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Woman records boyfriend after getting shot by the Police on Facebook

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What the hell....

I merely posted a video and i get this. And people PLEASE read, i said....IF this is all true, he sure wasn't an angel. Exactly what is wrong with that? Watch the video and see what he says about his past crimes. Anyone with a criminal record like that i would say is not exactly an angel.

And again, i said IF......

Jesus. Read my previous comments, i have been mostly agreeing with everybody here.

I think you're missing the point that even if that Youtube psycho is right about all of this and he did have a sordid past, so what? Just watching the video you'd notice that cop didn't react because he thought there was a gun, he was panicking after he shot because he knew he fucked up. There was a video with celebrities a while ago that I saw, in the same vein as the "____ while black" comments people make, and the vast majority of them are heartbreaking but they included a few that give me pause, like one where the person was waving around a fake gun and refused to stand down. If this was that scenario and there was a history of violence then I guess you could make a case for your character assassination. But this? Dude was just sitting in his car with his girlfriend and a cop let his prejudice scare him into executing him. Let it go.


I merely posted a video and i get this. And people PLEASE read, i said....IF this is all true, he sure wasn't an angel. Exactly what is wrong with that? Watch the video and see what he says about his past crimes. Anyone with a criminal record like that i would say is not exactly an angel.
Please remind me again what his past has to do with him being murdered.

Hint: The answer is nothing at all.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
What the hell....

I merely posted a video and i get this. And people PLEASE read, i said....IF this is all true, he sure wasn't an angel. Exactly what is wrong with that? Watch the video and see what he says about his past crimes. Anyone with a criminal record like that i would say is not exactly an angel.

And again, i said IF......

Jesus. Read my previous comments, i have been mostly agreeing with everybody here.

Please tell me you are not an adult.
What the hell....

I merely posted a video and i get this. And people PLEASE read, i said....IF this is all true, he sure wasn't an angel. Exactly what is wrong with that? Watch the video and see what he says about his past crimes. Anyone with a criminal record like that i would say is not exactly an angel.

And again, i said IF......

Jesus. Read my previous comments, i have been mostly agreeing with everybody here.
I couldn't tell if the original post was poorly done/times satire but this seals it.
fuck outta here with this nonsense.


I want you guys to watch this video and tell me what you think.


Unless the dude's ''facts'' are nonsense and he does seem to do a lot of fact checking, Sterling was far from an angel. Had tons of run ins with the law, did plenty of time, certainly didn't seem to learn from his mistakes and really wasn't that good guy his family claimed he was. The guy also says he clearly was reaching for a gun....and that there was a gun. Was there after all?

Also some revealing stuff about Philando Castille, but especially about his girlfriend. I hope you guys watched it, because i sure found it interesting.



Jesus christ...where the fuck do i even say that? Nowhere do i say that.

Fucking hell man, nevermind, forget all this.

What is the point of posting that other than to justify his death? If you hate black people just be honest about it, none of this sneaky sneak "hey look at this interesting site/video " bullshit
I am not going to quote you all, but i will say this again.

Please quit jumping to the conclusion that i think it's OK that the man was killed because of his past crimes. AGAIN....nowhere do i say that, not at all, i would never say that.

PLEASE read people, i said his family claimed he was a person who wasn't capable of that, that he was all friendly and so on, the ''no angel'' bit was based on that.


Surprised that so many people jump to that conclusion and genuinely was not my intention at all. Because like i said, read my previous comments. I was just as shocked and angry as everyone here. I don't condone a goddamn thing about this. I also had not ever seen a video of the Youtuber before and did not click on any other videos.


Unbelieveable. I can't believe you guys now.

Talking about fucking hyperbole replies man.

I hate nobody, not exactly capable of hating someone, not very easily that is. I was merely interested in what you guys had to say, nothing more.

Nowhere at all do i say the man deserved to die, NOWHERE.

Dude, take a second and look at his other videos and tell me he doesn't have an agenda.


