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The gaming community is an abomination.


pretty sure OP faps to the poster on his wall every night



CliffyB's Cock Holster
Is this a rather long winded version of 'if you cant make a game yourself, you cant criticize'?.

No its just a suggestion to try and be more appreciative and try and at least allow for a modicum of objective observation in your opinions.

See, here's the thing: Noone really gives a shit whether you love or hate a game. I certainly couldn't give a toss.

However what does spur me to comment is when people start tossing around zeroes to a piece of work as accomplished as TLOU2, as if its by any objective measure as worthless as a non-functional title, an "asset-flip" turned over in afternoon, or a thing that exists primarily to bilk gullible fools out of every penny they ever have using basic skinner-box manipulation.

Its basically the equivalent of calling anyone who disagrees with you a Nazi! In making a point through hyperbole, you are excusing a whole lot of worse stuff.

Mainly though if in your anger you are happy to throw high-tier work under the bus because you don't like the story/politics creative direction, you clearly have no empathy or appreciation for hard work and talent. Apparently your experience, your feelings are the only thing that matters...

Sorry, but that's malignant narcissism.



I completely disagree and I'd bet most would too. One of the pillars of the first Last of Us was it's storytelling, the game-play at best was serviceable, and the world was no better or worse than similar games in the genre. It was the story that stood out to people. It's why most people in the discussion of the first game constantly talked about Joel's decision at the end and whether people though Ellie believed him or not and the morality of it all. Not how cool was it to throw a bottle at a runner and "stealth" kill it. It's probably the biggest complaint about Part 2. The gameplay is fine, I enjoy it, it's kind of a shittier Metal Gear Solid 5 in terms of gameplay. I like it. The story though....just bad.

How many zombie movies and tv series are there that play on the same played out themes? This is a video game series, story matters, but let’s not act like gameplay and fun factor has no bearing on why the first game was so successful.

My personal opinion is that I am put off by the forced political agendas at play, I am not denying that they are there and are obnoxious, but I can’t lie and say I am not enjoying myself playing the game. It is a top notch video game by all standard measures.



in case you arent: there are more than a billion ‘gamers’ in the world, so what if 10 000 give a 0 on metacritic to some piece of corporate product. It doesn't prove anything about gamers or ‘the youth’.

94% of people on this planet are good eggs. So, going around looking for reasons to be upset and hate people will make you a miserable bitter man. Don't focus on the 6%.
You’re upset that some people don’t like a game you like, and this is evidence that the entire community is an abomination?
The only abomination is OP's blatant rip-off of my latest critically- acclaimed GAF Thread:

Astral Dog

Be brave my friend, Last of Us hate is strong and they won't hold back,
some of them are already mobilizing to return the games to the stores


I'm not saying people are not allowed to dislike or even criticize it but outrage for this game is getting waaay over the top and silly at this point

And once again I will use the this quote.

Developers are free to make whatever they want and people are free not to like it and even criticize it but it doesn't mean devs not allowed to do it just because angry fan on internet.

Please don't use japanese devs quotes and bring them to the mud that this game is, just because the narrative fits this time.
Speacially Yoko Taro, who had a lot of SJWs after him due to character design in Nier Automata.

And to answer your question on "why people are hating this so much" is because of it's story and because they cared.
Or do you think it was "haters" on the latest star wars trilogy or the season 8 of GOT?

Battlefront 2 MTX... "haters" as well, right? I could go on, but I doubt I need to.

Also, a lot of replies in this thread are golden. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Kids that are gaming now have no respect for gaming as an hobby in general.

The last of Us 2 is a prime example. Naughty Dog have given us so many great games in the past, and still do. You can tell that they put their heart into each games they released.

But, for whatever reason, kids these days will try their best to trash it, and disrespect the hard work of so many people involve in the creations of these games.

Giving the Last of Us 2 a score of "0" is unfair. There is a least something good in this game.

Been playing the game since release, and the attention to details from the environment to the combat is beyond any other studio have tried before.

