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Yakuza 4 |OT| Welcome back, hostess bars & proper boxart!

So I am completely new to the series, just got some questions.

Is it possible to move around the city during the game.By that I mean, whenever I try to walk down certain streets it cuts me off and a message pops up saying that I should go and see someone to continue on the storyline.Is it like the for the whole game?

I bought some things from one of the food stores and it won't let me consume it, like a drink for example, and also a magazine that I bought.Is there a way to read it?

I've only played an hour of it and I love the atmosphere of the city and exploring things.

What's the average completition time for this game?

So I am completely new to the series, just got some questions.

Is it possible to move around the city during the game.By that I mean, whenever I try to walk down certain streets it cuts me off and a message pops up saying that I should go and see someone to continue on the storyline.Is it like the for the whole game?

I bought some things from one of the food stores and it won't let me consume it, like a drink for example, and also a magazine that I bought.Is there a way to read it?

I've only played an hour of it and I love the atmosphere of the city and exploring things.

What's the average completition time for this game?


- I played 80 in a week to see only what I wanted to see and do as much side quest as possible (I would say 90%) and main story. I didn't even tried to go for completion (aka - do, eat, see, punch, win, everything...) because from what I played, it would have taken me 200+ hours

- There are moments where you are more free than others. As soon as the game lets you do stuff, enjoy it as much as you can.

- There are items that aren't consumable but for side quest. Magazine or video tapes are usually good for learning new schematics for custom weapons



So I am completely new to the series, just got some questions.

Is it possible to move around the city during the game.By that I mean, whenever I try to walk down certain streets it cuts me off and a message pops up saying that I should go and see someone to continue on the storyline.Is it like the for the whole game?

I bought some things from one of the food stores and it won't let me consume it, like a drink for example, and also a magazine that I bought.Is there a way to read it?

I've only played an hour of it and I love the atmosphere of the city and exploring things.

What's the average completition time for this game?


At the start of the game and at certain plot points you will be restricted but eventually the city will completely open up and you can explore as much as you want.

As said, some items aren't consumable, plus i think you are not able to consume certain items if you are already at max health etc.

If you mostly focus on the main story you can do it in about 15 hours, but there are hundreds more hours of non-story stuff to do.
Is it possible to move around the city during the game.By that I mean, whenever I try to walk down certain streets it cuts me off and a message pops up saying that I should go and see someone to continue on the storyline.Is it like the for the whole game?

I bought some things from one of the food stores and it won't let me consume it, like a drink for example, and also a magazine that I bought.Is there a way to read it?

What's the average completition time for this game?

Yes, after the intro stuff you will usually just have to go to a certain place but all of the city is free to explore unless you are hiding from cops etc.

Drinks and food are for health, magazines can be read in the inventory but are usually just collectable items. Some magazines/videos teach new techniques though.

Main story is around 20 hours. If you add all the cool stuff it expands to 40 hours+
http://www.howlongtobeat.com/gamebreakdown.php?gamename=Yakuza 4
Excellent. Thanks

It was a good idea to have all the backstory video available from previous yakuza games.
I actually brought out my dreamcast recentally to reply shenmue as I never did complete it.Tried playing it on my LCD via composite and the image quality wasn't the best quality so I decided to buy a VGA cable thing from eBay, which I am still awaiting delivery.

Then I remembered about the Yakuza series being somewhat similar to shenmue, so I picked up Yakuza 4.Very glad I did.

I really wanted to visit Tokyo, but still have some concerns going there.These games should do for now!


Junior Member
I was just wondering, is Lilly modeled after a Japanese actress called Koyuki? They look very similar.



Loving the game so far.


So I wanted to ask for some Gaf advice from anyone who has played both, The last Yakuza game that I bought was 2, and I loved it. However everytime i've gone to buy either 3, or 4 something else seems to come along that I get side tracked by. Tomarrow i'm going to pick up one or the other(can't get both just yet) so is there a consensus on which is the better overall game between the two?

I know that some stuff was cut from 3, and was added back for 4, but i'm also not sure about the multiple character part. Is it a situation where you pick one from the start and play them till your done with their story, or is it done through transitions? I think I like the idea of just playing through as Kazuma because of how great a character he was in the first 2 games, are the other 3 characters in this as well done?

any feedback is appriciated.


