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WIRED has given Hogwarts Legacy a 1/10 review score

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member

A journalist from Wired has given Hogwarts Legacy a score of 1/10 to deliberately thwart its success and hamper it's score on Metacritic/Opencritic. It's very likely other game media outlets will follow.


Review bombing is something I'd expect GVMERS to do. Imagine coming full circle(jerk, lol) and journos review bombing a game after calling the Gamers the scum that makes septic tanks blush? Fucking hypocrites.


It is sad to see what has happened to game development and journalism over the years. Pretty much every AAA game made now has to check a shit ton of boxes to please the masses and journalists are nothing more than activists. I am very much enjoying Hogwarts, but there are plenty of characters that are present merely to check a box and it is blatant not organic. I knew there would be reviews like this. I am surprised there were not more to be honest. Most seem to be professional. Late to the party perhaps, like PC Gamer, but professional. I would like to think the few who even read Wired will stop after this obvious attempt at social credit.


Gold Member
Giant multinational media holding corporations don't coordinate marketing from the top down when one company happens to release a product that receives coverage from a magazine owned by another company under the same umbrella.
Also there is something like an editorial wall between “journalistic” content and business decisions. You know, so will not peddle the products and services of other companies in the group pretending it’s an objective news.
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I disagree with this wired article completely and think it should not be cited as a review in any metric - however now I feel kinda bad for the “journalist”. Like, I don’t wanna make fun of them. Their life is clearly fraught as it is - I hope they’re not getting bullied or something. Prefer to just ignore


Yeah that is what I mean. If you were a person in a world of magic that felt the need to transition, isnt there a spell that can (for lack of a better term, (please do not report me to the mods here) make you a legit woman? a womb, and all the other mental/physical issues women have to deal with? I mean, another thing is that you would never even need drugs or medical bills for the change.
Even in a world of magic, biology still wins, looks like, after all;P
That person should never be allowed to review another game on that site as they came at that game with a clear agenda,

All they wanted to do was make a "statement", not actually review the game for what it is.

Even if someone wasn't a fan of the Harry Potter Universe or Open World games, in no reality does this game deserve a 1/10 rating.

That "reviewer" gets no points for their house!
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Giant multinational media holding corporations don't coordinate marketing from the top down when one company happens to release a product that receives coverage from a magazine owned by another company under the same umbrella.

CNN doesn't do this, even for the biggest titles in the industry. They've featured Hogwarts, at least twice before this (launch), since the merger last year.

Hey guys how come trans people never want to date other trans people? Are they transphobic?

IDK about the dating life of Ree-ers and other terminally online ghouls, but the more reasonable people online and a few people I know IRL are cool with or currently doing t4t (as it's called).


World’s Biggest Weeb
You just know the editorial board were brainstorming ways to get attention and clicks, and some genius was like: “hey, you know that wacko fat lady who reviews dildos and is always raging about Rowling? Let’s have her write a hit piece disguised as a review!”

What better way to get clicks than to give the lowest possible score to the most popular game of the year? All it costs is further lowering their integrity but they don’t give a fuck about that anyway


I only watch ACG and SKILLUP reviews, from time to time i read other reviewers if im not sure if the game is good or not, this website lost all credibility, why would anyone do that? They just buried their business.

OFF - Whats is happening with some countries? People seem to be getting dumber


Gold Member
I’d like to just point out the animosity to JK Rowling that is shared on twitter is such an insignificant amount of the population that actually reads/likes the Harry Potter universe that it is probably statistically inconsequential.

Same goes for the opinions shared on various forums and for reviews. Nobody but the 1% probably considers this relevant nor cares. They will buy the books or play the games.

We should be careful in assuming the lack of mental faculties of the very few affect the many.


So gamespot didnt write a review, but they dont want to miss out the clicks and ad money. How brave and strong:messenger_grinning_sweat:

"Don't signal boost transphone game, oh btw here are 20 articles explaining mechanics and puzzles in Hogwart's Legacy".