Some may not like the story, that's fair, but at the same time bias because as humans we come in many different shades. I bet some of the young brains who complain are either gay themselves or at least have a parents who is. Nothing wrong with that is just part of our human life story.

Diversity is always good, and if we truly respect gaming, we should stop bringing our personal opinions into every games that is releasing today.

Also, nowadays everybody is acting like an expert. these young brains act has if they can create better stories or games Than Naughty Dog etc...

My advice to the youngsters coming in is:

Be respectful, and don't bash something that you yourself cannot do. We as a community needs to change...until its too late and we end up destroy it.

Its always better to give constructive criticism instead of always acting mighty and bashing the hard work of some of these devs and gaming studios out there.

I don't know if some here will understand my message, but I hope that as a community we respect and cherish what we have....
I bet "people" who like and shill for The Soyest of Us 2 are pedophiles. IDK, they seem to give off that vibe.


The nicest person on this forum
Speacially Yoko Taro, who had a lot of SJWs after him due to character design in Nier Automata.
My point is developers should be free to make what they want to make, same way Yoko Taro is free have sexy design in his game then other developers should free to put anything they want in their games.

My frustration with SJW has nothing to do with having gay or trans characters in game, it’s more to do with SJW demanding to change or even down disappear just because they personally don’t like it.


My point is developers should be free to make what they want to make, same way Yoko Taro is free have sexy design in his game then other developers should free to put anything they want in their games.

My frustration with SJW has nothing to do with having gay or trans characters in game, it’s more to do with SJW demanding to change or even down disappear just because they personally don’t like it.
It would be the perfect world if that applies to everything, let the devs do whatever they want.
Don't like it? Don't buy it. I do it, so should everyone else, right?

There was a play in my country that was literaly a circle of people walking naked with the last person finger in their asses. Some said it was art.
It wasn't for me, I didn't see it, I LOL'ed and moved on. As MANY games are not for me as well, yet people demand the games to change to fit them.
To be more this or less that.

Yet now, this SAME group is demanding people to "leave TLOU2 alone". Isn't that crazy?

Thank you japanese devs for not buying into this nonsense, hopefully it will stay that way.


Don’t care so much what others think. Some negative reviews shouldn’t be a big deal. It is people complaining about them like OP that is making the drama. Honestly I don’t see why your enjoyment of something is dependent on all other people liking it too.

You like the game. They don’t. You get your side heard from every mainstream critic as well as the market, yet for some reason you won’t allow people to dislike the game. You need to realize that some people do not think like you. They do not like the same things. Genuinely. You don’t have to call this an abomination. This is merely people having differing opinions. This is NATURAL

People have different opinions. This is reality. Accept it. Get over it.
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owns Galaxy Brain. Still shrink wrapped.
Don’t care so much what others think. Some negative reviews shouldn’t be a big deal. It is people complaining about them like OP that is making the drama. Honestly I don’t see why your enjoyment of something is dependent on all other people liking it too.

You like the game. They don’t. You get your side heard from every mainstream critic as well as the market, yet for some reason you won’t allow people to dislike the game. You need to realize that some people do not think like you. They do not like the same things. Genuinely. You don’t have to call this an abomination. This is merely people having differing opinions. This is NATURAL

People have different opinions. This is reality. Accept it. Get over it.

I never complained about the fact that some dont like Tlou, i was just asking if we can be more respectful and appreciative as a community towards the artist and devs working hard to bring us sometimes incredible experiences.

Whether it's from ND, kojima, Santa Monica etc... we can give constructive feedbacks without trashing their hard work.

Giving a game "0" is beyond retarded in my humble opinion.


Regarding TLOU2: Giving it a 0 is bad, but is giving it a 10 because the reviewer supports the agenda of the games/devs any better? I've heard the game is just as clunky as the first, the story is shit, the new characters are poorly written with no redeeming qualities, and the only relatable aspect (for a very, very small group of players) of any characters is their sexual preference. And then there are the technical bugs...

I try to enjoy a game for what it is, but with the progressive politics creeping into so many newer titles it's getting harder to just enjoy games as an escape.

