I don't own an HDTV yet, I would be much happier with at least, at a minimum, 480p. While it's not considered HDTV, it is better than normal TV and it's digital at least. I'd rather have 480p than no digital at all. I don't see why that can't happen.


Monk said:
Damn bdoughty, that was cold. Despite his ignorance on the subject you didn't have to make him feel bad.

Sorry about that but the guy ignored a few different posts that explained the concept of EDTV. At the very least he should read what others, who have more knowledge on the subject have already said.

My most humble apologies to those affected by my words.


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bdoughty said:
Sorry about that but the guy ignored a few different posts that explained the concept of EDTV. At the very least he should read what others, who have more knowledge on the subject have already said.

My most humble apologies to those affected by my words.
None taken. I must say that I have never seen or heard of EDTV until i read your post. I've never once went into a Best Buy or any other electronic store and asked, "What's in between SDTV and HDTV?" The link you gave is from 2000. While I admit I'm slow, I'm not dumb. How many people actually know about or even own an EDTV? I do feel that my point remains. You can't watch 480p on standard TV. It's digital out and it's better than nothing. I don't see why Revolutin won't offer this as a minimum.


MadOdorMachine said:
None taken. I must say that I have never seen or heard of EDTV until i read your post. I've never once went into a Best Buy or any other electronic store and asked, "What's in between SDTV and HDTV?" The link you gave is from 2000. While I admit I'm slow, I'm not dumb. How many people actually know about or even own an EDTV? I do feel that my point remains. You can't watch 480p on standard TV. It's digital out and it's better than nothing. I don't see why Revolutin won't offer this as a minimum.

More then you can imagine. Some feel the EDTV's are a good value. I have a HDTV that is already paid for so it's easy for me to disagree. They are actually increasing in popularity as best I can tell. You need to look closely at the Plasma sets.


While most are HD ready or HD built in you will find 4 or 5 plasmas that are EDTV. They are cheaper and some people simply have no clue what they are buying.

If you look up 40"+ TV's at Circuit City (Flat Panel) the first 4 listed are EDTV's



Gold Member
I don't own a HDTV but I know that GC displays progressive scan. To not include it in Revolution would just be stupid. Nintendo is still making games to take advantage of this.

They may be making games to take advantage of it, but they are no longer producing GameCubes that are able to display the games in progressive scan. They removed the port from the system a couple of years ago.
I'm still getting it.

If Nintendo's next-generation machine can emulate the upcoming software quality of its DS system and translate it into next-gen format, then it'll be worth it for me.


MadOdorMachine said:

To start, Iwata said it could hook up to a computer monitor.

That wasn't Iwata. That was Nintendo engineer Genyo Takeda.

What's up with all the people confusing this stuff? All the stuff isn't said by Iwata all the time you know! Nintendo is more than that. It's sometimes, like, Reggie... Perrin Kaplan... Our good friend George, and in this case, a random Nintendo engineer.


DCharlie said:
Revolution = "hub"
handheld display unit reciever = no need to think about progressive.

you hearing things again, or just rehashing that previous talk of a psuedo handheld?

TBH I wouldn't mind - it'd fit my current lifestyle perfectly to not have to use the TV.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Ahhh well, it's not the end of the world. I'm gonna wait to see what Nintendo's games are gonna be like... if they're as good as Super Metroid, Smash Melee, Mario 3, LTTP, etc, who cares about the graphics? If they're mediocre (as many Nintendo titles have been lately), then I just won't buy them :p This forum has *WAY* too many graphic whores and not enough people who care about gameplay.


Jack Flack always escapes!
Am I crazy for finding AA less necessary when you go to higher resolutions?

$500? Wtf. I can hardly afford a Gamecube.
At the Compusa I work at we have a 4:3 HDTV tube on clearance for $250


Of course its a plus to have HD output, but everyone's behavior about this is mind wracking.

Why do we have more threads bitching about HD support on the Rev than we do the Ps3 controller? Everyone who buys a PS3 is going to use that banana controller, while a small percentage of buyers will be using the HD support. Yet somehow HD support is what has everyone''s panties in a knot. HD won't even alter gameplay nearly as much as an input device does. Stop acting like chickens with your head cut off.


etiolate said:
Of course its a plus to have HD output, but everyone's behavior about this is mind wracking.

Why do we have more threads bitching about HD support on the Rev than we do the Ps3 controller? Everyone who buys a PS3 is going to use that banana controller, while a small percentage of buyers will be using the HD support. Yet somehow HD support is what has everyone''s panties in a knot. HD won't even alter gameplay nearly as much as an input device does. Stop acting like chickens with your head cut off.

Well, a major difference would be I haven't heard from anyone that has actually held the controller and tried it out and neither have I. I have a HD tv though and I know for sure games would look better that way.


boo7z said:
WTF? HDTVs have become relatively cheap - you can get a 30" HDTV for under $500. You don't need a 65" plasma.

really? damn... i need to go walk around frys and get aquainted with what's out there.

this ole 61inch projection is great for multiplayer but is fuzzy when you wanna play alone. plus ya gotts sit right in front of it. angles suck.

any recomendations for HDTV 500 and less $$ ??


