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Xenoblade 3D |OT| Is that a Monado in your pocket or are you just really feeling it?

I feel like I might need to do some side questing actually. I'm at a point that I think I'm seriously under leveled, unless the part that I am about to talk about is supposed to be like that. 60hrs into the plot SPOILERS:
I just left Alcamoth. I had a fight with Egil that was initially level 70. I was level 66 with all characters, and thought it was pretty doable but I wondered if I was under leveled. THEN, he jumps on his Mechon, and his level becomes 72, and his name plate was red. I tried hard, most of my attacks were missing. Eventually, once his health was about 10% down, a cut scene played and interrupted the battle.
Now, was I supposed to be around the same level as him, or was that high disparity between us meant to be like that. If it isn't so, I have a lot of work ahead of me lol.


Well, finally finished the game (Wii version). Clocked in at 69 hours.

That was bloody exhausting.

Random thoughts -

Glad I avoided quests, wish I spent more time on quests. I wish there was an easier way to filter interesting ones from the tedious ones. Hopefully X makes more of an effort on this front.

Battle system very slowly got more fun, and I do wish I had experimented more with parties and built more links. Oh well. I did appreciate it by the end of the game.

Hate that I can't carry New Game + to the 3DS. I mean, I know that's wishful thinking and everything, but even so.

Maybe, someday, 10 years from now I'll play through this game again.
Has anyone created a list of "The Most Interesting Quests and Quest-chains in the game" ???

There was short list of chains recommended a long while ago:

For those who are interested, these are the three quests I think everyone should do.

-Nopon Kingpin
-Giant's Quest
-Late game High Entia quests(Going to bundle all of these together because they are a collection of different quests and all of them have the same feeling)

And as an example, someone else detailed all the quests in the kingpin line:

I actually compiled a list of quests needed for the Kingpin quest for a friend recently so...

Pollen Orb Ingredients
- Dobadoba
Secret Innovation
- Rasha
Secret Ingredient Hunt
- Bana
The Master's Successor
- Dobadoba, 2 star affinity
Dangerous Ambition
- Cherri, 2.5 star affinity, timed

Proof of Status
- Daza (Colony 6)
Safety First
- Daza
Secret Mission
- Daza

Find the Kingpin
- Gadada, timed

Preventing Starvation
- Zazadan (Satorl)
Zazadan in Danger
- Zazadan
Zazadan Still in Danger
- Zazadan
It's All in the Mind
- Zazadan
A Mysterious Delicacy
- Zazadan
A Gift?
- Zazadan, timed

Advsier Hunt
- Gadada, timed
Evidence Collection
- Gadada, timed
Destroying the City Trade
- Gadada, timed
(Kingpin Quest) - Gadada (post Core)

Feel free to correct if I'm missing anything! And just FYI, the only thing in the spoiler tags are the names of the quests and there isn't really anything all that spoiler-y in there.

I'd recommend the google doc for looking up the others, assuming you've beaten the game since there are spoilers. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...Gd5Wm1uS25ub2FDeE5BekE&hl=en_US&f=true&gid=10

I recall a few quest chains in Colony 9 that were interesting, particularly Desiree's quest chain, as well as Colony 6. You can't go wrong with quests that unlock a skill tree or a Monado art.
I bought this game at launch, but I've sadly not gotten to play too much of it.

But I did finally get a few hours on a plane to play it and I'm really enjoying it so far. I just got to the point where I first get a 2nd party member. I had thought you only get one, which made me wonder why one of the strong slug monsters I fought was so hard, haha.

It's impressive to play such an open RPG on a handheld system. I've been messing around in the first city area for a while just doing quests for people. I wish it did a little better job of indicating where to turn in some quests at (took me forever to find the lady to return a broken watch to). Opening the affinity chart and searching all the little portraits for the right person is pretty clunky. Thankfully not all quests require you to return so I'm happy about that.


I've played about 60 hours and honestly I'm hitting a wall. I got fed up with chasing side quests and playing with the clock to try to get special monsters to spawn so I decided to go ahead and push ahead with the story. I'm level 50 in sword valley and suddenly I'm struggling in every fight. There is a fight in one of the forward bases against a unique enemy and his two sidekicks and I think I have died at least ten times now. I was having a lot of fun with the combat system but now its just getting frustrating. I've played around with my gem setups and skill affinities and I'm still not getting anywhere.

