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Karak (ACG): Cyberpunk 2077 is now the buggiest game I have reviewed. Beating Unity

hemo memo

Gold Member
When I was told a few weeks ago by a reviewer that "we don't worry about bugs much in our reviews people can refund them anyway." It was assuredly this. I argued against it and was told "well we sometimes just like games and don't know the exact reasons why something happens so we don't want to discuss it. "

It is now the buggiest game I have revied. Beating Unity

Bugs- 19 crash to OS on console.
29 stuck hud elements on
PC 15 loading new area errors

213 pathing errors resulting in pedestrians deaths or player negative feedback.
19 reloads due to quests refusing to progress
14 quests refusing to triggers initially
78 stuck hud elements on console
1 NPC missing their face
over 80% of the time lip synching fails on npcs

I should be clear. I ALWAYS track bugs of this scale. Not smaller pathing ones that don't hit me too much.
These are larger ones. And then summarize in the review. This is nuts. Some games I have maybe 2-8

This is ridiculous. The game shouldn’t have released in this state.
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A girl I work with was like "I haven't had any issues, I think it runs fine" (base PS4)

I was just like


But not wanting to feel ripped off is real, some people will rationalize anything as long as they aren't seeing too many crashes to OS. Not a single aspect of the base PS4 game even looks decent imo, every single thing that made the game look cool in pre-release footage was heavily downgraded for these ports.


So, now Unity is buggy?

What next? Metacritic user review score should be consider?

edit: I talking about Unity engine, not AC:Unity
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It's weird, I've seen people have major issues and enjoy the game a lot

I personally have had 2 bugs, one where an enemy despanwned and wouldn't let me progress without killing him, and one where I crashed a bike into a post and got stuck in a sign. I'm on PC though btw

Both occasions a quick reload fixed this

1 thing I did notice, that installing the game on a 7200 rpm HDD had bad pop in and textures sometimes took a while to loa don cars, moving to a M2 SSD fixed this.

I was thinking last night of maybe stopping my playthrough and waiting for a few patches or a PS5 version, I really like everything about the game, but the bugs are starting to make me question it


Obviously stuff like this varies by user thanks to so many variables, but for the little that its worth i've been playing on PC since release and have encountered a maximum of 2 major bugs thus far. Both involving not being able to move forward with a quest, both solved by reloading the game. So nothing massive. Otherwise it's been perfectly plain sailing.


Are you serious? Have you played Unity at launch?

I know Unity is buggy. In fact, far more time and keep saying that to John from Digital Foundry (with keep defending Unity).
You just need to tell to them. Many have denny Unity problematic bugs.

Again, you not understand my hot take. I talking about people changing their opinion when they want.

I seeing people saying 'look at the user metascore', when months ago the 'user metascore' are troll, toxic, etc...

Get it?
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I think he's talking about assassin's creed: unity, not the engine if that's What you think he's talking about.

Can be both, no?

AC: U is a bug fest, but the Unity engine is not too far. I mistake he comparing the Cyberpunk engine with Unity engine inself.

If so, my mistake.
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hemo memo

Gold Member
Obviously stuff like this varies by user thanks to so many variables, but for the little that its worth i've been playing on PC since release and have encountered a maximum of 2 major bugs thus far. Both involving not being able to move forward with a quest, both solved by reloading the game. So nothing massive. Otherwise it's been perfectly plain sailing.

On PS5 I’ve had 2 crashes to OS in 1 hour. The only game that crashed my PS5 since day 1.


I'm most likely just not far enough in but I've had zero bugs or glitches so far, been playing on PC, X-series and One X (mostly PC and X-series though).. I feel like I'm riding a streak of luck so I'm watching and just waiting for something broken to happen.


I think everyone should quit being gamers, go read a book, and cut your fingers off in any attempt of having fun. I think that is the narrative over the past week lol.
Thats unfortunate for him, but besides buggy npc's and AI and a few random crashes once in 5-6 hours, I never had the issues he describes on PC. Im still not even close to half the game so who knows. Maybe it gets worse.
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Darkness no more
I played 8 hours on Series X and ran into floating objects on occasion.

