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Bungie on Destiny's lack of story, the new raid, and Destiny 2

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Does anyone even care about the story? I think beyond the first day, most people I know who played didn't know/care about a single thing. All they've done since is loot grind over and over and over.

Additionally they promised a great PvP experience, and yet it's been really unbalanced and boring, here's hoping for more objective modes, and a better nod to their Halo roots. Who knows though people will probably hype it as the best sequel in the history of gaming in the lead up.

Edit: Here's hoping they find some way to bring in raid matchmaking for those who would want it. I don't understand the resistance. If you have 5-6 friends, cool, keep raiding. But sometimes you just need an extra person, or are alone and you need someone to raid with. Maybe have it unlock after you've completed it on hard mode once etc. Let users decide if they want to match up with strangers or not. At least allow the option. I know they've said it'll never happen, but I'd still want to be hopeful that they'd consider it.

Yeah, if you stuck with it then you wouldn't care. But Bungie made this whole "we're making our own Lord of the Rings" or whatever the promise was, and that's kinda what I was looking forward to. The grind was whatever, but they didn't offer nearly enough variety for it, so I stopped playing once I hit 20. I MAY try again on Destiny 2, but it depends.

lord pie

I feel like I've played a lot yet have nothing to show for it.

Sums up my thoughts too. The reward cycle falls off a cliff by level 25 - which I have yet to break with two characters.

It's like a maliciously designed FTP/microtransaction game that is neither FTP nor has microtransactions. It's all over the game like a bad rash and it's such a shame because the core gameplay is so incredibly good - it feels like bungie weren't confident enough in the staying power of their mechanics they had to burden the game with these horrible skinner box systems to encourage addictive and compulsive behavior from the playerbase - thereby making casual play feel incredibly unrewarding. I wonder how things would have turned out if everything unlocked at level 20, with no gear leveling - just purely cosmetic rewards.

From what I can tell, it looks like the expansion only makes things worse, with even more currency items being added. :/
lack of story?

shit what story?

that story could be explained in a half an hour tv show

sheeit some Bleach episodes have more story than Destiny.
I have to agree with a few other people here, DeeJ sounds like an insincere robot. I appreciate that they're trying, though. I still have a slight, passing interest in Destiny.


Would love to see the numbers of people that dropped off within weeks, im guessing it would be pretty high.

The game was ALL sizzle and no steak and I will never be back.

At least I got most of my money back.

The falloff is probably similar to most AAA games. The game that has me playing for more than a few days is rare, Destiny is one of maybe 4 games I've ever played that I've played for 2 months straight.

Oh my god this comment is amazing:

"Great, now everyone can have level 30 when I grinded my ass off for it. You shouldn't give people what others earned.

That's like giving a medal of Honor to a 12 year old... For what? Breathing?

Bungie... People should have to earn level 30. Not just buy it because they are too lazy to do the vog. So what if they don't get to so crotas end right away, the vog 30s will. Because they earned it.

I feel like I have said what needs to be said. I wish you all a good -blam!-ing day."


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
"Story" in a nutshell:

"We shipped the game with barely any story at all, but hey, we listen to our players, so if they want better story, we'll add that later after we already have your $60. By the way, did we mention that better story will have to be purchased through expansions? But hey, we listen to our players!"
What else can they do? It's not like they can patch in a new story.


Do you still have to sign up to their site in order to read the cards you find in the game that tell you more about the "lore" of the game? That was a shitty thing to do.It gave me one reason less to explore the game's world.


How do you commit so much time to a game that has such little content?

For me and my friends it's about collecting the gear and giving yourself a wider arsenal of gear to customise and diversify your play style. There's a 'gotta catch'em all' thing going on. The evil RNG system also means that at any time you could be hit with a brand new shiney golden iconed toy...then you want to max it out so it gets that yellow border on the icon.

People who don't play the game also fail to see that when you jump on with your friends it's just a lot of fun to chill out, talk and shoot shit in the face, all while individually doing that stated above.

Oh my god this comment is amazing:

"Great, now everyone can have level 30 when I grinded my ass off for it. You shouldn't give people what others earned.

That's like giving a medal of Honor to a 12 year old... For what? Breathing?

Bungie... People should have to earn level 30. Not just buy it because they are too lazy to do the vog. So what if they don't get to so crotas end right away, the vog 30s will. Because they earned it.

I feel like I have said what needs to be said. I wish you all a good -blam!-ing day."