Anyway, I know, git gud, etc. etc. I just needed to vent for a minute.

Make sure you're maxing out your Agility since that affects your accuracy and evasion for physical attacks and that includes gem and skill link setups. If you have a preferred party I'm sure people can give you tips as well for how best to use them.


I'm 80 hours into the game and pretty much within reach of the ending, but I kind of want to clear some quests first, specially I want to finish upgrading
Colony 6
(just Special lvl 5 is left now) and I do want to do the Giants/High Entia quests.

I can't help but feel like the game lost some steam during its second half, although it picked up considerably in the last 10 or so hours. Quests were also very underwhelming; even those from the named NPCs became boring save for some which were locked behind chains of boring quests or were just plain hard to find.

Still, happy I made it this far. It stands as a testament to how good this game is that it is the first full-length jRPG I beat since Persona 4 probably, and that despite its flaws I'm not rushing to the ending but actually want to finish some of the biggest sidequests.
I'm 80 hours into the game and pretty much within reach of the ending, but I kind of want to clear some quests first, specially I want to finish upgrading
Colony 6
(just Special lvl 5 is left now) and I do want to do the Giants/High Entia quests.

I can't help but feel like the game lost some steam during its second half, although it picked up considerably in the last 10 or so hours. Quests were also very underwhelming; even those from the named NPCs became boring save for some which were locked behind chains of boring quests or were just plain hard to find.

Still, happy I made it this far. It stands as a testament to how good this game is that it is the first full-length jRPG I beat since Persona 4 probably, and that despite its flaws I'm not rushing to the ending but actually want to finish some of the biggest sidequests.

You should go hunt for unique monsters as well.
Hmm lv50 in Sword Valley does seem a little on the lower end. Make sure you're maxing out your Agility since that affects your accuracy and evasion for physical attacks and that includes gem and skill link setups. If you have a preferred party I'm sure people can give you tips as well for how best to use them.

I was wrecking shit at that level.

I basically use the enemies around me and the bosses as a measuring stick to see where i should be: If im more than 3 levels below a boss then i know i cant really out-strategize the boss because the odds are that I'm simply not where i need to be. But if im 1-3 levels below?

then game on, i'm going to keep an eye on those HP bars and probably roll with Reyn and Dunban since i can always Warn them into using their Last Stand abilities and kinda cheese/tank my way through the fight :D

Currently (mid-game spoilers?)
inside the mechonis after helping to fix Fiora with the help of some nice folks ...i think.
Looking at a walkthrough i would think that i'm actually in the last quarter of the game or so but, man, each one of those locations listed could easily be 5 hours or so each. I really like the game but, boy, i wish it would end already since i'm pretty much hanging around to see what happens in the story at this point.

quick question: Am i close to getting more intermediate/advanced arts soon? I have some characters with 50k points just waiting for new arts to show up in the stores but the ones that do show up are often arts i dont use or care for. Stores are the only places to get arts, right?


I was wrecking shit at that level.

I basically use the enemies around me and the bosses as a measuring stick to see where i should be: If im more than 3 levels below a boss then i know i cant really out-strategize the boss because the odds are that I'm simply not where i need to be. But if im 1-3 levels below?

then game on, i'm going to keep an eye on those HP bars and probably role with Reyn and Dunban since i can always Warn them into using their Last Stand abilities and kinda cheese/tank my way through the fight :D

Currently (mid-game spoilers?)
inside the mechonis after helping to fix Fiora with the help of some nice folks ...i think.
Looking at a walkthrough i would think that i'm actually in the last quarter of the game or so but, man, each one of those locations listed could easily be 5 hours or so each. I really like the game but, boy, i wish it would end already since i'm pretty much hanging around to see what happens in the story at this point.

quick question: Am i close to getting more intermediate/advanced arts soon? I have some characters with 50k points just waiting for new arts to show up in the stores but the ones that do show up are often arts i dont use or care for. Stores are the only places to get arts, right?

Haha I admit that comment was more from me looking at the Unique Monster levels on the wiki than anything. I was pretty overleveled when I ran through there myself.