I am not going to quote you all, but i will say this again.

Please quit jumping to the conclusion that i think it's OK that the man was killed because of his past crimes. AGAIN....nowhere do i say that, not at all, i would never say that.

PLEASE read people, i said his family claimed he was a person who wasn't capable of that, the ''no angel'' bit was based on that.


again what is the point? The man is dead when he shouldn't be, you rationalizing that he maybe deserve that is bullshit and clear as day


I am not going to quote you all, but i will say this again.

Please quit jumping to the conclusion that i think it's OK that the man was killed because of his past crimes. AGAIN....nowhere do i say that, not at all, i would never say that.

PLEASE read people, i said his family claimed he was a person who wasn't capable of that, that he was all friendly and so on, the ''no angel'' bit was based on that.


Surprised that so many people jump to that conclusion and genuinely was not my intention at all.

"I'm just asking questions."


What the hell....

I merely posted a video and i get this. And people PLEASE read, i said....IF this is all true, he sure wasn't an angel. Exactly what is wrong with that? Watch the video and see what he says about his past crimes. Anyone with a criminal record like that i would say is not exactly an angel.

And again, i said IF......

Jesus. Read my previous comments, i have been mostly agreeing with everybody here.

IF he wasn't an angel, then what...? He deserved to be murdered by cops? He is to be blamed for his death as a victim of brutality?

You really need to do some fact checking yourself. I'm talking about the fact that you felt necessary to post this video from an apparent genocide denier who is trying to say that painting black people as *gasp* "victims" of police brutality is just "leftist propaganda".

I think you should be more concerned about the real fact that you might be racist yourself and a piece of shit too, that you find victim blaming a worthy use of your time, or that you consider the life of an individual to have less value because "he was no angel", just because someone else with a clear as day agenda told you so.

But I mean, IF this is true... right. Take some fucking responsibility for your thoughts and actions. Don't come here and pretend you posted that shit to have a "conversation". You posted it because it says what you want to say, so don't try and act all surprised now when people are calling you out on your crap.

Fuck off.


I am not going to quote you all, but i will say this again.

Please quit jumping to the conclusion that i think it's OK that the man was killed because of his past crimes. AGAIN....nowhere do i say that, not at all, i would never say that.

PLEASE read people, i said his family claimed he was a person who wasn't capable of that, that he was all friendly and so on, the ''no angel'' bit was based on that.


Surprised that so many people jump to that conclusion and genuinely was not my intention at all.
Then why did you bump the thread to post a video made by a right-wing conservative loony about this guy's supposed dirty past. I just can't see what you thought there was to gain from that.


I am not going to quote you all, but i will say this again.

Please quit jumping to the conclusion that i think it's OK that the man was killed because of his past crimes. AGAIN....nowhere do i say that, not at all, i would never say that.

PLEASE read people, i said his family claimed he was a person who wasn't capable of that, that he was all friendly and so on, the ''no angel'' bit was based on that.


Surprised that so many people jump to that conclusion and genuinely was not my intention at all. Because like i said, read my previous comments. I was just as shocked and angry as everyone here. I don't condone a goddamn thing about this. I also had not ever seen a video of the Youtuber before and did not click on any other videos.

OK so they are not angels when it comes to the law, but friends, co-workers and family remembered them as good people!

So what?


Unbelieveable. I can't believe you guys now.

Talking about fucking hyperbole replies man.

I hate nobody, not exactly capable of hating someone, not very easily that is. I was merely interested in what you guys had to say, nothing more.

Nowhere at all do i say the man deserved to die, NOWHERE.

We told you what we think.

None of these "facts" are worth discussing. None of it changes our position on whether or not he deserved to die. You signal boosting this abhorrent person makes you look like you share their view. If you don't then do a better job distancing yourself from them and stop doing this weak "we don't understand what you meant" bullshit.
Unbelieveable. I can't believe you guys now.

Talking about fucking hyperbole replies man.

