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Most clueless you've ever been to sexual/romantic advances?

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Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I complemented a girl on her tattoo at a bar once. She was gorgeous and I wasn't even really trying to pick up on her. She comes and sits next to me, we talk for a bit, she asks me if I like Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, I say "Of course! That movie is great." She then proceeds to sing in my ear "Don't care how, I want it now." I laughed and complemented her on her singing voice and had no idea that the hottest thing ever had just happened.

I hate my life.


Two different situations:

1) I got back from a bar with my friend and we were sort of drunk as soon as I enter the apartment with her she grabs me and pushes me against the wall and tries to unbutton my shirt, I didn't realize for quite a while what she was trying to do, still I did stopped her as I wanted to get her to sleep and go back home myself, it was only after doing that did I realize what was going on...although I don't regret doing that as she wasn't being herself (well maybe a little but it would've been morally wrong).

2) This girl asks me if I was seeing someone and I answered no and shrugged it off, and then a couple of weeks later she asks me what kind of girls I like and I wanted to describe her as accurately and subtly as possible but I couldn't do it properly as I was mostly clueless, few months later she left the city. This is something that I regret till this day as she happens to be the most amazing person I've ever known.


I cant recall ever being caught clueless (thats the joke), but i've gotten some unwanted advances that i just played dumb to. Had a chick in my photoshop class keep inviting me over to her place to work on projects, but neither of us actually had photoshop on our own computers. I dont get hit on much...

In high school, we went on a trip to Carowinds. It was the summer, so part of that was the water park. On the way back, I was sitting next to a girl in a bikini on the bus. She was really hot, so I really wish I wasn't so naive, but she says, "You know what they say about guys with big feet?" (I've worn size 13 since 8th grade) and I am like, "No." and then she takes my hand, grabs my index finger and puts it in her belly button and goes, "You know what they say about girls with deep belly buttons?" and I, again, am like, "No."

So dumb, I was.

I wouldve picked up on that but gotten stuck on the question because thats a new one on me lol.
In high school, we went on a trip to Carowinds. It was the summer, so part of that was the water park. On the way back, I was sitting next to a girl in a bikini on the bus. She was really hot, so I really wish I wasn't so naive, but she says, "You know what they say about guys with big feet?" (I've worn size 13 since 8th grade) and I am like, "No." and then she takes my hand, grabs my index finger and puts it in her belly button and goes,"You know what they say about girls with deep belly buttons?" and I, again, am like, "No."

So dumb, I was.



Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentions how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.

I've missed out on a lot of girls in high school because of how clueless I am to their subtle hints, but god damn man it was never anything like this. She couldn't have been that much clearer even if she straight up told you she wanted to have sex.
When I was like 13 or something I was waiting at the bus stop after school and a group of 3 or so girls were standing nearby talking and giggling with each other. A couple of them turned around and asked if I wanted to kiss their friend (who if I remember correctly was quite pretty) but because of confidence issues, their laughter and whatever I took this as mockery and gave a mean snarky, reply. And that was the end of that.

It's not the only time I've missed signals but part of me wonders if I had an early success there then maybe I would have been a bit better off in the following formative years.

Goddamn at FairyD though.


I was totally gonna write out a long response to this thread but I got about two sentences into it until I was just overwhelmed with too much



In high school, we went on a trip to Carowinds. It was the summer, so part of that was the water park. On the way back, I was sitting next to a girl in a bikini on the bus. She was really hot, so I really wish I wasn't so naive, but she says, "You know what they say about guys with big feet?" (I've worn size 13 since 8th grade) and I am like, "No." and then she takes my hand, grabs my index finger and puts it in her belly button and goes, "You know what they say about girls with deep belly buttons?" and I, again, am like, "No."

So dumb, I was.



She invites me up at 12 o'clock at night for coffee, and I don't go up. "No thank you. I don't want coffee, it keeps me up. It's too late for me to drink coffee." I said this to her. People this stupid shouldn't be allowed to live.

For serious: I don't know. I've never noticed. So either all the time or I just don't get any.

