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Most clueless you've ever been to sexual/romantic advances?

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i hung out with two girls (and they were friends) during college. they were both mad cute. i happened to ask one out and she wasn't interested. heard later the other cute girl found out and was upset. i thought she wasn't interested in me and i read that completely wrong. i would've asked her out if i knew she was interested. 50/50 chance and i blew it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I have the mother of all stories.

First year of university, before I came out of my shell, I was a shy, overweight virgin who didn't have a lot of experience with women. I started meeting people and became good friends with this super-cute Indian chick. One night she texts me up and wants me to go out across the border to Hull to party, since the drinking age in Quebec is 18, oh, and she's brining her semi-goth, but still pretty cute, roommate as well. I figure what the hell, and I was actively trying to improve my social life, so I rush, shower, and meet her there.

At the club, things immediately get crazy, we're grinding, dirty dancing... the works. And not just with her, but with the roommate as well. By the end of the night, we werre doing a three-way dance and she was just flat-out making out with the roommate. After a couple of minutes of this she declares she's tired and wants to go back to the dorms. So I grab a cab, with me in the front seat and them in the back, practically having sex, kissing and groping and MUCH more. So we arrive at the dorms and they both ask me to come upstairs for a "drink". I didn't live in the dorms and in my liquor addled brain, all I could think about was that I would get in trouble trying to sneak in the dorms at 2AM. I declined though they were literally BEGGING me to come up with them.

Eventually, they left to go up and when I got to my place, the cab driver, this grizzled old Pakistani guy, just looked at me and shook his damn head. And that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately hopped on messenger (which was huge back in the day) and they went on cam and started doing some stuff.. but after a couple minutes they decided they were tired and went to bed. I stayed up until like 5 am alternately masturbating and crying (i wish i was kidding). We stayed good friends for a while but I never got another shot. The saddest part is i talked to an ex of hers a couple years later and he said it was basically all threesomes, all the time with them... and it could have been me.
Kinitari said:
One time girl at a bus stop asked me what I was playing on my DS. Told her she probably never heard of the game, she smiled and told me to tell her the name anyway, so I was like "the world ends with you"
That's actually a pretty decent pickup line.


Unconfirmed Member
I never had one of these things happening to me. It's not that I am clueless, it's just that girls don't even look at me, much less make any advances or get interested in me.

Well, at least I don't get to feel silly, lol

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
So the girl that I had a huge crush on during pretty much the entirety of High School apparently like me as well, and if I had actually asked her to prom like I was planning on, she would have said yes... but I pussied out. She would flirt with me quite a bit, but I always doubted it, or thought I was reading too much into things. I also listened to this other girl who was trying to get me to ask out one of her friends. Should have gone with my gut. C'est la vie, I eventually met my amazing wife, so everything worked out in the end.


Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentions how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.



My radar when it comes to this kind of stuff is completely broken.

Take for instance my boyfriend, when we first started dating about 8 years ago he continued to try to make moves on me and i was completely oblivious to them like one time we were at his parents house and they were out of town and he was like "I sure am tired, i go for a nap what about you? Wanna come take a nap?" And i replied "no thanks i am not tired." It got to a point where his advances failed so many times he just straight up asked me if i wanted to fuck.

To this day he still tries to make those kind of advances while i just tell him to get naked, i don't have time for no pussyfooting.


I have another one. I went out to a club for the first time in my life with my buddy and his female cousin/her friends. While dancing one of his cousins friends buys me a drink and brings if to me. I take it and say "I don't want this" and pass it to my friend.

Ugh, looking back I was one awkward individual. I lacked self confidence to the extreme.


I've never really had anyone advance on me.

I'm just invisible to most people.


Conor 419

14 - Turned down a house invite from hottest girl in school to watch the highlights of the Bulgarian gaming show, next day she was dating my cousin Jeggo.
When I was in high school, this hot russian girl sat behind me in math. She'd always ask for my help (and I suck at math) and she gave me a big hershey's kiss as a christmas present. Sure, none of that really means much, but during class, she used to reach her foot forward and rub my leg with it. Frequently. And I never said anything about it to her or brought it up to her. I had no idea what was going on. Thinking back on it, it was definitely deliberate, but I think my stupid 16 year old brain thought that there was no way any girl would ever come on to me like that, so I just assumed she wasn't doing it on purpose.
I saw my physics teacher masturbating outside my house in a her jeep, that lady was really after me. But my parents moved soon after...


What I've noticed is that unattractive girls are first to take the initiative. I've always respected that, at the very least.


We were walking from a class to another and that one girl in my class just kept looking back and stared at me for a while, waiting for me to say something. I ignored her, pretending I didn't see her. It only occured later to me that she might be a bit attracted to me but is shy or something. smh.


you can't put a price on sparks
everything that's ever happened to me that i'm still not sure if they were trying to hit on me or not.
Oh boy do I have a couple good ones.