Y4 is easily the better game pace wise and story wise...And at least you'll be able to look at the backstory of Y3 in the menu before you start the game. I thought the use of multiple characters was nicely done(I was skeptical at first) and think you'll enjoy it.


So I wanted to ask for some Gaf advice from anyone who has played both, The last Yakuza game that I bought was 2, and I loved it. However everytime i've gone to buy either 3, or 4 something else seems to come along that I get side tracked by. Tomarrow i'm going to pick up one or the other(can't get both just yet) so is there a consensus on which is the better overall game between the two?

I know that some stuff was cut from 3, and was added back for 4, but i'm also not sure about the multiple character part. Is it a situation where you pick one from the start and play them till your done with their story, or is it done through transitions? I think I like the idea of just playing through as Kazuma because of how great a character he was in the first 2 games, are the other 3 characters in this as well done?

any feedback is appriciated.
Still haven't finished 4 (my wife enjoys the series so much I can't advance the story unless she's around, and we've been busy), but I think I can safely say the consensus is 4 is better than 3, even ignoring the cut content in 3. 3 still has its moments, and it's a strong game overall, but... 4's better. I've seen one, maybe two people prefer 3, and at least one of them may have been trolling.

I also felt like I could play Yakuza games starring Kazuma for forever, but after ten minutes of Akiyama (the starting character in 4), I'd be okay if the next four games were just him. Can't comment on the other two mains, but Akiyama is a great character. Do his side missions and you'll even see him make controversial statements. :)
Bought the game for Christmas, and I am done hoping for a decent story from a Yakuza game anymore. With each sequel the franchise gets more and more like a stupid soap opera; also, for a game that doesn't spare on the amount of blood shed, it is very afraid to portray it's main characters in any negative light.
I hope with the upcoming Dead Souls SEGA has given up on the drama and just makes crazed up stories.

Yak4 is still the best I've played for fixing a lot of the issues of the franchise. Plus, Tanimura is fun to play as.


Junior Member
So I wanted to ask for some Gaf advice from anyone who has played both, The last Yakuza game that I bought was 2, and I loved it. However everytime i've gone to buy either 3, or 4 something else seems to come along that I get side tracked by. Tomarrow i'm going to pick up one or the other(can't get both just yet) so is there a consensus on which is the better overall game between the two?

I know that some stuff was cut from 3, and was added back for 4, but i'm also not sure about the multiple character part. Is it a situation where you pick one from the start and play them till your done with their story, or is it done through transitions? I think I like the idea of just playing through as Kazuma because of how great a character he was in the first 2 games, are the other 3 characters in this as well done?

any feedback is appriciated.

I'd say pick up Yakuza 3 first. Offers a different flavour with the whole Okinawa and orphanage section but still has Kazuma badassery.

With Yakuza 4, I was also worried about playing with other characters, thinking none could measure up to Kazuma. Rest assured each character is unique, interesting and play different from each other. The only problem I had with this is you wish you had more time with each character. Get 3 then 4, although you've probably made the decision by now =P

I'm constantly amazed at how consistently good the Yakuza team makes these games. 4 is brilliant and I look forward to 5.
I'm constantly amazed at how consistently good the Yakuza team makes these games. 4 is brilliant and I look forward to 5.

a shame the psp is Ko.. i would have enjoyed some black panther as well ..

totally doable, especially over the monster that 3 was for a plat. gonna need some luck on a few of the extra missions though man!

I gave up on yakuza 3 at 50% ( trophies ) i spent Soooo much time in that game and i was only at 50% ...i enjoyed the world a great deal but i wasn't having enough fun anymore.. the Tuna trophy made me just cry in anger ( didn't get it ) ...i let Y3 go .. gonna start soon and hoping there is nothing like "that" in Y4 .
Otherwise i'll just enjoy the game and never bother to platinium it


I'm playing through 3 again to platinum. Once I do that I will play 4 to get the platinum.

I hope everyone is enjoying Yakuza 4. we need more of these games over here.
Glad to see people still playing this. It was so overlooked being an early release in the year.

still the most fun i had all year in terms of gameplay. the yakuza formula is so much fun, and they perfected it with the 4th.

yes it feels dated, but that's the point


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I picked up Yakuza 3 without playing the first two and didn't have any trouble. The game includes recaps of 1 and 2, but I was able to follow the story without watching them.