That said, I agree in part that "kids" today are somewhat aggravating in that they take things for granted because they didn't have the chance to grow up and watch games evolve over the years. If a game doesn't have have film-quality graphics or run 60 fps there are a lot of people that won't bother giving it a chance. I understand not everyone has fun-factor at the top of the list like me, but people that won't touch a game that's not AAA or part of an annual franchise yet still complain that "there are no good games" really get on my nerve.
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Unconfirmed Member
Calling any person you disagree with a kid just because they don't appreciate "gaming" the way you do makes you come off as immature. Calling an imaginary community a abomination on top of it makes you come off as touchy.
Welcome to the internet OP.


Unconfirmed Member
The only abomination is OP's blatant rip-off of my latest critically- acclaimed GAF Thread:
Metacritic blocks ZEROS rating and only lets you give it positive ratings after they change their code when people report review bombing. Not like paid reviews are any better regarding "real scores". You shouldn't be using that site in the first place Kojimbo.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I would suggest just sticking to the critic scores then. The mob has always been fickle and short sighted, the internet has just revealed how much.

Past about the age of 20 I just stopped caring about what other players thought when it came to a game I liked. It was my money that bought it, and my time playing it. So who cares if someone else doesn't like it?


owns Galaxy Brain. Still shrink wrapped.
Calling any person you disagree with a kid just because they don't appreciate "gaming" the way you do makes you come off as immature. Calling an imaginary community a abomination on top of it makes you come off as touchy.
Welcome to the internet OP.

Dude I haven't called any adult here kids. I was talking mostly about the youngsters mentality of review bombing games they dont like. Or disrespecting the creation of hard working devs overall.


owns Galaxy Brain. Still shrink wrapped.
There is no "gaming community."

There are millions of individuals who play games. They are in no way linked together.

Wether you like or not we are all connected in this life.

Here for you...

A community is the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common.


Unconfirmed Member
Dude I haven't called any adult here kids. I was talking mostly about the youngsters mentality of review bombing games they dont like. Or disrespecting the creation of hard working devs overall.

Kids that are gaming now have no respect for gaming as an hobby in general.
You are assuming the people that are doing this are kids.

The last of Us 2 is a prime example.
Just because TLoU 2 isn't being praised.
It’s a pretty good game, Great graphics, engaging story, and the gameplay elements that are present are satisfying. It just feels very polished.

It’s apparent that the primary reason it’s being bashed so much is that angry alt right men are upset that this game has so much female and LGBT character representation in it. Heterosexual men took a backseat in a video game for once and it put young men up in arms. They’re not used to taking the backseat in a story and it’s scary to them.

I don’t think it’s kids. I think it’s mainly upset heterosexual white men ranging in age from their teens to their 30’s making up the legion of trolls spamming sites like Metacritic.
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owns Galaxy Brain. Still shrink wrapped.
It’s a pretty good game, Great graphics, engaging story, and the gameplay elements that are present are satisfying. It just feels very polished.

It’s apparent that the primary reason it’s being bashed so much is that angry alt right men are upset that this game has so much female and LGBT character representation in it. Heterosexual men took a backseat in a video game for once and it put young men up in arms. They’re not used to taking the backseat in a story and it’s scary to them.

I don’t think it’s kids. I think it’s mainly upset heterosexual white men ranging in age from their teens to their 30’s making up the legion of trolls spamming sites like Metacritic.

Come on, the hate on TLOU part 2 in here is not just a simple “I don’t like this game”, I wish it was only that, they made it impossible to have proper discussion about this game.

Looking at current threads in NeoGAF, You can’t tell me in straight face the hate towards this game is simple “criticism”.
At this point, I'll start to assume any thread that doesn't have the name of the game it is about is a TLOU pt II thread haha.

You can't criticize because it is hating. You can't speak any good of it because it is being a blind shill. It's getting exhausting seeing both extremes of the spectrum clashing like there was only this dichotomy about it.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Ok I got you. Never tried to act might. I guess humans are still primitive in thinking no matter how we move forward with technology :messenger_winking:

Could you possibly be any more arrogant and smug? People don't like a game you like and they are disagreeing with your oh so superior opinions, therefore the gaming community is an abomination.