You're in the right time to start getting Advanced Art Books from monster drops though the drop percentages are pretty low at this point. Intermediate Art Books can be gotten from stores but Advanced Art Books only come from drops IIRC. However you don't need the Intermediate book if you've got an Advanced book already. I'd recommend against using a wiki to look up which monsters drop what though at this point. There are some big spoilers coming up!
So after spending the past week on sidequests, it's time to get back into the main story!

I've finished climbing up the
Mechonis Field
, fought
Robo Gadolt
and met
Egil's sister, whose name currently escapes me

So amidst all the mysteries and revelations the game has thrown at me so far, I feel that the most pertinent question is this;
why is a robot wearing nipple pasties?


Is it just me or is the game pretty hard compared to other rpgs? Im loving it though. Still need to figure out that skull tree as well and im already 10 hours in.

The games difficulty is pretty good provided you follow one of the two paths.

Story path, where you pretty much just enjoy the story and go event to event, with some sidequests here or there. Youll have a pretty challenging road based on level of you and enemies. Most side stuff will be well beyond you difficulty wise.

Exploration/sidequest path.

Go out of your way to do sidewuests and challenge unique monsters. You will be pretty much always way over leveled for the story, but you will always have a challenge in the way of high level side areas and unique monster bosses to fight.


How do people level up playing just the main storyline with only the occasional side quests? I see this time and time again but I seem to be vastly under-leveled when I tried to do this on my first save file. Hell I'm even on-level or over sometimes and still getting wrecked.

Right now I'm stuck at
the High Entia tomb playing Reyn, Dunban and Shulk - all level 39. I'm getting pummeled by Solidium Telethia and Tyrea (they're both 38). I've attempted this about 5 times and just given up.
Not really had too many issue up until now but it's like I hit a brick wall. Any suggestions?

edit: okay I'm finally past this part.
Swapped out Reyn for Sharla and amazing how much better that encounter went.
First attempt I was successful.


So after spending the past week on sidequests, it's time to get back into the main story!

I've finished climbing up the
Mechonis Field
, fought
Robo Gadolt
and met
Egil's sister, whose name currently escapes me

So amidst all the mysteries and revelations the game has thrown at me so far, I feel that the most pertinent question is this;
why is a robot wearing nipple pasties?

Because she's
hot and she can
I'm really enjoying this so far. I've spent 20 hours on it and I'm still on tColony 6. I've been trying to do all the side missions though. Is it worth doing all the missions?


I'm really enjoying this so far. I've spent 20 hours on it and I'm still on tColony 6. I've been trying to do all the side missions though. Is it worth doing all the missions?

No!!! it will take to long to do all the missions and the story! Plus 20 hours in and you still haven't left colony 6, that is nuts!


I'm really enjoying this so far. I've spent 20 hours on it and I'm still on tColony 6. I've been trying to do all the side missions though. Is it worth doing all the missions?

Everything you do in Xenoblade Chronicles is the best thing you can do with your life.

So yeah, probably.


I'm really enjoying this so far. I've spent 20 hours on it and I'm still on tColony 6. I've been trying to do all the side missions though. Is it worth doing all the missions?

No way. Not even sticking to the missions from the named NPCs is a reasonable way to play the game. Do the ones that sound interesting to you. None have a huge impact on the story or mythology, and rewards usually suck.

I'm at 81 hours and pretty much ready to face the final boss. I think I'm going to do sidequests until the timer hits 90 hours and then no matter what I'm finishing the game. It's time for it to end so I can choose something else from my backlog.
No!!! it will take to long to do all the missions and the story! Plus 20 hours in and you still haven't left colony 6, that is nuts!

I only play when I commute to and from work. I'm level 27 and just got to the part where Shulk has a vision about Otharon and Juju.
Thing is, I did just realise I spent a lot of time doing missions but I wanted to get all the timed ones out the way. But after this amount of play time(which I'm not complaining about) I think I need to stop with the missions. So...recommended ways on tackling missions on a playthrough?

Edit: Just saw all the responses. Thanks! I'll definitely go a bit easier on the missions. I'm still thoroughly enjoying it though and since I play a 1hour-ish in the morning (8 hours later) 1 hour-ish on the way back it over the past week) it really hasn't been a grind. It's a good playing pace personally.
Thanks anyway. Come Monday, I'll be doing the story.