It includes recaps? Oh good. I guess I'll start these up soon.


So I picked up Yakuza 3 and 4 for very cheap. I have no clue what type of game these are. What should I expect? Like a mix of Shenmue and GTA?
So I picked up Yakuza 3 and 4 for very cheap. I have no clue what type of game these are. What should I expect? Like a mix of Shenmue and GTA?

it's far from GTA .. there is free roam in a cities but it's constructed much like a rpgs than anything ..with a good battle system and PLENTY ( a lot really )of thing to do and unlockables


I gave up on yakuza 3 at 50% ( trophies ) i spent Soooo much time in that game and i was only at 50% ...i enjoyed the world a great deal but i wasn't having enough fun anymore.. the Tuna trophy made me just cry in anger ( didn't get it ) ...i let Y3 go .. gonna start soon and hoping there is nothing like "that" in Y4 .
Otherwise i'll just enjoy the game and never bother to platinium it

there pretty much isn't, you gotta try the games but not master everything, and the ones it does require aren't hard, especially with youtube. i dont even think it was the worst anon fight either...i suspect you'll be pleasantly surprised after 3.

and yeah, i got way less in 3 myself, mostly for rushing towards 4 but even when i want to revisit Okinawa and get some more, ive still got Kensan on deck and Dead Souls out in a few months, so it's not happening.


Can anyone vouch for Kenzan's playability despite not knowing a lick of Japanese. I know all the cutscenes have been translated on YouTube, but I'm still worried about not being able to understand all the various menus and sidemissions.


So I'm new to the series and just started 4. Really enjoying it and can tell I'll be playing 3 too. How much difference does the chronology make? Should I consider dropping 4 for now and going through 3 first?


Can anyone vouch for Kenzan's playability despite not knowing a lick of Japanese. I know all the cutscenes have been translated on YouTube, but I'm still worried about not being able to understand all the various menus and sidemissions.

I have only played through 1/3 of the game (more or less) so far but i didn't have any serious problems.The combat is similar with the other Yakuza games and there's also a very detailed guide at GameFAQs which can help you with pretty much anything in the game.
If you have a laptop just keep it on your side for guiding reference as well as for watching the translated cutscenes.I admit it gets tiresome after a while but unfortunately it's our only option. :/


yeah, now that i got a laptop, im doing just that this year - get somewhere, PAUSE, read translations. cutscene: try to play at the same time as the YT channel, more or less.

it's not ideal, but again, Segata & others have called it the best of the series, and it honestly looks like there's 0 chance of localization, so what ya gonna do.
11 hours later i'm in the late CHApTER 4 of akiyama.. Done all his substories ..game feels amazing and the news things keep things fresh.

i kinda like it .. Dress up could use some more work.
After buying the game Day 1, I finally finished this gem.

Seriously, best game in the series (haven't gotten through Kenzan! yet...I've got the game, but the handicap of having to have a guide with me at all times killed me).


11 hours later i'm in the late CHApTER 4 of akiyama.. Done all his substories ..game feels amazing and the news things keep things fresh.

i kinda like it .. Dress up could use some more work.

akiyama = highlight, so hard. and yeah, dress up got SO REPETITIVE, if you wanted the trophies.

After buying the game Day 1, I finally finished this gem.

Seriously, best game in the series (haven't gotten through Kenzan! yet...I've got the game, but the handicap of having to have a guide with me at all times killed me).

again, same here - i'm gonna re-up the kenzan thread here when i get around to that, hopefully next month! i dont know if weve had a gaijin review yet of playing it with YT+ guide, but i figure we need one, might make a new thread.
I started chapter 1 part 3 ... and then ...i noticed it ... THE GAME became awesome...

It's not a spoiler but dammit visiting a majong parlor and finding this ? This game is awesome.

Overall ..
Fighter maker is cool.
Fishing is really improved. i wish it was like this in Y3 ..but well . The change of pace in ACT 2 was awesome .
As for saejima,
The kiryu fight was amazing ...