You should leave her a message.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Scratching my balls with a rusty rake would be less painful than reading this thread is. Holy shit.


In high school, we went on a trip to Carowinds. It was the summer, so part of that was the water park. On the way back, I was sitting next to a girl in a bikini on the bus. She was really hot, so I really wish I wasn't so naive, but she says, "You know what they say about guys with big feet?" (I've worn size 13 since 8th grade) and I am like, "No." and then she takes my hand, grabs my index finger and puts it in her belly button and goes, "You know what they say about girls with deep belly buttons?" and I, again, am like, "No."

So dumb, I was.

In high school, we went on a trip to Carowinds. It was the summer, so part of that was the water park. On the way back, I was sitting next to a girl in a bikini on the bus. She was really hot, so I really wish I wasn't so naive, but she says, "You know what they say about guys with big feet?" (I've worn size 13 since 8th grade) and I am like, "No." and then she takes my hand, grabs my index finger and puts it in her belly button and goes, "You know what they say about girls with deep belly buttons?" and I, again, am like, "No."

So dumb, I was.



Good Art™
girl story :
I was a kid, in holiday camp, 13 years old i think. A girl talk to me the first day in front of everyone and tell me she finds me smart and don't get everything i'm saying.. Hmm, it's pretty weird, i don't know what to answer. After that, for a full week, every guy i know ask me everyday what do i think about this girl, but i don't really get why they are all asking me that.. At some point, some friends of this girl call me to go in her tent, i don't really know why and run away. Some day later, a kinda thugish older guy try to hit me in the face and is stopped by adults.. At this point i'm totally clueless about this whole story.

Just many years after i understood this girl was into me and the whole camp tried to arrange something, and i ignored the fuck out of her, so his brother was pissed at me... Well i was gay anyway...

Guy story :
An incredibly handsome cute as an angel guy talks to me on a meeting site. He told me he knows me from deviantart, but he also told me pretty fast that he's not really into me (of course :() But one Saturday night, he tells me he's bored and ask me to come to his place... Fuck, this alone should have ring a bell... I come to his place. He's even more handsome of course. We talk, me on the couch and him in front on a chair. After some time he wants to come near me on the couch. Ok, but i don't try anything cause well, he's not into me (and told me also he' not into hook ups).

We talk until midnight and i look at the subway's time to avoid missing the last one. He tells me to not worry, and that i can sleep at his place if i miss the metro. I don't react and say i should go now to be sure i don't miss it... What a lame missed opportunity -_- I think i was so in losing mode to begin with that i never believed in my chance! Of course i never saw him again after that (proof that he was waiting for something and was pissed he spoiled the night)

Soul Beat

The one I remember the most was when my car broke down and got a ride from a friend. We got to my house and she asked me if I wanted to come over to her house to watch movies since her parents were out of town. I declined. It wasn't until later that I figured out what she really meant.

So yeah, I'm still pretty clueless about this sort of thing. Feels bad man.


There was this very attractive and sweet girl in high school. Basically my dream girl at the time. I always knew she liked me and I liked her. But she had a boyfriend for the entire time.

One day near the end of the school year we sit next to each other on a bus ride for some field trip. She asks "wanna go to the prom with me?"...I actually laugh and say "no". I was completely convinced it was a joke! Her and her boyfriend were even nominated for 'cutest senior couple' or some bullshit.

But later I find out she had actually broken up with her boyfriend a few days ago...If only I had known that a few hours earlier.

Throughout the whole day she was being really forward. We were actually having serious conversations compared to the joking around we usually did. On the bus ride leaving the field trip she is leaning all over me and even rests in my lap.

But for some stupid reason I convinced myself to not say "you know that question you asked before? I change my mind." I guess I was just too shy and/or prideful to bring up the subject again and change my answer.

My dream girl basically throwing herself at me. I cannot believe what an idiot I was.
Actually, she probably felt like a bigger idiot than I did getting rejected like that :(. She probably thought she was friend-zoned or I was gay.