Just beat the game again. I did it a few hours quicker, and a few levels lower, than my playthrough of the Wii version.

Maybe I should have posted in this thread a bit more. But it was fun, fellow posters.

What were my stats?

My characters were level 87/88. And it took 64 hours to beat on N3DS.

My characters were level 90. And it took me 71 hours to beat on the Wii.

Not bad, eh? (I didn't do too many sidequests.)


Just beat the game again. I did it a few hours quicker, and a few levels lower, than my playthrough of the Wii version.

Maybe I should have posted in this thread a bit more. But it was fun, fellow posters.

What were my stats?

My characters were level 87/88. And it took 64 hours to beat on N3DS.

My characters were level 90. And it took me 71 hours to beat on the Wii.

Not bad, eh? (I didn't do too many sidequests.)

Surprised at your playtime for the Wii version. Didn't you explore everything? It took me an additional 40 hours to beat it lol.


Unconfirmed Member
I ended up picking this up since I was done with Majora's Mask just a few days ago.

I played it on the Wii for about 40 hours but i never completed it, so I thought I'd get it on the 3DS since I play it often on my commute to work. Already about 5 hours in and headed to Colony 6. I forgot how good literally everything is in this game. The music, the combat system, the story/characters, the scale...!

In terms of side missions I'm just accepting pretty much everything, since you end up doing a lot of the side missions sometimes even by accident.


I ended up picking this up since I was done with Majora's Mask just a few days ago.

I played it on the Wii for about 40 hours but i never completed it, so I thought I'd get it on the 3DS since I play it often on my commute to work. Already about 5 hours in and headed to Colony 6. I forgot how good literally everything is in this game. The music, the combat system, the story/characters, the scale...!

In terms of side missions I'm just accepting pretty much everything, since you end up doing a lot of the side missions sometimes even by accident.

And that's the right way to do it! :)


Finished my 3DS replay yesterday, spent a lot more time doing side quests this time round including finishing up Colony 6. Really got into playing as Melia this time, she can be devastating once you get the hang of how she works.
Had an interesting moment when the credits were rolling - for some reason I was actually paying attention and recognised one of the English voice actor's names. Didn't I go to school with that person?!? Looked it up on the Internet and yep same person.


Finished my 3DS replay yesterday, spent a lot more time doing side quests this time round including finishing up Colony 6. Really got into playing as Melia this time, she can be devastating once you get the hang of how she works.
Had an interesting moment when the credits were rolling - for some reason I was actually paying attention and recognised one of the English voice actor's names. Didn't I go to school with that person?!? Looked it up on the Internet and yep same person.

Ha, awesome! :D


Had an interesting moment when the credits were rolling - for some reason I was actually paying attention and recognised one of the English voice actor's names. Didn't I go to school with that person?!? Looked it up on the Internet and yep same person.

Oh wow amazing. Who was it out of interest?
Ive met shulks voice actor!


Unconfirmed Member
I completely forgot I have a half completed Majora's Mask. So much 3DS to do oh man.
Exactly, I didn't end up doing all the side quests in that game but I really wanted to play Xenoblade so... Here I am lol.


Surprised at your playtime for the Wii version. Didn't you explore everything? It took me an additional 40 hours to beat it lol.

I kinda got engrossed in the story and wanted to see how it all ended. And other people wanted to play my copy of the game.

I completely forgot I have a half completed Majora's Mask. So much 3DS to do oh man.

I'm in a similar boat. I've since gone back to Majora's Mask.


Finished my 3DS replay yesterday, spent a lot more time doing side quests this time round including finishing up Colony 6. Really got into playing as Melia this time, she can be devastating once you get the hang of how she works.
Had an interesting moment when the credits were rolling - for some reason I was actually paying attention and recognised one of the English voice actor's names. Didn't I go to school with that person?!? Looked it up on the Internet and yep same person.

Who was it?
This is simply amazing, I just had my mind blown by the game's plot right now and I have already put so many hours into it, over 60 as a matter of fact. I have played games much shorter with far less quality in their story telling. To make a game this long with a strong plot like this one must have been one heck of a creative challenge.
I'm not doing sidequests this time. Well, no more than the exclamation points I happen to come across.

