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Xbox One: Details on Connectivity, Licensing (24 hour check-in) and Privacy Features


So what's the likelihood of server emulation coming? I'd love to watch Microsoft burn for this one. DRM always fails.
Looking at his history: yes, he did.

That one is not joking, shill as well.

Many of them aren't "people" as such.

It gets better when you start looking at the posting history of these accounts.

You find accounts with 40 posts that are only active to either defend Microsoft or shit on the products of one of its competitors, over years. You find people that implied XB1 hardware secret sauce right up to the reveal. Then you can start identifying the various diversionary tactics that have been designed to deflect from or counter genuine issues, and how they evolve over time. It's a dark place, and discovering it has made me a more angry poster.

It got to a point where I was looking at the post history of every account that was particularly vocal in their support of these anti-consumer practices. The same pattern emerged. Junior, had the account for years but has only be actively posting recently in xbox threads and to rubbish any talk of sony doing anything different. There are quite a few hardcore Xbox heads on this forum, but these posters....


The literal text of what you posted has Sony saying they did not consider a DRM scheme similar to what Ubisoft used and later dropped because it was so severe. The XBONE is not "always-online". A console that needs to check in every 24 hours is not "always-online".

But Sony have stated you don't need an internet connection at all haven't they?


I don't understand how it is better than we thought. It seems like a restatement of the shit Phil Harrison tripped over a few weeks ago with one exception-- sounds like there will be a limited lending feature but not at launch (no time commitment given). No private sales, and potentially no used game sales depending on publisher.

Yeah seriously...wtf is up with some people.

This is just so damn messed up. FFS Sony...don't go this route
Just got home...holy shit, is it just me or is this just super convoluted, messy, and nonsensical? It's sorta like when someone is trying to give you bad news but they're trying really hard to make it seem like it's good news?

I don't understand how they can make something so simple so fucking confusing. Good job, Microsoft. Maybe some idiots will actually take your bullshit and eat it.


The old version of the Xbox Live Gold Family Pack was based on identical billing information. Why would people think it would be different?


Holy crap, this is an amazing positioning opportunity for Sony. I look forward to the announcement of their policy. It's going to be fireworks either way.

They'd be smart not to announce it till after E3. Go win E3 while everyone is bitching about MS, then announce the hooks after all the big press outlets have already covered the big event. Say some shit about no details are finalized when they are asked at E3

Evil Beaver

So me and my sister could play any of my games and any of her games, on two different Xboxs at the same time, both online? For the price of one copy?

...but first you must submit DNA evidence to MS to verify that she's indeed your sister.

PLOT TWIST: Game share is denied. One of you two is adopted!
No you can have 10 family accounts and if someone use one from that pool other accounts can't be used

You can't borrow your game to your friend on family account. When he will play console you will not be able to play yours. Same with family.

Only one person can play from those 10 accounts.

I think it reads the game in question, not the account, but still the 10 account thing I think is too vague as it looks too open at first glance. Needs more info because honestly that is actually the most interesting piece of "news" out of here.


Why the hell do people think this is like Steam?

It's.... better? D:

(at least from a DRM/resale standpoint... not really from the 24 hour check-in standpoint though)

really, MS should've just gone all DD. solve all the problems at once. consumers have no problem with the app store, with steam, etc.

this PR nightmare has been directly caused by their lack of balls


This is a sad day, for the industry even. I guess things will never be the same.

For people who are all or mostly digital though (like me), I can kind of see where people are coming from who aren't as outraged as others.
Because it has been the norm for the past 8 or more years that Steam has been online. As I said before, the "cheapness" of Steam doesn't really come into effect outside of America. So really its just Steam but in a box.

Except steam is on a open platform with lots of other competing services where as the xbox is a closed platform no competition at all from anyone else to drive game prices down.



I'm guessing this was one of Bish's interesting registered email users, lol.
Must be, no one was even replying to him far as I can tell or arguing with anyone, just a lot of one line ass kissing and maybe some Sony posts to throw confusion in and bam, banned.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
SuperÑ;61800338 said:
Who would have thought the rumours would become true! And I ain't even mad!

I did. EA's complete abandonment of Nintendo pretty much confirmed to me that this was happening.

