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This could be the first true next gen game...

Fart Knight

Al Pachinko, Konami President
Animated GIF


I'm pretty sure that having a bunch of random and ugly ass assets thrown into the Unreal editor are not what people think of when they utilize the term "next-gen" to describe a game.

And btw, a military jet from GTA V already moves at a faster speed than the character in that video.
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I'm pretty sure that having a bunch of random and ugly ass assets thrown into the Unreal editor are not what people think of when they utilize the term "next-gen" to describe a game.

And btw, a military jet from GTA V already moves faster at a faster speed than the character in that video.
You don't seamlessly transition into flying with the jets in GTA V.
I want fully destructible buildings n shit dammnit. Guess we're still a gen or two away from that shit.
Oh wait, Red Faction Guerilla had that shit on the 360/ps3 well over a decade ago.
IIRC there was this UE5 demo shown where it showed a building being crumbled into rubble. I think this gen we may see this start to happen on a regular basis. Devs just need to start being ambitious again.
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Gold Member
I want fully destructible buildings n shit dammnit. Guess we're still a gen or two away from that shit.
Oh wait, Red Faction Guerilla had that shit on the 360/ps3 well over a decade ago.
I only wanted that Minecraft patch that made it look nicer, we couldnt even get that! (n)
What makes you think this could be the first "true" next gen game? Im not seeing anything that cant be done on a ps4 or xbox. Even the graphics dont look a generation ahead, but this could just be an early build. Looks interesting though, but to me this is Superman if his pod landed on a different planet.

The most significant steps being made right now to reach a new gaming experience is coming from the PSVR2. Foveated rendering, eye tracking, finger tracking, 2k resolution per eye at 120 fps and a haptic feedback headset with an OLED display. It doesnt get more "next gen" than that.
IIRC there was this UE5 demo shown where it showed a building being crumbled into rubble. I think this gen we may see this start to happen. Devs just need to start being ambitious again.

When I first played Guerilla I was so excited for what I assumed would come afterwards. And then crickets, no other game even really attempted it till the last Crackdown, and that needed CLOUD POWER.
Are you fuckin kidding me? 360/ps3 did that shit with 512 MB of ram. Step up your game devs! Or at least get AI to do it for you.



Rocksteady should hire both devs and make a Superman game. Otherwise, I don't think either of these projects will turn into a full game. It's time for a good Superman game.


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What makes you think this could be the first "true" next gen game? Im not seeing anything that cant be done on a ps4 or xbox. Even the graphics dont look a generation ahead, but this could just be an early build. Looks interesting though, but to me this is Superman if his pod landed on a different planet.

The most significant steps being made right now to reach a new gaming experience is coming from the PSVR2. Foveated rendering, eye tracking, finger tracking, 2k resolution per eye at 120 fps and a haptic feedback headset with an OLED display. It doesnt get more "next gen" than that.
>What makes you think this could be the first "true" next gen game? Im not seeing anything that cant be done on a ps4 or xbox.

Pretty much everything. Just look at the speed he is travelling at, how seamlessly you can go from stationary to flying at high speeds, the overall grand scale of combat, being able to toss what is effectively small buildings at enemies, how fast the animations are, how far enemies get pushed away. People can pick apart at it and say it's not next gen but show me one game that looks/plays like this from the past decade or so. If this were possible it would have been done already.

>Even the graphics dont look a generation ahead, but this could just be an early build.

Graphics aren't everything and don't solely determine what is or what isn't next gen.

>The most significant steps being made right now to reach a new gaming experience is coming from the PSVR2. Foveated rendering, eye tracking, finger tracking, 2k resolution per eye at 120 fps and a haptic feedback headset with an OLED display. It doesnt get more "next gen" than that.

VR isn't anything new, it's been available since the PS3/360 days. VR2 is just improved VR the stuff you're mentioning like haptics and 2K/120fps is just qualitty of life improvements like graphics and frame rate not game design.
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Gold Member
It looks fine, but I'm not seeing anything groundbreaking or innovative in that trailer.

Characters were pretty much clipping through things, so there's no next-level destruction simulation or physics engine on display.
Flying in a game isn't exactly a groundbreaking mechanic in games, and hasn't been for while.

We're 3 years into this current gen, so what about this is next-gen to you?


Short showcases have looked more impressive than the finished product for decades...

It also doesn't look thaaaat impressive to start with, and true next gen game is extremely vague to boot.
ah shit i triggered the wrong emotion lol , i meant its still a fully next gen title
In what capacity is it "fully next gen"? Even the graphics barely looked better than the 2016 reboot if that's what you're referring to. Next gen hasn't begun yet. Or it has but it's just 8th gen with 4k and 60fps.



I don't know if they will be able to fully realise this project and eventually release the game but if they do, this will immediately set the standard for the 9th gen.

This just looks like a shameless asset flip with no sense of art direction and game design. And of course.it is open world because that apparently makes game look "legit" and next level.

Something like DokeV would have been more appropriate. Even Sony's last gen/cross gen games feel more advanced than whatever this is.
This just looks like a shameless asset flip with no sense of art direction and game design. And of course.it is open world because that apparently makes game look "legit" and next level.

Something like DokeV would have been more appropriate. Even Sony's last gen/cross gen games feel more advanced than whatever this is.
It's a proof of concept demo, what were you expecting? You can't expect proof of concepts to have AAA tier graphics right out of the gate lol.

Show me any other open world game with fights on this scale. The closest you'll get is inFAMOUS which still doesn't compare

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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Looks like any tech demo disguised as a game like Megaton Rainfall combined with some crappy GTAV superhero mod in an open world worse than pretty much any accomplished game with one since the PS2 days🤦‍♂️

Guess why you haven't heard of it despite the praise by easily impressed folks & demos since 2015.

Maybe you'd believe Monster Attack (the first EDF) is just as next gen because it has destruction in place of gameplay too. Also about as much clipping, but that's on PS2 and a budget series too so it can be excused 🤷‍♂️

Large worlds don't mean shit, we've had bigger since the inception of gaming with better games.​
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Gold Member
I want fully destructible buildings n shit dammnit. Guess we're still a gen or two away from that shit.
Oh wait, Red Faction Guerilla had that shit on the 360/ps3 well over a decade ago.
Problem is most games are structured to have points of interest which when reached further unfolds the story, leveling everything breaks that.
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