Ponn01 said:
Well, a major difference would be I haven't heard from anyone that has actually held the controller and tried it out and neither have I. I have a HD tv though and I know for sure games would look better that way.

But the analog sticks will still be in the same dumb placung and they look like they are of even worse quality this time. In retrospect, I'd rather the PS2 had the analog and dpad switched than it having a network adapter and dvd player. I hardly used those things, but I constantly wanted the analog moved.


etiolate said:
Of course its a plus to have HD output, but everyone's behavior about this is mind wracking.

Why do we have more threads bitching about HD support on the Rev than we do the Ps3 controller? Everyone who buys a PS3 is going to use that banana controller, while a small percentage of buyers will be using the HD support. Yet somehow HD support is what has everyone''s panties in a knot. HD won't even alter gameplay nearly as much as an input device does. Stop acting like chickens with your head cut off.

a third party adaptor of controller can fix that. A third party company can't add hd support to a console.


Naked Shuriken said:
a third party adaptor of controller can fix that. A third party company can't add hd support to a console.

But that's just more money for the consumer to spend, along with more money for an HDTV. Plus, third party controllers are not exactly great.


etiolate said:
But that's just more money for the consumer to spend, along with more money for an HDTV. Plus, third party controllers are not exactly great.

Is it really that hard for people to accept that some of us out here already have HDTV's and would appreciate it if the Revolution will support HD like the PS3 and Xbox 360 will? You still have a choice if you don't like the PS3 controller to get a third party controller, I don't have a choice to get a Revolution that supports HD or not.


Take two consoles, one on a 27 inches hd tv, and one of a regular 27 inches tv. I will take the one in HD. Anyone would. Anyone.

Argueing that for some reasons graphics don't affect the gameplay, or rather experience of a videogame is foolish, misguided, confused. Trying to rationalise the lack of HD is retarded. At the beginning of last gen, people were like OMG OMG 480P, ETC IS OVERKILL!

At the end of this generation, people cry when 480P isnt supported. It will be the same on the next gen with true hd resolutions. Nintendo will be left behind;



Ponn01 said:
Is it really that hard for people to accept that some of us out here already have HDTV's and would appreciate it if the Revolution will support HD like the PS3 and Xbox 360 will? You still have a choice if you don't like the PS3 controller to get a third party controller, I don't have a choice to get a Revolution that supports HD or not.

I have no problem with wanting to play Rev games in HD. I think the Rev should sllow support for HD. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy and the forum's continuing trend towards being out of touch with gaming.

You're all not getting it. HD does not improve or alter gameplay nearly as much as a controller does. You're all too closed up in your craft to see what an average person will experience. I am not saying HD doesn't matter, I'm saying you're making it matter more than it really does. You're playing the fool for some other company and thinking you're hotter stuff because the company isn't Nintendo.

I'd much rather have a PS3 controller without that banana design and with better quality sticks in a better position than have the PS3 support HD. If you'd rather have the HD then get out of gaming. If you want to say you can buy a third part controller then fine. That's just more money that Sony is making you pay and that third party controller might be a bunk quality as well.

It's almost like... like having the choice of wine in a wine glass, but that's boxed wine in that glass or having real bottled wine in a coffee mug.

edited: to not point too fine a finger at just one person


Im sure part of the decision lies in that supporting next generation games with HD will push the consoles much harder than SD does. Id prefer the GPU power put to produce more polygons, better effects and smoother framerates than HD.


etiolate said:
I have no problem with wanting to play Rev games in HD. I think the Rev should sllow support for HD. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy and the forum's continuing trend towards being out of touch with gaming.

You're all not getting it. HD does not improve or alter gameplay nearly as much as a controller does. You're all too closed up in your craft to see what an average person will experience. I am not saying HD doesn't matter, I'm saying you're making it matter more than it really does. You're playing the fool for some other company and thinking you're hotter stuff because the company isn't Nintendo.

I'd much rather have a PS3 controller without that banana design and with better quality sticks in a better position than have the PS3 support HD. If you'd rather have the HD then get out of gaming. If you want to say you can buy a third part controller then fine. That's just more money that Sony is making you pay and that third party controller might be a bunk quality as well.

It's almost like... like having the choice of wine in a wine glass, but that's boxed wine in that glass or having real bottled wine in a coffee mug.

edited: to not point too fine a finger at just one person

For one, you are making a lot of personal assumptions and opinions your argument. I feel HD does and can add to gameplay. The whole graphics whore and graphics over gameplay argument is getting to be old bullshit. If that was the case we would all still be playing NES. I have never had a problem with Sony controllers on the other hand or the placement of the analog sticks and I cannot pass judgement on a controller I have never even held in my hands or tried. Your wine analogy is also wrong, its actually more like choosing buying a bottle of wine from a grocery store, which most people are ok with or getting a bottle of wine from a better winery. They will both come in similar bottles, and the person who buys the wine from the grocery could go through life never tasting the better wine and being fine with that. The other person on the other hand could tell the difference from that point on and probably could never go back as long as he had the choice.
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