Gold Member
again, same here - i'm gonna re-up the kenzan thread here when i get around to that, hopefully next month! i dont know if weve had a gaijin review yet of playing it with YT+ guide, but i figure we need one, might make a new thread.

in the meantime: my kenzan! experience:

with a huge assist from thepatrick's excellent guide, i'm finally playing a game i've wanted since i first heard of it...

i've made it thru the prologue & first 2 chapters, & i'm loving it: stunning visuals (particularly the characters), great (if unintelligible) voice work, & all the yakuza fundamentals (including the visceral combat - & even the lockers) in place...

if you're a yakuza fan, this's some serious (& pretty goddamn clever) fan service: take many of the series' regulars, & transplant them a few hundred years into the past. kiryu's now a kinda useless slouch-for-hire, who's approached by (a badly beaten) haruka, & asked to avenge the murder of her parents by finding & killing the man who did it, mushashi miyamoto. the game then flashes back a few years, &, sure enough, it turns out that - kiryu is miyamoto...

what with the usual yakuza gameplay elements (like your destination being marked on the map), along with some streamlining (leveling up is now just plain leveling up, rather than choosing abilities), i'm finding the game to be very doable. yeah, item use is initially a little hit'n'miss, & i'm kinda curious about what exactly everyone saying, but the faq gives you the gist of the conversations, so you basically know what the hell's going on (i mean, in yakuza games, that can be tricky at times even with english subtitles, eh?)...

i just don't see this game ever making it over here (tho i'd love to be wrong). besides the very 'japanese' nature of the game, & the fact that it's a pseudo-sequel to a series that didn't do all that well here (even tho the game stands on it's own just fine, imo), there're other reasons (the presence of child prostitution being one early example) i think sega will never get around to pulling the trigger. but, hey, if you're interested, don't let that stop you - the game's been re-issued at a cheaper price, &, if i'm able to have a blast playing it, odds are you will be, too...

ps: majima's still as sleazy-badass as ever...


well, here i am, 2 weeks later, entering the final stretch - i've begun chapter 10 (of 11), with maybe a half-dozen missions left, & very few major bad guys to encounter...

so glad i tried this - kenzan's a very good game, even without knowing exactly what everyone's saying, &, tho the endless encounters & convoluted missions eventually get a little old (as in all yakuza games), i've pretty much enjoyed the game non-stop, & really've never gotten tired of wandering around the truly beautiful areas (& there are a few...). the story's been very solid, tho a bit more straight-forward than the yakuza games, with a couple double-crosses here'n'there, but no triple/quadruple ones, & that seems kinda appropriate given the semi-fantasy setting...

i've ended up doing at least 2/3 of the missions, & there've been some weird ones. the kabuki one was my favorite (awesome!), but right behind it was the ninja one...

i've ended up passing on a number of things (including hostess dating & turtle racing), & a number of the other 'activities' (horseback archery, melon-slicing (like a batting cage, only a monk throws melons & you swing with your sword?) shuriken-throwing) were kinda 'once is enough', but that's just par for the course for me. if i fucked up in any way, it was in not paying attention to how to get better weapons forged by the blacksmith. around chapter 5, i suddenly realized i had tons of money, & immediately bought the best armor available at the weapons shop, but the swords there weren't all that great. it wasn't till chapter 9 that i went to the blacksmith & discovered i'd somehow obtained the makings of a killer, kinda glow-in-the-dark katana, that did about 4 times as much damage as the one i'd been playing the whole game with! (d'oh!)...

if nothing else, the game has really clarified for me just exactly what it is that i love about the series, which's basically the fact that, while kiryu's an extremely cool/likable lead character, it's actually haruka that gives the games the level of heart & compassion that makes them so distinctive - the fact that kiryu isn't so much looking out for himself as he is looking out for her. not sure why it took me so long to figure that out...

anyway, as an experiment (for me), playing kenzan's proven to be very successful. given a good enough game, & a good enough faq, i've ended up having more fun with this than i thought i would. & tho i don't wanna do it if i don't absolutely have to, it's nice knowing it's doable...

still my favorite game in the series :) ...


nice writeup, semiconscious! had to skim it for fear of spoilers, but i'm hyped all over again - think i might save it for after Dead Souls in march though, since i'm guessing we're not getting 5 this year.
The last, last boss (with the gun and soldiers) was... pretty messed up with no health items / equipment / anything on Tanimura. I basically just had to keep exploiting the invulnerability on the throw to take out all of the guards (while trying to whittle away the guard captain with Heat moves). Luckily the double-quickstep allows you to dodge the bullets.