There is this one girl who I'm friends with, incredibly hot, scandinavian, blonde, who I'm talking with to on the bus. She flat out tells me that if the girl I was currently pursuing didn't work out, then there was always her. And then later she tells me that I'm in her top five hottest guys in the grade. She had a couple emotional issues, and I felt a little bad about doing anything with her, but as time went on, I wanted more and more to hook up with her. And now she's dating some guy who's like a foot taller then me. So fuck.

Another! There was this group of three girls, two very hot, one hot from the waist down, who wanted me to hang out with them some night. I declined to go to another party. As it turns out, the three girls spent the night getting drunk, making out with one another, and flashing cars. I would know, I saw the pictures. Still hitting myself for missing that one out, but in my defense, I had no way of knowing that their little hang out would be so much better then the party ended up being.

Lastly, and this is the worst, was I was at a party one night, and this incredibly hot girl who I've had a crush on since 7th grade tells the guy I was talking with to leave, so she could talk to me in private. Once he leaves, she takes me and drags me to a secluded corner of the house, shuts the door, and locks it. Then, (and she's a little drunk), she leans over to me, puts her face mere inches away from mine, and asks me who I want to hook up with. I freak out, and say that I'd have to think about it. She leaves.



My present girlfriend needed some patience with me. Our 2nd date was a bit of a disaster imo: we went to a restaurant where the waiting sucked, I stepped into a puddle of water when we got outside, went to a bar afterwards and ended up playing chess (wth) with some drunk guy giving her advice on how to play. Dropped her off at her home and thought it was the last time I'd see her. I liked her, but thought she didn't like the date and saw me as a weirdo.

Got home and she started texting to me. I hinted to her that I liked her, but didn't say it straight out. She pushed me to admit it, in kind ways off course, but I was afraid I was misinterpreting her words. Her words were pretty damn obvious though. Still I finally gave in only because she told me first that she liked me.


In middle school there was this girl I had a huge crush on. She came up to me once and said ,"Hey, you're ______, right?" I literally walked away really fast, lol. It sucks because she was generally viewed as the best looking girl in the whole school, every guy wanted her. Ah, the younger days...

In high school I was walking down the stairs once, and this girl was sitting with her friend. She literally tried to trip me to get my attention. But instead of laughing it off and talking to her, I got mad. Thankfully the clueless behavior ended there, hahaha.

EDIT: Remembered more. Will keep digging in my memory.


Ugh I still kick myself every time I think of this.

Last year of High School, there is this girl I know who I shared a lot of classes with and we became friends. Occasionally would talk on the phone, etc. Some friday at school she offered to have me come over and study with her that night.

So I agree and go over and we study a bit and during a break she complains about her shoulder and back being stiff and asks me if I would massage it for her. I do give her a great rubdown but apparently I'm too thick to realize that she wants me to make a move on her and kiss her. So massage ends, she then states she is tired and I leave. Only on the way home do I realize what I missed.

Ever since then we were totally friend-zoned and I was never able to get another chance. And man did she blossom after...


Hmm I guess I'll put this out here, perhaps a little off-topic. As I may be a bit clueless.

Yesterday I went out for a few drinks at the Tilted Kilt (lol). We've been there before and know some of the waitresses. One of them sat and talked with us for about 3 hours straight (and another, who was off duty, joined as well to chat with me for a bit). Anyway, we talked for a good while. She told me that she works at another, more decent, restaurant. And she asked me to stop by tomorrow during her shift and ask for her. I'm wondering now if she's actually interested, or if she just wants customers at her other place.

Let me be clear, she's not my type at all. Making conversation was difficult enough as she's on a completely different wavelength. That said, she is very very attractive. Normally I wouldn't hesitate to just go and visit, but I have a party tonight and I may feel like ass tomorrow.


I have the mother of all stories.

First year of university, before I came out of my shell, I was a shy, overweight virgin who didn't have a lot of experience with women. I started meeting people and became good friends with this super-cute Indian chick. One night she texts me up and wants me to go out across the border to Hull to party, since the drinking age in Quebec is 18, oh, and she's brining her semi-goth, but still pretty cute, roommate as well. I figure what the hell, and I was actively trying to improve my social life, so I rush, shower, and meet her there.

