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Wii Fit U | OT | Don't Forget to Breathe!


Neo Member
Didn't see it listed in the OP, but does anyone know how many days worth of data the fit meter can store. (Between Syncs?)

i think its 4 as it synced mine tuesday and just synced it now...even though there was not a great deal of data after tuesday due to ripping my ankle open while walking...


OR per dog, don't forget!



So I was on Amazon still waiting for the Wii Fit U preorder to go up.....
From the info on that page is the bundle only the Game and Fit meter? I was under the impression that the bundle in Dec would include the Balance Board as well. Or is that next year? I'm a bit confused since NA and EU seem to be doing different things.


Full werewolf off the buckle
So I was on Amazon still waiting for the Wii Fit U preorder to go up.....
From the info on that page is the bundle only the Game and Fit meter? I was under the impression that the bundle in Dec would include the Balance Board as well. Or is that next year? I'm a bit confused since NA and EU seem to be doing different things.

It IS very confusing and I'm not entirely sure what to tell you. All I know is I downloaded the game for free, then ordered a used Board from Gamestop, and a new Fit Meter from Amazon. I got everything I needed for about $35USD including shipping and handling.

If you don't mind a used Balance Board I recommend this route. Seems like the cheapest way to get your fit on!


It IS very confusing and I'm not entirely sure what to tell you. All I know is I downloaded the game for free, then ordered a used Board from Gamestop, and a new Fit Meter from Amazon. I got everything I needed for about $35USD including shipping and handling.

If you don't mind a used Balance Board I recommend this route. Seems like the cheapest way to get your fit on!

Yeah I might just do that.
OP says the 13 for all of it but it's looking like amazon might not be getting either in stock I'm guessing.


Does anyone use the Free Running exercise? I've been trying to see if you can unlock anything beyond 30 minutes but I can never achieve more than 2 stars on it. It's kind of infuriating too because I don't know what it's gauging me on. It gives you no real feedback. I've done a 30-minute run 13 times now and I can't tell if it's pace or distance or what. If it's distance, I can't seem to get beyond 4.5-ish miles. If it's pace, I can't tell what it's problem is since I get non-stop verbal feedback of "You're keeping a great pace!"

Any anecdotal sharing of experience, either from the old versions of the game or the new WiiU one, would be appreciated.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Does anyone use the Free Running exercise? I've been trying to see if you can unlock anything beyond 30 minutes but I can never achieve more than 2 stars on it. It's kind of infuriating too because I don't know what it's gauging me on. It gives you no real feedback. I've done a 30-minute run 13 times now and I can't tell if it's pace or distance or what. If it's distance, I can't seem to get beyond 4.5-ish miles. If it's pace, I can't tell what it's problem is since I get non-stop verbal feedback of "You're keeping a great pace!"

Any anecdotal sharing of experience, either from the old versions of the game or the new WiiU one, would be appreciated.

That's part of my regular routine and though I'm very new to Fit U it seems like there's little rhyme or reason to the grades so far.

If it makes you feel better 4.5 miles is better than me! Seems like whenever I try to go fast my mii trips.


My experience with free run in Wii Fit + (haven't done it at all in Wii Fit U) is that the score it calculates is remarkably consistently lower than it seems like it should be. I was able to keep the pace it seems like they wanted me to keep, and I still couldn't ever get more than 2, maybe 3 stars. I should say I was holding the Wiimote in my hand when I did this. Now I just do puzzle squash, rowing or obstacle course instead...it bothers me that it doesn't seem to calculate properly, or at least as far as I can tell. (Granted, it's possible that I'm just terrible at running and have no idea what I'm talking about, but I really have no idea how to get more stars in this exercise, so I don't think that's necessarily it.)
i think the trick is to be extremely consistent with your movement, I'd reccomend holding the wiimote in hand rather than your pocket. it's harder to get max stars in the 3 minute jog as it takes time to find the consistent rhythm i find.

i did the 30 min jog for the first time yesterday, unlike others here i don't have the problem of wanting to increase it haha, but if you do why not just jog with the fit meter?


Are the yoga exercises good in this game? I'm not looking to lose weight or anything I just want something that could help me get into yoga and if this game could do it then I guess I'll get the meter and a board.


Are the yoga exercises good in this game? I'm not looking to lose weight or anything I just want something that could help me get into yoga and if this game could do it then I guess I'll get the meter and a board.

Yep, they're good. And it's a lot cheaper than going to consistent yoga classes. Many of the Bikram poses are in there, too, but just be careful if you do hot yoga in your own home, make sure not to make it *too* hot, and drink plenty of water, and pace yourself. :)


Full werewolf off the buckle
You know, I have tomorrow free and I've never done any yoga stuff. Maybe I'll give it a shot. I don't suppose it's surprisingly good at burning calories, is it?

I'm coming completely from a place of ignorance here.


