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Wii Fit U | OT | Don't Forget to Breathe!


went on a 15 mile, 7 hour hike up and down a mountain where my folks live and the wii fit u meter has a 2d image of the mountain. was kinda neat.

by the way, don't do a 15 mile, 7 hour hike if you're not ready for the consequences.


went on a 15 mile, 7 hour hike up and down a mountain where my folks live and the wii fit u meter has a 2d image of the mountain. was kinda neat.

by the way, don't do a 15 mile, 7 hour hike if you're not ready for the consequences.

I hear you on the consequences. I did a 1 hour snow-shoe hike up part of a mountain in Lake Louise after Christmas and it damn near killed me. It's tragic how out of shape I am, my old man nearly beat me up the mountain. I had to take the rest of the day in bed recovering. I'm a decent walker / slow jogger, but I can't deal with inclines at all.


I need to get back into this. Had some health issues crop up in December that stopped me from playing, but I'd like to lose some weight by April so I better get started again.

When do you do your exercise? I used to exercise before work at 6:30am, but these days I'm struggling to get up early enough to make this possible. o_o I probably just need to go to bed earlier.


Is there no way to even add activities in manually?
Yeah, there is—I believe it's available from graphs—but you're only allowed to do it for the current day and it has to be one of three MET classes. I go back and forth on how useful that one is…


Yeah, there is—I believe it's available from graphs—but you're only allowed to do it for the current day and it has to be one of three MET classes. I go back and forth on how useful that one is…

What's the highest MET value you can use? I'm a decent cyclist so do my commute at around 18mph average. I'd think this is probably higher than anything you can do on Wii Fit.


Wow, Hula, especially with good improvisation, has a really great music to chillax to, i think all my sessions will end with hula now.
Good vibes, mon!


I hear you on the consequences. I did a 1 hour snow-shoe hike up part of a mountain in Lake Louise after Christmas and it damn near killed me. It's tragic how out of shape I am, my old man nearly beat me up the mountain. I had to take the rest of the day in bed recovering. I'm a decent walker / slow jogger, but I can't deal with inclines at all.

with all due respect, I wouldn't consider myself as a decent walker if I can't incline at all.


I already have those on if they are the ones that come stock with the system.
So I should be good?
Yeah, as long as your carpet isn't touching the bottom of the board (I imagine just barely brushing up against it would be OK) while you're standing on it. In my experience, without the feet, I weigh several tens of pounds lighter and it varies wildly. If your weight seems fairly accurate and reasonably consistent (keeping in mind body weight fluctuates a bit itself) I'd guess you're in good shape.
I really need to get going on this again, I've been keeping my Fit Meter going but not actually bothering with the exercises. That needs to change now as the Christmas weight has appeared out of nowhere!


Full werewolf off the buckle
When I weigh in I just take my board into my tiled bathroom on the other side of the wall. My bedroom carpet hasn't created any issues with playing games at all.

Just an idea!


I was thinking of getting this with the balance board bundle since best buy has it 25 bucks off.

Is this actually viable for losing weight? I never tried wii fit.
I was thinking of getting this with the balance board bundle since best buy has it 25 bucks off.

Is this actually viable for losing weight? I never tried wii fit.

Yes it is provided your taking the games advice and pairing it with a healthy diet and additional exercise (it doesn't have to be gym, walks work too!)

Like anything else it depends on how devoted you are to the routine and getting it done. In my experience, half hour or so of Wii Fit with a 20-25 minute walk daily does wonders so long as you eat sensible. It's not easy, but if you stick with it then you'll see results.

Was in a car accident 2 weeks ago, amazingly my Wii Fit Meter managed to stay clipped to my pants even while I was being stuck on a stretcher. Dad's Physo today even said they consider Wii Fit a great way to get rehabilitated (long as you do light exercises and yoga). We're about fit enough that we'll be trying to get back on the wagon tonight I hope.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Got a Wii U and I was wondering if you can register a US Fit Meter with a PAL Wii U?
Afaik the gamepad is region locked, I'd like to pay $20 for the Fit Meter instead of freakin' €27 which is the cheapest they're charging here, on Amazon Italia.


Nevermind, found out the meter is NOT region locked, but also I've found a better price than Amazon's around (€19) so I'm all set to burn my Xmas' belly :p


Yeah, as long as your carpet isn't touching the bottom of the board (I imagine just barely brushing up against it would be OK) while you're standing on it. In my experience, without the feet, I weigh several tens of pounds lighter and it varies wildly. If your weight seems fairly accurate and reasonably consistent (keeping in mind body weight fluctuates a bit itself) I'd guess you're in good shape.

