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Wrasslin' Thread 20XX |OT| New Age WrestleGAF


He must be selling a shit load of t-shirts if Tony is still willing to put up with his nonsense.

I think I've mentioned this but my impression of TK is that he's a "internet wrestling fan"(tm) and so many of them are just massive Punk fans.(You know, excuse anything Punk does and believe obvious BS, for example actually thinking Punk was so hated in the WWE that even Vince wanted him fired. That's obviously fake but they'd believe garbage like that.)


Oh No Fire GIF

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RIP Bray.

My wife had Covid early on before the vaccines were available and I worry every time she gets sick that something could go wrong from the long term Covid damage.

Didnt Bray and Jojo just have a kid not long back too? Makes things even more heartbreaking about this.


So apparently I made a bit of a mistake. I sent an e-mail that I intended to send to Jim Cornette but apparently I must have sent it to Tony Khan instead by mistake. Here's the e-mail

Hi Jim and Brian,

I've got a question for Jim, why do you think AEW hasn't hired Grado? I mean he sucks, can't wrestle, I'm not sure if what he speaks is even english, and tries to do funny shit that's only stupid and pathetic. So of course he's clearly a perfect fit for AEW. I'm honestly surprised they haven't hired him yet, I have no idea why they're waiting.

I would just to apologize for suggesting to Tony that he should hire Grado. My bad.


advanced basic bitch
So apparently I made a bit of a mistake. I sent an e-mail that I intended to send to Jim Cornette but apparently I must have sent it to Tony Khan instead by mistake. Here's the e-mail

I would just to apologize for suggesting to Tony that he should hire Grado. My bad.
Oh god I had nearly forgotten about Grado. Damn you. At least we got Spud in that same timeframe. Where the fuck is Spud?


All I know is despite his age and veteran status, that guy was involved in a backstage incident again. So yeah, maybe it’s not everyone else who has the problem.
I was leaning in that direction because we're talking about a guy who had problems with Impact, RoH, OVW, and WWE so I was hardly surprised he had a problem at AEW the first time. That being said Jack is an idiot for wanting to use real glass. (But it says something about Punk that it turned into a second fight given his background.)


I could make the sarcastic remark with this fight he's 1 fight short of 500. (Or he is now if you count the fight with the cameraman a no-contest because the cameraman was on performance degrading drugs.)


What happened this time??

I can't be bothered to watch the show, or any modern wrestling for that matter.
Long story short. A week or 2 back Jack Perry wanted to do some stupid stuff with glass. Got into an argument with Punk about it. At yesterday's show Perry did some spot with a car windshield (laminated glass designed to not rip you open) and made a comment on the show about it being real glass. Got back stage and some how there was another argument between Perry and Punk over that. That got physical (still uncertain who started what) and led to I guess Punk getting Perry in a choke hold before it was separated. (Not surprising since we know Punk has had some fight training and has like 60-70lbs on Perry) Anyway I'll guess if Perry gets fired he started it and if he doesn't Punk got physical first. (I really don't expect Tony to fire Punk. If he didn't fire him over the debacle with the EVP's he won't fire him over this.)


Parody of actual AJUMP23
They really need to just get rid of him at this stage. Constant drama and he can't even really go in the ring any more anyway.

He got a very tepid reaction from the crowd last night as well.
He got a huge pop. But drama seems to follow and that need to be sorted out.


In other news Impact had a PPV yesterday as well. It was main-evented by, wait a minute. Trinity? Umm, do the people at TNA/Impact not get she isn't a huge star?


Long story short. A week or 2 back Jack Perry wanted to do some stupid stuff with glass. Got into an argument with Punk about it. At yesterday's show Perry did some spot with a car windshield (laminated glass designed to not rip you open) and made a comment on the show about it being real glass. Got back stage and some how there was another argument between Perry and Punk over that. That got physical (still uncertain who started what) and led to I guess Punk getting Perry in a choke hold before it was separated. (Not surprising since we know Punk has had some fight training and has like 60-70lbs on Perry) Anyway I'll guess if Perry gets fired he started it and if he doesn't Punk got physical first. (I really don't expect Tony to fire Punk. If he didn't fire him over the debacle with the EVP's he won't fire him over this.)
Thanks for the info. I would hope that they (AEW) would be kinda smart and start turning Punk's ongoing backstage issues into a really, really good serious story angle but something tells me it isn't that.

I've yet to see what the big deal is with Punk, but every time his name pops up it's some backstage nonsense. Perhaps he just can't mesh with these new type of wrestlers. They do seem really immature.

Either way, it should be Tony sitting these people down, telling them how it is gonna be and what happens if they keep screwing around like this. Drama can be good for drawing eyes, but at the same time it makes the promotion look like a clown show in my opinion.