At 7hours on PC and twice DLSS wasn’t on and couldn’t be turned on. A restart fixed it.

Other then those two things and pedestrians acting dumb I haven’t run into any really bad bugs yet. The game has never crashed.


I've only gotten a random NPC in T-pose (on PC), only 9 hours in though.

It is really weird how some have a ton of bugs and some have practically none. It will create quite a different launch experience between players.
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One of the green rats
I’ve only seen one bug so far but it was a bad one. I couldn’t choose any dialog choices. After a reload it worked again.


Shouldn’t have released in this state.

america shouldn't have dropped 2 nukes on japan either. but they did. you like looking backwards and shit on people? what do you want them to do NOW. not what do you think they should have done.

More or less for them to acknowledge that they lied and played deceptive games to sell copies of a turd, refunds would be nice. They've done that so that's good news for consumers.

they've done both of those things
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Yeah, when they kept pushing release dates by mere months so close to the previous release dates I knew shit was bad. On one hand they had investors and fans making them release the game ASAP while on the other they knew the game was in a disastrous state still.

America shouldn't have dropped 2 nukes on japan either. but they did. you like looking backwards and shit on people? the future is what's important.
Maybe it helped, maybe it didn't, hard to say. Better than if the alternative were to happen.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
In 25 hours on PC I've had zero CTDs, had to revert a save once when a quest corpse fell through the world during a firefight, and experienced some non-game-breaking bugs like my HP bar temporarily showing stuck to 0 when it wasn't or a few lines of dialogue not being audible. Several bugs I experienced early were fixed after the fact by the 1.04 hotfix and I haven't had as many issues since.


In 25 hours on PC I've had zero CTDs, had to revert a save once when a quest corpse fell through the world during a firefight, and experienced some non-game-breaking bugs like my HP bar temporarily showing stuck to 0 when it wasn't or a few lines of dialogue not being audible. Several bugs I experienced early were fixed after the fact by the 1.04 hotfix and I haven't had as many issues since.
How do you have time to play game while planning World Domination, isn't that time consuming enough?


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
I did not see any significant bug yet, sadly. I would like to laugh at the not game breaking funny ones...


In 25 hours on PC I've had zero CTDs, had to revert a save once when a quest corpse fell through the world during a firefight, and experienced some non-game-breaking bugs like my HP bar temporarily showing stuck to 0 when it wasn't or a few lines of dialogue not being audible. Several bugs I experienced early were fixed after the fact by the 1.04 hotfix and I haven't had as many issues since.

What the fuck!? Since when do owners of Gaming forums okay games?
That game should have been delayed until March.

I'll never get it because I don't buy games that can't be played properly before their day 1 patch (or month 3 patch in some cases).

Also, we have been warned about this, I think it's upper echelon gamer who said he had some conversations with other prominent reviewers who said straight up that they would not talk about bugs in their reviews, not let them affect the score, etc. We see the effect of this now, one more reason to deride the industry.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I'ma wait a bit to really dive into the game. I had a weapon I picked up disappear on me and that annoyed me enough to quit playing. Things not ending up in your inventory that you pick up is like a nightmare bug lol


I have played about 20 hours on PC. I have had 1 ctd and 1 mission that had some strange graphical artifacts that were solved with a restart. Otherwise it has been no worse than any other open world game I have played. Can't comment on how a PS4 or XBO handle the game but I never really expected them to do well with this game. With the agendas certain people had before this game released I have a feeling these bugs are being magnified to justify their outrage. I am not doubting that the game has bugs, just the severity and the signal boosting of their severity.
The game has minimal issues on PC, judging from actual steam/gog reviews and players on forums like gaf. Same case with Stadia. These 2 versions are the only ones which should have released. Even the PC version (pre 1.04 patch) was buggy, but at least most of it were fixed.

They should have just delayed the last gen console versions to whenever they are releasing the PS5 and Xbox Series versions, and released all 4 (PS4/5/Xbox One/Series) console versions together, with the "nextgen" upgrades on the disc.

Those 3.8 million console pre-orders, and the millions of other console purchases during christmas and new year's, turned "CD Projekt Red" to "Greedy Fraud Rejects" on console.


