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Will MS overtake Sony in North America now?

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The price cut alone will NOT be enough to stop the momentum Sony has, that ship has sailed. The price cut in combination with strong (exclusive) games and other content (though even Microsoft is realizing they can't sell Xbones on TV SPORTS SPORTS TV alone) might be.

Titanfall has already been released and its hype is now gone. Either the mainstream public has to be hungry for more Halo and Gears, which I doubt most of it is to be honest, or Microsoft needs to have some epic E3 suprises.

So all eyes are on E3 now. Microsoft is back in the game, but that is a game Sony is winning.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
There are still 4 very important points of differentiation (according to Yusef Mehdi):

1. Exclusive games
2. Xbox Live
3. TV pass through, snapping
4. Kinect (just because it isn't included anymore doesn't mean you can't go out and buy one)

number 1 is moot as both systems effectively have it. I mean I sort of get what he's saying, but it's not like "this makes our system better". More like it makes it different, you still have to decide.

number 4 is being entirely shit on today. He can try to dump a bottle of Fabreeze on it to make it smell better, but there's no way you can look at today as anything other than MS trying to sweep Kinect under the rug/under the bus/whatever.


There were sales that already put the Xbone at or below a $399 price point. What they really fighting is mind share.

That's it, the hardcore games seem to think that the battle is fought and won around them.

Nah , it's the millions of kids and casual gamers who will get them when they are sub $300, the same ones who buy Call of Duty and GTA in their bizzilions, then don't play them.


Ahahha, nah. They have massive mindshare and the power gap to deal with. It wasn't only Kinect and the Price, but that was a large part of it.
I thought MS would take the #1 spot in the March NPD easily with a $450 price point with Kinect AND Titanfall bundled which is even a better deal than this $400 Kinect-less SKU and Sony still won by 60k.

So no, this price drop will not make MS overtake Sony in NA. PS4 is still a more powerful console and will be the same price.

The Crimson Kid

what are you waiting for
Nope, not at all.

If price were the issue, wouldn't last month with tons of cuts, deals, and bundles have put the XB1 ahead?

Nailed it.

Those results show that price isn't the bigger issue, it's that people just don't currently see value in buying an Xbox One compared to a PS4.


Maybe in NA but I can't say either way. Definitely a good move for them but is it enough? I don't think it is but I could be wrong.
lol is this sarcasm? I can not tell.

Um, no? It's an actual question. What games could MS announce that would garner more hype than those 3 I mentioned? This is where their lack of first party will bite them in the behind, as third party games will be very difficult to secure with the PS4 selling what, 3 times as much this previous quarter.
MS will take U.S this gen for sure. I have said that for a while. Their marketing is better there and the titles they have appeal to the U.S. Subbed to the thread to show people later on when i am right.
It seems as though your evidence doesn't match your assertion? Unless you're assuming brand matters more than the actual libraries of the systems, I'd say precedent for a system catching up after being heavily outsold isn't the best case to make for a system not being able to catch up after being outsold during the launch window.

Well your problem comes from thinking the XB1 is anything like the PS3 which it isn't looking at global sales.


No. Why would you buy --for the same price-- weaker hardware? And Microsoft will have fewer exclusive games too.


Do you guys think that price parity will help MS overtake Sony in NA in the months to come or is the PS4 value/momentum still strong enough to keep pulling ahead in sales?

I think that being the same price as the PS4 will give them a nice boost, but it will not be enough to surpass it. I only see the Xbox One pulling ahead in NA if it's sold cheaper than the PS4.

compared to $449 Titanfall+Kinect, this is worse deal actually.

But yeah, $399 is better than $499 even if they removed Kinect... I think the problem is that PS4 is simply more for the same money so that will be tough to beat.

So for instance, big AAA games like Watchdogs will help PS4 sell better... most people dont want to pay same for worse experience.

There is always a chance of them doing pack-ins with popular games, that would be better i guess... but mindshare would still be on Sony's side... we will see I guess, this is good for consumers.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
To win E3, you have to deliver great games. Games will sell consoles.

third party exclusives are dead (even PS4 which actually has them, they are mostly small and niche). It all comes down to first party exclusives to "win" E3.. and to guess at that you have to look at MS' first party studios compared to Sony's. I know, given each one's output over the past few years, where my bet lies. not to say MS can't have a great E3. But I really can't see either company's first party lineup being enough to change minds (and that's really what we are talking about here)


With release of Kinectless Xbox, I believe it will give a small sales bump.

But PS4 is still the more powerful console, so will have the edge on most multiplats. So I believe the PS4 will still have the edge.


People who were waiting on XBox One will spring earlier than they expected. I don't think this will sway many people who were considering PS4 though.
Dude...Microsofts biggest exclusive this year for NA (Titanfall) couldn't help them overtake the PS4 in April NPD...

Even when the game was bundled for like 450$ and it was cheaper to get an Xbox One because it included a game, Sony still came out on top.

This price cut will help the Xbox One do better, no doubt, but it won't help it overtake the PS4.


I don't think this will help significantly. They already did some deals to drop the price $50 and add a $60 game and that didn't really make many waves.


Define "in the months to come."

Neither company has really started firing on all cylinders as far as first-party development is concerned, and in the long run it's games that'll make the difference. This puts Microsoft in an even position with Sony as far as the way that consumers weigh games and price, but they're currently behind in sales, they're permanently less powerful as far as hardware is concerned, and they've still got a lot of stigma to overcome. The question of whose first-party games are more appealing is ultimately a pretty subjective one, though obviously Halo as a single franchise is quite a juggernaut in North America.