1000% completion can happen on my inevitable dolphin playthrough, where I know I'll have the save data forever and ever!


Junior Member
I started my Xenoblade session at around 7pm. It's now 3 in the morning. As for where I'm at right now,
I just got past the cutscene where Mecha-Fiora's memories of Shulk are starting to come back to her & Shulk's group have just gotten to Valak Mountain.


I’m about 40 hours in, at
Sword Valley
. I’m around level 46, I think maybe a bit underleveled, as the last boss
was 3 levels higher than me.
I’m really enjoying the game (my first time playing it, Wii version), including the battle system, which at the beginning I had a hard time getting used to. The one thing I still don’t really use is Gem Crafting.

Anyway, I wanted to ask a couple questions:
For Sword Valley, should I buy the anti-mechon weapons for all my characters?
- Is there any spoiler-free list of quests that give anything special, like weapons?
Anyway, I wanted to ask a couple questions:
For Sword Valley, should I buy the anti-mechon weapons for all my characters?
- Is there any spoiler-free list of quests that give anything special, like weapons?
Can't really help on the second one, but I'm sure there is a wiki for the game, or even a guide on GameFAQs that you can use. As for your first point,
I would say yes since it removes the need of having Shulk use Enchant to cause damage. It allows you to use any combination of characters without him there.
So I am sitting, I believe, not very far from the end of the game. I am in
Prison Island, the second time, just killed some dragon after ringing a bell.
However, I'm only level
. I've done almost every sidequest in the game up till now, and had plans to try to do almost all of the quests, especially the ones that
unlock additional skill trees
. However, I am now wondering if it is worth it, considering that I will have to spend a significant amount of time leveling, and at that point, I'm thinking it is likely that I will far out-level the final boss. That seems to defeat the purpose for me, especially if there is
no alternate boss I can fight if I continue leveling
, which as far as I can tell is the case, based on what I glean from the wiki.

So am I missing something? Is there some reason to continue leveling up at this point? Or should I just finish the game?
Only reason you may want to consider leveling up is to fight unique monsters scattered around the world with levels as high as 114, i think. Outside of that, you're ready for final boss.

Alright, thanks


So I am sitting, I believe, not very far from the end of the game. I am in
Prison Island, the second time, just killed some dragon after ringing a bell.
However, I'm only level
. I've done almost every sidequest in the game up till now, and had plans to try to do almost all of the quests, especially the ones that
unlock additional skill trees
. However, I am now wondering if it is worth it, considering that I will have to spend a significant amount of time leveling, and at that point, I'm thinking it is likely that I will far out-level the final boss. That seems to defeat the purpose for me, especially if there is
no alternate boss I can fight if I continue leveling
, which as far as I can tell is the case, based on what I glean from the wiki.

So am I missing something? Is there some reason to continue leveling up at this point? Or should I just finish the game?

Alright, thanks

Final boss is level 82.

Only reason you may want to consider leveling up is to fight unique monsters scattered around the world with levels as high as 114, i think. Outside of that, you're ready for final boss.

120 actually.


I just got the fifth party member, and am now wondering about best team load-outs, hard to tell at the moment. I'm level 30 and right now it feels like I am very under leveled before going to the Nopon Village. Any decent places to learn how to best build a party?


I'm 70 hours in and somehow this still hasn't clicked for me. I feel like the only party that is consistently good is Shulk, Reyn, and Sharla. I'll play around with other character combinations but as soon as a Mechon or Unique Monster shows up I feel like I need to switch back to these three. It's really frustrating because I'll never build up anyone else's affinity if I can't get them fighting together consistently. I feel like Sharla is pretty much mandatory because of her healing, and a decent tank is needed because Shulk can only fill the party gauge quickly if he doesn't have agro. It's frustrating to feel like I have these options but they're useless compared to the base party.

Also, the fate tags really irritate me. It seems like most boss/unique fights now will throw up a new tag as soon as I break the old one. I can't fill the gauge again before someone gets nailed by the new attack. Whatever, neat idea that just seems unfair in its implementation.