In FFXIV I grinded for 3 months to get my dragoons AF2 armor. It can now be purchased with a few hours of hunts. That's how shit works when you have a game with MMO style progression and ever increasing levels. Kind of sucks but that's what you sign up for. From a game designer's point og view it's kind of necessary if you want both the casual and the hardcore to keep playing your game.


I'm excited for what happens next. Hopefully this expansion delivers on the narrative stuff they are talking about. The lore is so good really.


They can say what they want after the fact, but I'm not going back. I'm just going to take my lumps for foolishly buying the season pass with the game, wave all the hours I wasted grinding goodbye and move on. Any motivation I had to continue with the game evaporated when I stopped making progress without playing every day and fighting the same bullet sponge bosses over and over and over.


You should see the new cock-blocks put in place for The Dark Below

All exotics getting bumped to new damage #, but with a huge cost:
7000 Glimmer
Weapon (Maxed or Wherever it's up too)
1 Exotic Shard (cost 7 Strange Coins from Xur or Dismantle an Exotic, which will net you 1 or if Dismantled a full maxed bubble 2-3 (not sure on this), only when he shows up and has that same item for you to upgrade)
Your new weapon starts out higher than when it was fully maxed, but now you have to fill up all the bubbles again and lose the perks the weapon you got used too

Also ranking up factions got overhauled and locked down from people burning their marks and getting way too ahead
Now you need a commendation (rank up, might be RNG), then you can use that commendation to either purchase 1 armor or 1 weapon of your choice, have to repeat if you want something else...

I just wanted to add that the exotic upgrades are also gated by RNG. Xur will have only a select few each week available, so even if you have all the glimmer and shards to upgrade your gear you still have to hope that Xur is selling it that week.


This is why I keep my "never buy games day one" rule a thing (except Pokemon, cause once that shit is gone, its GONE). Sold my PS4 because besides Destiny, i had really nothing to do and once I kept doing the raid and wasting 4-5 hours with shitty teams I realized I spend so much time and get absolute shit for it. Now im $320 richer and less stressed, win-win as far as im concerned.


I just wanted to add that the exotic upgrades are also gated by RNG. Xur will have only a select few each week available, so even if you have all the glimmer and shards to upgrade your gear you still have to hope that Xur is selling it that week.
Best part about Xur is the engrams that decode to the same thing for everyone. WTF would you hide it in an engram giving the illusion it's random when it's consistently the same item....


This is why I keep my "never buy games day one" rule a thing (except Pokemon, cause once that shit is gone, its GONE). Sold my PS4 because besides Destiny, i had really nothing to do and once I kept doing the raid and wasting 4-5 hours with shitty teams I realized I spend so much time and get absolute shit for it. Now im $320 richer and less stressed, win-win as far as im concerned.

Why is every Destiny thread a not-so-stealth come shit on Destiny thread? If you didn't like the game fine, sell it and go play something else. I don't see every other thread on GAF being about "damn this game was terrible I'm happy I sold it haha".

Every time I decide to click on a Destiny news related item that involves communication from Bungie, it makes me even less interested in the game and entire franchise's future. I'm now only interested in it as a spectacle, of how such an awful game continues to retain so many active players. Bizarre.

This is exactly the shit I'm talking about.


Unconfirmed Member
what a fucking cop out response, wow

such PR bullshit

I mean, that is his job, of course


Every time I decide to click on a Destiny news related item that involves communication from Bungie, it makes me even less interested in the game and entire franchise's future. I'm now only interested in it as a spectacle, of how such an awful game continues to retain so many active players. Bizarre.


Why is every Destiny thread a not-so-stealth come shit on Destiny thread? If you didn't like the game fine, sell it and go play something else. I don't see every other thread on GAF being about "damn this game was terrible I'm happy I sold it haha".
If you bought and played the game and want to shit on it I think you're totally within your rights. Especially if the thread is about Bungie PR damage control as this one is. Threadshitting the OT is one thing, but a thread like this is totally fair game.
Why is every Destiny thread a not-so-stealth come shit on Destiny thread? If you didn't like the game fine, sell it and go play something else. I don't see every other thread on GAF being about "damn this game was terrible I'm happy I sold it haha".

It's called backlash.

massive amounts of hype that doesn't deliver snaps all the way back in the other direction. The reason it hasn't yet returned to a neutral state is because Bungie's communication (often lack thereof) has a tendency to make things worse.