No it's people like YOU that damage the gaming community with your insistence that your opinion is the one and only correct one and any opinions to the contrary are unenlightened and wrong. When people present a dissenting opinion you demand the thread be closed and any further discussion ended, because people refuse to simply accept that what you believe is the only correct interpretation.


You’re upset that some people don’t like a game you like, and this is evidence that the entire community is an abomination?

It's an extremely well crafted and well made game through and through. The game play mechanics are all improved upon over the first game. Game play wise it's a better game than the first, this can't be argued. If someone enjoyed the game play of the first game, the 2nd is better, no argument. If someone hated the first games game play, than that's fine, I can understand that they hate the sequel. Someone hating the first games game play doesn't make it a bad game though, it just means the person didn't like that style of game. Granted, the AI in the sequel could be fine tuned so it wasn't so easy to run away from them and hide and they stop looking for you so quickly but it's still better AI than what we have seen in any other game of the stealth genre. It's a stealth game, it's stealth mechanics work great and it's a better stealth game than MGS1-4 (haven't played 5) and the Splintercell games.

Story line, yeah ok, people can hate on it all they want. I just hope they aren't the same people who think "fuck story line, it's about the game play, I skip the cut scenes anyway". Because if they are that type of person, they have absolutely no leg to stand on. On the other hand, if someone loved the story and the characters in the first game, I think it is absolutely pathetic of them to hate on the 2nd game just because of their own personal political leanings.
Ellie is still an amazing character and that hasn't changed. Dina is also great and has made me laugh quite a few times in the 8 hours I have spent with the game so far.

Not really spoiling anything but just spoiling it because.


It’s a pretty good game, Great graphics, engaging story, and the gameplay elements that are present are satisfying. It just feels very polished.

It’s apparent that the primary reason it’s being bashed so much is that angry alt right men are upset that this game has so much female and LGBT character representation in it. Heterosexual men took a backseat in a video game for once and it put young men up in arms. They’re not used to taking the backseat in a story and it’s scary to them.

I don’t think it’s kids. I think it’s mainly upset heterosexual white men ranging in age from their teens to their 30’s making up the legion of trolls spamming sites like Metacritic.

I don't think Life is strange, tomb raider, horizon zero dawn, gravity rush, etc. were bashed because you played a female character.
TLOU 2 wants to promote a political agenda while living on the shoulders of the first chapter, it was never a political game. I think that if TLOU 1 wasn't so much successful we would have never got this kind of story.


owns Galaxy Brain. Still shrink wrapped.
Could you possibly be any more arrogant and smug? People don't like a game you like and they are disagreeing with your oh so superior opinions, therefore the gaming community is an abomination.

No it's people like YOU that damage the gaming community with your insistence that your opinion is the one and only correct one and any opinions to the contrary are unenlightened and wrong. When people present a dissenting opinion you demand the thread be closed and any further discussion ended, because people refuse to simply accept that what you believe is the only correct interpretation.

You can like whatever you want. I was just advising the community to be respectful about the work of any devs. Not only ND but others studios out there.

I asked the threads to be close because there was not point of arguing about wether some people like Tlou or not my point was clear...let's be respectful and stop that mob mentality, it was not about who like this or that.


Unconfirmed Member
Yes I assume because no grown ass man could do that.
Not like a game and be critical of it?
It’s a pretty good game, Great graphics, engaging story, and the gameplay elements that are present are satisfying. It just feels very polished.

It’s apparent that the primary reason it’s being bashed so much is that angry alt right men are upset that this game has so much female and LGBT character representation in it. Heterosexual men took a backseat in a video game for once and it put young men up in arms. They’re not used to taking the backseat in a story and it’s scary to them.


Gold Member
Look at it this way, if it is fair for some reviewers to give the game a 10/10 score, then there is no reason the exact opposite should not be allowed. Respect is a 2 way street, you need to be able to understand why people bash the game and where they are coming from. If you enjoy a game, it shouldn't matter to you what other people say about it. The game is racking in huge amounts of money for ND and Sony, and most "professional reviewers" seem to love it to bits, so it doesn't matter what us gamers say in the end. It is still a business, and the numbers show that.

