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Woman records boyfriend after getting shot by the Police on Facebook

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From the videos I've seen of shootings like this, the officer panicking seems to be the unifying theme for most. US police departments seriously need to screen and train their officers to a much greater extent than they do, some of these people are clearly not competent enough to carry weapons. But that would cost money so of course they don't. That, and US officers having to assume that everyone is armed because guns are everywhere.

Not only aren't they competent to carry weapons, the police forces are getting more militaristic so the people who jump at 12 year old boys with toy guns or licenced citizens following orders are gaining more and more toys of varying lethality to wield.

Yeah I don't think anything is going to happen to the officer

Well we wouldn't want to ruin his life now would we?


Homeland Security Fail
The Associated Press ‏@AP

BREAKING: Attorney for Minnesota officer who killed black driver says officer reacted to presence and 'display of' gun, not race.

What was it? That would have been helpful.

I'm guessing he's talking about this

Don't know if it's been mentioned, but the NRA actually made a comment about this. It wasn't bad either.
Nah, it's garbage. They don't even name the victim or touch on how important this moment is to racial justice in America.

It's more "ignore the real story, just put out a PR statement" nonsense instead of giving a real shit.
"There's probably more to this story" posts in these types of threads always make me want to punch the posters themselves right in their fucking faces. It's way too obvious what it really means at this point.

I tend to not be surprised at some of the posters I see online. I'm quite sure they just dance around their words knowing where they are. Had this been youtube or somewhere else they'd be way more blatant.


I just saw the NRA's "response"

What fucking horseshit. It took them days to write that? And they commented on the Dallas shooting BEFORE Philando Castile? And they managed to comment on Castile without mentioning his name or taking a stance?

Fuck that organization. Worst goddamn organization in the fucking country.


The Associated Press ‏@AP

BREAKING: Attorney for Minnesota officer who killed black driver says officer reacted to presence and 'display of' gun, not race.


So he's just flat out admitting his client is guilty? Because the dude he shot was legally able to display his gun.
Why isn't the NRA outraged that a law abiding gun owner was shot for carrying a firearm?

I cannot say that I'm surprised by their attitude though.


The Associated Press ‏@AP

BREAKING: Attorney for Minnesota officer who killed black driver says officer reacted to presence and 'display of' gun, not race.


If that's the case (I highly doubt it) then Minnesota should ban open carry.


I hope that something will eventually spark a entire reorganization of the US police system.. :\ And, I hope that something will wake people up regarding the entire gun issues.

Lengthen the education? Make harsher mental evalutions? I don't know what is needed, but the police are people that you should feel safe around, you should know that if they show up, the trouble is over.

I know my own country has its issues, but dang, when the cops show up here in Sweden, I know for a fact that I am safe (yeah, it also helps that they seemingly are all over 7 foot, dang nabbit) still. I have trust and faith, that even if I'll be screwed by the legal system over a burglary, atleast the police gives me nothing but a safety feeling. I know the trouble stops when they show up.

I used to live in the US, and unfortunately I'll be going back, gotta visit aging relatives by marriage, and I am telling you, I'll be nervous if I ever see a police officer looking at me for something.

Talk about two different worlds.
Literally pulled over for being black

Pretty much. Couldn't even go with something at least a little bit more convincingly distinctive like hair style but "wide nose". I have a wide nose. My dad has a wide nose. And how wide? 2 inches? Dude was pulled over cause he had a 2 inch wide nose like some other rando? Christ.
Isn't it just like, the most odd shit that this is how police decide to stop people? "Wide set nose"? Like actually? Even if no one died in this encounter, how the fuck is that valid criteria?
Isn't it just like, the most odd shit that this is how police decide to stop people? "Wide set nose"? Like actually? Even if no one died in this encounter, how the fuck is that valid criteria?