Otherwise difficulty was a joke but I guess I should have realized after Yakuza 3 that I should have played on Hard. I played 3/4, plan on playing the PS2 games next.

My main problem with the series is that the main mission is always basically PLEASE FOR GODS SAKE GO HERE DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE with a giant red spot on the map, but the side missions are practically hidden. So I look around for the side missions (don't really feel like using a guide) and then say whatever and go back to the main mission. So then I end up beating the game with like 5% complete-age so I think about doing the Premium Adventure but at that point I have played 20-30 hours so I end up not doing that. So I guess if I want to do the side stuff I should just look up a guide to locate them during the game?
There is a guy in a bar in the north east part of the map that'll point you to any available side mission.
But it really shouldn't be too much of a problem to stumble over at least half of the side missions by just exploring the town.


I'm almost done with this game, just have to complete the last chapter!
It's been way more fun than any other Yakuza game and it feels as if this is 4 games wrapped in 1.
The plot of the first Yakuza is still the best, though.


All this Kenzan talk makes me want to play it so badly! Have you guys been to KHHsub's Youtube channel? They translated a bunch of Kenzan cutscenes and are now doing walkthrough videos.


That guy has also said he'd be interested in translating the game/making a translation patch for Kenzan if others could do the hacking stuff. So if you guys know anybody that can do that type of stuff and likes Yakuza, send them his way.


Gold Member
nice writeup, semiconscious! had to skim it for fear of spoilers, but i'm hyped all over again - think i might save it for after Dead Souls in march though, since i'm guessing we're not getting 5 this year.

thanks :) - deliberately tried to go lite on spoilers (other than describing the set-up). saddest instance of 'non-localization' this gen...
My boyfriend got me this for Christmas. It's shocking how much side-content there is in this game, I'm still on Akiyama's story but I've plowed in so many hours already just treating the city like a home. I find myself just aimlessly wandering about shopping and sitting at the bars, and making friends with the homeless. I've finished all his side-quests and found the revelations, and done the training, I'm just training up the final hostess before I finish this sideline.

I can see this game lasting me ages. :)


My main problem with the series is that the main mission is always basically PLEASE FOR GODS SAKE GO HERE DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE with a giant red spot on the map, but the side missions are practically hidden. So I look around for the side missions (don't really feel like using a guide) and then say whatever and go back to the main mission. So then I end up beating the game with like 5% complete-age so I think about doing the Premium Adventure but at that point I have played 20-30 hours so I end up not doing that. So I guess if I want to do the side stuff I should just look up a guide to locate them during the game?

yeah, Hard mode offers more meat, and i too fucked up my first final fight by leaving Tanimura unarmed...never again.

echoing the other reply: i didn't use a guide and found most every sidequest by just exploring town, i don't really recall doing anything too different than in prior games.

That guy has also said he'd be interested in translating the game/making a translation patch for Kenzan if others could do the hacking stuff. So if you guys know anybody that can do that type of stuff and likes Yakuza, send them his way.

really? fuck, i wish i knew someone, that'd be worth CFW'ing my PS3 to have a shot at.
My main problem with the series is that the main mission is always basically PLEASE FOR GODS SAKE GO HERE DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE with a giant red spot on the map, but the side missions are practically hidden. So I look around for the side missions (don't really feel like using a guide) and then say whatever and go back to the main mission. So then I end up beating the game with like 5% complete-age so I think about doing the Premium Adventure but at that point I have played 20-30 hours so I end up not doing that. So I guess if I want to do the side stuff I should just look up a guide to locate them during the game?

I'd rather have a giant big dot on my map so i know that

- i don't have to go near that point if i'm looking for substories / xp / mini games

- i know exactly where to go no matter How long have passed since my last playthrough.


I'd rather have a giant big dot on my map so i know that

- i don't have to go near that point if i'm looking for substories / xp / mini games

- i know exactly where to go no matter How long have passed since my last playthrough.

this, especially the first one! nothing sucks more than triggering the next plot event when you're in sidequest mode.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I started chapter 1 part 3 ... and then ...i noticed it ... THE GAME became awesome...

It's not a spoiler but dammit visiting a majong parlor and finding this ? This game is awesome.

? Is that a One Piece poster or other popular anime? What am I trying to decipher here?
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