To pour salt on the wound, months later while in college she starts randomly texting me. Eventually it leads to her saying she loved me. Of course, what could I do at that point, we were both at different colleges hundreds of miles away. /Forever Alone.

Girl cutting my hair, real cute kept asking very detailed questions about me, especially if I'm single and so on. She told me all about herself and such and at the time for some reason I was just totally going along with the conversation. Didn't realize till later that she was obviously hitting on me. She was so interested in everything I said, wanted to know more and kept relating. Her going into me being single and such should have set up a flag in my mind.

The same thing happened to me once...except in my case the girl was a 40 yr old cougar.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Well just about ev-
Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentions how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.
Fuck, you win this.
Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentions how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.

Jesus. That's just... so bad.

I was prepping myself for a skit that I had to do in front of the class during Grade 11 with my group when the girl I was standing next to turned and asked if 1) I was a gamer, and 2) if I wanted to "go to her house and play with her". I think she threw the word joystick in there, I don't remember the exact quotes. Anyway, I said no, she asked why, I said, well, I don't really like you and then I went to the front of the class and did my skit. I think she was making fun of me, cause she was smoking hot and I most definitely wasn't, but I wish I'd played that better.
Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentions how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.

... Woao, well maybe now you are a lot better and take chances every time :D


The Cryptarch's Bane
I don't know man, NeoUltima's is really rough in a totally different way. I mean, fuck. He didn't just act clueless in regard to an advance, he literally rejected the girl he wanted to hook up with when she just asked him to prom. I can't even imagine. She must have been really sure you liked her to just ask you outright a few days after breaking up with her boyfriend.

Should have told her you were gay dude. Who knows what she thinks was actually going on.
Oh man I've gotten the "I had a crush in your in high school" message from quite a few girls. I was basically oblivious to the signs of girls liking me and then chased the girls who didn't like me in high school.

It wasn't until college and even the past year where I finally have straightened things out. I think one thing that really got me was a lack of confidence in who I am. For the longest time I tried to deny I was a nerd and always played to being something else. I stopped that shit and have been open to jokingly discussing that aspect of myself with women. I've had a ton more luck of late doing so after my long term gf and I broke up before Christmas.
Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentions how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.
You've made me feel a lot better about things.


So we were laying on this one huge rock on the beach, spooning, holding on each other tight. As the sun was on its lowest, she asked me: "Do you think a man get's better after you switch him?"

We met at work and soon became friends together. She's in a long term relationship which she admitted (later) she's not completely satisfied with, but don't know if she want's to end.

I said: "I don't know." And thought nothing more about it.
Afterwards I remember myself thinking if she liked me... After all it was her who advanced that night.

Later she did confess her feelings to me as did I, while heavily under influence. Nothing came from it, because she still wasn't ready to leave her old relationship... We're not working in the same place anymore.


I have the mother of all stories.

First year of university, before I came out of my shell, I was a shy, overweight virgin who didn't have a lot of experience with women. I started meeting people and became good friends with this super-cute Indian chick. One night she texts me up and wants me to go out across the border to Hull to party, since the drinking age in Quebec is 18, oh, and she's brining her semi-goth, but still pretty cute, roommate as well. I figure what the hell, and I was actively trying to improve my social life, so I rush, shower, and meet her there.

At the club, things immediately get crazy, we're grinding, dirty dancing... the works. And not just with her, but with the roommate as well. By the end of the night, we werre doing a three-way dance and she was just flat-out making out with the roommate. After a couple of minutes of this she declares she's tired and wants to go back to the dorms. So I grab a cab, with me in the front seat and them in the back, practically having sex, kissing and groping and MUCH more. So we arrive at the dorms and they both ask me to come upstairs for a "drink". I didn't live in the dorms and in my liquor addled brain, all I could think about was that I would get in trouble trying to sneak in the dorms at 2AM. I declined though they were literally BEGGING me to come up with them.