Gold Member
Literally, the first thing I saw when I took control over V in the prologue was an NPC that spawned without legs. Pressed X to talk and wasn't sure if it's her telling me to fuck off, I heard a voice but her lips didn't move.

Absolutely hated the first couple of hours but then just conditioned myself to look past all the jank of... well just about everything that moves. I really love everything the game does well.

I knew its gonna be rough but tbh after beating the campaign I think I've had a real nice, smooth experience as compared to the shit you see some people posting.

Not a single mission breaking bug - some dialog prompts didn't trigger, some actions from within the mission undoable but I never got stuck at something progression breaking which is what I hate the most. A couple of times through the game stopped playing back dialog audio and became text only, solved by a reboot.

The most insanely bad thing about the game is the AI but I'm not sure you can call it bugs... Every mission with a companion was just horrible. They routinely run in the line of fire, like every single time. Trying to pistol-whip brutes while getting shotgunned 10 times in the face. You guessed it - on hard which is how I played, the best strat there was to make them your human shields...
They're 100% god mode on... that is until they stop in the cutscenes in order to move the plot forward. If you know what mission I'm talking about - that altogether might have been the most ludonarratively dissonant (there, I said it) bullshit I have ever witnessed and the only cherry on top missing in my game was the infamous shard to gun swap glitch in the scene to follow, I'm not gonna spoil it...

I've had many crashes back to OS, mostly just checking the map. Two of my guns vanished from the inventory after a mission but I quickly found a replacement. So aside from the non-stop erratic behavior of NPCs, cars, and some crazy combat jank, it wasn't bad at all and I'm actually back to it right now even though I thought I'm done. The greatness is there, just some areas desperately need an overhaul.
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On PC, played like 4 hours but had a good chunk of junk. Nothing serious though. Only stuff like my NPC buddy walking into an elevator while the door is closed and other weird things happening.


It is a lot better with 1.04 but still pretty bad. Im.3/4 through the main questline and had one serious issue where Jackie kept dissappearing during The Heist, took me 2 hours of inching through the whole thing keeping him in view as every time he went out of sight he vanished. Despite this, and various other annoying issues, this is still a phenomenal game. Whether they should have released it or not is highly questionable to say the least, but I'm hooked. It may even surpass RD2 for my favourite open world in terma of design. The only thing missing is deep activities to give it some variety, like RD hunting or Yakuza mini games.


Actually Unity is a good reference and I hope CDPR will not go the way of Ubisoft and will not butcher its future releases bc of the initial backlash. Unity on PC is still the most beautiful and technically advanced AC to date.


Didn't play for very long but I had 1 crash on PS5 and a bunch of weird NPC behavior, stuck dialogue options and subtitles on screen.


Gold Member
I have played about 20 hours on PC. I have had 1 ctd and 1 mission that had some strange graphical artifacts that were solved with a restart. Otherwise it has been no worse than any other open world game I have played. Can't comment on how a PS4 or XBO handle the game but I never really expected them to do well with this game. With the agendas certain people had before this game released I have a feeling these bugs are being magnified to justify their outrage. I am not doubting that the game has bugs, just the severity and the signal boosting of their severity.
I've had hardly any major ones either but my friend has had shit loads, both on PC. All over the shop
The only bug I noticed on PC was a quest NPC holding an assault rifle (like stuck to his hand so it was waving around) in dialogue and I've played a disgusting amount of hours now for something that only came out a few days ago (near 30). No crashes, no broken loading etc.

Definitely a load of questionable choices or cut corners but still having a blast. The last few RPGs I've played on PC I've had to abandon until they were patched (Wasteland 3 was the most recent) due to bugs halting progress so I'm actually quite surprised this game has worked so well for me. Maybe luck - maybe I'm blessed by the gods.


Yeah, the consoles are easily seeing the worst across the board. My PC experience hasn't been that bad to be quite honest. Quite a few visual bugs, but nothing absolutely game breaking. I'm about 30+ hours in and my experience hasn't really worsened. I think the only thing I've really noticed get worse was the audio. I often have moments where characters are talking over one another and it's really bizarre.

That being said, I have no clue how they could just ignore such blatant bugs, lol. I mean, especially ones that happen every single time.
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