There's the obvious hyperbole, but I ultimately can't fault people for being disappointed.

After the complete lack of story in Halo 2 and 3, Destiny should have surprised no-one.

Both of those games had a story and a reason to do what the player did.

Destiny takes the player from point A to B "because aliens are bad" and that's literally it. It doesn't go further than "push back the darkness"

story's never been bungie's strong point, but part of the reason the backlash is so big is because they didn't manage to deliver one in the first place.


Impressive. I wish I had that much free time. Game must be pretty good if people are willing to drop this much life currency (time) into it.

I was under the impression it is awesome too then after seeing ive spent 160 hours in it. which is longer then ive played any game ever in my entire gamign life. i looked back on what i was actually playing and waht was comign up and traded it in.

6 odd days of grinding for no reason. had more content in 22 hours of dragon age then in 160 of destiny. and i only just got to skyhold last night
I kinda miss playing the game but I wish they would not PR speak the fact that they screwed fans on the story

the goodwill will dry up pretty fast if you keep treating people like they are stupid


Neo Member
The game has some solid gameplay mechanics and the setting is promising (love the art design) but the story part is pretty laughable and feels disjointed. its as if they cut out huge chunks of it.

I hope they do a better job at it in future itterations. They should also make story and world information more readily available in the damn game (grimoire cards).

Recently bought the game and have a lvl 24 Warlock. Im currently a little stuck though on how to proceed..anyone having tips would be welcome :)
Was Bungie your favorite developer when they were reskinning half of their campaign?


They're masters at reusing assets.

I'm not familiar with Halo but I've been impressed by the diversity and detail of the guns in Destiny. Even the crosshairs are varied. Has a FPS had that may gun assets before?
Well hopefully the designers agree on a bigger vault soon because that shit is senseless and annoying. What is it like 20 weapons when there's 22 Exotic Weapons in the game with more coming tomorrow? Derp. It needs expanded to at least double it's current size and 50 or so would probably be best.


There is no chance in hell I will be getting Destiny 2, unless of course there is a proper story mode and the reviews are stellar.

Still pissed I got into the hype and preordered that thing.
Destiny 2 won't be an epic space adventure a la Mass Effect like we thought Destiny 1 would be, it's still gonna be a repetitive loot game with shallow campaign with maybe an extra cut scene here and there (wow more story).


They can say what they want after the fact, but I'm not going back. I'm just going to take my lumps for foolishly buying the season pass with the game, wave all the hours I wasted grinding goodbye and move on. Any motivation I had to continue with the game evaporated when I stopped making progress without playing every day and fighting the same bullet sponge bosses over and over and over.
I feel like I could have written this - I feel exactly the same way.

I have a season pass and I'm not even going to download the DLC.


I feel like I could have written this - I feel exactly the same way.

I have a season pass and I'm not even going to download the DLC.
We're not alone. Amongst my circle all but one of us has moved on and ain't going back. I fear Bungie have poisoned the well with this one and need to seriously rethink what Destiny 2 should be.


I'm pretty much done with the game at this point. I figured that grinding and repeating the same content over and over was not worth it in the end just to get some shiny new gear. I did have fun, I'm just over it. It helps that there are plenty of new games to play.


Yeah, reading the deflections in the latest Game Informer was more than I could take.

Continuously reiterating that they're just as frustrated by RNG, economy, etc as the players because they suffer through it while playing it at the office. WTF does that even mean? Who is making this game then? Did they just find it in a cave?

You can only say "We're listening" and "We hate it too" so many times without doing anything. It kills me that this is probably the best playing FPS trapped in such mediocrity.

Not to mention if they hate it so much they are consistently making it worse. The changes to obtaining legendary items from vendors pretty much make RNG mandatory now for upgrading between levels 22 - 28, and involve doing a lot (lot!) more dull bounties.

I don't have much time to play, and I was just trying to level up enough to do the Raid once so I got my monies worth. But with this latest kick in the teeth I'm done.

EDIT: Also, the lack of matchmaking in Raids isn't nearly as inexplicable as the lack of matchmaking in the Level 22 weekly.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
We're not alone. Amongst my circle all but one of us has moved on and ain't going back. I fear Bungie have poisoned the well with this one and need to seriously rethink what Destiny 2 should be.

Your friend is a very forgiving individual.

That PR guy DeeJ spun as best as he could but the fact of the matter is that story sucked donkey balls and Bungie senior management should be forced to play their own game and reach level 32 as punishment.
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