Anyway, I'm still pretty interested in the story, I just can't believe I'm this far into the game and have played this long and I'm still sucking so much. :-(


I'm 70 hours in and somehow this still hasn't clicked for me. I feel like the only party that is consistently good is Shulk, Reyn, and Sharla. I'll play around with other character combinations but as soon as a Mechon or Unique Monster shows up I feel like I need to switch back to these three. It's really frustrating because I'll never build up anyone else's affinity if I can't get them fighting together consistently. I feel like Sharla is pretty much mandatory because of her healing, and a decent tank is needed because Shulk can only fill the party gauge quickly if he doesn't have agro. It's frustrating to feel like I have these options but they're useless compared to the base party.

Also, the fate tags really irritate me. It seems like most boss/unique fights now will throw up a new tag as soon as I break the old one. I can't fill the gauge again before someone gets nailed by the new attack. Whatever, neat idea that just seems unfair in its implementation.

Anyway, I'm still pretty interested in the story, I just can't believe I'm this far into the game and have played this long and I'm still sucking so much. :-(

You really need to break out of the Shulk, Reyn, Sharla trap. It's probably why you're sucking! Do you understand all of the in-battle systems? Chain Attacks? Party gauge? Tension? Break-Topple-Daze and how to extend that? Burn/Chill/Poison? Auras? Aggro and how to increase/decrease that? Burst Affinity? Auto attack vs arts? How to fill up the Talent Gauge? Are you able to manage everyone's HP throughout battle and know when you need to encourage them?

Do you understand how Gems and skills play into all of those systems? (For example, Double Attack gems means the character has the chance to auto-attack twice in a row. That means the Talent Gauge fills up faster. That means you get more Monado fun. Or you can unlock the skill that automatically fills the Gauge with each Vision. Even more fun. And then skill link Seven?'s skill where Double Attacks become guaranteed criticals. Yay more Tension! And then skill link Dunban's? Critical Heal skill. Now say goodbye to Sharla for good.) Do you understand skill links? Have you been leveling up your arts and changing skill trees?

If anything else you should try out different characters to change things up and throw Agility gems on all your Physical attackers since Agility affects evasion and accuracy. Definitely spend some time to read Art descriptions and consider what gems and skill links would best compliment each one though.
I'm 70 hours in and somehow this still hasn't clicked for me. I feel like the only party that is consistently good is Shulk, Reyn, and Sharla. I'll play around with other character combinations but as soon as a Mechon or Unique Monster shows up I feel like I need to switch back to these three. It's really frustrating because I'll never build up anyone else's affinity if I can't get them fighting together consistently. I feel like Sharla is pretty much mandatory because of her healing, and a decent tank is needed because Shulk can only fill the party gauge quickly if he doesn't have agro. It's frustrating to feel like I have these options but they're useless compared to the base party.

Also, the fate tags really irritate me. It seems like most boss/unique fights now will throw up a new tag as soon as I break the old one. I can't fill the gauge again before someone gets nailed by the new attack. Whatever, neat idea that just seems unfair in its implementation.

Anyway, I'm still pretty interested in the story, I just can't believe I'm this far into the game and have played this long and I'm still sucking so much. :-(

The poster above me is correct. It's possible that you haven't quite got a grip on how the various systems work. There are a lot of viable options for team-building, and again the above poster pointed out a few.

Some general guidelines are: Agility is key; buffs, debuffs and auras are incredibly important; gem management can really change up how you deal with enemies; all of the characters can tank to a certain extent if set up properly; skill trees and skill links are vital to customization; shulk x tank x healer is completely unnecessary; don't let the AI control Melia.

Sharla is absolutely a trap. Outside of a few specific instances, she's more of a hindrance than a help. She's out of my active party for 98% of the game. There are Arts, auras, gems and skill tree choices that can all heal you. Riki in particular is a beast at healing, and can still do tons of damage, which more or less means he's a better Sharla than Sharla.


How do you "properly" use Riki and Melia?

With Melia, I usually summon 3 elements of choice, then spear break + starlight kick, then throw the elements to enemy.

I have less of an idea how to use Riki except applying is DoT arts whenever possible.


30 hours in and am finally breaking out of the Shulk/Sharla/Reyn combo. Switched to Shulk/Riki/Melia and thats working really well. Was able to be that
Telethia boss
easily after I struggled badly with the previous team.
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