"Probable cause" is a powerful thing. His mistake was talking about specific features. I'd think that's a hard thing to defend vs. the standard and vague "fit the description."
"Probable cause" is a powerful thing. His mistake was talking about specific features. I'd think that's a hard thing to defend vs. the standard and vague "fit the description."

I mean probable cause at this point really seems more like "stop any black guy and eventually we'll get him". It's just like. That dispatch was the weakest bullshit. Hearing that and then knowong someone died 3 mins later really shows how ridiculously low the bat of suspicion has to be for someone to be considered a threat.
This is the second time I've seen a video where a cop asks someone to furnish ID and then immediately shoots them when they try to comply. This is so ridiculous. The cop is creating the scenario that gives them the justification to shoot because they feel threatened. There really needs to be an update to all training and laws surrounding this situation. The cop is in the position of power and if they give an order, they must give the person the opportunity and benefit-of-doubt to comply. I get that there have been instances where someone used that to actually use a weapon on cops, hence the concern cops have, but that has to go with the territory. They are making demands so there needs to be a reasonable window to comply.

I'm also amazed at the woman's composure here. I don't know how she managed to remain calm during the incident, but in hindsight, it probably saved her life by doing so. The new Facebook Live feature is a game changer going forward.


Hey guys I'm sure that this calls for a new thread but I'm not really good at that so I'd figure I'd leave this here but I just saw that buzzfeed's Twitter is showin a vid of Deray McKesson got arrested just now in Baton Rouge while protesting.

The vid here is him filming himself while it happens at the 4:45 mark


Edit: nevermind a new thread was made.
According to the star tribune Castile was stopped 52 times by police over the years, written up for 86 violations with about half of them dismissed.
This is the sort of thing I've learned over the past few years that white America just really can't even relate to, let alone begin to understand, empathize, and put into perspective.

Think about if your life was like this. Think about if it ended because you complied, and before Facebook Live, no one gave a fuck or even noticed, and your entire family who also spends their entire life hounded by the police gets no justice for your wrongful death.
I mean probable cause at this point really seems more like "stop any black guy and eventually we'll get him". It's just like. That dispatch was the weakest bullshit. Hearing that and then knowong someone died 3 mins later really shows how ridiculously low the bat of suspicion has to be for someone to be considered a threat.
Yeah definitely agreed.


Paper or plastic?
It seems the major news networks have almost moved on from Sterling and Castile. Like they've been put on the back burner. Cuomo even had the nerve to ask one of the grieving mothers about the Dallas shootings like she isn't going through her own person hell. She handled it well but she was visibly annoyed.
I was talking about this with friends and one asked my opinion on it. I said I only knew about the girlfriend's explanation of it and had not seen the full video. He said he did and explained what happened. He said the cop asks the driver for his license and the driver responds with that he has a firearm with him and has a license for it. The cop panicks and tells the driver to put his hands on the steering wheel but the driver doesn't doen this. Instead he reaches for the dashboard where supposedly his license or weapon is. Cop starts firing at him, kills him and goes all "oh No, I told him to put his hands on the steering wheel,not this!". Something along those lines. So on one hand you could wonder Why the driver did not just listen to the cop and on the other.....Why killer the guy richt away? Could he not have gone for cover or If need be hit his arm then?

If it indeed went down like this. Is this correct?


I was talking about this with friends and one asked my opinion on it. I said I only knew about the girlfriend's explanation of it and had not seen the full video. He said he did and explained what happened. He said the cop asks the driver for his license and the driver responds with that he has a firearm with him and has a license for it. The cop panicks and tells the driver to put his hands on the steering wheel but the driver doesn't doen this. Instead he reaches for the dashboard where supposedly his license or weapon is. Cop starts firing at him, kills him and goes all "oh No, I told him to put his hands on the steering wheel,not this!". Something along those lines. So on one hand you could wonder Why the driver did not just listen to the cop and on the other.....Why killer the guy richt away? Could he not have gone for cover or If need be hit his arm then?