I hate nobody, not exactly capable of hating someone, not very easily that is. I was merely interested in what you guys had to say, nothing more.

Nowhere at all do i say the man deserved to die, NOWHERE.

Hyperbole? You honestly want me to believe that you looked at this living dumpster fire's channel and none of his videos raised red flags?

Yeah, okay. So transparent.


For you.
I want you guys to watch this video and tell me what you think.


Unless the dude's ''facts'' are nonsense and he does seem to do a lot of fact checking, Sterling was far from an angel. Had tons of run ins with the law, did plenty of time, certainly didn't seem to learn from his mistakes and really wasn't that good guy his family claimed he was. The guy also says he clearly was reaching for a gun....and that there was a gun. Was there after all?

Also some revealing stuff about Philando Castille, but especially about his girlfriend. I hope you guys watched it, because i sure found it interesting.

note to self: It's totally ok to murder someone in cold blood if they have any criminal history at all. Good to know.


Paper or plastic?
You're either trolling or are completely void of empathy, critical thinking, and self-awareness. Either way, it doesn't bode well for you.
I want you guys to watch this video and tell me what you think.


Unless the dude's ''facts'' are nonsense and he does seem to do a lot of fact checking, Sterling was far from an angel. Had tons of run ins with the law, did plenty of time, certainly didn't seem to learn from his mistakes and really wasn't that good guy his family claimed he was. The guy also says he clearly was reaching for a gun....and that there was a gun. Was there after all?

Also some revealing stuff about Philando Castille, but especially about his girlfriend. I hope you guys watched it, because i sure found it interesting.

You should watch THIS video:

I am not going to quote you all, but i will say this again.

Please quit jumping to the conclusion that i think it's OK that the man was killed because of his past crimes. AGAIN....nowhere do i say that, not at all, i would never say that.

PLEASE read people, i said his family claimed he was a person who wasn't capable of that, that he was all friendly and so on, the ''no angel'' bit was based on that.


Surprised that so many people jump to that conclusion and genuinely was not my intention at all. Because like i said, read my previous comments. I was just as shocked and angry as everyone here. I don't condone a goddamn thing about this. I also had not ever seen a video of the Youtuber before and did not click on any other videos.

You're not stupid. You know damn well that "he was no angel" is OFTEN used to imply that lethal force is justified given the individuals criminality.

And you link to friggin Stefan Molyneux.


It's right in the OP, about the cooking up the "he was no angel" bit. I did read, and it's still no justification for killing a man.

koji kabuto

What the hell....

I merely posted a video and i get this. And people PLEASE read, i said....IF this is all true, he sure wasn't an angel. Exactly what is wrong with that? Watch the video and see what he says about his past crimes. Anyone with a criminal record like that i would say is not exactly an angel.

And again, i said IF......

Jesus. Read my previous comments, i have been mostly agreeing with everybody here.

If his criminal record doesn't mean he deserved to be murdered then why would you bring that up?



Oh, so he's been fishing for a while, huh? Pff, what a sad troll.

Well, now I'm sad too 'cause I wasted my time telling him to fuck off. See ya dude, just remember, making another account is against the TOS! I'm sure there's right wing forums that will welcome you with open arms.


Featured Videos section of Stefan Molyneux's Youtube page
The Truth About Crime
An Honest Conversation About Race | Jared Taylor and Stefan Molyneux
Inside The Black Community: What They Don't Tell You!
The War on Cops | Heather Mac Donald and Stefan Molyneux\
The Truth About Gun Control
The Rise and Fall of Black America

I think he's obsessed.

He has other gems such as:
The Truth About The Native American Genocide
The Truth About The Bastille Day Terrorist Attack | Nice, France
The Truth About The Fall of Rome: Modern Parallels
Why Europe Owes The Migrants Nothing
Why Black Crime Matters | Colin Flaherty and Stefan Molyneux
Benghazi Attack Cover Up! Obama Armed Al Qaeda?