Yep, they're good. And it's a lot cheaper than going to consistent yoga classes. Many of the Bikram poses are in there, too, but just be careful if you do hot yoga in your own home, make sure not to make it *too* hot, and drink plenty of water, and pace yourself. :)

Alright thanks man! I guess I'll give it a shot.


Does anyone use the Free Running exercise? I've been trying to see if you can unlock anything beyond 30 minutes but I can never achieve more than 2 stars on it. It's kind of infuriating too because I don't know what it's gauging me on. It gives you no real feedback. I've done a 30-minute run 13 times now and I can't tell if it's pace or distance or what. If it's distance, I can't seem to get beyond 4.5-ish miles. If it's pace, I can't tell what it's problem is since I get non-stop verbal feedback of "You're keeping a great pace!"

Any anecdotal sharing of experience, either from the old versions of the game or the new WiiU one, would be appreciated.

I only ever got 2 stars on basic run and free run with wiimote in hand till I started holding the wiimote against the side of my thigh and keeping my arms still, and now I get 4 stars every time doing that. My burn rate or whatever it's called also went from something like 58% to 118%. So my only advice is to ignore the suggestion about moving your arms and to hold them as still to your body as possible. I think your body bobbing up and down as you run and the swinging motion of your arm just confuse the wiimote if you do both.


i think the trick is to be extremely consistent with your movement, I'd reccomend holding the wiimote in hand rather than your pocket. it's harder to get max stars in the 3 minute jog as it takes time to find the consistent rhythm i find.

i did the 30 min jog for the first time yesterday, unlike others here i don't have the problem of wanting to increase it haha, but if you do why not just jog with the fit meter?

I do jog outdoors most of the time and have been using the Fit Meter when I do since I purchased it. However, it's gotten cold and I don't have a treadmill, so doing the free run inside my condo works as a nice substitute on the days when it's 30 degrees (like today).

I only ever got 2 stars on basic run and free run with wiimote in hand till I started holding the wiimote against the side of my thigh and keeping my arms still, and now I get 4 stars every time doing that. My burn rate or whatever it's called also went from something like 58% to 118%. So my only advice is to ignore the suggestion about moving your arms and to hold them as still to your body as possible. I think your body bobbing up and down as you run and the swinging motion of your arm just confuse the wiimote if you do both.

Keeping my arms still doesn't sound like a natural way to run. I do figure 8's around two rooms in my place and I can't imagine not swinging my arms. If I run in place my ankles hurt.

Sigh... well thanks for sharing that stuff, guys. I've been thinking it had to do with the up-and-down movement of the body... I wish I had workout pants or shorts with a snug back pocket like they show in the diagram image. My pockets are loose and on the side of my shorts so I was feeling like the Wii remote swinging wildly was screwing things up sometimes. Then I tried just holding it and using the natural movement of my arms, but that just yielded similar results. So, yeah- I've been figuring "this is just the way it is".

Does anyone know if the time increments beyond 30 minutes though?


provides useful feedback
Welp, lost my Wii Fit Meter today. So much for that. :( At least I can still put the steps in.

That sure was a nice month and a bit with it, though! Had its work cut out for it whilst travelling around Paris on foot.


You know, I have tomorrow free and I've never done any yoga stuff. Maybe I'll give it a shot. I don't suppose it's surprisingly good at burning calories, is it?

I'm coming completely from a place of ignorance here.

Yeah, it's not the best for burning calories in my experience. Nothing like cardio at least. It's good exercise IMO as part of a larger exercise regimen. Wii Fit is good at offering a healthy amount of variety. If you do Bikram Yoga (a set of yoga poses done in a hot room), that is going to burn more calories because you will have to physically endure the heat and work physically harder to do the poses. I would not recommend this for a yoga newbie though. If you do end up trying this, as I said in an above post, just be careful to hydrate, don't let the room get *too* hot, and don't hesitate to take breaks. In the meantime I would just try all of the yoga poses in order, if you can. It'll give you a good flavor for what yoga is like and shouldn't take terribly too much time.

Alright thanks man! I guess I'll give it a shot.

NP! :)

Welp, lost my Wii Fit Meter today. So much for that. :( At least I can still put the steps in.

That sure was a nice month and a bit with it, though! Had its work cut out for it whilst travelling around Paris on foot.

I hear you man, I lost mine for a few weeks and it just turned up in my car. Then I got out of my car a couple days later, it flew off my belt, and landed nearby the car on the ground. Good thing I noticed! I'm hoping it'll be okay to actually stay with me from now on. Hopefully you can find yours as well!


Full werewolf off the buckle
I'm really enjoying the meter. I can see how it gets lost, though. It's so tiny! After getting the balance board I stocked up on AA batteries because I was SURE the meter would need them too, but evidently not.

How's the battery life on these things? Can I just pop in a standard watch battery or something?
Curious about this, but does when you transfer information to the Meter Challenge does it count all the steps you've taken since the last time you synced it over, or does it only transfer the steps for that single day?


Speculation points at you reaching some type of milestone in the challenges or something of that nature.