At the club, things immediately get crazy, we're grinding, dirty dancing... the works. And not just with her, but with the roommate as well. By the end of the night, we werre doing a three-way dance and she was just flat-out making out with the roommate. After a couple of minutes of this she declares she's tired and wants to go back to the dorms. So I grab a cab, with me in the front seat and them in the back, practically having sex, kissing and groping and MUCH more. So we arrive at the dorms and they both ask me to come upstairs for a "drink". I didn't live in the dorms and in my liquor addled brain, all I could think about was that I would get in trouble trying to sneak in the dorms at 2AM. I declined though they were literally BEGGING me to come up with them.

Eventually, they left to go up and when I got to my place, the cab driver, this grizzled old Pakistani guy, just looked at me and shook his damn head. And that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately hopped on messenger (which was huge back in the day) and they went on cam and started doing some stuff.. but after a couple minutes they decided they were tired and went to bed. I stayed up until like 5 am alternately masturbating and crying (i wish i was kidding). We stayed good friends for a while but I never got another shot. The saddest part is i talked to an ex of hers a couple years later and he said it was basically all threesomes, all the time with them... and it could have been me.

y u no come to ottawa gaf meets


Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentions how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.
I’ve been there, but I went a bit further. So, typical story, cute girl likes me. I’m clueless, yet everybody around me knew she had a thing for me. I thought she was out of my league (Yeah, I know). She was friendly with me though. Sounds familiar right? One thing leads to another, we go out with mutual friends. She was a foreign exchange student and this was the big last night before she left, sounds like a movie plot right? It isn’t, which makes this story even sadder. Everything goes great, went to a bunch of clubs and eventually the night winded down. She stayed close to me the whole night.

The group eventually headed to the student dorms, which were cheap looking crappy motel rooms. We eat, listen to music and everybody trying to get hammered (Yeah, don’t ask). So, eventually it was really late and we had no means of transport. So we started arranging where everybody would sleep. You guessed it, cute girl calls dibs on me. We head to her room, she says she has to wash up and so and I started fiddling with her laptop. She says to find a movie we could watch, found nothing and suggested to watch a Southpark episode (She liked Southpark, I at least knew that).

She finally comes back wearing nothing but a large shirt. At that moment I was like “Wait, I might get some action tonight” (I’m a dude, what can I say). I was already kind of laying on her bed, she just lays on top of me nonchalantly, we then started watching Southpark. Two episodes in, we are still laying there, she commented on the episode and we talked about this and that. So, here is where it gets stupid. I fell asleep (Did I forget to tell that I was up for 32 hours, last minute student projects and stuff). Woke up the next day, she was still sleeping, god she was hot, and did not want to wake her up because she really looked tired. Snuck out and went to school, had to or I would not pass the class. After class went back to her room and found out she already was at the airport. Welp.

She texted me later, and the message said: “I had a great time last night. I wish you did not fall asleep last night, but you looked tired so I let you sleep. I’ll send you an email soon.”

I fell asleep. FUCK MY LIFE.


When I was in middle school there was a girl who would get mad at me if I was not acknowledging her. She'd throw things or scream at us if I was talking to anyone else (not "talking" but just having a conversation). She would talk badly about other females I talked to.

I just thought she was crazy. Turns out she had a crush on me. Didn't know until years later.
I used to have this thing...if a girl liked me it automatically made her unattractive. My self esteem was so low, someone showing interest in me made me lose respect for them.

Poor self image is incredibly destructive


Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentions how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.



In college my roommates and I played this game where we'd (jokingly) try to see who could get the most attention from this super cute girl who was just barely in our social circle (she was a couple years older and had mostly different friends). If someone got a "Hey, hows it going?" we'd send out a text to the others bragging that we had her favor for the day. I realize this sounds creepy as hell, but it was meant as a big joke because none of us ever thought anything would ever come of it, or even knew her that well.

One night, post long and drawn out relationship with a crazy ex, I'm at a party and I briefly make out with a lesbian friend, and of course my ex shows up. My friend freaks out (its a small school, they know eachother, and my ex is crazy) about not wanting to cause trouble, but promises to make it up to me. I think nothing of this and go on the rest of the night miserable.

Some time later, aforementioned cute girl comes up to me out of the blue and says

Cute Girl: "Hey, [friend] told me what happened. Want to come to my room and make out?"

Me: "Uh- no, that's okay. But thanks for the offer"

Cute Girl: "You sure?"

Me: "Yeah, but thanks"

Like an idiot, I thought it was some kind of joke. Turns out I was at the cute girls house, like five seconds from her room, and my friend from earlier, knowing that I thought she was super cute, worked whatever magic to get me that opportunity as a way to make up for earlier. Totally blew it. At the time I just wasn't even sure what to say in response ("Sure" being the obvious response) and wanted to be polite about it... it was so easy I couldn't even process what was happening. And of course my friends have never left that one down.
Pretty much my entire life up until recently, either not noticing until its too late, or not noticing until I've accidentally given that person the impression that we're dating.