Sweet, thanks. I'm on my way to losing this belly now :D


Can I get the full digital version without owning a balance board? Like just buy the meter and get the balance board at a later date?

the game won't let you boot if you don't have a balance board paired at least for the first time initialization.

If you intent to just download the free version, do it.
Borrow a friend's balance board afterwards for the first time boot, register the fit meter, and unlock the software.

Balance board then can be returned to your friend
Like anything else it depends on how devoted you are to the routine and getting it done. In my experience, half hour or so of Wii Fit with a 20-25 minute walk daily does wonders so long as you eat sensible. It's not easy, but if you stick with it then you'll see results.

great advice, this is basically what i have been doing for two months now and have definitely seen results. on days where i have a bit more time have been increasing the wii fit routine to 48 minutes and hitting the skip rope with fit meter on, the eating sensibly part is important too.


Where should I clip the wii fit meter? Can I clip it to my hoodie or should I clip it to my pants instead.

What you need to do is see a doctor. Explain to the doctor that you need to start tracking your footsteps, altitude, and temperature. Explain it is not terribly important if the latter two figures are accurate. In fact, you prefer if the altitude is not correct. Tell your doctor you need a referral to a hand surgeon. Break your hand. Close a car door on it. Have a friend step on it. The surgeon will do imaging of your hand and see that you need an open reduction and internal fixation of your broken hand. Ask for local anesthetic during the operation. They will refuse. Have a friend lay under the operating table. They will have to get there early. When the anesthesiologist goes to administer the anesthetic, have your friend subtly switch out the vial for saline. You will have to stay awake during the surgery. You can do it. Stay strong. When your hand is opened up reach into your pocket with your working hand and pull out the Fit Meter. Hand it to your surgeon. Ask them to embed it in your hand. They will refuse. Explain you will sue the hospital for not keeping you anesthetized properly if they do not do so. He will agree. Congratulations. You now have a Fit Meter in your hand. You won't have to worry about it falling off. Just make sure to remove it when you do your Wii Fit exercises.

I'm joking. Don't do this!

I keep my Fit Meter clipped to my belt loop and it seems to work great.


Attach a wrist strap to your Meter, and always have it secured in one way or another, because the clip can be nudged off your waist accidentally by your arm or something, and I've found my Meter dangling by the wrist strap a few times. I either loop the wrist strap around a belt loop, or worst case, around the waistband of my boxers through the top of the fly.


Oh god, because I had guests for the last 2 weeks (= eat a lot) wii fit has DOUBLED my daily calories needed. There's no way I'll manage, Hope it's back to normal in 2 weeks...


Am I understanding this correctly - in order to have exercises appear in your programs you have to unlock all versions of them individually??

I can see why they might want to do this (so you know how to do them first) but it seems like a bit of a chore to go through just to be able to do good varied programs.

Also is there a way of telling the software I'm eating less so it doesn't recommend I have to burn 1000+ calories to lose weight??
I really need to use Wii Fit U more often.. I've been busy lately coming off the Holidays so readd me on Wii U..

Newbies can add me at DeafSnake too.


I've made up my mind to lose some considerable weight this year, so I've been doing at least one hour of this every day for about 2 weeks now. I'm also going to the gym and eating healthier, but I do feel like this is helping. Hopefully by the end of the year I'll have improved to at least half my goal and this will be at least partly responsible.

Also, the games/activities are pretty good. I specially like golf; I feel like I'm about to do a hole-in-1 any second now.
So is Wii Fit only for losing weight? Are there other activities in the game?

There are many activities that can help you improve your overall health and fitness. You can do exercises that help contribute to improving your posture, balance, coordination, flexibility, strength (w/ bodyweight exercises), etc...


Gold Member
Picked it up last Friday and have begun the daily routine. I never had Wii Fit, so this is coming off as very fresh and fun to me. The Fit Meter addition is great; I really love the concept of the Walking/Altitude Challenges.

If I have any one complaint, it's that you can't change the units of measurement without switching regions. That seems like a really poorly thought out restriction. Canada abides by the metric system for everything but weight, and having to mentally convert KG to LB is dumb.