Love all the reddit fools that just immediately blame Punk. Most reports have it the JB started the crap, fire his ass and be done with it. Punk moves merch and people pay to see him. Thing with the original thing with Collision was Schiavone and others tried to talk JB out of the glass spot and then asked Punk to speak with him as the vet (and one of the dudes in charge of Collision) and Perry was still a baby about not using real glass (Ask Goldberg how that worked for him?). Fuck even Mox/Omega used Fake Glass on their table spot, if you aren't letting dudes you trust do it, why let some flippy shit with next to no experience in the business do something dumb and then TK is responsible for his bills as he seems to treat this more like a real sport and thinks he's gotta cover everybodies stuff (Not a bad thing).

ALOT of the issues that are going to keep happening are because TK has not taken control of his company. He has a split lockerroom with Punk guys, and Elite (Maybe just Bucks guys) and keeps letting the divide get worse and worse with feelings it seems as Perry is one of the kids who loves the YB circus nonsense, so do you really expect him to respect or listen to a CM Punk? Punk is the same guy he always was, but we didn't hear about weekly crap when he was in the WWE, because they handle their shit and generally don't leave their talent to fester. Maybe instead of worrying about stupid "Post Show" Scrums, maybe TK should have meetings with the talent or just do whatever WWE does to keep things in check.

Punk for better or worse is Punk, but the dude moves merch and tickets, so he has earned top star treatment. Perry has for my recollection had issues with being kind of a tool on AEWs time at Meet and Greets and an attitude. Personally, If I'm TK, Perry is gone. Strictly as a send a message type of move to the roster while having an all hands on deck meeting where he puts people in their place about how things are going to be going forward and likely force the YB and Punk to sit down with him and whoever the #2-5 people in the company are and TELL THEM how things will be going forward. Let Perry work on himself on the indies and bring him back later if you care that much. AEW has FAR to many vets in their company that you know Punk has to have a level of respect for, how is he seemed to be left dealing with the nimrods from the indies that have never worked big stuff before? Perrys match should have been before the tag title match so that there wouldn't be a chance of this occuring, especially since they knew Punk/Joe was leading off, Perry could have drastically fucked up one of the big matches people went there to see. Hell, in all honesty with dudes like Miro, Andrade, Athena and many more not being on the card, did we even need the boring Perry/Hook match there?
Love all the reddit fools that just immediately blame Punk. Most reports have it the JB started the crap, fire his ass and be done with it. Punk moves merch and people pay to see him. Thing with the original thing with Collision was Schiavone and others tried to talk JB out of the glass spot and then asked Punk to speak with him as the vet (and one of the dudes in charge of Collision) and Perry was still a baby about not using real glass (Ask Goldberg how that worked for him?). Fuck even Mox/Omega used Fake Glass on their table spot, if you aren't letting dudes you trust do it, why let some flippy shit with next to no experience in the business do something dumb and then TK is responsible for his bills as he seems to treat this more like a real sport and thinks he's gotta cover everybodies stuff (Not a bad thing).

ALOT of the issues that are going to keep happening are because TK has not taken control of his company. He has a split lockerroom with Punk guys, and Elite (Maybe just Bucks guys) and keeps letting the divide get worse and worse with feelings it seems as Perry is one of the kids who loves the YB circus nonsense, so do you really expect him to respect or listen to a CM Punk? Punk is the same guy he always was, but we didn't hear about weekly crap when he was in the WWE, because they handle their shit and generally don't leave their talent to fester. Maybe instead of worrying about stupid "Post Show" Scrums, maybe TK should have meetings with the talent or just do whatever WWE does to keep things in check.

Punk for better or worse is Punk, but the dude moves merch and tickets, so he has earned top star treatment. Perry has for my recollection had issues with being kind of a tool on AEWs time at Meet and Greets and an attitude. Personally, If I'm TK, Perry is gone. Strictly as a send a message type of move to the roster while having an all hands on deck meeting where he puts people in their place about how things are going to be going forward and likely force the YB and Punk to sit down with him and whoever the #2-5 people in the company are and TELL THEM how things will be going forward. Let Perry work on himself on the indies and bring him back later if you care that much. AEW has FAR to many vets in their company that you know Punk has to have a level of respect for, how is he seemed to be left dealing with the nimrods from the indies that have never worked big stuff before? Perrys match should have been before the tag title match so that there wouldn't be a chance of this occuring, especially since they knew Punk/Joe was leading off, Perry could have drastically fucked up one of the big matches people went there to see. Hell, in all honesty with dudes like Miro, Andrade, Athena and many more not being on the card, did we even need the boring Perry/Hook match there?