In college my roommates and I played this game where we'd (jokingly) try to see who could get the most attention from this super cute girl who was just barely in our social circle (she was a couple years older and had mostly different friends). If someone got a "Hey, hows it going?" we'd send out a text to the others bragging that we had her favor for the day. I realize this sounds creepy as hell, but it was meant as a big joke because none of us ever thought anything would ever come of it, or even knew her that well.

One night, post long and drawn out relationship with a crazy ex, at I'm a party and I briefly make out with a lesbian friend, and of course my ex shows up. My friend freaks out (its a small school, they know eachother, and my ex is crazy) about not wanting to cause trouble, but promises to make it up to me. I think nothing of this and go on the rest of the night miserable.

Some time later, aforementioned cute girl comes up to me out of the blue and says

Cute Girl: "Hey, [friend] told me what happened. Want to come to my room and make out?"

Me: "Uh- no, that's okay. But thanks for the offer"

Cute Girl: "You sure?"

Me: "Yeah, but thanks"

Turns out I was at the cute girls house, like five seconds from her room, and my friend from earlier, knowing that I thought she was super cute, worked whatever magic to get me that opportunity as a way to make up for earlier. Totally blew it. At the time I just wasn't even sure what to say in response ("Sure" being the obvious response) and wanted to be polite about it... it was so easy I didn't even believe I could get away with it. And of course my friends have never left that one down.

...I...I don't...how?!
I'm quite confident I've been clueless evertime there's a sexual/romantic advance at me.

I dunno, women need to be really friggin forward with me, as when it comes to this, I'm quite a dumbass.


In college my roommates and I played this game where we'd (jokingly) try to see who could get the most attention from this super cute girl who was just barely in our social circle (she was a couple years older and had mostly different friends). If someone got a "Hey, hows it going?" we'd send out a text to the others bragging that we had her favor for the day. I realize this sounds creepy as hell, but it was meant as a big joke because none of us ever thought anything would ever come of it, or even knew her that well.

One night, post long and drawn out relationship with a crazy ex, I'm at a party and I briefly make out with a lesbian friend, and of course my ex shows up. My friend freaks out (its a small school, they know eachother, and my ex is crazy) about not wanting to cause trouble, but promises to make it up to me. I think nothing of this and go on the rest of the night miserable.

Some time later, aforementioned cute girl comes up to me out of the blue and says

Cute Girl: "Hey, [friend] told me what happened. Want to come to my room and make out?"

Me: "Uh- no, that's okay. But thanks for the offer"

Cute Girl: "You sure?"

Me: "Yeah, but thanks"

Turns out I was at the cute girls house, like five seconds from her room, and my friend from earlier, knowing that I thought she was super cute, worked whatever magic to get me that opportunity as a way to make up for earlier. Totally blew it. At the time I just wasn't even sure what to say in response ("Sure" being the obvious response) and wanted to be polite about it... it was so easy I couldn't even process what was happening. And of course my friends have never left that one down.



Well i must say that my most clueless moment was in highschool when my private tutor kept asking to drink a coffee with me all the time and i being so shy in that time refused all the time with lame excuses, one year later she called me when i was on the university and no longer a jailbait to meetup but i refused because i was going to get wasted with some classmates, later that year the it came to me that she was trying to score with me.
I said out loud ohhh fuck(if i could travel in time i kick myself in the nuts so fucking clueless).


People called Romanes they go the house?
Haha, why not.

Freshman year of college, started talking with this nice looking redhead in my track. She was always around to strike up a conversation about pretty much anything. We got to talking after classes one day and decided to exchange numbers for help with homework or w/e. Well, instead of her last name, she put in Sweet-Ass Mcgee and made some (looking back now, at least) pretty flirty remarks about me not calling her for a few weeks afterwards.

Never did a damn thing about it, ended up only hanging out with her in school stuff or in group/crowd situations.

Man, I felt like kicking myself after she transferred to a different uni sophomore year, and I realized the signals while cleaning up my contact list.

In my defense, I was misreading the signals at the time and thought she was interested in one of my freshman friends who seemed much more "with it" than I was at the time. Low self-confidence bit me in the ass there.

Also, damn @ some of these stories. Like wtf people.
High School, most definitely. Sometimes here at work it's hard to judge whether customers are just being nice or flirtatious, I'm sure I've missed a few things here and there.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
When some girl who had a reputation for being a nympho invited me back to her apartment to watch Freddy Got Fingered with her. I was a virgin and didn't make any moves since 1) I didn't know any better and 2) I wasn't really too interested in her, she was about 6' and built like a rugby player (cute face though). Afterwards she told me "you're too innocent, let me set you up with my friend, she's also innocent..." and ended up dating her friend for a while.
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