I've got a question. If I add activities via the activity log why don't they count towards my daily calorie goal? I just added the 1 1/2 hours of swimming I did today which combined with the data from my fit meter should bring me above my daily goal. It is displayed on the graphs but when I choose workout, the board gives me shit about not burning enough calories and suggest a super long workout to reach my daily goal.
Is this normal or a bug?


I've got a question. If I add activities via the activity log why don't they count towards my daily calorie goal? I just added the 1 1/2 hours of swimming I did today which combined with the data from my fit meter should bring me above my daily goal. It is displayed on the graphs but when I choose workout, the board gives me shit about not burning enough calories and suggest a super long workout to reach my daily goal.
Is this normal or a bug?

I'd like to know this too - also if you can set your daily calorie intake so that it lowers the deficit needed from exercise. These are really basic things that you should be able to do - the My Fitness Pal app is free and does these things.


I bought yesterday and i really like the way they teach some exercises or mini games, is good have something i can enjoy exercising.
went on a 15 mile, 7 hour hike up and down a mountain where my folks live and the wii fit u meter has a 2d image of the mountain. was kinda neat.

by the way, don't do a 15 mile, 7 hour hike if you're not ready for the consequences.

how many calories did that burn?
I've got a question. If I add activities via the activity log why don't they count towards my daily calorie goal? I just added the 1 1/2 hours of swimming I did today which combined with the data from my fit meter should bring me above my daily goal. It is displayed on the graphs but when I choose workout, the board gives me shit about not burning enough calories and suggest a super long workout to reach my daily goal.
Is this normal or a bug?

I'm guessing that activities/workouts and their METs that you input manually are added to the charts for your own record keeping. It's probably an oversight to not include those METs and calories for that particular daily goal, but the daily caloric goal tracking implemented it pointless anyway for the reason below, IMO.

I'd like to know this too - also if you can set your daily calorie intake so that it lowers the deficit needed from exercise. These are really basic things that you should be able to do - the My Fitness Pal app is free and does these things.

Unfortunately, it doesn't take into account or address diet/eating habits whatsoever.

how many calories did that burn?

That would depend on the weight and body composition of the person. The Fit meter will try to estimate the METs based pedometer, accelerometer and altimeter readings, and then further estimate the calories based on your weight in the software profile.


So is Wii Fit only for losing weight? Are there other activities in the game?

Proper diet is for losing weight, Wii Fit U is for other healthy things like balance, posture, and the like.

I do nothing in it but yoga as a warmup before my proper workout, and it's pretty great for that!


Proper diet is for losing weight, Wii Fit U is for other healthy things like balance, posture, and the like.

I do nothing in it but yoga as a warmup before my proper workout, and it's pretty great for that!

Exactly - which is why it's a bit silly/irresponsible that the game tries to get my wife to do 3.5 hours per day to meet her weight loss goals
Exactly - which is why it's a bit silly/irresponsible that the game tries to get my wife to do 3.5 hours per day to meet her weight loss goals

like most things in life, your own common sense plays a part in this too. with all different types of bodies, fitness levels, motivation levels, diet, general health etc it's never going to be able to instantly recognize what's best for everyone all of the time.

I have one of my own routine set and it goes for 48 minutes, even with that I get the 'no need to overdo it' warning.

I have seen what your talking about too, if your calorie goal is say 1000 a day, and you bring home 200 it suggests burning the remaining on wii fit u, this is where the common sense comes in.
We just picked up the whole Wii Fit U package and I was wondering if we could just sell off/return the disc it came with for the downloadable version...

All we'd have to do is sync the Fit Meter and the entire game will unlock digitally correct? No need for the disc any longer?


Has anyone in NA been able to find one of the white Fit Meters? I was at Best Buy today since my trial expires and I could only find the black version. The white version (with green trim) seemed to only be included with the bundle pack. Can't find any color variants in the usual online locations either.


We just picked up the whole Wii Fit U package and I was wondering if we could just sell off/return the disc it came with for the downloadable version...

All we'd have to do is sync the Fit Meter and the entire game will unlock digitally correct? No need for the disc any longer?

Yes. Have you downladed the promo version yet? I tbink the offers stops at the end of the month
We just picked up the whole Wii Fit U package and I was wondering if we could just sell off/return the disc it came with for the downloadable version...

All we'd have to do is sync the Fit Meter and the entire game will unlock digitally correct? No need for the disc any longer?

It you unlock the digital trial version (with Fit Meter), then you won't need the disc, IIRC.
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