That's what I thought but it doesn't tell me that has happened when I sink it to the software so I just tell people my penis is singing a song.


Maybe it's for reaching the Calorie goal?

I turned the volume off on my Meter completely to avoid any silly jingles playing in public and to save battery life.
I'd really like to get into this, but have been having trouble finding a balance board. My local Gamestop only had one, but it was missing it's battery cover.

On Nintendo.com they sell the cover for like a dollar, but if I'm buying something, I'd rather it be complete. I'm guessing I would also have to pick up the extenders, since if it has no battery cover, I doubt this person kept those.

They're pricy, but has anyone tried the SnakeByte balance boards on Amazon? They have quite a few bad reviews, so I'm going to try and avoid that if possible, but was just looking for some additional feedback if people here have used them. Relatives were looking for possible gift ideas, so I was thinking this could be a possibility.


Pretty neat! I did the sunrise salutation before getting distracted by the Bobsled game! I'm going to make the yoga stuff a regular part of my sessions!

Nice! The sun salutation is a good one. I strongly recommend reading up on Shavasana, a meditative yoga pose which is the cornerstone of yoga in some ways. It can really change how you feel in a particular moment when you do it. It's hard to explain. It's really worth a try at the beginning and/or end of a yoga session or when you're laying in bed at night.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Nice! The sun salutation is a good one. I strongly recommend reading up on Shavasana, a meditative yoga pose which is the cornerstone of yoga in some ways. It can really change how you feel in a particular moment when you do it. It's hard to explain. It's really worth a try at the beginning and/or end of a yoga session or when you're laying in bed at night.

Awesome, thanks for the advice! Honestly one of my big impediments with this app is not being very familiar with where to start, so any wisdom is helpful.

I'll give it a shot after my evening routing!


Awesome, thanks for the advice! Honestly one of my big impediments with this app is not being very familiar with where to start, so any wisdom is helpful.

I'll give it a shot after my evening routing!

Sounds good! My pleasure. The trick is to just lay down and be mindful of your breathing. Focus on each part of your body, from toes to head. Breathe in, feel your toes "breathing in," breath out. Then move on to your ankles, and so on. It's surprisingly relaxing.


Full werewolf off the buckle
And lady trainer...is taking a personal day? Dude trainer is all like "Hey brah, I'll be filling in for today".


By Odin's beard, they've given him a ponytail.
Well, I'm almost there in terms of playing the game. Just picked up a used balance board at Gamestop and Lysol wiped the shit out of it. It was missing the battery cover so they took 5 dollars off, making it only 10 for the board. Just placed an order at Nintendo.com for the carpet extenders and battery cover, and ordered the fit meter from Amazon.

When all's said and done, I'll have paid ~47 dollars for everything, but considering I started with nothing, and the price Nintendo tends to charge for the bundles, I think I made out pretty well. Looking forward to getting started since I've really fallen out of shape over the last couple of years.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Well, I'm almost there in terms of playing the game. Just picked up a used balance board at Gamestop and Lysol wiped the shit out of it. It was missing the battery cover so they took 5 dollars off, making it only 10 for the board. Just placed an order at Nintendo.com for the carpet extenders and battery cover, and ordered the fit meter from Amazon.

When all's said and done, I'll have paid ~47 dollars for everything, but considering I started with nothing, and the price Nintendo tends to charge for the bundles, I think I made out pretty well. Looking forward to getting started since I've really fallen out of shape over the last couple of years.

Exactly the path I took. I found I didn't really need the extenders, though. When I weigh in I just take the board into my bathroom which is on the other side of my bedroom wall. Enjoy your Wii Fit U! I'm having a blast with it.

noticed the island now has snow on it. Awesome.

Yeah, I'm really loving this stuff. I noticed a tree with decorations on it in the town square during my run last night!
Does anyone else's WiiU fit meter play a little song every so often and if so do you know why?

I've only noticed it when I'm bending over or crouching, and sometimes it's the "didn't properly connect to the Gamepad" tune, so I'm assuming I'm just holding down the center button somehow when crouching.


So this morning I have an exclamation point on my WiiU Fit icon, as though it's expired. I registered a meter - it has my Mii's face on it. What do I do now? I can't play or redownload.

I don't want to delete my save data.


So this morning I have an exclamation point on my WiiU Fit icon, as though it's expired. I registered a meter - it has my Mii's face on it. What do I do now? I can't play or redownload.

I don't want to delete my save data.
Wild guess from non-expert (grab a bag of salt): Do you have a 3DS (or 2DS)? Did you link your Wii U NNID to your 3DS and choose to use your 3DS Mii? If so, my wild guess is your save data may have been lost because of the change of Mii. Other people have reported problems with games which have save data associated with Miis (like Wii Sports Club).

If you don't own a 3DS (or 2DS) or haven't linked your NNID to it yet, just ignore me.

Either way, I recommend calling Nintendo tech support. Hopefully they can sort this out for you.
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