Eventually, they left to go up and when I got to my place, the cab driver, this grizzled old Pakistani guy, just looked at me and shook his damn head. And that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately hopped on messenger (which was huge back in the day) and they went on cam and started doing some stuff.. but after a couple minutes they decided they were tired and went to bed. I stayed up until like 5 am alternately masturbating and crying (i wish i was kidding). We stayed good friends for a while but I never got another shot. The saddest part is i talked to an ex of hers a couple years later and he said it was basically all threesomes, all the time with them... and it could have been me.


Oh man I've gotten the "I had a crush in your in high school" message from quite a few girls. I was basically oblivious to the signs of girls liking me and then chased the girls who didn't like me in high school.

It wasn't until college and even the past year where I finally have straightened things out. I think one thing that really got me was a lack of confidence in who I am. For the longest time I tried to deny I was a nerd and always played to being something else. I stopped that shit and have been open to jokingly discussing that aspect of myself with women. I've had a ton more luck of late doing so after my long term gf and I broke up before Christmas.

The younger the girl is, the more of an expert they are at completely hiding that they like someone. I dont even bother to think about it.
Another time was at halloween at uni I went as a fairly spectacular Ghostbuster and out of nowhere this girl came up and started propositioning me with ghostbuster puns. At the time I just laughed them off and hurriedly tried to find my friends who had made themselves scarce. She was a bit taller than me and looked to be a few years older and I felt fairly intimidated at the time but looking back she was coming on to me.

"Wanna cross the beams?"

To pour salt on the wound, months later while in college she starts randomly texting me. Eventually it leads to her saying she loved me. Of course, what could I do at that point, we were both at different colleges hundreds of miles away. /Forever Alone.

Aw jeez. This hurts more than anything else in the thread :(

Eventually, they left to go up and when I got to my place, the cab driver, this grizzled old Pakistani guy, just looked at me and shook his damn head.

This makes the pain subside somewhat though
Never. And pretty much all the girls I have interactions with are already in relationships.

But oh my god what if there WERE advances?? D:


I have the mother of all stories.

First year of university, before I came out of my shell, I was a shy, overweight virgin who didn't have a lot of experience with women. I started meeting people and became good friends with this super-cute Indian chick. One night she texts me up and wants me to go out across the border to Hull to party, since the drinking age in Quebec is 18, oh, and she's brining her semi-goth, but still pretty cute, roommate as well. I figure what the hell, and I was actively trying to improve my social life, so I rush, shower, and meet her there.

At the club, things immediately get crazy, we're grinding, dirty dancing... the works. And not just with her, but with the roommate as well. By the end of the night, we werre doing a three-way dance and she was just flat-out making out with the roommate. After a couple of minutes of this she declares she's tired and wants to go back to the dorms. So I grab a cab, with me in the front seat and them in the back, practically having sex, kissing and groping and MUCH more. So we arrive at the dorms and they both ask me to come upstairs for a "drink". I didn't live in the dorms and in my liquor addled brain, all I could think about was that I would get in trouble trying to sneak in the dorms at 2AM. I declined though they were literally BEGGING me to come up with them.

Eventually, they left to go up and when I got to my place, the cab driver, this grizzled old Pakistani guy, just looked at me and shook his damn head. And that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately hopped on messenger (which was huge back in the day) and they went on cam and started doing some stuff.. but after a couple minutes they decided they were tired and went to bed. I stayed up until like 5 am alternately masturbating and crying (i wish i was kidding). We stayed good friends for a while but I never got another shot. The saddest part is i talked to an ex of hers a couple years later and he said it was basically all threesomes, all the time with them... and it could have been me.

This, I don't even...
I have the mother of all stories.

First year of university, before I came out of my shell, I was a shy, overweight virgin who didn't have a lot of experience with women. I started meeting people and became good friends with this super-cute Indian chick. One night she texts me up and wants me to go out across the border to Hull to party, since the drinking age in Quebec is 18, oh, and she's brining her semi-goth, but still pretty cute, roommate as well. I figure what the hell, and I was actively trying to improve my social life, so I rush, shower, and meet her there.