If it indeed went down like this. Is this correct?
What full video is he talking about?
Your friend does not know what happened. It wasn't captured on video.

How odd. Usually not a person to just make things up. But I believe you. I'll ask him about this tomorrow.

Maybe he read this and believes it happened like that. But he did specifically ask me if I had seen the full video.

Another friend of mine said he saw a video of a black woman talking about a young girl that got killed by a driveby shooting and nobody cares. Yet for this guy whom she believed was nothing but a thug people cry. Wasn't it said though that the guy was actually someone kids looked up to in school? That he was a good and well meaning person?


How odd. Usually not a person to just make things up. But I believe you. I'll ask him about this tomorrow.

Maybe he read this and believes it happened like that. But he did specifically ask me if I had seen the full video.

Another friend of mine said he saw a video of a black woman talking about a young girl that got killed by a driveby shooting and nobody cares. Yet for this guy whom she believed was nothing but a thug people cry. Wasn't it said though that the guy was actually someone kids looked up to in school? That he was a good and well meaning person?
Your friends sound shitty.
Your friends sound shitty.

I can assure you they are not. The second friend simply saw that video, nothing more to it. I am sure if he went through this thread hè would start to see things differently. I sure do. It now sounds like Philandro simply informered the cop that he had a gun and license, so that the cop would not panic. It sure doesn't to me sounds like he meant it as a threat.

I want to inform my friends of the known facts so far with sources if possible. Does anyone have that for me?


I was talking about this with friends and one asked my opinion on it. I said I only knew about the girlfriend's explanation of it and had not seen the full video. He said he did and explained what happened. He said the cop asks the driver for his license and the driver responds with that he has a firearm with him and has a license for it. The cop panicks and tells the driver to put his hands on the steering wheel but the driver doesn't doen this. Instead he reaches for the dashboard where supposedly his license or weapon is. Cop starts firing at him, kills him and goes all "oh No, I told him to put his hands on the steering wheel,not this!". Something along those lines. So on one hand you could wonder Why the driver did not just listen to the cop and on the other.....Why killer the guy richt away? Could he not have gone for cover or If need be hit his arm then?

If it indeed went down like this. Is this correct?

Your friend is completely misinformed and has done zero research (also clearly didn't watch the video). Google is just a mouse click away in this day and age. The actual shooting was never captured; the feed was turned on after it happened. Unfortunately this probably means that the officer will be able to say anything he wants about what happened.

Yet for this guy whom she believed was nothing but a thug people cry. Wasn't it said though that the guy was actually someone kids looked up to in school? That he was a good and well meaning person?

Thug?? Jesus Christ. He had been pulled over multiple (52) times in recent years, but usually for stuff like driving with a revoked license or driving with no insurance. Had no serious crimes on his record.

Here is some more information on this very thuggish kitchen supervisor in an elementary school (also corroborates the above information regarding only minor traffic offences on his record): http://www.twincities.com/2016/07/07/philando-castile-falcon-heights-shooting-mn/

EDIT: Also, something to think about that many people might not put together: If the article is correct in saying that he was pulled over 52 times in recent years, I am going to go out on a BIG limb and say that he knew EXACTLY how to handle himself in a traffic stop, and probably did everything just the way he was supposed to.


I was talking about this with friends and one asked my opinion on it. I said I only knew about the girlfriend's explanation of it and had not seen the full video. He said he did and explained what happened. He said the cop asks the driver for his license and the driver responds with that he has a firearm with him and has a license for it. The cop panicks and tells the driver to put his hands on the steering wheel but the driver doesn't doen this. Instead he reaches for the dashboard where supposedly his license or weapon is. Cop starts firing at him, kills him and goes all "oh No, I told him to put his hands on the steering wheel,not this!". Something along those lines. So on one hand you could wonder Why the driver did not just listen to the cop and on the other.....Why killer the guy richt away? Could he not have gone for cover or If need be hit his arm then?

If it indeed went down like this. Is this correct?

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