If you are an adult, assuming so as you call other "Kids" and "Youngsters", you should be able to not give a flying fuck about others' opinions. If you are one, come and join us in the spoilers thread and discuss why this game is amazing as you say it is. There really is no need to open another TLOU 2 thread honestly.
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Did you hate the first game?
Didn't hate it but i thought the leaks/peoples reactions/memes were funny. I actually never expected much from this game.
If anything my low expectations made me like the end result more than i would've normally. Its a fun game in a gory b-movie sorta of way, although it grows repetitive over time and the story clearly thinks itself more than it actually is.

EDIT: just realized i read your question wrong lol. I didn't hate the first TLoU but i didn't love it either.
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owns Galaxy Brain. Still shrink wrapped.
Not like a game and be critical of it?

We can be critical, there are many things I wish they implemented into the game.
But bashing a game and giving it a zero without ever playing it is wrong.

Nothing to get mad about, everybody have their own right, or opinions I dont care. The only problem here is if we keep on with this way of thinking and bashing games as a mob we will end up with the same old copy paste games.


owns Galaxy Brain. Still shrink wrapped.
Look at it this way, if it is fair for some reviewers to give the game a 10/10 score, then there is no reason the exact opposite should not be allowed. Respect is a 2 way street, you need to be able to understand why people bash the game and where they are coming from. If you enjoy a game, it shouldn't matter to you what other people say about it. The game is racking in huge amounts of money for ND and Sony, and most "professional reviewers" seem to love it to bits, so it doesn't matter what us gamers say in the end. It is still a business, and the numbers show that.

If you are an adult, assuming so as you call other "Kids" and "Youngsters", you should be able to not give a flying fuck about others' opinions. If you are one, come and join us in the spoilers thread and discuss why this game is amazing as you say it is. There really is no need to open another TLOU 2 thread honestly.

Indeed, I dont care about the score. The only reason why I made this thread is the fact that I noticed this trend of people mobbing on games they dont like. Tlou is not the first or the last one.
But doesn't it bring any good for us gamers?


Gold Member
Indeed, I dont care about the score. The only reason why I made this thread is the fact that I noticed this trend of people mobbing on games they dont like. Tlou is not the first or the last one.
But doesn't it bring any good for us gamers?

You did mention the 0 score in the OP, so I thought it mattered to you. There is a reason why people are mobbing on the games they don't like. Its because the first game was beloved by so many. You cannot expect a different reaction when it is clear that ND purposely took some story decisions just to trigger a reaction from the same community.

Personally I think its a good thing for us gamers. It tells developers, hey please create something I would enjoy playing. If you plan on giving us something we might not enjoy, your trailers should, at the very least, not mislead us. Look at what the mob reaction to Star Wars Battlefront 2 did to the game, they removed microtransactions entirely. Look at what the mob reaction to Destiny 2 did for the game, they revamped the loadout system and gave us back random rolls. But there is good and bad to anything that we do, like everything else in this world.


Be respectful, and don't bash something that you yourself cannot do.

If everyone took this to heart it would mean the death of almost any criticism, professional or otherwise. Hate Celine Dion's music? Well, better not express that opinion unless you can sing as well as her. It's not really practical.

The internet has weaponised group-think and mob behaviour sure, but it's not going away anytime soon. The key is to be able to navigate your way through the forest of pettiness and stupidity. Even when you see a massive review bombing, it's being conducted by a relative few highly-motivated individuals. They are not at all representative of the community as a whole.

The Alien

OP says "stop bringing your personal opinions into gaming".....then proceeds to bring personal opinion into gaming.

Regardless......12.5%. That's my number.

Doesnt matter what gender, race, orientation, etc. Doent matter if your in USA, China, Iran, etc. Gamer or non-gamer doesnt matter. 12.5% of any of those people are assholes.

(Disclaimer: not saying OP is in that 12.5%)
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