At the club, things immediately get crazy, we're grinding, dirty dancing... the works. And not just with her, but with the roommate as well. By the end of the night, we werre doing a three-way dance and she was just flat-out making out with the roommate. After a couple of minutes of this she declares she's tired and wants to go back to the dorms. So I grab a cab, with me in the front seat and them in the back, practically having sex, kissing and groping and MUCH more. So we arrive at the dorms and they both ask me to come upstairs for a "drink". I didn't live in the dorms and in my liquor addled brain, all I could think about was that I would get in trouble trying to sneak in the dorms at 2AM. I declined though they were literally BEGGING me to come up with them.

Eventually, they left to go up and when I got to my place, the cab driver, this grizzled old Pakistani guy, just looked at me and shook his damn head. And that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately hopped on messenger (which was huge back in the day) and they went on cam and started doing some stuff.. but after a couple minutes they decided they were tired and went to bed. I stayed up until like 5 am alternately masturbating and crying (i wish i was kidding). We stayed good friends for a while but I never got another shot. The saddest part is i talked to an ex of hers a couple years later and he said it was basically all threesomes, all the time with them... and it could have been me.

Holy shit, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

Oh man I've gotten the "I had a crush in your in high school" message from quite a few girls. I was basically oblivious to the signs of girls liking me and then chased the girls who didn't like me in high school.

Luckily (unluckily?) this hasn't happened that much to me. I wasn't a particularly great catch in high school, or now I think. So at least I don't constantly wonder "what if".


Ever since I was 14 (read had boobs) I have been clueless to what I did to men ^^
Being a terrible flirt, combining that with just being nice and a rather prominent bust.
I've had love confessions all over the place, I don't like it and whenever I spot the signs I always hope it wasn't so. Lost friends (well I hoped they would be my friend) over it :p

My husband tho...hihi he was clueless to me being attracted to him. Even after we kissed and I stated that we'd meet up again soon. He was convinced nothing would happen.
Now he's a monster, but still clueless about other women looking at him and flirting with him.
Somehow it's adorable, hihi and it'd take a persistent woman to drag him away from me. so maybe that's why us women are attracted to this trait.
Holy shit, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

Luckily (unluckily?) this hasn't happened that much to me. I wasn't a particularly great catch in high school, or now I think. So at least I don't constantly wonder "what if".

It's not so bad. Most of them I would have never worked out with anyways. But it probably would have helped me "bloom" a little sooner than later.


I have the mother of all stories.

First year of university, before I came out of my shell, I was a shy, overweight virgin who didn't have a lot of experience with women. I started meeting people and became good friends with this super-cute Indian chick. One night she texts me up and wants me to go out across the border to Hull to party, since the drinking age in Quebec is 18, oh, and she's brining her semi-goth, but still pretty cute, roommate as well. I figure what the hell, and I was actively trying to improve my social life, so I rush, shower, and meet her there.

At the club, things immediately get crazy, we're grinding, dirty dancing... the works. And not just with her, but with the roommate as well. By the end of the night, we werre doing a three-way dance and she was just flat-out making out with the roommate. After a couple of minutes of this she declares she's tired and wants to go back to the dorms. So I grab a cab, with me in the front seat and them in the back, practically having sex, kissing and groping and MUCH more. So we arrive at the dorms and they both ask me to come upstairs for a "drink". I didn't live in the dorms and in my liquor addled brain, all I could think about was that I would get in trouble trying to sneak in the dorms at 2AM. I declined though they were literally BEGGING me to come up with them.

Eventually, they left to go up and when I got to my place, the cab driver, this grizzled old Pakistani guy, just looked at me and shook his damn head. And that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately hopped on messenger (which was huge back in the day) and they went on cam and started doing some stuff.. but after a couple minutes they decided they were tired and went to bed. I stayed up until like 5 am alternately masturbating and crying (i wish i was kidding). We stayed good friends for a while but I never got another shot. The saddest part is i talked to an ex of hers a couple years later and he said it was basically all threesomes, all the time with them... and it could have been me.

You fucked up son.
Never clueless but being in a relationship I have to quell them or shrug them off.