It's all perfornative bullshit, which is why the Administrator of ResetEra banned people left and right but then played the game literally all fucking day long on release. It's why Polygon and Kotaku have a dozens articles each about game mechanics, puzzles, etc. It's why TheGamer has, no exaggeration, 50 articles about a game they don't want people "signal boosting".

You also notice not one of these clowns have said peep about YouTube having a HL video before EVERY video, or Sony have a marketing deal and an exclusive HL Dualsense? Because they use YouTube and Playstation and they'd actually have to give up something. Rowling directly profits from these things just like the game...not a word from these losers.

They thought the game would suck ass and boycotting would be a lay up. An easy, slactivist way of throwing their weight around and proving they matter. Well, it wasn't and they don't. All that's left for them is to keep mentioning it in hopes to reap some of that sweet, sweet ad revenue by constantly taking about the game no one should talk about. It'd be funny if weren't so pathetic.


Gold Member
Thats video game workers for ya. Always a good chance of weirdness. And they wonder why people treat gaming as childish and full of odd people. Just imagine how much better the industry would be viewed if the writers or workers were more like car employees and car review sites. They just seem more professional and buttoned down.

I see the article is website archived so I’m assuming their main site took it down.

I’ll read it another day when I’m back in town.


"The game is mid at best." 1/10. Not only does the author not know shit about biology, has poor reading comprehension if they think what JK wrote about Trans people is transphobic but they can't do math worth a shit either. The only opinion I would take from them is about dildos because that is the only action they are getting.


Gold Member
What kind of a woke world are we living in? Journalists have responsibility to review the game itself, not a personal opinion of the author of the universe the game is based on...! She was not even part of the game story at all.
We all should remember that just because someone posts and article to the net or newspaper doesn’t mean they are a professional journalist.

As people have brought up before, just treat 99% of them as your typical blogger writing junk.

When my buddy had a game site he posted articles after dinner I’m pretty sure none of you (me included) would classify him as a journalist. Although Id say they did reviews more unbiased than many people. There was no corporate revenue or BS to pander to. They bought games and reviewed them a week or two later. So they just wrote what they felt like any of us giving an honest opinion about a game good or bad.

They all just reviewed games with zero standards and common format. It was purely for fun.
They need to have their feelings affirmed by normal people and will go as far as bully lesbians who dont want "women with dicks".
I have a lesbian sister in law whose now wife was physically attacked by a trans woman because, when asked out, she told them that she wasn't attracted to trans women. This was in 2017, before she met my wifes sister.
I can tell you, while the gay community DOES support trans people in general, they hate these "Tenderqueer" (apparently their term for those people who constantly need to be victims in the lgbt community) activists. She plays a lot of games, she is playing this game, and she said her friends list is FULL of LGBT gamers playing this game. It's sad that trans era and trans twitter have set that community back a decade. They've become a parody that some pay lip service to, but most just ignore them. I know two trans people personally, they are nothing like these people.
Wtf is this? Are they insane? How can you publish that? Not to long ago you would be fired immediately for such nonsense.


And yet in six months they'll be talking about the unwarranted distrust journalists get from the community.

In reality, if you give The Last of US a 10, you can escape "Games Journalism" and go work for Naughty Dog.
And i'm not even one of the Haters of that game, I think it's incredible, but the pay for play couldn't be more apparent.


Gold Member
I’m no Wired Mag expert. I know who they are. They’ve probably been around for like 30 years or whatever. Pretty sure a lot of their content is behind a paywall so whatever I do read is limited.

But I’m surprised they would give the game to some anti-JK kind of person.

I thought Wired was on the more trustworthy end of the spectrum like an Ar Technica or something where there’s some decent standard of content. Not a bunch of people winging articles like a Kotaku.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Wired is junk. What do I know.


Gold Member
"Don't signal boost transphone game, oh btw here are 20 articles explaining mechanics and puzzles in Hogwart's Legacy".