No one in the company but FTR and TK seems to have any time for Punk. He gets booed anywhere outside of Chicago because he isn't able to go any more and people don't really enjoy him burying the people who made AEW possible in the first place. They didn't do 81k in London last night off the back of someone who can't even reliably run his own spots any more.

They gave him his own show to stop him getting his feelings hurt and it is pretty much Rampage 2.0 with him putting himself in the main event every week with people who can carry him. I'm a day 1 AEW fan and i haven't ever watched a full episode of it because i don't need to watch the power fantasy of a 44 year old emo teenager. Punk is a colossal bitch and TK is an idiot for pandering to him. Just pay him for the rest of his contract to go away and watch as literally no one else even attempts to offer him a job because even the guy running a bingo hall indie knows he isn't worth the hassle.


Love all the reddit fools that just immediately blame Punk. Most reports have it the JB started the crap, fire his ass and be done with it. Punk moves merch and people pay to see him. Thing with the original thing with Collision was Schiavone and others tried to talk JB out of the glass spot and then asked Punk to speak with him as the vet (and one of the dudes in charge of Collision) and Perry was still a baby about not using real glass (Ask Goldberg how that worked for him?). Fuck even Mox/Omega used Fake Glass on their table spot, if you aren't letting dudes you trust do it, why let some flippy shit with next to no experience in the business do something dumb and then TK is responsible for his bills as he seems to treat this more like a real sport and thinks he's gotta cover everybodies stuff (Not a bad thing).

ALOT of the issues that are going to keep happening are because TK has not taken control of his company. He has a split lockerroom with Punk guys, and Elite (Maybe just Bucks guys) and keeps letting the divide get worse and worse with feelings it seems as Perry is one of the kids who loves the YB circus nonsense, so do you really expect him to respect or listen to a CM Punk? Punk is the same guy he always was, but we didn't hear about weekly crap when he was in the WWE, because they handle their shit and generally don't leave their talent to fester. Maybe instead of worrying about stupid "Post Show" Scrums, maybe TK should have meetings with the talent or just do whatever WWE does to keep things in check.

Punk for better or worse is Punk, but the dude moves merch and tickets, so he has earned top star treatment. Perry has for my recollection had issues with being kind of a tool on AEWs time at Meet and Greets and an attitude. Personally, If I'm TK, Perry is gone. Strictly as a send a message type of move to the roster while having an all hands on deck meeting where he puts people in their place about how things are going to be going forward and likely force the YB and Punk to sit down with him and whoever the #2-5 people in the company are and TELL THEM how things will be going forward. Let Perry work on himself on the indies and bring him back later if you care that much. AEW has FAR to many vets in their company that you know Punk has to have a level of respect for, how is he seemed to be left dealing with the nimrods from the indies that have never worked big stuff before? Perrys match should have been before the tag title match so that there wouldn't be a chance of this occuring, especially since they knew Punk/Joe was leading off, Perry could have drastically fucked up one of the big matches people went there to see. Hell, in all honesty with dudes like Miro, Andrade, Athena and many more not being on the card, did we even need the boring Perry/Hook match there?
Yep. A faithful Bucks guy who is known to be a dick starts some shit because he's high up on his own hardcoreness (stupidity) gets choked out and that's Punk's fault because of all this shit that's been stirred previously.

It doesn't make the GTS any less shit as a move, but the default "Punk bad" narrative rings hollow for me when it clearly isn't as simple as "lol common denominator Punk".
Thanks for the info. I would hope that they (AEW) would be kinda smart and start turning Punk's ongoing backstage issues into a really, really good serious story angle but something tells me it isn't that.

I've yet to see what the big deal is with Punk, but every time his name pops up it's some backstage nonsense. Perhaps he just can't mesh with these new type of wrestlers. They do seem really immature.

Either way, it should be Tony sitting these people down, telling them how it is gonna be and what happens if they keep screwing around like this. Drama can be good for drawing eyes, but at the same time it makes the promotion look like a clown show in my opinion.
I keep thinking that after all the real drama that's more exciting than the shows themselves, it would be the PERFECT opportunity to start blurring again the line like wrestling is supposed to do. Sort things out in secret, then work the people and get a huge angle out of it. That's professional wrestling.


From what I've seen it looks like Punk got physical first. So yeah. Fuck that sensitive bitch.

Doesn't seem so open and shut to me. Full of conflicting reports and could be anywhere in the middle of all that, and even if "first punch" is true that doesn't mean he wasn't shoved or whatever. If he did offer to leave the building, that doesn't seem like the attitude of a constant trouble maker to me but again that's not confirmed, so who knows. Innocent until proven guilty.
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