I mean from June 9th forward. Based on price matching alone.


MS will take U.S this gen for sure. I have said that for a while. Their marketing is better there and the titles they have appeal to the U.S.

They share 95% of the games and PS4 runs them better. The marketing in the US is just as garbage as ever. Not a chance MS wins unless they dish out some crazy money hats.
The gap will close a little bit, especially as we approach CoD season - but the PS4 has established a very conscious lead. Early adopters have chosen Sony's system. The domino effect of social circles focusing on the same console may already be in place.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
No. Why would you buy --for the same price-- weaker hardware? And Microsoft will have fewer exclusive games too.

They have bigger exclusive shooter franchises like Halo and Gears that are what really move consoles in the US.

The Halo/Gears/CoD crowd was huge on 360 and a lot of them haven't moved into next gen yet.

Brand loyalty is probably strong there, many probably have years of Live in their accounts, prefer the Live gaming set up etc etc.
Only with a brand new Halo.

Halo 5 $399 X1 bundle for Fall 2014 is the only scenerio where I see them coming ahead. With that, they can ride the moment of CoD and the holidays and close up the gap (or get very close). Halo 5 in Fall 2015 will be too late. By then, the PS4 will be ahead and gaining more, similar to the way the 360 did last gen (though obviously, not nearly as much) thanks to the network effect.

They have bigger exclusive shooter franchises like Halo and Gears that are what really move consoles in the US.

The Halo/Gears/CoD crowd was huge on 360 and a lot of them haven't moved into next gen yet.

Brand loyalty is probably strong there, many probably have years of Live in their accounts, prefer the Live gaming set up etc etc.

Gears is 2016, CoD is an aging franchise, but it'll likely still sell well (though likely 50/50 on PS4/X1). Halo 5 may or may not be 2014. If it's not, then it's irrelevant for Fall 2014. You are seriously overestimating brand loyalty.


Doubtful, word if mouth has made the ps4 as popular as it has become. Today doesn't change the fact you are still paying the same for an inferior product hardware wise.

Both systems have great exclusives, but the ps4 has already taken over in the minds of people as the place to play all the 3rd party games. Today will not change that IMO.
If they keep bringing interesting new ip with the likes of Sunset Overdrive, improvements to Live I think they will do well. I don't care who. "Wins" as long as there is great games on both I'm happy.
Stony should drop the price of the PS4 in response to MS.

They need to stay competitive and not rest on their laurels if they want to stay ahead.


The question is, how could they possibly win against a possible Project Beast + TLG + Uncharted reveal? I just can't think of any game MS could show off that would garner more hype than the above. And they've already squandered the impact of their price drop and Gold Paywall removal.

That's because those games appeal to you. Not going to lie project beast looks hype but i really don't care for Uncharted. TLG? lol, hopefully.

It's all about marketing, i honestly think Xbone already lost with the hardcore gamers so they would have to recoup with more casuals. It can be done but it won't be easy. This xbox one "without kinect" won't do much and as previously stated is not a great value for the price.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
People bought ps2 over the original xbox despite the differences. Right now i'd say MS has the games advantage. Their resources are higher.

no, people bought the PS2 for the same reason they bought the 360. Because a year+ head start is enough to establish an incredible user base and get a hell of a lot of titles in development. Pretty sure that gen would have turned out somewhat differently had PS2/GCN/XBOX all launched at the same time.
I think it depends on bundling and marketing. If they could bundle Titanfall + DLC + X1 w/o kinect + 3 months gold for $400 they might be able to move quite a few units. If it does overtake Sony it probably won't be by that much.


Nooooope. The Xbone with Kinect was on sale plenty of times almost as low as this and no one still bought the thing over the PS4. People know it's a weaker console and therefore it is hard to get people to buy something for the same price that's actually weaker than the competitor.


Casuals don't seem to be as insulted as hardcore IMO. I'm a pretty heavy basketball fan, and most casuals who only really play 2K, Madden and shooters on sports forums seem to just discuss how sites like Neogaf feel about MS policies more so than actually taking a stance in the discussion.

They pretty much just feed off mindshare. So if mindshare says its getting better, they'll follow suit.

What I mean is its all too confusing for casuals. A week ago I had to correct someone because he though the xbone couldn't play used games.


I guess they might sell neck to neck after the price drop. But can it beat PS4 every month? I don't think so.


Nope. It's too late now that most 360 players have already either bought or got into the PlayStation 4. Will it help sales? Yeah, maybe. But it's too late to catch up with the PS4.
Nah. I think the best they can hope for is parity - which is not a bad thing for anyone...

Multi-platforms will continue to run/look better on PS4, or be the same across both
Exclusives will be great on both systems but up to personal opinion
I think the XBO UI is an issue with some people
I think that XBO lost a lot of trust with some consumers during their launch

So maybe parity, after many years, assuming good exclusive titles?
What MS has done is make it so it will be about the games in NA.

I am interested to see if they actually have any interesting new IP... putting Black Tusk on a new Gears of War was a bad start though, IMO.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Um, no? It's an actual question. What games could MS announce that would garner more hype than those 3 I mentioned? This is where their lack of first party will bite them in the behind, as third party games will be very difficult to secure with the PS4 selling what, 3 times as much this previous quarter.

Project Beast , and TLG. Please elaborate on the hype.

Uncharted hype I will give you, but I don't think any first party game can match with Halo.

Halo 4 sold 3Million in 1 day
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