It's all perfornative bullshit, which is why the Administrator of ResetEra banned people left and right but then played the game literally all fucking day long on release. It's why Polygon and Kotaku have a dozens articles each about game mechanics, puzzles, etc. It's why TheGamer has, no exaggeration, 50 articles about a game they don't want people "signal boosting".

You also notice not one of these clowns have said peep about YouTube having a HL video before EVERY video, or Sony have a marketing deal and an exclusive HL Dualsense? Because they use YouTube and Playstation and they'd actually have to give up something. Rowling directly profits from these things just like the game...not a word from these losers.

They thought the game would suck ass and boycotting would be a lay up. An easy, slactivist way of throwing their weight around and proving they matter. Well, it wasn't and they don't. All that's left for them is to keep mentioning it in hopes to reap some of that sweet, sweet ad revenue by constantly taking about the game no one should talk about. It'd be funny if weren't so pathetic.
When it comes to media. 99% of them will always go for the cash. It’s like radio stations changing formats. One day they are country music. Next day they change to rock. We’ll, I thought they all were long time cowboy hat wearing fans the past 10 years. Now they are suddenly pretend the station staff are all Bon Jovi fans.

Arguably the scummiest industry out there.

If you think of it, all it really is is a bunch of people giving their opinion on a topic or product. Unless someone does a deep dive into which requires expert knowledge (like a chemist talking molecules or a TV site talking circuitry and performance down to the frame) most content is really just your average dude writing shit.

I can write an article or do YT video comparing Tim Hortons to Starbucks talking quality and price. It makes me no journalist. That’s just giving an opinion and hoping I make enough money on click revenue.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
I’m no Wired Mag expert. I know who they are. They’ve probably been around for like 30 years or whatever. Pretty sure a lot of their content is behind a paywall so whatever I do read is limited.

But I’m surprised they would give the game to some anti-JK kind of person.

I thought Wired was on the more trustworthy end of the spectrum like an Ar Technica or something where there’s some decent standard of content. Not a bunch of people winging articles like a Kotaku.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Wired is junk. What do I know.
They do some really cool, in-depth investigative journalism but it’s buried under mountains of shit. Tons of ads, “sponsored content” (aka multi-page ads that are disguised as articles), lots of woke trash and masturbatory writing.

I just opened the Jan 2023 issue (last issue I’ll receive after canceling in August) and there are about 30 pages that are consist of 1-paragraph blurbs about new gadgets and tech products.

There’s also this 2 page response to some “not sure if trolling” question lmfao


Hey guys how come trans people never want to date other trans people?
Where the hell are you getting this asinine assumption? Most other trans and Non-binary folk I know in relationships are in relationships with LGBTQIA people to begin with, with a sizable portion of them having non-cis partners. Why wouldn’t you date that which most understands you? Look at any random queer community or circle, especially with the younger LGBTQIA adult crowd. Most trans folk in relationships don’t have cis partners.

Makes perfect sense too. The truth is that too many cis people just don’t “get it”, so why bother with people that don’t get you?

This is one of the most common repeated misconceptions and all it does is perpetuate some weird, inherently flawed, expectation that says more about the person asking it more than anything else.


Any "journalist" who starts a story with "yikes" is not a journalist. She sounds like a fucking dunce with an axe to grind in this article. Queerness and queer adjacent crap is all well and good in video games – there are truly talented artists and devs who get brushed under the rug, I'm sure. Harry Potter was the perfect catalyst for the next wave of complainers about representation in video games and no AAA game can ever release and succeed purely by its own merit anymore.


Where the hell are you getting this asinine assumption? Most other trans and Non-binary folk I know in relationships are in relationships with LGBTQIA people to begin with, with a sizable portion of them having non-cis partners. Why wouldn’t you date that which most understands you? Look at any random queer community or circle, especially with the younger LGBTQIA adult crowd. Most trans folk in relationships don’t have cis partners.

Makes perfect sense too. The truth is that too many cis people just don’t “get it”, so why bother with people that don’t get you?

This is one of the most common repeated misconceptions and all it does is perpetuate some weird, inherently flawed, expectation that says more about the person asking it more than anything else.
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