I can't wait to see what happens if Sony allows all used games. I'd expect the same thing.
This is your bed not Sony's. So many of these post lately.

If EA puts out a game on the PS4 and say they you need to put in a one time use online code to play it, AND you need an online connection, I don't think Sony will tell EA to screw off.

I doubt that Sony will put that restriction on their games though. If Microsoft is the more popular console this gen, why would EA have two seperate policies both consoles?

It sucks, but this is an unfortunate evolution of the online pass.



They very specifically restrict it to family, so I wonder if it will take the location listed in the profile into account to tell.

That doesn't prove shit. For all we know they tie your account to the "family" system you first register it on with an Xbox One.

Or it's specifically tied to the address you put in your account.

Or it's tied to the IP address you most log in from.

all of these would work perfectly fine and they can explain away the "at a friends house" shit because that is in your 24 hour "window" of trust assuming no one else is playing it back at home, at which point fuck you.

So one kid goes away to college and the other still in high school? Suck a dick, buy all your games again individually. You can only trade 'em one time in a one way transaction between the two of you. After that you gotta let Gamestop collect the publisher's vig.

They very specifically restrict it to family, so I wonder if it will take the location listed in the profile into account to tell.

They'll use Kinect to check for similar facial features.

"Kinect, I swear my brothers' Korean, my mum remarried a few years after I was born!"
This is about retail games.

I understand that, but the rights you lose by going digital is the same. You have similar restrictions and the more people tell companies that those restrictions are ok, the faster we're going to move towards that model. You don't think any of the digital distribution and DRM that came before the Xbox One are reasons why we're seeing what we are now? People have shown in the past that it's acceptable.
What about those PC games you buy in retail that are Steam activated and can't be traded or loaned to a friend? Do you care about that?
Yes, some people do, in fact, not like that and don't buy them, but may change their mind if they can buy it on sale 66%-90% off on Steam.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Lets see. I move quite often, so it takes time for the internet to be sorted. I can still play bloody games though! Not in the future I guess. Or maybe I can, since I won't be buying this POS.

And why are so many juniors defending this (knows reason)
sounds like you can just use a mobile connection to ping the server like your smartphone.


Junior Member
* "Trade-in and resell your disc-based games: Today, some gamers choose to sell their old disc-based games back for cash and credit. We designed Xbox One so game publishers can enable you to trade in your games at participating retailers. Microsoft does not charge a platform fee to retailers, publishers, or consumers for enabling transfer of these games".

What if publishers don't enable it?
What about publishers fees?
What about countries (like mine, Chile) where there aren't big retailers and a lot of small ones?
What about little cities on countries like mine where the retails are even smaller?

* Give your games to friends: Xbox One is designed so game publishers can enable you to give your disc-based games to your friends. There are no fees charged as part of these transfers. There are two requirements: you can only give them to people who have been on your friends list for at least 30 days and each game can only be given once.

So I can't sell my game privately if I want?
And the game can only be sold ONCE?

Arky Virus

Neo Member
I think the whole lend it to a friend thing is just one at a time. To where you can only let one friend borrow a certain game at one time. Instead of five friends being lent one game at the same time.
I think GameStop might be happy with the used games policy. They continue doing business as is and not have any real competition.

GS makes out like a bandit. Less competition means less they need to give you and they get "used" games with less wear and tear since they aren't spinning in the drive all the time.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
No, it's just locked down to only one person at a time can play. That's probably good enough.

This is what I'm guessing, the account that bought it can add up to 10 "family" accounts and share games with them, then probably remove them if they want too. You won't be able to play the same copy of Halo with a buddy unless your splitscreening, like it is now.

Demon Ice

So no more used games (I don't count putting up with publisher-gouged "reselling" as used games), I can't lend a disk to a friend, console needs to connect to internet once every 24 hours...cool.

MS just saved me the cost of an XBone.


You find accounts with 40 posts that are only active to either defend Microsoft or shit on the products of one of its competitors, over years. You find people that implied XB1 hardware secret sauce right up to the reveal. Then you can start identifying the various diversionary tactics that have been designed to deflect from or counter genuine issues, and how they evolve over time. It's a dark place, and discovering it has made me a more angry poster.

I've been noticing that too since someone else mentioned it a few days ago. It's quite disturbing.
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