Why would you believe this man?


Unconfirmed Member
I want you guys to watch this video and tell me what you think.


Unless the dude's ''facts'' are nonsense and he does seem to do a lot of fact checking, Sterling was far from an angel. Had tons of run ins with the law, did plenty of time, certainly didn't seem to learn from his mistakes and really wasn't that good guy his family claimed he was. The guy also says he clearly was reaching for a gun....and that there was a gun. Was there after all?

Also some revealing stuff about Philando Castille, but especially about his girlfriend. I hope you guys watched it, because i sure found it interesting.

God damn what a shitty person, and I'm talking about you.
What the hell....

I merely posted a video and i get this. And people PLEASE read, i said....IF this is all true, he sure wasn't an angel. Exactly what is wrong with that? Watch the video and see what he says about his past crimes. Anyone with a criminal record like that i would say is not exactly an angel.

And again, i said IF......

Jesus. Read my previous comments, i have been mostly agreeing with everybody here.

There are nearly 2,000 responses to this thread and you want to ask the forums opinion?Why don't you read the thread a bit?
What does his criminal past have to do with being executed by the police on the street?
There's a reason we have a justice system, it's so cops aren't going around acting like judge jury and executioner. Try and be a little less disingenuous . And don't act al indignant when people call you out for posting a video of a loon.
Dude, take a second and look at his other videos and tell me he doesn't have an agenda.

And that's exactly the thing man, i had never seen a video of him before. I tell you what happened. I was watching a video of MisanthropikOne. A YouTuber that reviews a lot of hiphop material but also touches on real world matters. This video:


Then on the right i saw that one video and watched it. As i said, i hadnever heard of the guy before. Was not aware of any agenda. Lesson learned....for sure.

again what is the point? The man is dead when he shouldn't be, you rationalizing that he maybe deserve that is bullshit and clear as day

Yeah it's clear that it seems like i was doing that and again , that genuinely was not my intention at all. I said it in my previous post, it was merely based on what his family claimed.

"I'm just asking questions."

Yeah whatever dude. There are other things the Youtuber talks about and it was mostly that where i wanted to hear you guys comments on. Because unless i am mistaken, it's still all up in the air on exactly what happened. Talking about Philando Castille now.

IF he wasn't an angel, then what...? He deserved to be murdered by cops? He is to be blamed for his death as a victim of brutality?

You really need to do some fact checking yourself. I'm talking about the fact that you felt necessary to post this video from an apparent genocide denier who is trying to say that painting black people as *gasp* "victims" of police brutality is just "leftist propaganda".

I think you should be more concerned about the real fact that you might be racist yourself and a piece of shit too, that you find victim blaming a worthy use of your time, or that you consider the life of an individual to have less value because "he was no angel", just because someone else with a clear as day agenda told you so.

But I mean, IF this is true... right.

Fuck off.

I am not even going to reply any further than this....you are way out of line with your bullshit here friend, WAY out of line. Maybe fucking read my comments more carefully, i had NEVER heard of this Youtuber before. This was the very first video i watched of his, jesus christ man. Yes i realize i messed up by not carefully checking who this youtuber was but please quit with that bullshit about me being a racist myself and a piece of shit. I am so goddamn far from any of that.

Then why did you bump the thread to post a video made by a right-wing conservative loony about this guy's supposed dirty past. I just can't see what you thought there was to gain from that.

Like i said, the other things in the video. He calls them all facts, and none of that had to do with the criminal record of any of them. I had no ill intentions or whatsoever.

I ask again, please read my older comments especially for some folks who want to resort to stuff like calling me a racist and a piece of shit....


Homeland Security Fail
Stefan did yes. Shall we discuss that video too?

I think after we discuss the white man saving all those black people by enslaving them.

Aside from garbage posts, anyone know what is going on with this situation?

Cop is enjoying a nice, tough, summer vacation.

The newest thing I have heard is Castle's family has asked the DOJ to investigate.
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