I kind of feel bad but "I have a girlfriend" feels very blunt and uncomfortable to say.


I had a girl at work come and stand next to me and put her hand on mine and just rest it there, I did nothing about it.

We went out on the weekend for a coffee and shit, I told her afterwards I fancied her and she just said "Oh thanks but I think we should just be friends"



Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentions how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.

I want to go back in time and punch you in the face.


Black Canada Mafia
I have a ton of these. Too many.

One time girl at a bus stop asked me what I was playing on my DS. Told her she probably never heard of the game, she smiled and told me to tell her the name anyway, so I was like "the world ends with you" and she said "oh... I play Mario". I said that was nice and proceeded to ignore her.

Another time at a concert a girl started talking to me and asked me if I liked the band, told her that I really didn't know them and I was just here with someone. She said "oh, a girl?" With a half smile, I said nah, my roommate. She would ask a few more questions and I basically gave curt responses, then my roommate got back from the bar and I proceeded to ignore her and talk to him.

At a club some girl I was dancing with bought me a drink, would "push away"other girls that were dancing nearby, and handed me her phone.

I never ONCE thought these girls were making moves. Not until after
Boy, oh boy, this thread makes me realize how clueless I was in High School. Confusing times indeed. I never thought I was handsome in High School, until I looked at pictures from Junior and Senior year. I was also jacked as a Senior, like 6% body fat Men's Fitness magazine ready. I remember consciously taking my gym shirt off for the first time after training and dieting for six months. Literally every single girl was trying to get me to take them out in non-contextual ways for a few weeks. I was the biggest tease without even knowing it. Then I received acceptance letters into college and I started noticing these things.

To this day I'm not any good at communicating my feelings to girls I like.


Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentions how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.
You are a girl though right? Tweest
Boy, oh boy, this thread makes me realize how clueless I was in High School. Confusing times indeed. I never thought I was handsome in High School, until I looked at pictures from Junior and Senior year. I was also jacked as a Senior, like 6% body fat Men's Fitness magazine ready. I remember consciously taking my gym shirt off for the first time after training and dieting for six months. Literally every single girl was trying to get me to take them out in non-contextual ways for a few weeks. I was the biggest tease without even knowing it. Then I received acceptance letters into college and I started noticing these things.

To this day I'm not any good at communicating my feelings to girls I like.

You can't post that and then not show us pics.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I have the mother of all stories.

First year of university, before I came out of my shell, I was a shy, overweight virgin who didn't have a lot of experience with women. I started meeting people and became good friends with this super-cute Indian chick. One night she texts me up and wants me to go out across the border to Hull to party, since the drinking age in Quebec is 18, oh, and she's brining her semi-goth, but still pretty cute, roommate as well. I figure what the hell, and I was actively trying to improve my social life, so I rush, shower, and meet her there.

At the club, things immediately get crazy, we're grinding, dirty dancing... the works. And not just with her, but with the roommate as well. By the end of the night, we werre doing a three-way dance and she was just flat-out making out with the roommate. After a couple of minutes of this she declares she's tired and wants to go back to the dorms. So I grab a cab, with me in the front seat and them in the back, practically having sex, kissing and groping and MUCH more. So we arrive at the dorms and they both ask me to come upstairs for a "drink". I didn't live in the dorms and in my liquor addled brain, all I could think about was that I would get in trouble trying to sneak in the dorms at 2AM. I declined though they were literally BEGGING me to come up with them.

Eventually, they left to go up and when I got to my place, the cab driver, this grizzled old Pakistani guy, just looked at me and shook his damn head. And that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately hopped on messenger (which was huge back in the day) and they went on cam and started doing some stuff.. but after a couple minutes they decided they were tired and went to bed. I stayed up until like 5 am alternately masturbating and crying (i wish i was kidding). We stayed good friends for a while but I never got another shot. The saddest part is i talked to an ex of hers a couple years later and he said it was basically all threesomes, all the time with them... and it could have been me.

well, just.......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.


aka Cabbie
Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentions how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.

Holy fuck, how did I know it would be the TTC when reading this.
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